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COMICS! |OT| March 2016. It's your job to be great.


Silence! My title is good!

Also, Spider Woman:



That's actually fun. Though it would have been better if the flag said "Mark Millar licks goats".


Well, yeah.

Was that supposed to happen this week?

The Original solicit for #50 had the JrJr cover with Clark meeting Superdad(?). I'm guessing Savage Dawn got some added Length so Tomasi could be the one to address the fallout in Super League to set up his Superman Rebirth run.

Planning to read Legends once I get out of class, skimmed through it and its 4 full issues stapled together.


Just beware if you are siding with Freeza then you are siding with a person who just a few hours ago tried to control the message and direction of the thread. I want to see the thread grow organically. Freeza is the Rubio of this thread.


I don't normally buy in Funko but I will make an exception. Black Panther is such a cool character and his Cinematic design is in my top 5 live action costumes.

Still running that tired old Civil War joke into the ground I see.

We stick to what works around here.

Just beware if you are siding with Freeza then you are siding with a person who just a few hours ago tried to control the message and direction of the thread. I want to see the thread grow organically. Freeza is the Rubio of this thread.


Don't believe Messi's lies.

Rat Queens. No.

Yeah, I heard uhh..... something happened. I may have to buy this issue. And then complain about the art anyway.



Kurtis Wiebe on Twitter

Believe it or not, our new arc in Rat Queens, issue 16, is out NEXT month. No break between arcs this time. (Will be in the future)

Also Freeza (spoiler of sorts)

If you read Rat Queens 15 today, I challenge you to go back and
re-read the entire story and pay special attention to Hannah.
It's all there
See this is why you get my vote. This type thing would never be allowed under Messi's rule!

Appreciated, citizen!

Itd be pointless without the other issues

Whoa, Messi trying to get Rat Queens cancelled by disuading people from buying it. Messi has turned heel, people!

Kurtis Wiebe on Twitter

Also Freeza (spoiler of sorts)

Damn, man.
was pretty great. Not best girl, though.

"Your cock and digust are showing"
, indeed.

Superman: American Alien
The Legend of Wonder Woman
Martian Manhunter
Doctor Fate
Batman & Robin Eternal
Black Canary
Robin, Son of Batman
Superman, Superman/Wonder Woman

And so, we close the book on the Savage Dawn arc that basically turned Superman, Action Comics, and Superman/Wonder Woman into a trimonthly title. It was okay. I think overall it was a mistake, though. It ultimately ended up distracting from its best parts, low power superman doing unusual street level stuff like fighting police brutality and fighting in a mythological professional wrestling circuit. That moment with him holding the anchor chain was the easily the most powerful moment, and him hamming it up in Mythbrawl was the most fun. I'd take a book with that kind of stuff over what it turned into in a heartbeat. Now, Savage Dawn was fun enough, in its own way, but there are other books doing the big old teamup to beat a big old supervillain thing a lot better (Darkseid War), so I'd call this a definite misstep.

Robin, Son of Batman finally got back onto its main plot after a long diversion, and with a new writer. Funnily, despite being a lot closer in tone to the Knight Errant book I initially expected the title to be, I wasn't too big on it. Art doesn't really compare either. Still, they're pretty clearly just wrapping things up before Rebirth, so I'll just stick with it until things are over, for closure if nothing else.

Black Canary
stopped to make a fun little diversion/flashback where the band performs at a party filled with The Wrong Crowd. Like, it does not get any wronger than this. It's weirdly timed considering how much stuff is going on, though. Still, it was reasonably entertaining, even if not all the humor really landed for me. Moritat on art this week, they do a pretty damn solid job.

Batman & Robin Eternal is still Batman & Robin Eternal. Writing was good. Art was okay. You know what you're getting into at this point.

Doctor Fate continues its upwards trajectory, doing a much better job of blending Khalid's modern-day issues with his mystical issues with some wonderfully trippy imagery that continues to be one of the strongest aspects of the book. Ever since he died (and came back) this thing's been on fire. Damn shame it took them 7 fucking issues to find their feet.

Bombshells features some of the best writing I've read in a minute. Bennet's got this wonderful proselike style she employs at appropriately dramatic intervals that lends a wonderful weight to otherwise silly conflicts. Hugely excited to see what she's up to post-Rebirth, but I kind of sort of hope it's not Wonderwoman for reasons I'll get to in a bit. Also, I need a Mera book, or a Mera/Wondy teamup.

Martian Manhunter has a SHOCKING MOMENT at the end, so I'm just not gonna talk about that, but overall this issue hammers home what the core driving force of the book has been, namely, fixing the fuck out of MM's backstory, and it does so wonderfully. We get a detailed look at his past, and every moment is gripping.

Okay, so, the reason why I don't want Bennet on Wonder Woman is because The Legend of Wonder Woman is like 90% perfect except for Wondy being a little bit wooden, expression wise, and Renae DeLiz deserves to be given the main title. It's that fucking good.


That fucking good.

And as good as it was, American Alien beat it. Somehow. Landis writes a pitch-perfect Lex, Clark, Supes, and Lois. It's one of, if not the, best origin story for the character I've read. I keep mentally comparing it to Superman Earth One, for some reason, and how it just blows it away in so many little ways. Clark is a human here, a man, a person, in a way that not a lot of people manage to write him without him just being a douche. Morrison's mythic sun god has his place, but... I think I like this guy more. And all the pieces and components just come together so freaking well. Lex met Clark, and now he meets Superman, and neither of them particularly impresses him and the way that's expressed is just so wonderful.
Those last few pages of Dr. Fate were channeling Asterix HARD and I so completely dug that y'all have no idea

I have never read Asterix. But it was very silly in a very good way.

Man needs to get his stuff together though, he's gonna get kicked out of medschool and it's gonna be sad :(


Finally got around to reading Constantine, Travel Foreman's art was a perfect fit for the story. Neron channeling Trump ("Let's make hell great again!") was funny.

Speaking of Foreman, he's gonna be doing a four issue arc of Spider-Man, I have a hard time seeing his style mesh with Spidey, but whatevs.


Finally got around to reading Constantine, Travel Foreman's art was a perfect fit for the story. Neron channeling Trump ("Let's make hell great again!") was funny.

Speaking of Foreman, he's gonna be doing a four issue arc of Spider-Man, I have a hard time seeing his style mesh with Spidey, but whatevs.
What what what, on Amazing? Or will it be a x.1-x.4 Run?


Speaking of political commentary, when is Prez coming back? That book was sogood.gif

It'll be back in time for the General. Which, considering how this Primary has been going, was exactly the right move, because they would've missed so much had they done the consecutive 12.


I think literally every time his name was mentioned in these threads in between Jimmy Olson and Superior Foes was dudes shitting on him lmao
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