Its the OHCSecret Wars HC out today.
Should I wait for an OHC or Omnibus?
John Wagner Plans To Kill Off A Major Judge Dredd Character In 2000 AD
Could it be Dredd's time? He's been aging realistically for every year that passes in our world, he's in his 70's or so now, he really can't realistically keep going much longer. Cloned? Well he is a clone. So is his brother, Rico, the second one, unless he's already dead. Could it be the girl that was like a daughter to him perhaps? Judge Hersey? Judge Anderson?
..............Dredd's ex robot butler?
Its the OHC
Is it? I can never tell.
Surprised they didn't go with Kamala or Doreen instead of Doc Ock
John Wagner Plans To Kill Off A Major Judge Dredd Character In 2000 AD
Could it be Dredd's time? He's been aging realistically for every year that passes in our world, he's in his 70's or so now, he really can't realistically keep going much longer. Cloned? Well he is a clone. So is his brother, Rico, the second one, unless he's already dead. Could it be the girl that was like a daughter to him perhaps? Judge Hersey? Judge Anderson?
..............Dredd's ex robot butler?
Anderson would be the biggest non dredd shocker
What does Noto have against blendingWe need a Kamala POP!
What does Noto have against blending
Someone tell me
There is a god. I'm probably going to get the Civil War box anyway, just to try it out.
Walter the Wobot has been written out for awhile. He runs a Dark Judges tourist exhibit with another robot.
It's probably Anderson. They've teased it several times now, she is getting older and since she is a Psi-Judge she can't take the anti-aging drugs Street Judges do as they block out psi powers.
Secret Wars HC out today.
Should I wait for an OHC or Omnibus?
Its the OHC
I would love to read Dredd, but it seems like its a book that really relies on clntinuity and reading everything
They said none of the pops shown at toy fair were exclusive.
I would love to read Dredd, but it seems like its a book that really relies on clntinuity and reading everything
Dredd is one of those books I would have an interest in if it wasn't just so daunting at this point. Like if you want to start watching One Piece then find out that it's 700 episodes in.
Is Leniel Yu on Star Wars for the whole Rebel prision arc?
I would love to read Dredd, but it seems like its a book that really relies on clntinuity and reading everything
Thanks.It is
Newsarama has learned that IDW Publishing is developing a comic book series based on Hasbro's 1980s toyline/cartoon M.A.S.K. This comes just months after Hasbro announced plans to incorporate M.A.S.K. and several other of its properties in the G.I. Joe cinematic universe, and IDW following suit with a comic book series is a logical extension of its long-running G.I. Joe and Transformers titles, as well as the upcoming Rom and Micronauts books.
M.A.S.K. had a premise similiar to G.I. Joe (complete with snake-based enemies named V.E.N.O.M.), but instead of being competing military organizations they were pilots of heavily modified vehicles. In addition, the pilots wore masks that gave them special abilities. It was created by Kenner in 1985, and Hasbro acquired the company in 1991.
M.A.S.K. isn't a stranger to comic books, however. The original 1985 toys were packaged with minicomics produced by Kenner, with DC later publishing a four-issue miniseries and later an ongoing series. In the United Kingdom, Fleetway also published a M.A.S.K. anthology magazine unconnected to DC or the cartoon's continuity. In 2011, Hasbro released a anthology titled UNIT-E featuring a new M.A.S.K. story written by Andy Schmidt.
IDW declined to comment on this story.
A lot of his strokes have hard edges. Which would be used to indicate a harsh light source, a hard edge or defined texture. But im seeing it all over the place here in soft areas so its either unrefined or he just doesnt do it as oftenWhat does blending mean?
Okay, I need some help with my IST order. I'm definitely getting the Nameless HC and the Forever Evil TPB. But I can't decide between three volumes of Sinestro or three volumes of Phonogram.
I've never read it before but heard good things.
What's the good Inhuman book coming out of SW? I read issue #12 of Inhumans pre SW now and i'll move on to Attilan Rising, i need more Black Bolt, the interaction between him and Medusa was great in this issue.
They're both decent. All-New Inhumans is the better one. Messi likes Uncanny Inhumans more than I do. Though All-New has a serious Black Bolt deficiency.
I like All New more than Uncanny. But I think both are great. If he is looking for Bolt then go with Uncanny. If you want a great inhuman book go with All New imo. Art is better too. Then again I like Medusa way more than bolt so I am biased. Also reptile ladies and swain.
Okay, I need some help with my IST order. I'm definitely getting the Nameless HC and the Forever Evil TPB. But I can't decide between three volumes of Sinestro or three volumes of Phonogram.
They need to make a good Green Lantern Deluxe
I would buy it regardlessly. Want to see something from this characterThey need a good Green Lantern comic first.
They need a good Green Lantern comic first.
Star Wars #8 was okay i guess, not a huge fan of the Han "she's totally not my wife" repetition. Rating: random Sheamus match.
Skip volume 2 of Sinestro because it's part of a shitty crossover. If you've never read Phonogram before start with the Singles Club, it's a series of one shots, is super accessible, and is probably the best of the series.
400€ is a good price for PSVR.
Bye Comics.