Future Foundation
I was talking about this in the Hangouts last night. It wasn't really a commercial failure, but a logistical one.
Zombine and I were joking around about how if DC was doing all these crossovers with other publishers. Deathmate was originally a crossover for Valiant with Image. The key thing about Deathmate was that it was a failure for Valiant because of Image missing deadlines. Here's an excerpt of an interview with Bob Layton.
Anyway, these teaser has a very 90s feel to it, and it's reminiscent of the Death of Superman posters with the red S and black background. That last bit could just be a stylistic choice, but since Valiant already has a big in-universe event for the summer already, theres a reasonable expectation that this could be a crossover event.
Layton did have a point. It's really silly that the EIC of one company is chasing around another company's artists and fixing their shit. Who do you think they crossover with? Do they keep it internal or are they gonna go cross company (again)?