I too finished the relaunched Waid/Samnee DD last nite and p much second everything t-rave said.
I wrote a thing that I don't think I ever posted but it was essentially an argument about how even though the ghost of "depressing" Daredevil comics hangs over this run, what Waid recognized about Born Again is that is it fundamentally has a happy ending. So where some writers understood the way that a man's life gets systematically dismantled on a whim, Waid remembered that it ends with the hero and his girlfriend reunited and walking down the streets of New York without a care in the world. The Miller/Janson run and Born Again are both fairly dark in places, yes, but they also have a full emotional spectrum -- and even though Waid/Samnee get a lot of talk about how it's a refutation of those depressing Daredevil comics, it's also the one that is probably the most similar to the old Miller stuff in terms of tonal range.
The Humans was pretty cool. Plays out like a typical gang drama but the visuals help elevate it. Cool colours and interesting layouts. Thought the apes and 70s bikers vibe meshed really well. Be interesting to see where they go from here. Guess the final page is a big misdirect.
Yeah, it's not treading new ground (total genre piece through and through) but the fact that they're really well-drawn monkeys makes it a lot of fun and I'm glad it's coming back.