Power Man and Iron Fist
I can not recommend this enough
Power Man and Iron Fist
Besides Vision, which is on my to read list, has anything been worthwhile from Marvel since Secret Wars? I fell completely off during Secret Wars with not really liking any of the side books.
Power Man and Iron Fist
The Ultimates, Iron Man, Doctor Strange (even if yeah okay it's literally just Aaron's first year of Thor all over again), Power Man and Iron Fist
the rest has either only had one ish or is not worthwhile
you're welcome
Is the Hardcover for American Alien already out?
all new wolverine is also great and is my fav #1 from ANAD. just a great homage to logan
Still not feeling remotely wellI placed my dcbs order for the month and now i feel even worse. Comics make me nauseous.
in for:
Hellboy in hell #9
East of West
Walking Bread
Black Panther
Doctor Strange
Howard the Duck
Patsy Walker
i have room on my pull list for allllllllllllll those dc books i'm buying. So many. Lots. One? Also, no Civil War 2 #0 and #1, hahaha Freeza!
also a maybe on the koto spider-gwen statue.
Feels so good, too. This is like BOOM studios quality trade paperback.
That trade is $20?
Which means you have to watch P&R again in order to see for sure, right?I'm currently on my 8th rewatch of the series. It miiight have now dethroned P&R as my favorite show.
The Furies, Barda, Miracle, and Kalibak all showed up and played big roles in Earth 2 as well. Well, Kalibak and the Furies just wrecked shit, but the rest played huge roles.Mr Miracle and Barda are big players in Darkseid War in Justice League (along with Kalibak, Metron, and others), Orion and Highfather were in Wonder Woman, Steppenwolf was in Earth 2. I don't think Granny, the Furies, or Lightray have appeared anywhere yet though.
Which means you have to watch P&R again in order to see for sure, right?
Power Man and Iron Fist is exactly what I wanted from both characters. Danny's faces are incredible.
I liked 30 Rock a lot but I wouldn't put it on the same level as P&R.
I hate double page spreads when I'm reading on a tablet. Have to go back and forward between the pages.
Anyone else have this problem?
Squirrel Girl is greatBesides Vision, which is on my to read list, has anything been worthwhile from Marvel since Secret Wars? I fell completely off during Secret Wars with not really liking any of the side books.
Squirrel Girl is great
Only one issue out for each but Black Widow and Mockingbird had strong first issues. BW is by Waid/Samnee so it's gonna be rad.
I was really not able to get into Squirrel Girl pre Secret Wars. I don't know what it was because I usually like the more comedic books and I love the more recent run of Howard the Duck, but Squirrel Girl just wasn't able to grab me.
Speaking of comedic books: just read Grayson #16 and damn it was amazing. Love this damn book.
I hate double page spreads when I'm reading on a tablet. Have to go back and forward between the pages.
Anyone else have this problem?
Community is a nice halfway between both.P&R has more soul but nothing tops 30 Rock's JPS ratio.
One of the many things I dislike about reading comics digitally. I've pretty much completely abandoned my tablet for reading comics.
Community is a nice halfway between both.
I hate double page spreads when I'm reading on a tablet. Have to go back and forward between the pages.
Anyone else have this problem?
Eh, it's a minor nuisance to have to tilt the tablet sideways to get the whole spread at a decent size, but it's tolerable compared to having to store physical comics somewhere when you're done reading.
I never really got into that show
Rick & Morty on the other hand. Wa wa wee wa
Community is a nice halfway between both.
This wouldn't be a problem if I had an iPad pro. I'm legit considering it.
Think of it as Psych, Buff Gus and Kung Fu Shawn
This wouldn't be a problem if I had an iPad pro. I'm legit considering it.
Archie is such a great a comic. Gotta catch up on bothYeeessss
Feels so good, too. This is like BOOM studios quality trade paperback.
With Power Man and Iron Fist, is there a continuity reason that Luke seems so grumpy with Danny?
Think of it as Psych, Buff Gus and Kung Fu Shawn
It's pretty awesome. A bit expensive if you're just planning on reading comics with it, but good golly, is it great to see the art that big.
With Power Man and Iron Fist, is there a continuity reason that Luke seems so grumpy with Danny?
Iron Fist always dragged him into capers and crap he didn't want to do. Luke's 100% a family man now, and he doesn't want to kickstart any Heroes for Hire stuff. Iron Fist is bored and looking for adventure, and he's convinced Luke wants to crack skulls.
I do 90% of my browsing and reading of comics on my ipad. I think I could get great use out of it. Is it really huge?
From Comics Alliance 'Rebirth' Roundtable:
"On the subject of Superman, does it seem weird to anyone else that the Rebirth DCU has four different Supermen? Five if you count Cyborg Superman, whos in Supergirl"
Can somebody tell me who are these five Superman they are talking about ?
I get Superman and Cyborg Superman, the article seems to imply there is now a Luthor Superman, but other than that I'm stumped.
Which means you have to watch P&R again in order to see for sure, right?
The Furies, Barda, Miracle, and Kalibak all showed up and played big roles in Earth 2 as well. Well, Kalibak and the Furies just wrecked shit, but the rest played huge roles.
a borat quote
in 2016
Birdie, whats your thoughts on BvS?
Superman, Luthor Superman, New Superman (Chinese Superman), New 52 Superman, Cyborg Superman are my tally.
Isn't there Superman and Lois & Clark Superman?