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COMICS! |OT| March 2016. It's your job to be great.


Return of the Injustice League, pls.

Wow, looking good. If only Image went all-out like this for all of their mid-tier books,

Regardless of format, just read it. You'll be happy you did. Especially once you hit the point where Ottley goes all artzilla on that series.

I don't agree that Wicked Div is mid tier. Not when books like Invincible /walking dead /manifest destiny and Copperhead exist in the mid tier. It may not agree with me always but it is really well made and in particular the art raises it above that level.

I believe the design of the book was done by McKelvie, which makes sense and I read somewhere the OHCs are out of pocket for the creators. So if they cheap out its on the creators.


Yep, recent solcitis proved that wrong.

He's not on this month's solicits right. I think he missed one issue in the last series. That's pretty good going for Quinones. He is missing this issue to work on the Squirrel Girl crossover issues I believe.

His art has suffered a bit. Compare his Howard work with Bloodspell and you will see Bloodspell looks significantly better.

My problem with GA is that it hasn't been moving as fast as I would like.

Is that because of yearbook?


Not really surprised by BvS ratings considering Snyder, but some of those negative reviews seem to have a little bit of extra bitterness in them. Even 'positive' ones seem to point to pace and disjointed nature of the film, which is a lot of the problems I had with MoS. But at least of lot of those are a little more even handed without throwing around 'fanboy' or other vitriol.

Almost all of the Marvel movies are entertaining, but IM, Cap 2, GotG and Avengers are all at the top for me.

IM2&3, Thor 2 and Ultron are the bad or disappointing list.

And as many problems as MoS had, Shannon's Zod is still a better, more fleshed out villain that just about anything Marvel movies have done outside of Loki.


I like how a lot of image HC books in the 20-40 dollar range have their own unique style.

Like Saga, Sex Criminals, and Wicked all cost about the same but the way the books are produce are so different yet amazing.


Not really surprised by BvS ratings considering Snyder, but some of those negative reviews seem to have a little bit of extra bitterness in them. Even 'positive' ones seem to point to pace and disjointed nature of the film, which is a lot of the problems I had with MoS. But at least of lot of those are a little more even handed without throwing around 'fanboy' or other vitriol.

Almost all of the Marvel movies are entertaining, but IM, Cap 2, GotG and Avengers are all at the top for me.

IM2&3, Thor 2 and Ultron are the bad or disappointing list.

And as many problems as MoS had, Shannon's Zod is still a better, more fleshed out villain that just about anything Marvel movies have done outside of Loki.
literally how I feel on the marvel movies but put ant-man in the great list. Zod was an awesome villain.


He's not on this month's solicits right. I think he missed one issue in the last series. That's pretty good going for Quinones. He is missing this issue to work on the Squirrel Girl crossover issues I believe.

His art has suffered a bit. Compare his Howard work with Bloodspell and you will see Bloodspell looks significantly better.

He needs to do Zatanna, Howard can get someone else
I don't agree that Wicked Div is mid tier. Not when books like Invincible /walking dead /manifest destiny and Copperhead exist in the mid tier. It may not agree with me always but it is really well made and in particular the art raises it above that level.

I would never call Invincible or TWD mid-tier. If that was the case, Image wouldn't have any top-tier books. WicDiv is really riding on this next arc for me, so we'll see how it goes.


He needs to do Zatanna, Howard can get someone else

DC ain't giving Zatanna another solo series any time soon.

I would never call Invincible or TWD mid-tier. If that was the case, Image wouln't have any top-tier books.

Sure they do, Saga, Remenderverse, Velvet.

Freeza we know you dont drop books. Even when you do you buy trades or catch up months later on Comixology. Who you kidding m8
Sure they do, Saga, Remenderverse, Velvet.

Freeza we know you dont drop books. Even when you do you buy trades or catch up months later on Comixology. Who you kidding m8

I KNEW IT, I knew you were going to say Saga. If Invincible and TWD aren't top-tier, Saga sure ain't.


Invincible and walking dead have a tier all to themselves, only books that have kept going since I started reading comics and I haven't dropped.


He's not on this month's solicits right. I think he missed one issue in the last series. That's pretty good going for Quinones. He is missing this issue to work on the Squirrel Girl crossover issues I believe.

His art has suffered a bit. Compare his Howard work with Bloodspell and you will see Bloodspell looks significantly better.

Is that because of yearbook?

The Yearbook issues are part of the ones I still need to read.
I've been getting stuff I thought I had dropped in my pull folder for some reason, so I asked my LCS to print out a copy of my pull list so I could look it over and see what's still on there and... WHAAAAAAAAT? How do their records even work? I'm seeing stuff on this list I haven't pulled in years, I'm seeing stuff on this list that's over a decade old...

Bazooka Jules! Apparently, I'm still pulling Bazooka Jules! And Slott's Great Lakes Avengers! Can't miss the next issue of that one!
I'm pretty sure my store doesn't drop anything from my pull list unless I request it to be dropped.
It really is basically meaningless. Fun means we liked it. Not fun means we didn't. It's not a rationale on its own.
I really liked Gone Girl. I also liked A Beautiful Mind and The Deer Hunter. I would never call any of those movies "fun" in any remote stretch of my imagination.

I enjoyed that movie when I saw it. I never read the comic, but I liked the movie.
I enjoy all comic films.
Out of all the ones I've seen, I've only disliked three of them, and only because they were more boring than anything else.
Anyone see that teaser for Rebirth Harley Quinn DC posted on Twitter. It's a quick shot at a new costume it seems and she appears to be on a team of heroes??

I will laugh so hard if she is in the Justice League
Good lord the push for her is ridiculous. But I guess if it brings in a bigger readership, then DC gotta do what DC gotta do.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
im kinda over all these SW tie ins, I need my ANAD stuff to start :/


holy fuck The Ultimates #5

hoooooooly fuck

not gonna say much about it except

al ewing fucking did it

he found the way to go bigger than hickman


So Ultimates is great?

I'm gonna put it in vague spoilers because you need to read it for yourself but

the ultimates is looking at the Marvel universe on a conceptual scale, as a metafictional construct, taking the assumptions we've made about it and challenging them, by way of space gods and the people who kick them and it's amazing


it just gave an in-universe explanation for the Sliding Timescale, AND THEN, said there was something bigger at play. We're talking bigger than Eternity itself.
And I want to see the sketch you got.

Here's a quick couple minute sketch that Vanesa Del Ray did for me,, She was a sweetheart.
cant stress enough I really wish I had the energy,, I would have gotten alot more done :/

Here's the rest of my small Con goodies....

This is probably my favorite comic I have,, all the Bat stories,, cool as cover,, singed by 7 people :) (who have worked on this issues in some way)
(Greg Capullo, Scott Snyder, Neal Adams, Chris Burnham, Jason Fabok, Pat Gleason, Peter Tomasi)

Love this cover,, told Greg this will be one of my next tattoos

Finally start to get Capullo on all these Snyder signed books I've gotten over the last 2 years.
Damn I forgot to take pic of Batman #40 that i got signed by both
Stock photo :(


And then Twisted Dark from TPud,,, I got volume one last year on my way out of the con,, and I fucking loved this book.... so darkk and fucked and twisted lol
I was excited to see them this year and get a couple more volumes,, cool dude as well.

He said is that spelled "bobbiE'? ,,, "no BobbY the male way dammit" lol

I also forgot a few Jae Lee comics I got singed,, he couldn't do a quick sketch :/

The Humans was pretty cool. Plays out like a typical gang drama but the visuals help elevate it. Cool colours and interesting layouts. Thought the apes and 70s bikers vibe meshed really well. Be interesting to see where they go from here. Guess the final page is a big misdirect.

Hell yeah,,, I frickinn love this book.

Brutal. Afterlife is coming back soon tho.

yeah OK Messi,,,, WHATEVER!
Sorry this anger is not towards you my friend,,, just tired of these Francavilla lies and false hopes :((((((((((((((((( lol


I'm gonna put it in vague spoilers because you need to read it for yourself but

the ultimates is looking at the Marvel universe on a conceptual scale, as a metafictional construct, taking the assumptions we've made about it and challenging them, by way of space gods and the people who kick them and it's amazing


it just gave an in-universe explanation for the Sliding Timescale, AND THEN, said there was something bigger at play. We're talking bigger than Eternity itself.

This sounds like something I would love like hell.

Hope that gets a OHC.

Does it sell well?


I'm gonna put it in vague spoilers because you need to read it for yourself but

the ultimates is looking at the Marvel universe on a conceptual scale, as a metafictional construct, taking the assumptions we've made about it and challenging them, by way of space gods and the people who kick them and it's amazing


it just gave an in-universe explanation for the Sliding Timescale, AND THEN, said there was something bigger at play. We're talking bigger than Eternity itself.

Didnt' Morrison already do that in Invisibles?
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