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COMICS! |OT| March 2016. It's your job to be great.


Don't know how popular he is or if this will interest anyone here but Comics&Cola (which is sadly closing) are doing a pay what you like original James Stokoe print.


Sorry if it's already been posted.
Now that is going too far
Xorn was a great character and the tragedy that he was fake all along was a neat concept
Fuck magneto doe
Xorn was a cool concept, but him being Magneto in disguise was dumb as fuck. Words I stand by.
Did you finish the whole run? Was the quality of writing consistent with the first volume/arc?
Yes. Book is amazing.
Yeah. I think Rucka had some rather harsh words for the editorial group and specifically called out Didio.
Curious as to what those words are
Thanks! Especially for the Marvel recommendations, hard to find recommendations for the marvel animated stuff

Yeah, I love it
If we're talking comic book cartoons, Launchpad's list is aces (I feel like S:TAS is criminally underrated). If we're talking general action cartoons (non-anime), I'll always throw in Avatar: The Last Airbender; The Legend of Korra; and Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
How dare he

Serious business!

What, you guys want this thread to turn into a Zack Snyder movie?

And I am sure the IGN reporter knows more about comics than random internet posters.

Curious as to what those words are

Well, relatively harsh I guess for a creator talking about the big two.

He said this in an interview.


I gave seven very good years to DC and they took gross advantage of me. That’s partially my fault, but not entirely. At this point, I see no reason why I should have to put up with that, I can sink or swim on my own.

You are seeing a grotesque Hollywoodisation of the two main companies. There was at least a period where I felt that the way they wanted to make money was by telling the best story they could; now the quality of the work matters less than that the book comes out. There is far less a desire to see good work be done.

Dan DiDio has gone on record, and this is the same man that said Gotham Central would never be cancelled as long as he was there, telling people what a great book Gotham Central was, but it never made any money.


“I, at one point, was supposed to write Wonder Woman: Earth One,” he says. ” J.H. [Williams] was going to draw it.” Unfortunately, “I was told I was not going to do it. Dan DiDio called me and told me he was giving it to someone else. And I said if you take that away from me I can no longer work for you because I have taken many a job for you, sir, on the promise of doing this and now you’re taking it away and I can no longer accept your promises any more. He had his reasons for doing it; this is not me throwing stones. This is just the way things shook out.”
What, you guys want this thread to turn into a Zack Snyder movie?

And I am sure the IGN reporter knows more about comics than random internet posters.

Well, relatively harsh I guess for a creator talking about the big two.

He said this in an interview.


I appreciate this. Very interesting. Seems like Rucka has a lot of love for Diana. I always like that when a comic creator has a lot of love for a property


Baker Street Peculiars #1 - Bunch of kids (and a dog) solving supernatural cases in 1930s London. First issue sets up their first case nicely. Well, beyond the jarring intro of how they all came to be chasing the same thing, which I suppose might be something they touch on later as it's glossed over in this issue. Introduces our main characters in a nice little sequence with Sherlock. Features the usual Langridge humour. The dog might just be my favourite of the bunch.

No surprises that I liked this. Langridge hasn't failed me yet and I now have another artist, in Andy Hirsch, to add to the list of ones I'm following. Loved the artstyle. Expressive and cartoony in all the right ways, and perfectly suited to the tone of the book. It's only a 4-issue miniseries but feels like it could easily carry on beyond that, either as a series of minis or an ongoing. I guess they're testing the water to see what the reception is like. I know that Langridge and Hirsch said they'd love to do more, so here's to hoping. On it to the hopefully-not-bitter end.
I appreciate this. Very interesting. Seems like Rucka has a lot of love for Diana. I always like that when a comic creator has a lot of love for a property

+1 to creator loving characters. Part of the cool thing about Rebirth is most of the creatives seemed excited to work on these things, whether it be just because of work or some concept they have...it puts a smile on my face. As for the Luthor tease at the end of BVS...I liked that part. A grin appeared when Luthor started going
ping ping ping ping
+1 to creator loving characters. Part of the cool thing about Rebirth is most of the creatives seemed excited to work on these things, whether it be just because of work or some concept they have...it puts a smile on my face. As for the Luthor tease at the end of BVS...I liked that part. A grin appeared when Luthor started going
ping ping ping ping

Is that supposed to be a reference to Mother Boxes?
+1 to creator loving characters. Part of the cool thing about Rebirth is most of the creatives seemed excited to work on these things, whether it be just because of work or some concept they have...it puts a smile on my face. As for the Luthor tease at the end of BVS...I liked that part. A grin appeared when Luthor started going
ping ping ping ping
Steve Orlando was the only one who didn't seem excited. Probably because he's not working on Midnighter. I am equally sad for him.
Remaining optimistic for GL. Real talk, I think Venditti can turn it around if they let him build the character on his own, and he doesn't have as many things going on (now that he's off Flash and XO is ending).


Why does he wear the mask!?
Quiet week

Aquaman #50
Batman & Robin Eternal #26
Justice League Of America #8

Judge Dredd #4
Saga #35

All-New X-Men #7
Captain America Sam Wilson #7
Daredevil #5
Darth Vader #18


Knowing you... None of them

I'm bound to like one, maybe. It's possible. Definitely getting Wonder Woman, maybe getting Batman, Supergirl, Batgirl, and All Star Batman but i'm skeptical on all four. It's only a matter of time before the bat and super books have a giant crossover i want no part of. At least All Star might be safe from that, and while i dropped Snyder's Batman i think freeing him up from being the core continuity book could provide for more fun.

Green Lantern......i think Humphries' book sounds more interesting with the two new lanterns learning on the job while facing off against the Red Lanterns, but i hear Humphries writes bad comics?


Just got volume 2 of the IDW TMNT collection in the mail. I don't remember ordering this and I still haven't read the first volume. Why do I do this to myself?
I remember some user on Comicvine being so happy Johns was leaving GL and believed Venditti was gonna usher in a new age of legendary GL stories. I wonder how that user is feeling now? Lol


Deathstroke. Christopher Priest is a masterful storyteller and has made me care deeply for characters I knew nothing about on more than one occasion. I'm very excited for the book though I couldn't care less about Deathstroke right now.
I still need to read his black panther, added it to my MU library just now.


How do you guys feel when somebody says they're into one of the big two but not the other, because they just "aren't interested in their characters/stuff"? I get so annoyed when I see that. I mean, it's alright if somebody reads only one but admits that they just aren't interested in trying the other side's stuff, but to act like there's something wrong or uninteresting about one of the big publishers but not the other is so frustrating. They both have a huge and varied roster, and if you like superhero comics, there's ZERO way you could like one without the other if you're trying things with an open mind.

I don't know, I've just been seeing that a bit from both sides and I get annoyed. And of course it's different if you're just not into superhero comics and only read Image or something. That's totally fine.


How do you guys feel when somebody says they're into one of the big two but not the other, because they just "aren't interested in their characters/stuff"? I get so annoyed when I see that. I mean, it's alright if somebody reads only one but admits that they just aren't interested in trying the other side's stuff, but to act like there's something wrong or uninteresting about one of the big publishers but not the other is so frustrating. They both have a huge and varied roster, and if you like superhero comics, there's ZERO way you could like one without the other if you're trying things with an open mind.

I don't know, I've just been seeing that a bit from both sides and I get annoyed. And of course it's different if you're just not into superhero comics and only read Image or something. That's totally fine.

At times i find DC as a whole to be rather joyless, both characters and company, and even stuff like Harley Quinn is a very successful unfunny book that's just Harley doing stupid things while saying interchangeable whacky phrases. My beaver is so fluffy today! Things that have changed my perception a little has been Gotham Academy, where even though i dropped the book I liked what it was doing. I also still need to read Prez.
I think I'm pulling something like 7 books? That's up from 1, Omega Men.

Edit: I lied, I was pulling Robin too.

Nothing new here.

How do you guys feel when somebody says they're into one of the big two but not the other, because they just "aren't interested in their characters/stuff"? I get so annoyed when I see that. I mean, it's alright if somebody reads only one but admits that they just aren't interested in trying the other side's stuff, but to act like there's something wrong or uninteresting about one of the big publishers but not the other is so frustrating. They both have a huge and varied roster, and if you like superhero comics, there's ZERO way you could like one without the other if you're trying things with an open mind.

I don't know, I've just been seeing that a bit from both sides and I get annoyed. And of course it's different if you're just not into superhero comics and only read Image or something. That's totally fine.

That's pretty much how I feel when people say that the Valiant characters don't interest them. If it were so simple, I probably wouldn't be reading it at all. What do they have that's interesting on paper? X-Men clone (Harbinger); Batman clone (Ninjak); Superman clone (XO Manowar). What you don't get from taking a cursory look is how damn well-written those comics are and the types of risky storytelling decisions they make, completely new takes and ideas that you would never see in DC or Marvel or anywhere else.

I know that in the background of your point is that people tend to fanboy it up, but I think that the base of the idea is that you run into a certain amount of discrimination when it comes to everything.


That's pretty much how I feel when people say that the Valiant characters don't interest them. If it were so simple, I probably wouldn't be reading it at all. What do they have that's interesting on paper? X-Men clone (Harbinger); Batman clone (Ninjak); Superman clone (XO Manowar). What you don't get from taking a cursory look is how damn well-written those comics are and the types of risky storytelling decisions they make, completely new takes and ideas that you would never see in DC or Marvel or anywhere else.

I know that in the background of your point is that people tend to fanboy it up, but I think that the base of the idea is that you run into a certain amount of discrimination when it comes to everything.

Right, exactly. It's like, don't say you're not interested in what Valiant has to offer; say you're not interested in even TRYING what Valiant has to offer. Anybody with an open mind and a love of DC/Marvel comics would find something to like with Valiant.

At times i find DC as a whole to be rather joyless, both characters and company, and even stuff like Harley Quinn is a very successful unfunny book that's just Harley doing stupid things while saying interchangeable whacky phrases. My beaver is so fluffy today! Things that have changed my perception a little has been Gotham Academy, where even though i dropped the book I liked what it was doing. I also still need to read Prez.

Stuff like Batgirl, Black Canary, Prez, Gotham Academy, Grayson, Martian Manhunter, etc are not remotely joyless. There's tons of more lighthearted stuff. Granted, they weren't really like that at the start of N52, but there have been plenty of times that Marvel's stuff hasn't felt "joyful" either.


Nothing new here.

That's pretty much how I feel when people say that the Valiant characters don't interest them. If it were so simple, I probably wouldn't be reading it at all. What do they have that's interesting on paper? X-Men clone (Harbinger); Batman clone (Ninjak); Superman clone (XO Manowar). What you don't get from taking a cursory look is how damn well-written those comics are and the types of risky storytelling decisions they make, completely new takes and ideas that you would never see in DC or Marvel or anywhere else.

I know that in the background of your point is that people tend to fanboy it up, but I think that the base of the idea is that you run into a certain amount of discrimination when it comes to everything.

Hey now, Alaric is a Superman and Iron Man rip off.
A terrible edgy softcore porn comic that Jimmie Robinson writes to pay the bills.
You mean the dude that wrote Earth 2 writes porn? How the mighty hath fallen.
Nothing new here.

That's pretty much how I feel when people say that the Valiant characters don't interest them. If it were so simple, I probably wouldn't be reading it at all. What do they have that's interesting on paper? X-Men clone (Harbinger); Batman clone (Ninjak); Superman clone (XO Manowar). What you don't get from taking a cursory look is how damn well-written those comics are and the types of risky storytelling decisions they make, completely new takes and ideas that you would never see in DC or Marvel or anywhere else.

I know that in the background of your point is that people tend to fanboy it up, but I think that the base of the idea is that you run into a certain amount of discrimination when it comes to everything.

Now I need to read Harbinger
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