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COMICS! |OT| March 2016. It's your job to be great.


The Humans was pretty cool. Plays out like a typical gang drama but the visuals help elevate it. Cool colours and interesting layouts. Thought the apes and 70s bikers vibe meshed really well. Be interesting to see where they go from here. Guess the final page is a big misdirect.


I too finished the relaunched Waid/Samnee DD last nite and p much second everything t-rave said.

I wrote a thing that I don't think I ever posted but it was essentially an argument about how even though the ghost of "depressing" Daredevil comics hangs over this run, what Waid recognized about Born Again is that is it fundamentally has a happy ending. So where some writers understood the way that a man's life gets systematically dismantled on a whim, Waid remembered that it ends with the hero and his girlfriend reunited and walking down the streets of New York without a care in the world. The Miller/Janson run and Born Again are both fairly dark in places, yes, but they also have a full emotional spectrum -- and even though Waid/Samnee get a lot of talk about how it's a refutation of those depressing Daredevil comics, it's also the one that is probably the most similar to the old Miller stuff in terms of tonal range.

The Humans was pretty cool. Plays out like a typical gang drama but the visuals help elevate it. Cool colours and interesting layouts. Thought the apes and 70s bikers vibe meshed really well. Be interesting to see where they go from here. Guess the final page is a big misdirect.

Yeah, it's not treading new ground (total genre piece through and through) but the fact that they're really well-drawn monkeys makes it a lot of fun and I'm glad it's coming back.


Hes not very nice tbh

Hes probably the only artist Ive ever met that actually came off badly when I met him

there was a great story about Marko D shittalking JMS when he was peacing outta American comics a while ago which I thought was hilarious though I'm not sure if that was just Bleeding Cool fuckery


We are talking about our Spike



As the Force Awakens blu ray gets closer to release i'm having doubts about the movie, i like Rey but i don't think the combination of scenes resulted in anything that i'm excited to rewatch.


Hearthstone makes me feel like i have a pack addiction, i used some of the gold i was saving towards the next expansion for regular packs and then after 8 i bought another 15 and my gold was gone.

I think comics are much safer, i never feel like i should read more after one.


I'm not gonna see it. Man of Steel was awful and this looks just like more of the same greybrown, dour, relentlessly cynical garbage that DC pedals onto its most iconic characters out of its eternal maturity crisis.

Marvel made all the money in the world with jokes and machine gun raccoons. Superman doesn't need to be such a grouchy asshole.


I'm not gonna see it. Man of Steel was awful and this looks just like more of the same greybrown, dour, relentlessly cynical garbage that DC pedals onto its most iconic characters out of its eternal maturity crisis.

Marvel made all the money in the world with jokes and machine gun raccoons. Superman doesn't need to be such a grouchy asshole.

Man of Steel is awesome man. Also DC will always have my respect for the next two films in their slates having minority leads compares to oh so white marvel.

That Said I'm leaving the Internet until I see the film on Friday.



Watchmen is a good movie in the same way Arby's is real food.

I enjoyed watching it. It has great visuals and was interesting to watch and a cool story. I dont need more to think a movie is good.
Not every movie needs to be a Nightcrawler, a Gone Girl, or something artsy, I can enjoy booth.


Yikes those BvS reviews are rough as fuck.

I wasn't expecting a lot from a Zack Snyder flick, but this... wasn't what I expected.


Man of Steel is awesome man. Also DC will always have my respect for the next two films in their slates having minority leads compares to oh so white marvel.

That Said I'm leaving the Internet until I see the film on Friday.

Man of Steel was shit. Shiiiiiiiiiiiit.

Agreed on Marvel movies being too white, though.


Batman can be intense and still be enjoyable. Snyder drained any enjoyment out of Superman in MoS and I feel confident he'll continue the same with Batman.

If you can't make a science ninja detective with infinite money drop kicking a murder clown in the face fun, then something has seriously gone wrong.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
reading those BvS reviews and man

"fun" is really a fucking meaningless word

but...it isnt?

its like the difference bwteen Spider Gwen and Silk. One is fun, the other is Spider Gwen


but...it isnt?

its like the difference bwteen Spider Gwen and Silk. One is fun, the other is Spider Gwen

yeah but: what IS fun? how do you define it? how do you achieve it? when you praise Marvel movies for being "fun", what exactly do they do? I'm talking something substantial here, not just "fun" by itself, as an adjective that lost all its meaning through overuse
I mean, I consider the Nolan Batman movies fun. There's an energy to the filmmaking style, a sort of momentum. It's difficult to explain, but it's about having a good time.
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