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COMICS! |OT| March 2016. It's your job to be great.


Uncanny X-men #35 - pretty good Goldballs issue as the kids try to do the hero gig on their own and kinda suceed with Goldballs becoming a internet sensation, until people find out he's actually a mutant and turn on them. Goldballs gets seriously injured, Cuckoos go nuts on the humans that attack them, just all goes to shit so they ho to Storm in the school for help, to be concluded in #600 which I hope doesnt take as long to go up on MU as it did to actually come out.


Do you know the issue? I read every tie-in so it wasnt on any resding guide at least

muahahah i was right, browsed through a few issues of it on MU instead of dragging out the omnibus, it was JMS Thor #3. If you've never read JMS' Thor you should give it a read, great story up until he bailed on it to avoid the lousy Siege event taking over the thor side of the marvel world.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Kanan The Last Padawan #4-5: this book continues to be about 459 times better than it had any right to be, and I dont even mean that as shitting on the cartoon because I quote enjoy it. Great end to the first arc as Kanan grows to actually be friends with his green alien pal but ultimately ditches him when they manage to fend off and kill their clone soldier persuers. I was afraid that was it for Kanan as a kid but Ive been told that even the modern day syuff is just a framing device for more flashbacks so yay.

Groot #2-4: yo why does nobody talk about this book, its awesome. I wasnt a big fan of the previous Rocket series but this has been great so far. From a heart warming flashback to when Groot met Rocket in issue #2, to a team up with Surfer and Dawn in issue #3 and the return of the skrulls and Groot getting his own team to go save Rocket in issue #4, this has been a super fun read. I love that thete is a over-arching story too and its not just random one shots. And the art is gorgeous. Secret best book right here people, get on it.
muahahah i was right, browsed through a few issues of it on MU instead of dragging out the omnibus, it was JMS Thor #3. If you've never read JMS' Thor you should give it a read, great story up until he bailed on it to avoid the lousy Siege event taking over the thor side of the marvel world.
In a surpringly turn of events I agree with silly! JMS had a very good run on Thor, except for the ending part. Still the strongest Thor run in a long time.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Spider Woman #9-10: road trip with ben urich and Porcupine trying to turn a new leaf... yeah this book is pretty fucking cool. And then Black Widow comes to take Jess away because the world is ending and shes an Avenger and all that horseshit and Jess is as bummed out as me, as the reader, is. Its actually quite meta lol. Anyway loved this series and I cant wait for the new one.

Man... this was a good night of comics, im feeling pretty good about it.
OK Mockingbird #1 was good stuff. I was a little sad that Joelle Jones wasn't doing interiors, but the artist they have, Kate Niemczyk, was great! Fun little issue and the writing was solid for what went down. Very interesting hook and Chelsea Cain's note in the back makes me interested in how the next few issues are presented.

Was reading Hellcat! but I'm gonna replace that with this. I think I picked up the Mockingbird one-shot from last year, so I'm gonna have to actually read that now lol


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
OK Mockingbird #1 was good stuff. I was a little sad that Joelle Jones wasn't doing interiors, but the artist they have, Kate Niemczyk, was great! Fun little issue and the writing was solid for what went down. Very interesting hook and Chelsea Cain's note in the back makes me interested in how the next few issues are presented.

Was reading Hellcat! but I'm gonna replace that with this. I think I picked up the Mockingbird one-shot from last year, so I'm gonna have to actually read that now lol

Just read Mockingbird: SHIELD 50th Anniversary #1 on MU myself and I loved it. Is the new book from this same creative? Tv show tie-ins aside I was really into it.

Also, it has a 10 page story with Red Widow, is that going to be a new book?

Read Supreme: Blue Rose which I had read maybe half of previously. I had kind of resigned myself to consider it something I really liked but maybe not something objectively good. This is a book that reads much much better collected than it did in monthly installments. I'm not sure that I've changed my mind about it being interesting than objectively good but I definitely found myself more satisfied than I expected.

The writing is categorically Ellis. Characters often speak cryptically and worry more about making snarky and clever remarks than actually communicating. If you're familiar with Ellis you should know what to expect by now. The plot is intentionally obtuse but does come together at the end nicely even if the resolution isn't something thats very well set up by the first issue. Its not a big issue but it kind of tends to be the flaw of plot by misdirection in a mini series.

Artwise, Lotay kills it. She's got a very very distinct style that catches the eye. She has a bit of an inconsistent way of storytelling. It kind of serves the story here by not being all that clear in spaces (in her issue of Zero, the same thing happens). Her covers tend to be the most striking pieces.

She's definitely more of a static artist. Her characters arent really dynamic or convey motion well. There's one part where a character is supposed to be running very quickly, at least I think, but its drawn in such a way that it comes off as very flat and the choice of framing doesnt do it any favors. Still, despite her limitations, the art is great here and instantly made me a fan when I found out about this series a while back.
Her coloring is a total treat. Admittedly I don't think her line work is all that special, sure, its nice but she doesnt really stand out as much if it weren't for her very bold choices for color. Typically, if an artist were this flashy, they'd numb down the effect of their coloring by having it pop so much so often, but Lotay is able to make the color on every page feel special. Red and blue pencil sketch lines, water color texture, pastel palettes, near neon holds, and some regular old photoshop fuckery combine together to create a style that I assume will be copied by many many artists. I wanna say she's like a mid 2010s Lynn Varley in a way except she's doing over her own work.

If there were one thing I could change about the book, I'd say its the lettering. The stroke-less balloons and tails dont bother me nor does the typeface/font choice but often times the dialogue can look a little constrained within the bubbles. In the story, there is a tv show that runs dispersed in between pages. The snippets of the show usually take up about 2 pages and a total of 6-8 panels at a time, probably. There is one sentence per panel and the typeface/font choice there is totally bleh.

Bottom line: its a book you should check out, even if you dont get the story, at least for the art.


I voted in CBR's top 40 punisher stories. I didn't vote for a single Ennis book. He will get enough love from everyone else. And while his books were entertaining,They were always too farcical for the punisher in my opinion. He should have been writing Deadpool.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Daredevil #17-18: Good ending to a great run. Kingpin, the return of Ikari, wrapping up the shroud stuff (which was a low point in Waid's run imo), overall a satisfying ending. Its a shame the Soule run isnt good so far according to you guys because I also wouldnt particulary want more Waid DD, as much as I liked it. It felt like its tun its course, much like Hickman's Avengers stuff really. Hopefully the new one gets better, as for this one, it will always be one of those easy recomendations for new readers, its that good.

Oh and bye Kirsten, you were the best waifu :(
Just read Mockingbird: SHIELD 50th Anniversary #1 on MU myself and I loved it. Is the new book from this same creative? Tv show tie-ins aside I was really into it.

Also, it has a 10 page story with Red Widow, is that going to be a new book?

Same writer, different artist on interiors.

I just read the oneshot myself and I liked it. I think the new series is more fun so far but it's just the first issue.

I think the Red Widow stuff was for a novel they released last year or something. I didn't read that section though.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Same writer, different artist on interiors.

I just read the oneshot myself and I liked it. I think the new series is more fun so far but it's just the first issue.

I think the Red Widow stuff was for a novel they released last year or something. I didn't read that section though.

Well thats a shame, I loved that art


Transformers MTMTE #50
Book of the month no contest.
Fantastic writing all around and things could not be any grimmer.

Team Fuck It vs. Team Wrong
Why the fuck is Steve on Carol's team? Like, haven't we already done this song and dance with him? Christ, I hate this event already. I try to be as optimistic as possible, but I just don't like this.
Going by her characterization in A-Force, this seems on point.
I don't like her characterization in A-Force. She's always been pragmatic, but she's just a straight bitch in that series. What happened to the kind queen of Inhuman? Fucking hell.
What if season 3 has Blade?
If he's going to get a Netflix series, it shouldn't be a spinoff like Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and the Punisher are. If Elektra gets her own series, it'll also be a spinoff. I'd rather Blade get a series that introduces him akin to JJ. Blade would be a good series to spin Moon Knight out of.
Seriously, where are the cookoos after Secret Wars :(. Probably on the negative zone along with Emma.
Emma leading Scott's New Mutants team (Triage, Cuckoos, Goldballs, Hijack, Tempus, and whatever chameleon dude's name was) as a new group of Hellions would've been a good book.

Literally every idea I've thought of for an X-book with Emma in it was been amazing. Marvel, I'm here.


Nobody cares about Blade.
I would be very surprised if Blade became more popular by including him in the netflix series, and in fact I wouldn't mind that happening and would love to see that, brah needs more love.

But fact of the matter is: Nobody
gives a fuck
about Blade


Stop being racist Tizoc

I'm stating a fact: Blade comics didn't spike in popularity with the Wesley Snipes movie, and every Blade comic got canceled within a year of its publication if not 2 years ever since-

The only time: THE ONE TIME he was any relevant or had a good book featuring him, it was Captain Britain and MI13 which sadly got canceled a year after it debuted (Great book too).

Did you know about the time Blade fought Vampire Spiderman?

Cuz I can't even tell if the story itself was any good.
I want everyone to know I'm really upset right now because I did a very long and thorough review of Wolverine and the X-Men Vol. 2: The Death of Wolverine and then I accidentally copy and pasted over it and can't get it back.

Bottom line: it was bad, but I'll read the next volume and hope it gets better.

I'm stating a fact: Blade comics didn't spike in popularity with the Wesley Snipes movie, and every Blade comic got canceled within a year of its publication if not 2 years ever since-

The only time: THE ONE TIME he was any relevant or had a good book featuring him, it was Captain Britain and MI13 which sadly got canceled a year after it debuted (Great book too).

Did you know about the time Blade fought Vampire Spiderman?

Cuz I can't even tell if the story itself was any good.

That was from Guggenheim's run, titled Blade: It Takes One to Kill One and it was pretty good. I have the whole thing collected in single issues. A lot of fun and a lot of cool ideas. Sad that it got cancelled.

Blade could get more popular easily. I'm not sure why you would think he wouldn't. No one gave a fuck about Jessica Jones until she got a series, and I guarantee she's more popular because of it. Besides his mainstream popularity is fairly high as is, given that he's only had two good movies out of a grand total of four, plus a previous TV series.


I want everyone to know I'm really upset right now because I did a very long and thorough review of Wolverine and the X-Men Vol. 2: The Death of Wolverine and then I accidentally copy and pasted over it and can't get it back.

Bottom line: it was bad, but I'll read the next volume and hope it gets better.

That was from Guggenheim's run, titled Blade: It Takes One to Kill One and it was pretty good. I have the whole thing collected in single issues. A lot of fun and a lot of cool ideas. Sad that it got cancelled.

Blade could get more popular easily. I'm not sure why you would think he wouldn't. No one gave a fuck about Jessica Jones until she got a series, and I guarantee she's more popular because of it. Besides his mainstream popularity is fairly high as is, given that he's only had two good movies out of a grand total of four, plus a previous TV series.

Elaborate on how Blade is actually popular and become as popular as Jessica Jones.
I voted in CBR's top 40 punisher stories. I didn't vote for a single Ennis book. He will get enough love from everyone else. And while his books were entertaining,They were always too farcical for the punisher in my opinion. He should have been writing Deadpool.
I think that's true with his early still like welcome back frank and MK books. But not his great work on Marvel Max. There the book and the character got real grounded and there was weight to all his actions.
Groot #2-4: yo why does nobody talk about this book, its awesome. I wasnt a big fan of the previous Rocket series but this has been great so far. From a heart warming flashback to when Groot met Rocket in issue #2, to a team up with Surfer and Dawn in issue #3 and the return of the skrulls and Groot getting his own team to go save Rocket in issue #4, this has been a super fun read. I love that thete is a over-arching story too and its not just random one shots. And the art is gorgeous. Secret best book right here people, get on it.

I will have to give this another shot after I resubscribe to MU later in the year. Got rather bored with the first series quickly.
Anybody got any recommendations for any good comics that prominently feature Hawkgirl or Big Barda?

I also recently found out Blink from the X-men AoA timeline was a prominent figure in the Exiles comic books. How is that series quality wise?
Anybody got any recommendations for any good comics that prominently feature Hawkgirl or Big Barda?

I also recently found out Blink from the X-men AoA timeline was a prominent figure in the Exiles comic books. How is that series quality wise?
Hawkgirl I'd go with the wonderful and amazing JSA series mostly written by Johns. Also the Hawkman series that started with Johns eventually changed writers and also eventually became a Hawkgirl book. I remember it being ok. But it's pretty fuzzy. Go with JSA for Kendra Hawkgirl


Anybody got any recommendations for any good comics that prominently feature Hawkgirl or Big Barda?

I also recently found out Blink from the X-men AoA timeline was a prominent figure in the Exiles comic books. How is that series quality wise?

Barda was featured prominently in the Giffen/DeMatteis JLI run, she shows up in Morrison's JLA run, she's in the current Darkseid War story in Justice League, and in Kirby's Mr Miracle series (which sadly is not collected on its own and the Fourth World omnibi are mostly out of print).

El Topo

Nobody cares about Blade.
I would be very surprised if Blade became more popular by including him in the netflix series, and in fact I wouldn't mind that happening and would love to see that, brah needs more love.

But fact of the matter is: Nobody
gives a fuck
about Blade

Most people don't give a fuck about comics. That doesn't mean the character has no potential (regarding mainstream popularity).
Barda was featured prominently in the Giffen/DeMatteis JLI run, she shows up in Morrison's JLA run, she's in the current Darkseid War story in Justice League, and in Kirby's Mr Miracle series (which sadly is not collected on its own and the Fourth World omnibi are mostly out of print).

I stopped reading that after the first trade, might have to read more now.

How big a part does she have in Morrison's JLA? Is Mr. Miracle around too? I have been meaning to read this for a while now.

Darkseid War - on one hand, Big Barda. On the other hand...
So, wasn't this one of the things that fucked Valiant in the past?

I was talking about this in the Hangouts last night. It wasn't really a commercial failure, but a logistical one.

Zombine and I were joking around about how if DC was doing all these crossovers with other publishers. Deathmate was originally a crossover for Valiant with Image. The key thing about Deathmate was that it was a failure for Valiant because of Image missing deadlines. Here's an excerpt of an interview with Bob Layton.

In a retrospective interview on the rise and fall of Valiant, Bob Layton (former editor in chief) lambasted the whole affair, regarding it as an "unmitigated disaster."[1] Valiant Editor in Chief Bob Layton, who says he had to fly to Los Angeles and literally sit on Liefeld's doorstep until Liefeld finished his penciled art for the Deathmate Prologue, and who then inked the artwork himself in an Anaheim hotel room. Layton stated, "What a pain in the ass that was! There I was, with my own company to manage, and I was in California, managing someone else's people. I look back at it and can't believe some of the shit I had to put up with as E.I.C. of Valiant. As far as failures, Deathmate and [Valiant promotion] Birthquake were unmitigated disasters. Not necessarily in the numbers, but in the consequences of their release...I think that Deathmate sounded the beginning of the problems, and when Image couldn't get their side of the cross-over out on time, it hurt everyone.

Anyway, these teaser has a very 90s feel to it, and it's reminiscent of the Death of Superman posters with the red S and black background. That last bit could just be a stylistic choice, but since Valiant already has a big in-universe event for the summer already, theres a reasonable expectation that this could be a crossover event.


Bottom line: its a book you should check out, even if you dont get the story, at least for the art.

Read it month to month when it first came out, and I agree that it's worth checking out for the art alone. This was my first Ellis book, and I had never heard of Supreme before (apparently it's Liefeld related) and I was confused as hell the whole time, but at least it was intriguing and the ending at least wrapped things up nicely, if a little unevenly


I also recently found out Blink from the X-men AoA timeline was a prominent figure in the Exiles comic books. How is that series quality wise?

Exiles is great, up until a point. And that point is pretty much the Proteus arc. Once it hits that, it turns kind of eh, and then at the end Claremont takes over and it becomes straight up horrific levels of garbage. If you're looking at getting the series physically, I guess my recommendation would be probably the first 4 Ultimate Collections and then just accept that that leaves you in the middle of the Proteus arc. If you REALLY want a "complete" set, then grabbing the 5th wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, though it's not really all that great and is very skippable. Fortunately all the Claremont crap is quarantined in the 6th Ultimate Collection, so just avoid that one like the plague and you'll be set.

Seriously an awesome series for a good long while though, and I'd totally recommend it as long as you keep the above warnings in mind.


The movies. I really shouldn't have to elaborate on that further.

Then where's the Blade movie reboot :V
The Blade movies didn't do anything for the character, they may have been good for Wesley Snipes but the character Blade benefited nothing at all from it.
Then where's the Blade movie reboot :V
The Blade movies didn't do anything for the character, they may have been good for Wesley Snipes but the character Blade benefited nothing at all from it.

You know what else would have been good for Wesley Snipes? Paying his taxes.
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