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COMICS! |OT| March 2016. It's your job to be great.

I'm glad Lobdell is on Red Hood. I can write that book off without a second thought.
Your missing out. Sometimes you need to read a comic that just fucking goes for it.
You should be. He is a really fucking awesome artist. Great pick by DC. Much different than Babs too.
I don't even dislike Babs art but the tone of the book was very one-sides since her, Cameron, and Fletcher all clash with the same idea. At least with Rafa he can bring in some new unique dark perspective while maintaining that hipster atmosphere.
Red Hood was his strongest book. It's bad if you don't go in expecting a off the wall buddy cop book.

This. Lobdell is not a clever writer. He's not a particularly good writer, either. But hand him Red Hood and he can provide dumb fun on a regular basis, and that's more than a lot of writers can claim.

I'm glad Lobdell is on Red Hood. I can write that book off without a second thought.

I'll wreck ya m8

Wonder if Rucka will be allowed to have a reasonably long run which wont be derailed by a shitty event like last time.

I gotta imagine it's in his contract somewhere. Doubt he'd come back for just money, otherwise.


Just read the DC creative teams. I'm down for another Batbook, but that's about it for me. Glad to see Snyder working with Murphy again. I enjoyed The Wake.


Babs is doing an Image book. She can only do one book at a time.




As a new DC fan, are there things I am supposed to do different now?

I'm not 30 yet so how do I fit into this demographic? I need some help.
Rafa on Batgirl tho.

Am I the only one strangely excited? I feel excited for some reason.
I'm not doing Batgirl yet, sorry brah.

Sucks that DC looks to be in disarray in every facet. They don't know what to do with Aquaman, they don't know what to do with Cyborg, they don't know what to do with Teen Titans, they don't know what the fuck they are doing with Green Lantern. They are completely fucked with The Flash, how many evil speedsters can you create, they can't get any faster.


Btw, after my disappointment with BvS... I need to wash it away with good Batman stuff. I only own The Dark Knight Returns, Killing Joke, The Long Halloween and Batman: Year One. Did read No Man's Land. Reccomend me some stuff comics GAF!
Btw, after my disappointment with BvS... I need to wash it away with good Batman stuff. I only own The Dark Knight Returns, Killing Joke, The Long Halloween and Batman: Year One. Did read No Man's Land. Reccomend me some stuff comics GAF!
Court of Owls and The Black Mirror. Morrison's run is great too.
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