on par with NXT? I only know two qualities of wrestling, this is going to make for a terrible review scale.
Well, what do you consider an NXT.5?
on par with NXT? I only know two qualities of wrestling, this is going to make for a terrible review scale.
I think the only time "let's try to write an accent" worked for me was Cassiday in Preacher
Well, what do you consider an NXT.5?
Hows a Queens accent compared to a New York accent?60's The Thing has a good New Yorker accent going for him!
Hows a Queens accent compared to a New York accent?
Another case of a guest artist being better than the regular artist. Uncanny Avengers #6 Pacheco's art is better and just fits better than Stegmans.
Art is one thing, but ain't nothing can save the writing in that book.
I am enjoying it. Stegmans art is much better in #7 too. Nice surprise.
When did you drop it?
Just before issue #1.
So you are shitting on a book you never read? That is bad form.
I see youI'm no expert, but I think it's probably high pitched.
Messi, sometimes you just know a book is bad. The same way you can just know a game is bad.
Messi, considering how many things Freeza says that you shake your head at, shouldn't you have brain damage by now?
The gift cards I got for Christmas and never used are ready.
New expansion for hearthstone is up for pre-order, now's a good time to stop reading comics and start buying....card packs....
How come daredevil and Elektra never got back together? Or was it just a fling?
waiting for it to be collected together in a hc hopefully.
is the run so far amazing?
It's not so much about bringing in new readers as much as selling stuff related to the movies while the hype is there. Civil War stuff is apparently already flying off shelves after the newest trailer. I don't have high expectations for the main book(though Bendis could surprise me), but hopefully we get some good tie-ins.That's great, if you have one. The nearest one for me is two hours away. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Gotta bring in those five new readers from the Civil War movie, man. Plus Bendis hasn't killed anyone for awhile, he's got quotas to meet.
I've only read the first two issues but it's fantastic. I've gotta read the rest sometime.
Civil War stuff is apparently already flying off shelves after the newest trailer.
The first trade was really good.
I think I'll re-read the whole series when the final trade comes out.
Holy shit I just realized Marvel's been building to this:
Well she died, came back and kept killing dudes. She really wasn't the same person he dated in college (and vice versa)How come daredevil and Elektra never got back together? Or was it just a fling?
we will find you acting on your best behaviorHey guys, remember
Hey guys, remember[/IMG[/QUOTE]
This is why nobody likes you.
I don't know what happened with Diggles run. I really liked his work on Green arrow and the losers. Seemed like a good choice for DD. Was it editorial nonsense?
we will find you acting on your best behavior
turn your back on mother nature
everybody wants to rule the world
This is why nobody likes you.
I don't know what happened with Diggles run. I really liked his work on Green arrow and the losers. Seemed like a good choice for DD. Was it editorial nonsense?
Right before the cancellation announcement.![]()
Right before the cancellation announcement.![]()
Hey guys, remember
Batman and Robin Eternal is good, right? I'm putting together an IST order and the first volume is 50% off
So it's like a collection of the two books?
Do I need to do any prerequisite reading before picking up The Astonishing Ant Man? Wasn't sure if it is a good place for a new reader to start for that character.
Do I need to do any prerequisite reading before picking up The Astonishing Ant Man? Wasn't sure if it is a good place for a new reader to start for that character.