i turned on Raw....there's no going back now.
I'm flipping back and forth between that and Gotham. Jesus Christ, man... Jessica Lucas is gorgeous.

i turned on Raw....there's no going back now.
i turned on Raw....there's no going back now.
After last night and feeling like ass during the day, let's see if I can be happy.
I haven't picked up the last volume yet, so I can't comment on how it all wraps up. I don't think the art changes were particularly detrimental. I think the story gets strangely convoluted, and takes a lot of tangents that aren't necessarily worth the amount of time devoted to them. For example, much of Vol 2 is set in a separate reality that ultimately only loosely and abstractly impacts what comes next. A lot of excursions into characters' back stories pop up as well. I think some of that takes the wind out of the sails from the main plot, and in hindsight, for a series that lasts 24 issues, maybe those things aren't the best uses of available time/space. Then you get big plot movements that might appear a little rushed, with lots of wild events happening in quick bursts.Oh I had no idea that trade just came out. Did it hold up or did it suffer after Robbi left?
I have to lay my new Absolute editions on top of my bookshelf. None of my shelves can accommodate that height. Probably should have taken that into consideration. Oh well.
Image solicitations for June 2016
My picks:
Injection, Vol 2
The Legacy of Luther Strode
Monstress, Vol 1
Velvet, Vol 3
Wouldn't it be fucking bonkers if BVS' ending slowly pans up to reveal CGI doubles of Reeve Superman, Carter Wonder Woman, and Keaton Batman looking on menacingly from a different dimension before a cut to black?
JUNE 1 / 32 PAGES / FC / M / $3.99
The world-melting CASANOVA returns. Casanova Quinn doesn't remember who he is or how he got here -- the only thing he knows is an awful lot of people want him dead and the world might be ending. Psychedelic, sexy, and surreal science-fiction the way only comics can do it.
I don't read singles, so I kinda breeze through that stuff unless there are cool debuts.way to bury the fucking lede dude
I don't read singles, so I kinda breeze through that stuff unless there are cool debuts.
I am, however, happy to see Rumble starting a new arc, since I don't think its sales have been particularly great.
It's fucking weird, but, based on what Fraction said about the writing of the issue, the whole idea of a comic he doesn't even remember writing, that's got me somewhat hyped? Like, as an experience?
X-Men '92 was fantastic and I want more.
I wish there were a nice way to see how trades do in the bookshop market, since we really only see Diamond stuff (for both singles and trades).About 6k copies :/
I wish there were a nice way to see how trades do in the bookshop market, since we really only see Diamond stuff (for both singles and trades).
Is Diamond involved with digital singles through Comixology? I would think not, unless for some wacky old contractual thing.
Wasn't that a Secret Wars book? Did they give it another series? I don't even know what's going on anymore.
The Secret Wars book sold insanely well so it got made into an ongoing.
90's Rogue. My love for her is eternal.
It made people remember when X-Men was good.
Best waifu, sugah.
I wouldn't mind one bit if they wanted to go back to that exact same costume and maybe update the hair. But I also don't have any issue with the hair.
I really hope Descender gets a deluxe edition OHC like Black Science (but one with a sewn binding instead of the terrible glued binding of the "fixed" Black Science one).
Wait what fix?
X-Men '92 reminded you of the 80s?
Wait what fix?
June about to be a great month.
I only read the first hc of invincible ://Did you see that Invincible cover? HYPE!
I only read the first hc of invincible ://
One day I am just going to spurge and buy all of it
I bought the second Invincible OHC last week. Should be here any day now.
There was a misprint of some sort in the Black Science OHC. Not the recent release, but some defective copies actually made it to retail about a month earlier.
The initial print run had faded lettering (still readable but definitely pretty faded), but a nice quality sewn binding with no gutter loss. Because of the faded lettering, they didn't officially release it. The official release was obviously rushed and had a terrible glued binding that's insanely tight with wretched gutter loss.
new run....glued binding. I knew comics were a mistake, i keep saying it but not enough people believed me.
My potential batwoman bat paint came in today, it was a big failure. I might have to learn how to mix paints.Fix it with paint. Everything will be fine. Painted bindings for everyone.
new run....glued binding. I knew comics were a mistake, i keep saying it but not enough people believed me.
That's what I like to do when I'm not feeling so hot, focus on the good even if it's something simple or hobby-related. It gets better.After last night and feeling like ass during the day, let's see if I can be happy.
Yay, Lee is back on Silk, Janet is back on Uncanny, isn't June the start of CW2?
it not you, it Gambit
I was really considering it but... $79.95 for shipping to Australia? Plus the $90.00 for the collection. Plus the conversion to Australian dollars? $225. No thanks. I'd love to support Moore and have a limited edition run of the book but for those shipping prices I couldn't justify it.