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COMICS! |OT| March 2016. It's your job to be great.

They will see the dip in their financials. How do you think ANAD happened?

Analyst: "Dan, our numbers are actually worse after the relaunch!"
DiDio: "What does it mean!?"
Analyst: "Sir, it looks like... we lost Messi."
DiDio: "Dammit, alright, we'll launch a Batwoman book."
Analyst: "But sir, we don't have anyone available to write books!"
DiDio: "...Get Nocenti out of the basement."

You mean the dude that wrote Earth 2 writes porn? How the mighty hath fallen.

Now I need to read Harbinger

It's better than most X-Men books have been since... Whedon, maybe?
Analyst: "Dan, our numbers are actually worse after the relaunch!"
DiDio: "What does it mean!?"
Analyst: "Sir, it looks like... we lost Messi."
DiDio: "Dammit, alright, we'll launch a Batwoman book."
Analyst: "But sir, we don't have anyone available to write books!"
DiDio: "...Get Nocenti out of the basement."
Analyst: "But Nocenti escaped and is filming some documentary in Iraq or something."
Didio: "Dammit! Well if you want something done you gotta do it yourself."
After reviewing the descriptions and looking into some of the creators a bit more, it looks like I'm going to be at least trying about 10-15 of the Rebirth books. Looking like a successful launch to me, but we'll see if I stick with 'em.
It's better than most X-Men books have been since... Whedon, maybe?
A very high claim
Does not appeal
Analyst: "But Nocenti escaped and is filming some documentary in Iraq or something."
Didio: "Dammit! Well if you want something done you gotta do it yourself."
Batwoman by Dan Didio and Jim Lee
And I am sure the IGN reporter knows more about comics than random internet posters.

I wouldn't be so sure about that one.

Comics were a mistake.

Of course.

But what can we do? Wrestlemania is still several days away, comics will still be a thing until then.

Roman Reigns was a mistake.

Jesus Christ why is Bomb Queen getting an animated series?

Who the fuck asked for this?

Not me. Bomb Queen was mediocre as fuck. It was nothing but a vehicle for Jimmie Robinson to draw boobies.

What is bomb queen?

Don't ask.

Knowing you... None of them

He can still try fixing them with paint.

Dropping all DC titles in protest at the lack of Zatanna

Seems a bit excessive.

I remember some user on Comicvine being so happy Johns was leaving GL and believed Venditti was gonna usher in a new age of legendary GL stories. I wonder how that user is feeling now? Lol

I think the problem with Johns GL only came after they started expanding out into the emotional spectrum beyond Green and Yellow. It was fine for Blackest Night, but it was too much to keep them all around after the event. Most of them really aren't that interesting.

After reviewing the descriptions and looking into some of the creators a bit more, it looks like I'm going to be at least trying about 10-15 of the Rebirth books. Looking like a successful launch to me, but we'll see if I stick with 'em.

I don't think I'll be checking out that many, but there are some books I'm really excited about.

Li Kao

Yeah, Vampirella is one of the properties I'm curious about but from an external point of view it seems I would be better served with the archives. But then again I've yet to discover Creepy and Eerie so...
Maybe it was already posted but I completely missed this. The pitches for the various Hanna Barbara DC comics.


Scooby Doo is rather.. interesting.

The story starts at Burning Man. Fred and Daphne are former YouTube stars who now have a Mythbusters-esque reality show where they try to find and debunk ghost sightings. They heard that werewolves were at Burning Man, so they spend their last dime to go uncover the truth.

Naturally, they're onto something: there's a secret government Think Tank in a hidden facility underneath the sand, where we find Velma. She's one of many millennial geniuses recruited to work on a secret project. It’s a nanite-virus that will infect people's brains, and at the touch of a button they will become more altruistic and good-natured. According to Lee, everything goes awry when the millennial geniuses -- who are always used to getting free A's and a trophy for participating -- don't check their work and so the nanites do the exact opposite, pulling out the worst in people's personalities. "Hence Donald Trump," Lee joked. Those infected people transform and run amok in Burning Man.

Scooby Doo is a dog being experimented on in a lab, and thanks to a device on his head, he communicates through emojis that pop up out in tiny bubbles.


More money for Zenescope comics!

How do you guys feel when somebody says they're into one of the big two but not the other, because they just "aren't interested in their characters/stuff"? I get so annoyed when I see that. I mean, it's alright if somebody reads only one but admits that they just aren't interested in trying the other side's stuff, but to act like there's something wrong or uninteresting about one of the big publishers but not the other is so frustrating. They both have a huge and varied roster, and if you like superhero comics, there's ZERO way you could like one without the other if you're trying things with an open mind.

I don't know, I've just been seeing that a bit from both sides and I get annoyed. And of course it's different if you're just not into superhero comics and only read Image or something. That's totally fine.

I feel completely fine with it. We have plenty of folks on here that are either exclusively DC or exclusively Marvel.

The second part is reductionist to the point of absurdity. No, there's very clearly a way to try both publishers with an open mind and not like the content of one of them. Someone saying they aren't into one of the big two makes perfect sense. Time and money might be too limiting to follow multiple books from multiple publishers. People might, gasp, prefer one universe to the others. People might be more invested in characters they grew up liking and reading. Marvel Universe might be the best means to consume bulk quantities of digital comics. There are a ton of other reasons, and lots of them apply to me.

DC's self-proclaimed "big four" are Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Harley Quinn. Of that group, only Bats is interesting to me. Supes is boring, Wonder Woman hasn't had a strong run since Rucka, and Harley Quinn is Tumblr trash. I have tried multiple runs of each character, with zero incentive to keep reading.

I like Constantine a lot. Loved Plastic Man as a kid. Swamp Thing is great. But none of them have resulted in regular purchases from me, as they don't consistently get featured.


Calling a book or character tumblr trash is lazy and useless on a critical level. It serves no purpose. We should be better than that.

Like what does it even mean? What are the characteristics of tumblr trash? My friends use tumblr for fashion blogs or food stuff.

I hate when people use that phrase.


Wait wait wait did that guy just say Harley is big 4? Lol

Quinn gets a ton of merchandise sales but comic wise she is not that dominant in books.

But I don't think anyone here is exclusive to one brand of comics. Too much good stuff


I just realized that Batman v Superman was an attempt at making a Grant Morrison event comic book movie.

It has various nods to DC's long comic history, sometimes to the point that you need to go to Wikipedia to figure it out.

It uses symbolism extensively in its visuals, everything is planned out and nothing is half assed, again to the point you need to use Wikipedia.

It has punchy dialogue that feels right and yet out of place at the same time.

It starts off relatively tight and slow paced, but still features some extremely weird scene transitions, and then following the climax starts to get a frantic and erratic pace and is resolved fairly quickly.

It is very divisive, to the point where just as many love it and just as many go WTF.

It has forced editorial mandates that hurt the story.

It treats its heroes as demigods, both figuratively and literally.

Wow. I think Batman v Superman would have been very effective in comic book form.


Wait wait wait did that guy just say Harley is big 4? Lol

Quinn gets a ton of merchandise sales but comic wise she is not that dominant in books.

But I don't think anyone here is exclusive to one brand of comics. Too much good stuff

Her books sell 60-80k a month even double shipped books.


Really? She is that popular? Who dafuq is buying this stuff. I need some charts to explain her success.

She is super popular right now. Has been since the start of her series. Her book hammers most others and she is usually in the top 10 sellers.

Her fanbase is huge.


DC's self-proclaimed "big four" are Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Harley Quinn. Of that group, only Bats is interesting to me. Supes is boring, Wonder Woman hasn't had a strong run since Rucka, and Harley Quinn is Tumblr trash. I have tried multiple runs of each character, with zero incentive to keep reading.
Harley is tumblr trash?

....is the book mostly slice of life?


In a way, Harley has become something like Deadpool for Marvel. Mostly non-serious character that kind of fits in with a lot of groups/stories.


Never been a fan of her but I guess I can why people like her

Her book has a fun angle and they targeted her female fanbase early on and it's been really successful. Her book has its ups and downs quality wise but generally I like it. Recently not so much but that happens.

There is a reason DC did Harley Quinn variant month and little black book variant month recently. She has her solo series, has 3 spin off series ( one just ended and ones beginning soon) so many annuals and multiple variants each month.
Calling a book or character tumblr trash is lazy and useless on a critical level. It serves no purpose. We should be better than that.

Like what does it even mean? What are the characteristics of tumblr trash? My friends use tumblr for fashion blogs or food stuff.

I hate when people use that phrase.

Fair enough. I don't use Tumblr, but Google and second hand discussion seems to indicate she's super popular with the crowd over there. I've read more than one correlation between the character and Tumblr in past threads.

I will rescind the Tumblr part and just call her straight trash. Just the worst.

Wait wait wait did that guy just say Harley is big 4? Lol

Ummmm, Jim Lee said she was the fourth pillar of DC during the Rebirth announcement. If you don't like it, I don't know what to tell you. She's the worst, but she sells like crazy and is getting a massive push from the company.

Harley is tumblr trash?

....is the book mostly slice of life?

What does slice of life have to do with Harley? I don't follow.


I didn't watch the stream but yea I don't like but oh well. She hasn't affected of the books I read.

Makes sense for DC to push her hard especially with her movie releasing this fall.


I remember when the Gang of Harley's story was announced a quite a few of friends onbtwotter shared it and posted about how awesome and empowering it was.


You know how Dante details the 7 levels of hell in The Inferno? There are also seven levels of Tumblr hell, with trash being the most mild offense, and Tumblr shite being the deepest darkest corner of the website. The trash level is reserved for those who post gifs where the lips don't match the words.

Bleeding Cool is at the core of our digital comic hellscape.


Fair enough. I don't use Tumblr, but Google and second hand discussion seems to indicate she's super popular with the crowd over there. I've read more than one correlation between the character and Tumblr in past threads.

I will rescind the Tumblr part and just call her straight trash. Just the worst.

Ummmm, Jim Lee said she was the fourth pillar of DC during the Rebirth announcement. If you don't like it, I don't know what to tell you. She's the worst, but she sells like crazy and is getting a massive push from the company.

What does slice of life have to do with Harley? I don't follow.

You mean apart from her book being slice of life?


Fair enough. I don't use Tumblr, but Google and second hand discussion seems to indicate she's super popular with the crowd over there. I've read more than one correlation between the character and Tumblr in past threads.

I will rescind the Tumblr part and just call her straight trash. Just the worst.

Ummmm, Jim Lee said she was the fourth pillar of DC during the Rebirth announcement. If you don't like it, I don't know what to tell you. She's the worst, but she sells like crazy and is getting a massive push from the company.

What does slice of life have to do with Harley? I don't follow.

Books that are typically popular on tumblr usually fall onto the Slice of Life category. Either a straight up drama story like Archie, Giant Days, or Gotham Academy or a super hero book where the main characters life outside of being a hero takes up a major part of the series and typcially made with a certain hip flavor, like Batgirl, Hawkeye, Squirrel Girl, Patsy Walker.
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