So did Batgirl retconned TKJ?
At Image Expo? This bodes well. I'd love to see her to do some work for Image. I have a preference for indy publishers because you can sidestep all that shared universe bullshit you get with Marvel and DC.
So did Batgirl retconned TKJ?
So did Batgirl retconned TKJ?
I always smile when this comes up. Which story is this? Need to read this.that All Star Superman thread remidned me of the real GOAT page
Issue #49 might say otherwise.Batgirl was paralyzed by the Joker but got better. So some form of TKJ happened.
Really? Cuz Batgirl fans are celebrating right now on twitter saying they did it. Although Babs and Fletcher are being very cryptic as to whether it's official.No. Reread that page, because the layout on it is beautiful and crystal clear.Concentric circles from the top are the implanted memories, concentric circles from the bottom are the real ones. They merge in the middle.
Issue #49 might say otherwise.
Really? Cuz Batgirl fans are celebrating right now on twitter saying they did it. Although Babs and Fletcher are being very cryptic as to whether it's official.
I always smile when this comes up. Which story is this? Need to read this.
Personally I've read Avengers Standoff: Assault on Pleasant Hill, which wasn't bad. Nice first issue.
I think they said the Apocalypse Wars events are self contained.And Apocalypse Wars is a crossover event for the X-Men that's starting soon. So yes, we are getting an X-Men crossover very soon.
This review is what kicked off the TKJ being removed from Batgirl's past - http://www.comicosity.com/review-batgirl-49/
There's also this tweet...
How could they pull that off without pissing everyone off? It'd just be cruel to do that at this pointit would be funny if Batgirl Rebirth brought it all back.
How could they pull that off without pissing everyone off? It'd just be cruel to do that at this point
How could they pull that off without pissing everyone off? It'd just be cruel to do that at this point
I'm gameLet the fans suffer. That or let's get rid of One More Day too.
Hoooly shit I would pay twice as much money for thatNew writer who doesn't give a FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.It'll be Alan Moore himself.
I hope Rebirth brings back Dinah and Ollie as a couple. That's the only DC relationship that didn't survive the N52 that I miss.
I hope Rebirth brings back Dinah and Ollie as a couple. That's the only DC relationship that didn't survive the N52 that I miss.
That's not gonna happen so long as Fletcher still has control of her.
so I GUESS Jim Lee just announced he's doing Suicide Squad with Rob Williams
apparently, it's a thing
that's one hell of an upgrade from Martian Manhunter
e: put a link in, it's confirmed
so I GUESS Jim Lee just announced he's doing Suicide Squad with Rob Williams
apparently, it's a thing
that's one hell of an upgrade from Martian Manhunter
e: put a link in, it's confirmed
Does Fletcher hate Ollie or something?
I don't think so but Fletcher has a very specific vision for his target demographic and rarely does that include revisiting old continuity.
I miss the Clark/Lois marriage. At least I have my spinoff book nowI hope Rebirth brings back Dinah and Ollie as a couple. That's the only DC relationship that didn't survive the N52 that I miss.
Isn't the whole point of Rebirth to bring back some of the old continuity?
More spider-gwen reading on MU, i love the art but it's hard to stay interested in a book i associate with spiderverse and one of several butt-ends of the marvel universe. I relegate all spiderbooks to MU along with X-Men.
There's also this tweet...
it would be funny if Batgirl Rebirth brought it all back.
so I GUESS Jim Lee just announced he's doing Suicide Squad with Rob Williams
apparently, it's a thing
that's one hell of an upgrade from Martian Manhunter
e: put a link in, it's confirmed
Isn't the whole point of Rebirth to bring back some of the old continuity?
My guess is that the entire point of Rebirth is to boost sales. :|
On Batgirl, I think they're probably going to undo Killing Joke for good. It wasn't supposed to be canon in the first place, and it really doesn't at all fit with where the character is. They might go through some vents that leads to Barbra resuming her role as Oracle, but I doubt she'll be wheelchair bound.
I hate to say it but Oracle is just a name now at this point. What the character meant a long time ago is gone.
Even for a Batman story, Killing Joke was surprisingly dark. I know they would never go through with a story like that today where a lot of people are extremely sensitive about a lot of things.
The discussion when the animated movie releases is going to be....really something.
They're going to edit the shit out of that story.
oh, so that thing Messi was refusing to believe actually turned out to be true. HMMMM.
i mean to be fair it was printed on bleeding cool
So, here's a thought, what if they finally give Barbra a Nightwing-style upgrade? Have her move past being Batgirl, but not past being a costumed hero.
Batgirl, Batwoman. Just copped a name. No bat broke through their window, didn't fall into a cave full of bats.
There bringing back Birds of Prey but I think that's where it'll end in terms of bringing back old continuity for Black Canary. Rebirth looks like it's heavily focused on fixing Superman, Wonder Woman, Teen Titans, and Green Lantern. I don't know, maybe DC will pressure Fletcher to do it.
Peter MilliganThat Discipline comic was hot garbage. The art was ok (I thought the cover was great, most of the reason I bought it), but the story was awful terrible bad.
To play devil's advocate, you're assuming that Fletcher is writing Birds of Prey. They could also keep the focus on solo Dinah in Birds and then bring back her and Ollie's relationship in the Green Arrow comic. They can have them back together without it being the focal point of both books.
That Discipline comic was hot garbage. The art was ok (I thought the cover was great, most of the reason I bought it), but the story was awful terrible bad.
Peter Milligan
IN 2016