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COMICS! |OT| March 2016. It's your job to be great.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Very little

Tana ford does most of the art. Stacey Lee saves the art for two wonderful issues. But this is fords silk.

Ugh thats the issue #8 art that...wasnt very good >_>



Ugh thats the issue #8 art that...wasnt very good >_>


I meant to say Vernoica Fish saves the art for two issues. But yes. Ford doesn't fit at all and she seems to be doing the majority of the art and I was sad to see she is doing the silk portions of the Spiderwomen crossover :(
I meant to say Vernoica Fish saves the art for two issues. But yes. Ford doesn't fit at all and she seems to be doing the majority of the art and I was sad to see she is doing the silk portions of the Spiderwomen crossover :(

Can we at least appreciate the Stacey Lee variant cover for the first part?


Me gusta. I made it my phone wallpaper.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Last Days of Ant-Man #1: wait, what? #1? Why #1, Ant-Man was on issue #5 lol. Silly renumbering aside, this was great as usual. Scott's investor turned out to be a silver age retired hero with a retirement home for sikver age heroes (and villains), and as the world ends, Scott hooks up with Beetle because that cant go wrong. Hows the new book anyway, you guys never talk about it.

Anyway, all caught up with everything non-secret wars related, so time to jump back into those.


Last Days of Ant-Man #1: wait, what? #1? Why #1, Ant-Man was on issue #5 lol. Silly renumbering aside, this was great as usual. Scott's investor turned out to be a silver age retired hero with a retirement home for sikver age heroes (and villains), and as the world ends, Scott hooks up with Beetle because that cant go wrong. Hows the new book anyway, you guys never talk about it.

Anyway, all caught up with everything non-secret wars related, so time to jump back into those.
I like the current ongoing.


What's wrong with Tana Ford's silk art? I like it gives a very underground zineish feel to the series something that's not seen in cape comics.


What's wrong with Tana Ford's silk art? I like it gives a very underground zineish feel to the series something that's not seen in cape comics.

The problem is that it is so tonally different to the other two artists. Especially when the art looks nothing like what is promised on the covers. I have no problem with her as an artist. I just think this is a bad fit.

The series is supposed to have this light edge that Lee gives it but Fords art lacks that.


What's wrong with Tana Ford's silk art? I like it gives a very underground zineish feel to the series something that's not seen in cape comics.

Any artist with a unique style is going to get mixed opinions regarding their work. This goes for Tana Ford as well. I don't think she's bad or anything, but I'm not a fan. I think I'm very open-minded to art styles but sometimes there's one that I'm just not feeling.


I wonder why Stacey Lee has only done one issue since the relaunch. Is been 1 for Lee, 2 for Ford and 2 for Fish.

Next 3 issues are Ford too :/


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
A-Force #2: yoooo this art, Jorge Molina who are you? Great issue as Nico tries to hide the mystery universe girl but Loki makes her take her to She Hulk, where another portal opens and all hell breaks loose. This is a fun book, and im quite intrigued where its going, as these portals are clearly to other battleworld sections. That art tho, damn son.

Planet Hulk #2: speaking of fun books, Cap, Devil Dinosaur and Doc Green adventures through the Greenlands is the definition of fun. Not much in plot advancement but great banter between them. Great art too.

Ultimate End #3: what a fucking shit show. This is the only tie in that makes no sense in the overall narrative of battleworld, its like Bendis wrote how he wanted to end the ultimate universe, Hickman went "look at me...im the captain now" and did his thing, and then Bendis was like "lol fuck you im Bendis ill do it anyway". At least Bagleys art is pretty good.


A-Force #2: yoooo this art, Jorge Molina who are you? Great issue as Nico tries to hide the mystery universe girl but Loki makes her take her to She Hulk, where another portal opens and all hell breaks loose. This is a fun book, and im quite intrigued where its going, as these portals are clearly to other battleworld sections. That art tho, damn son.

Planet Hulk #2: speaking of fun books, Cap, Devil Dinosaur and Doc Green adventures through the Greenlands is the definition of fun. Not much in plot advancement but great banter between them. Great art too.

Ultimate End #3: what a fucking shit show. This is the only tie in that makes no sense in the overall narrative of battleworld, its like Bendis wrote how he wanted to end the ultimate universe, Hickman went "look at me...im the captain now" and did his thing, and then Bendis was like "lol fuck you im Bendis ill do it anyway". At least Bagleys art is pretty good.

Jorge Molina does some incredible work on that book. In particular for Nico/Singularity and the big fight scenes. Visually striking book. Story was great fun too with some great emotional beats imo.

I wonder where Molina is going now that he is off of A-Force.


so needless to say

I'm odds and ends

But I'm me stumbling away slowly learning that life is okay

say after me: "It's no better to be safe than sorry"


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Red Skull #1: this was... actually pretty cool? A ragtag gang of villains (and Bucky) go over the shield into the Deadlands to bring back proof of Red Skull's death (Doom sent Skull over the wall when Skull rebelled against him). Neat concept, cool art, fun book. Didnt see this one coming at all, I didnt even hear about it back when SW was happening.

Future Imperfect #2: Maestro vs Thing goes down pretty much as one expects it to except with a twist at the end. This was ok, its not doing much for me but its certainly readable. Greg Land tho... actually the art is completly fine aswell /shrug

Secret Wars Journal #3: more short stories, starting with a neat noir style detective story with Logan investigating Tony Stark's death which involves doppelgangers from the AoA domain. Then we get a cute little story with Doc Samson being a hulk-shrink to a bunch of hulk-people in what I assume is a pre-hulk-apocalypse Greenlands. Enjoyable issue that feels perfect for MU, not so much for something you would pay $4 for.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Red Skull #1: this was... actually pretty cool? A ragtag gang of villains (and Bucky) go over the shield into the Deadlands to bring back proof of Red Skull's death (Doom sent Skull over the wall when Skull rebelled against him). Neat concept, cool art, fun book. Didnt see this one coming at all, I didnt even hear about it back when SW was happening.

Future Imperfect #2: Maestro vs Thing goes down pretty much as one expects it to except with a twist at the end. This was ok, its not doing much for me but its certainly readable. Greg Land tho... actually the art is completly fine aswell /shrug

Secret Wars Journal #3: more short stories, starting with a neat noir style detective story with Logan investigating Tony Stark's death which involves doppelgangers from the AoA domain. Then we get a cute little story with Doc Samson being a hulk-shrink to a bunch of hulk-people in what I assume is a pre-hulk-apocalypse Greenlands. Enjoyable issue that feels perfect for MU, not so much for something you would pay $4 for.

I probably missed it but what did you think of the Daredevil, Elektra, Sinister story from SWJ #2?

It was my favorite short story from the anthologies.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
It was amazing and I was gutted it wasnt from any actual tie in. Same for that cool Kanshu X-Men story.

Sinister needs a big story already, amazing villain. Do a Avengers arc with him so its not always x-men. Hell use the Uncanny Avengers, they are basically a X team anyway >_>

1872 #1: Loved this, Duggan putting in work as usual. Great art, great concept and great cliffhanger. Wasnt Red Wolf going to cross over to the 616 after SW? What happened with that?


I think that's true with his early still like welcome back frank and MK books. But not his great work on Marvel Max. There the book and the character got real grounded and there was weight to all his actions.

Well, and when I say Ennis's Punisher was too farcical, I don't JUST mean ridiculous characters like Soap and the Russian. I actually mainly mean Ennis's habit of having the Punisher take on 50 or more men at once with guns and kill them all. Rightly or wrongly, I lay the blame for that trend at Ennis's feet. I feel like he's the one who really changed Punisher stories from almost plausible vigilante missions to ridiculous over the top, video game/Tarrentino-like affairs.

I haven't read most of his Max work yet. I did get the recent trade that came out collecting some of it. The first story is Born, which is exactly the kind of ridiculousness I was just talking about. Frank single handidly murdering a 50+ Vietnamese at a time. The second story started out really well, it was the return of Microchip. But the ending completely turned me off.
I hate when writers kill off characters that have been around for years just to make their stories feel more important. Bringing Microchip back only to have Frank Kill him, reminded me of Kevin Smith bringing back Silver Saint Cloud in the Batman books. Completely unnecessary, and didn't make much sense. Frank kills Micro for what, working with the government? Because the government was selling drugs and Micro knew about it, Frank murders him? Despite the fact that Micro has such a long history with Frank, and saves his life in this storyline. Just terrible.
I haven't read the 3rd story yet (Kitchen Irish) but I will.


I don't know what's going on but it's taken me two days to read Squirrel Girl #7 (still 4 pages left), i liked #6's trip to the zoo but now the story is just draggggggging and it's taking me down with it.

:edited out references to politics.
Wonder Woman is drawn so badly compared to Batwoman in the World's Finest arc and I have no idea why.

Love the team up though.

@yall who gave the Hawkgirl and Big Barda recommendations, thank you :D Imma look into em after I finish Birds Of Prey.


If you liked Ant-Man and Silk before Secret Wars...WELL I'M AFRAID I GOT SOME BAD NEWS!


Hope you liked Stacey Lee because Tana Ford's acid trip artwork is in the majority of the ANAD line and Ant-Man is basically WAHHH I SUCK WAHHH I'M A LOSER! WAHHHHH!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Where Monsters Dwell #2-4: Huh...err I'm not sure how I feel about this, and I'm a huge Ennis fan. I understand its supposed to be a period piece but all the bitches, sluts and otherwise offensive terms that flew in the time period he's emulating don't fly these days, emulation or not ("ill just sex you up woman and then just get an abortion" whut). The story itself isnt even interesting as its just the plot from that futurama episode with the amazons (or any other female tribe cliche). Yeah this is not the return of Marvel Ennis I wanted that's for sure.

The fact that it continues to have zero to do with Secret Wars doesnt help.
Where Monsters Dwell #2-4: Huh...err I'm not sure how I feel about this, and I'm a huge Ennis fan. I understand its supposed to be a period piece but all the bitches, sluts and otherwise offensive terms that flew in the time period he's emulating don't fly these days, emulation or not ("ill just sex you up woman and then just get an abortion" whut). The story itself isnt even interesting as its just the plot from that futurama episode with the amazons (or any other female tribe cliche). Yeah this is not the return of Marvel Ennis I wanted that's for sure.

The fact that it continues to have zero to do with Secret Wars doesnt help.
Ive enjoyed it because the pilot is such a cowardly dumb sexist ass that watching him constantly fail has been entertaining so far. And while Ennis uses the offensive terms it's very clear that it's there to admonish that behavior. Not encourage it


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Ive enjoyed it because the pilot is such a cowardly dumb sexist ass that watching him constantly fail has been entertaining so far. And while Ennis uses the offensive terms it's very clear that it's there to admonish that behavior. Not encourage it

I dunno...it reminds me of Kill La Kill where I was enjoying it as a parody until I started thinking "if its as fan-service-y as the material its being a parody of, is it still a parody?"

Card Boy

I got Marvel Unlimited. God the service is a bit shit on PC though. Needs a Windows 10 App especially for those of us with Surfaces.


Red Skull #1: this was... actually pretty cool? A ragtag gang of villains (and Bucky) go over the shield into the Deadlands to bring back proof of Red Skull's death (Doom sent Skull over the wall when Skull rebelled against him). Neat concept, cool art, fun book. Didnt see this one coming at all, I didnt even hear about it back when SW was happening.
It's a fun read, the ending is pretty entertaining as well. One of the better tie-ins.


Book turned to shit when Immonen joined. Its great for a amazing long time but then dropped so extreme.

Still havent read the Miles stuff, I should continue my Ultimate Re-Read maybe...

The Adder

Random Thoughts - What do you call a large group of the same hero

A flock of Robins
A swarm of Batmans
A web of Spider-Men
An armory of Ironmans
A system of Firestorms
A reign of Supermans

Any others?


I'm still disappointed about how Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man ended just before Secret Wars. It was rushed, disconnected and had to connect with Secret Wars. Totally weird. Peter Parker run is great, albeit some weird story lines.


Gimme Anna Maria Spider-Woman Marvel.

Also, this is the best I can do.

Btw this statue is 103/5200 . How did I get a low number if they were so hard to get replaced DCBS?

Really nice figure. My one walking dead statue is 50/3000 or whatever
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