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COMICS! |OT| March 2016. It's your job to be great.

So I ended up liking Bombshells Vol 1 but not as much as I thought I would. The plot was too stagnant for being 200 pages long, and the art changed too often, some of which I enjoyed and some not so much. It wasn't until right at the end that I felt excited for what was happening.

Still, it was pretty good.

I think I made it about six issues in or so before I dropped the series. The issues seemed to be a bit of a chore to slog through when I wasn't all that interested in the source material. I think I'm just tired of Bombshells at this point. I've even lost interest in collecting the statues.


I think I made it about six issues in or so before I dropped the series. The issues seemed to be a bit of a chore to slog through when I wasn't all that interested in the source material. I think I'm just tired of Bombshells at this point. I've even lost interest in collecting the statues.

It was just a bit boring, which I was surprised by.
oh, poop. Wasn't interested in International Iron-Man #1 at all until I saw Bendis/Maleev. That's a creative team I'll just blind-buy shit from.

I was being subjective. Captain America is Marvel's Superman in that I find them both boring as shit. Sorry, Lunchpod. That's just how I feel.

That's cool, but you're just making a blanket statement about the character. I'm of the opinion characters themselves are as interesting as the people who write them.

I agree.

Is there another good avaiable and fun Cap run?

I'm not sure. Brubaker's was the standout to me. I enjoyed his presence in certain Avengers books, like Hickman's.
That's cool, but you're just making a blanket statement about the character. I'm of the opinion characters themselves are as interesting as the people who write them.

Fair enough. I mean, I didn't give a shit about Winter Soldier until I'd heard how good the Brubaker series was. But I know Brubaker writes excellent spy and crime fiction. Captain America is a harder sell because I never took a liking to the character to begin with. He's always been a chaeacter that just happened to be in some of the things I've read. I've not felt the urge to go read stories just about him.
I actually really like Cap. He's not my favorite character or anything but I've always liked him. I don't really read his ongoings though, so most of my exposure is from Avengers stuff.

I used to not like Superman when I was younger but I've become a fan over the years and I like him a lot now.

Iron Man is probably the one big superhero who I just don't care for.
So I ended up liking Bombshells Vol 1 but not as much as I thought I would. The plot was too stagnant for being 200 pages long, and the art changed too often, some of which I enjoyed and some not so much. It wasn't until right at the end that I felt excited for what was happening.

Still, it was pretty good.

Yeah, the plot slowed down a *lot* for a while there, after Kate got going they sort of wandered around doing origin stories for what was probably too long.

I thought that might be a problem :/

Things are moving pretty quick where the single issues are now.


Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine

Wow this...this story is absolutely...ummmm....So you know how Jason Aaron is a really good writer? And how Adam Kubert is a good artist? You know those things, right? Well this story...is fucking AMAZING.

I said goddamn. This story is not only one of the most balls-to-the-walls wacky-ass stories I've ever read, but it's a fantastic character story that heavily develops the characters of Logan and Peter. I mean, it starts out with them in the past hanging out with cave people. Peter's crazy and in a cave, carving idols of a woman and collecting prehistoric bugs. Logan is the leader of a group called the "small folk." Then the meteor hits and they get sent to the future where the small folk rule, Doom becomes a planet, other insane bullshit. There's a lot of ridiculousness in a single story, and you'd never think that would come from a Spidey and Wolvie story. You'd think a tale involving these characters would be something a bit more street level, but nope it's a wack-ass time-travel story instead. Oh, and the main villains are...well, they fit the tone perfectly, let's say that
they're also god-tier

I honestly don't want to go too much into detail, since the plot is so bonkers you'd have to read it for yourselves. From a character development standpoint, seeing Logan and Peter clash and also work together is great. Quite honestly, I think these guys are a top five superhero buddy team. Logan is the hardass who makes the right calls, even to go so far as to be brutal and sacrificial whereas Peter's the softy and the heart of the pair. Logan's the muscle, and Peter's the brains. Logan's stoic, Peter's lighthearted. The two come together and compliment each other well, but they also have a lot in common with how much weight they have on their shoulders. They both feel like they're carrying the world, and though they clash, they come together to help each other out and be better friends. Yet, they still have a somewhat silent respect for each other. That final bit after they come back to the present...it's a beautiful, if sad, moment.

All in all, I can only say that this is a really fun story that also serves to be both a great Spider-Man story and a great Wolverine story. Fans of both characters, as well as people looking for a super fun, over-the-top superhero story should check this out.

You are a gentleman and a scholar. This series affirmed my longstanding love for Wolverine and Spider-Man.

It is a damn shame that they are both gone. Marvel should bring them back soon :(


I really should buy Astonishing Spidey and Wolvie. It's a really cool story.

Btw, I'm looking into Captain America, what's one of the best Cap runs?

Edit: I've read the first issue of Power Man and Iron Fist and it sure is fun. Hope they keep it up.


I really should buy Astonishing Spidey and Wolvie. It's a really cool story.

Btw, I'm looking into Captain America, what's one of the best Cap runs?

Edit: I've read the first issue of Power Man and Iron Fist and it sure is fun. Hope they keep it up.
Read Brubakers Run ln Cap


y'all know that there's literally a story in BruCap called The Death of Captain America right

also as a filthy Canadian, Cap owns
I'm of the opinion characters themselves are as interesting as the people who write them.

That's me too.

Cap won me over with the original Secret Wars. They're choosing a leader, someone suggests Cap, Wolverine says he won't follow him and then Thor butts in (top panel):

And of course:

That's the core of him, to me. He's the heroes' hero, everyone looks up to him. He represents the best of us. He's also, by far IMO, the best character in the MCU which helps a lot.

Superman's similar. I grew to like him a lot more once I read The Man of Steel, with the era of "Clark Kent is who I am, Superman is what I do." I like the hope that he represents, the way that like Cap he inspires others, and that's he's a farm boy that sets out to do good because it's how he was raised and that it's simply the right thing to do. It's why I love Beware the Superman stories even though I find them a bit upsetting. They just remind me why Superman himself is so great.

I might have been negative about BvS, but if they can capture even a little bit of that, and we get a Superman that grows into the hero he was meant to be and truly becomes "an ideal to strive towards", well that'll be awesome.

And also, the intro to Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? is probably my favourite beginning to any story, ever:
"This is an imaginary story (which may never happen, but then again may) about a perfect man who came from the sky and did only good. It tells of his twilight, when the great battles were over and the great miracles long since performed; of how his enemies conspired against him and of that final war in the snowblind wastes beneath the Northern Lights; of the women he loved and of the choice he made between them; of how he broke his most sacred oath, and how finally all the things he had were taken from him save one. It ends with a wink. It begins in a quiet midwestern town, one summer afternoon in the quiet midwestern future. Away in the big city, people still sometimes glance up hopefully from the sidewalks, glimpsing a distant speck in the sky... but no: it's only a bird, only a plane — Superman died ten years ago. This is an imaginary story... aren't they all?"


speaking of Born Again/Cap+Thor moments:

"a soldier with a voice that could command a god... and does"

is an all time great two panel caption
Started reading this today:

It's been really good so far. It's a huge book, too. It's Dark Horse Library Edition size. I'm getting spoiled on Aliens stuff with all this new merch coming out now because of the 30th Anniversary of Aliens.


let's all stop worrying about statue paint for a few hours while WWE Roadblock is on. I'm rooting for Roman Reigns in the...wait, he's not wrestling. Hmmmm....


Made it to the 400-issue mark. Well in advance of where I thought I'd be.

Valiant-wise I'm almost up to date now. Thought I'd miss the Harbinger characters more than I do (still would like to see them resurface in another book at some point though), but then stuff like Imperium has filled that void with characters like Sunlight on Snow. At this point I'll pretty much read anything Dysart's involved in (going to finally get round to that first volume of Unknown Soldier and beyond). Same goes for Van Lente (Action Philosophers is on the way) who I hope is back on a title in the Anni-Padda corner of the Valiant universe soon. They're my pick of the writers involved. Honourable mention for Kindt on Ninjak which I'm enjoying with its mashup of James Bond and Metal Gear. It's fun to see him go all out with that ridiculous tech.

The biggest addition to my reading line-up has been Young Justice by David and Nauck which has been a ridiculously fun team book done right (so far anyway, 28 issues in). Lots of plotlines in the mix, bubbling along and brought to boil at just the right time to keep things interesting. This is what Teen Titans should be like now. Maybe it is? I fell off after too much Lobdell. Only downside for me is the artwork. It does the job but not a fan.

Might follow that up with Johns/McKone Teen Titans.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Operation catch-up continues

X-Tinction Agenda #2-3: this is alright. Its very by the numbers, but the art is good and they do a good job of re-imagining that story (or a follow up to that story), which was never a particular favorite of mine in the first place. Some good battles too, but I hate how Wolverine is written in it tho, he sounds like an idiot.

Years of Future Past #2-4: This one I'm not so into it. Its very preachy which feels weird, Kitty's daughter is the worst kind of annoying whiny teenage cliché, and every twist they throw at you feels flat. Some cool moments like giant Lockheed, but overall its just a boring book, which of all things you expect a X-Men book to be, at the very least boring isnt one of them, and it gets stupider as the story progresses (stop with the fucking twists already). Deffinately one of the worst tie ins in my opinion.
Why the Wicked Div avatar when you hate wicked div?

Why do you have a Tron avatar when they're never going to make another Tron movie?

Also, I don't HATE WicDiv. I just had issues with some of their narrative decisions, as did you if I recall. And it's Tula Lotay art.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #2-4: I really liked this, which surprised me because issue #1 didnt do much for me back when I read it. I like this universe where no powers are allowed (nice touch with the sinister six all being guys with no actual powers), I like Peter trying to lay low to protect May and ultimately having to be more viscious in this new world, Kubert's art is amazing as usual and Regent looks cool (even if he looks like a cross between Apocalypse and Sinister). Its a fun read and its gorgeous to look at, which is all I ask for much in my comics.

What book did Regent cross over to anyway? Wasnt he going to be one of the SW "survivors"?
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