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COMICS! |OT| March 2016. It's your job to be great.


I heard Ed traces comic art.

Daredevil #27 has more of everyone's favorite alter-ego, Mike Murdock! What a guy! Everyone hates Mike Murdock. Mike Murdock Must Die! Matt spills the beans to the Marauder that Mike is Daredevil, thus pissing off Karen. Why would he sell out his own brother like that?

Daredevil #28 features...ALIENS! Little green aliens! And they want our resources! Their goal to conquer earth involves a giant Blinding Ray to turn all of humanity sightless. But that's okay because Matt Murdock is already sightless! (This will be a recurring theme we will see again in issue #30)

Jugglin' Mike Murdock makes another appearance, doing his best to bed Karen! She's having none of it. Karen is pissed that Matt sold his "brother" out to the Marauder in order to save his own skin. Even though they are the exact same dude. It doesn't make any sense if you read the issue, either.

Daredevil beats up the aliens and destroys their Blinding Ray. Also, the P is silent. Thanks, Stan!

Issue #29 finds our title hero determined to propose to Karen. OUT OF THE FREAKING BLUE! I mean, there's zero build up for this so you just have to roll with it. Only, Matt Murdock is genuinely struggling to decide if he wants to propose to her as himself or his made up douchenozzle of a brother, Mike. What a guy! I foresee a long-lasting marriage full of happiness!

The story devolves into some convoluted setup where an enemy known as The Boss(!) tries to enlist the now-deceased Marauder's henchmen into his forces only to be...ah, hell, just forget about it! Daredevil shows up and gives them some top-notch clobbering! Rule of thumb is you should never try sneaking up on Daredevil when you're wearing SIZE 12 CLOD-HOPPERS!

And now we've reached landmark issue #30. I'm not gonna lie, folks, this issue is a mess! A mess, I tell ya! Daredevil decides he needs to take down Mr. Hyde and Cobra. His plan involves dressing up in a very convincing Thor costume, since Thor originally beat these two thugs down and tossed them into prison. Daredevil is convinced that they will want revenge against the God of Thunder, and will fall right into his trap. I will give him credit for a pretty freaking accurate looking costume. It's almost as if the Marvel artists just drew Thor and want us to imagine it's Matt Murdock under there...SINCE THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID. Also, he's apparently wearing the full DD suit beneath this costume, which strategically covers everything but the mask.

Now I was going to post something here about the deeper meaning and symbolism behind a blind man wearing a masked costume beneath another costume while also pretending to be his dickhead fake brother Mike...but I'll leave it be. Now he just has to develop a convincing form of recreating Thor's hammer flight.

Shit gets bananas when the REAL THOR shows up all pissed off about an impostor running around town. And yet in all his rage, Thor cannot manage to lay a hand on the far more agile and speedy Daredevil. Eventually, they form a sort of loose alliance and beat up on Mr. Hyde and Cobra.

Thirty wonderful issues down. Marvel recently added a ton to Unlimited to fill in the gaps, so nothing can stop this pain train.
All seems kind of pointless now, that whole lawsuit Gaiman pushed over creation rights to Angela. Should have just left her in the Spawn comics where she belonged.

Considering Gaiman won, she didn't belong at image. And what we have gotten has been amazing. I just hope it isn't all undone with the end of this run. :(
I didn't realize i missed these Daredevil recaps until now. These are amazing

I'd have to dive back into the thread from several months ago to find the original string, but I'm lazy. They exist somewhere in the Gafasphere. Shit is so good. I started out with Spider-Man issues, but he's got nothing on mid-60s Daredevil. It feels like Stan Lee used all the drugs in the world and just went with whatever the fuck he was into at the time, and it's pretty damn amazing. There's no rhyme or reason to anything, but it's fun as hell.
Rich saying Marguerite ain't doing Rebirth Wonder Woman but Rucka is...and it's bi-weekly. Can't they both do it because...that'd be fucking awesome.


Just like every relaunch

I look at some of their ongoings and wonder who they're even for. Is anyone really dying to read a Hyperion comic for example?

I'm not interested but I'd prefer they take chances with characters like that then just the same old regulars. With the right creative team at the helm it could be a good/interesting take. Even if they do tend to end up shortlived.


I'm not interested but I'd prefer they take chances with characters like that then just the same old regulars. With the right creative team at the helm it could be a good/interesting take. Even if they do tend to end up shortlived.

But who really needs a hyperion solo and him leading a team book. Nitehawk is also getting his own book. So ransom.
Just like every relaunch

I look at some of their ongoings and wonder who they're even for. Is anyone really dying to read a Hyperion comic for example?

If they brought back Supreme Power, maybe. But no, they killed off that whole timeline in a few pages during Secret Wars.

That Squadron should have killed The Maker during Ultimate Power while they had the chance.


But who really needs a hyperion solo and him leading a team book. Nitehawk is also getting his own book. So ransom.

I didn't know I needed a Squirrel Girl book until they put North, Henderson and the rest on it. With the right creative team and premise I think I'd give anything a try


I didn't know I needed a Squirrel Girl book until they put North, Henderson and the rest on it. With the right creative team and premise I think I'd give anything a try

Sure. But I need more than a quirky idea at 3.99 an issue. That said if it's good I have no problems with it.

12" Spider-Gwen statue from Diamond Select!

Dear me I adore it
Seems like Marvel have found their Harley.
Seems so.
After a long hiatus, I'm continuing my ongoing look at the 1964 Daredevil series. Everyone's favorite Hornhead is in for action and adventure a'plenty!

In issue #24, Daredevil travels to an unknown European country dealing with a militant insurgency (!) trying to overthrow their government. What nation is this? Stan Lee's geography and history knowledge is too strong! In a daring escape, he manages to confiscate a plane with enough fuel to reach the UK. And yes, a blind man can apparently operate an airplane by feeling the vibrations of the instruments. Thanks, Stan!

Daredevil #25 finds our favorite hero facing off against frightful Leap-Frog, who is apparently a man wearing a green frog suit. But he has springs on his shows! Springs! And they are battery operated!

The same issue introduces Daredevil's twin brother, Mike Murdock! This will shock my fellow comic book readers, but Mike Murdock is none other than Matt Murdock in disguise. Brother Mike is apparently a pimp of some sort and knows all the hipster 60s lingo. He's a fly guy, no question! Matt creates Mike as a ploy to trick Foggy and Karen into thinking that Mike Murdock is Daredevil. And it...works? Also, Mike Murdock is a giant douchenozzle.

Issue #26 starts with more douchey Mike Murdock. Mike is out of control, I'm telling ya! His dialogue consists of sexually harassing Karen and calling Foggy fat. What a guy!

We also see the reintroduction of none other than Stilt Man! He's back and better than ever, having reinforced his armor and made himself twice as strong. TWICE!

Unfortunately, Stilt Man has one weakness: he walks on GIANT FUCKING STILTS. Daredevil takes him down with style, wrapping his legs together and causing him to tumble! George Lucas would later be spotted carrying this panel around while filming The Empire Strikes Back. Fuck off, George!


But we aren't done! Issue #26 is packed with action, I'm telling you! And terrible lawyers. Just the worst. Here, we see a prosecutor attempt to prove the defendant is Leap-Frog but having him try on the Special Spring Shoes! If the shoes don't fit, we must acquit!

But not only do the shoes fit, they are fully functional! Leap-Frog takes advantage of the chaos to escape. BTWANG! Not depicted in this picture is that Leap-Frog is a tool who immediately gets caught because he is incompetent. BTWANG!


Daredevil #27 has more of everyone's favorite alter-ego, Mike Murdock! What a guy! Everyone hates Mike Murdock. Mike Murdock Must Die! Matt spills the beans to the Marauder that Mike is Daredevil, thus pissing off Karen. Why would he sell out his own brother like that?

Daredevil #28 features...ALIENS! Little green aliens! And they want our resources! Their goal to conquer earth involves a giant Blinding Ray to turn all of humanity sightless. But that's okay because Matt Murdock is already sightless! (This will be a recurring theme we will see again in issue #30)

Jugglin' Mike Murdock makes another appearance, doing his best to bed Karen! She's having none of it. Karen is pissed that Matt sold his "brother" out to the Marauder in order to save his own skin. Even though they are the exact same dude. It doesn't make any sense if you read the issue, either.

Daredevil beats up the aliens and destroys their Blinding Ray. Also, the P is silent. Thanks, Stan!

Issue #29 finds our title hero determined to propose to Karen. OUT OF THE FREAKING BLUE! I mean, there's zero build up for this so you just have to roll with it. Only, Matt Murdock is genuinely struggling to decide if he wants to propose to her as himself or his made up douchenozzle of a brother, Mike. What a guy! I foresee a long-lasting marriage full of happiness!

The story devolves into some convoluted setup where an enemy known as The Boss(!) tries to enlist the now-deceased Marauder's henchmen into his forces only to be...ah, hell, just forget about it! Daredevil shows up and gives them some top-notch clobbering! Rule of thumb is you should never try sneaking up on Daredevil when you're wearing SIZE 12 CLOD-HOPPERS!

And now we've reached landmark issue #30. I'm not gonna lie, folks, this issue is a mess! A mess, I tell ya! Daredevil decides he needs to take down Mr. Hyde and Cobra. His plan involves dressing up in a very convincing Thor costume, since Thor originally beat these two thugs down and tossed them into prison. Daredevil is convinced that they will want revenge against the God of Thunder, and will fall right into his trap. I will give him credit for a pretty freaking accurate looking costume. It's almost as if the Marvel artists just drew Thor and want us to imagine it's Matt Murdock under there...SINCE THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID. Also, he's apparently wearing the full DD suit beneath this costume, which strategically covers everything but the mask.

Now I was going to post something here about the deeper meaning and symbolism behind a blind man wearing a masked costume beneath another costume while also pretending to be his dickhead fake brother Mike...but I'll leave it be. Now he just has to develop a convincing form of recreating Thor's hammer flight.

Shit gets bananas when the REAL THOR shows up all pissed off about an impostor running around town. And yet in all his rage, Thor cannot manage to lay a hand on the far more agile and speedy Daredevil. Eventually, they form a sort of loose alliance and beat up on Mr. Hyde and Cobra.

Thirty wonderful issues down. Marvel recently added a ton to Unlimited to fill in the gaps, so nothing can stop this pain train.
You complete me


So because they were on sale I bought Disney infinity black panther and black suit spider man. They look amazing. I am in no rush to buy the actual game though lol


Sure. But I need more than a quirky idea at 3.99 an issue. That said if it's good I have no problems with it.
Well that's where the right team helps. They'd bring the quality work. I wouldn't hang around on a title too long with current prices if I didn't like it anyway. If it turns out shitty it'll invariably end up taking the slot of another more "deserving" title for 6-8 months at most before being replaced.

I don't see the problem.


This (Gladstone Gander) has to be one of the most infuriating characters in comics.

This is me now whenever I see him.
Yeah, seriously. Considered writing up something on him before because he's such a bizzare and, yeah, frustrating character. He's a huge dick, but because of his whole gimmick he pretty much can't get his comeuppance. Like, the best a character can hope for is doing relatively better than him in the story, but he still pretty much always comes out plenty fine anyway.
Green Lantern: Agent Orange

So there's not too much to say here, honestly. So far this has been the smallest trade in Johns' run and it's focused almost entirely on the conflict with Larfleeze and the resurgence of the Orange Light of Avarice. Don't get me wrong, I like Larfleeze and I love the different colors of the Emotional Spectrum. In fact, the whole "different colors" aspect is what got me so interested in Green Lantern, since I found the mythology so fascinating. I like how different the Orange Light functions, with "consuming" everything being a base function of its existence. Also that Orange rings are created by consuming other rings. I really like it, but one thing bothers me: so, it seems like the closer to the center of the Emotional Spectrum (ROY G BIV), the more control an individual user has over their emotion as opposed to the emotion controlling them. It makes sense why the Guardians would attempt to hide the Orange Light, being that it was extremely powerful and had the power to control others and make them violent and kill-crazy. That's not what bothers me, though.

What bothers me is the fact that when their hiding of the Orange Light takes place, it's not clear as to when it happened in the first place. It seems like they had hidden it well before Larfleeze found it, but it also seems like the female Guardians had left at this point and had gone to start the Star Sapphires. It's also not explained why they only allowed one person to possess it. Odds are Larfleeze and his buddy-but-not-so-buddy would have killed each other anyway, so why bother. Just tell them they have to stick to their sector, since it seemed like doing that was a done deal at that point. No matter what the case with the timeline, the biggest part about the whole thing that bothers me is this: this is absolute evidence that other colors exist, which the Guardians had either denied or simply decided to ignore because Will is the "strongest" and "most impartial," being that it's in the middle (which is why all the females left). So if they went to such lengths to hide the Orange battery, why the hell wouldn't they attempt to seek out the other colors and shut them down? I'm also curious as to who forged the Orange battery in the first place, and if that's ever explained in a later series. Larfleeze does have a solo that got at least 12 issues.

Backing of from the lore for a bit -- which mostly consists of the Guardians being morons anyway (nothing new) -- I just want to point out that, for the umpteenth time: fuck Hal. Saint Walker even pointed out that Hal's seen what a Blue can do, and he still refuses to attempt to hope. Look, I get why Hal doesn't: Hope's too passive, and he believes people need to actually do something in order to change. This is true, but you've both seen and now know how a Blue's power works and what they can do (which is OP as fuck), so why do you still refuse? It's shit like this that bugs the hell out of me.

Oh also there's a storyline with John Stewart and Fatality. Apparently Sapphires and Blues are hard counters to Orange.

Next up: The Blackest Night!


As fun as Batman #50 is, it might be my least favorite final issue to a Snyder/Capullo Batman arc story wise. Capullo's art is amazing in it though. Might be one of his best.




Batman No Man's Land will have to take a pause until I read this. I'm SOOOO excited to finally continue this amazing series.
In true internet fashion i've decided to take Phil Jimenez's reply to my request of him doing art duties for a Rucka Wonder Woman as "I think everything will be announced this weekend at WonderCon!" as "Yes".

Batman #50
The Legend of Wonder Woman #19
Grayson #18
Bombshells #35
Secret Six #12
We Are Robin #10
Lois & Clark #6
Batman & Robin Eternal #25
Justice League 3001 #10
The Adventures of Supergirl #4, #5

The good news: this was a week with NO BAD COMICS!

*huzzah huzzah*

The bad news: this week only really had 1 exceptional standout "we'll be talking about this one for a while" comic. Most of them were just good.

Batman #50 is great in a way few books is, and I don't just mean that in the quality sense. It has a different effect. Most books that hit this tier are... electric. They make you feel charged with energy, wildly punching the air and exulting in victories and defeats. I would liken it to taking really good drugs but I've never taken anything stronger than my ADHD meds so I don't really have a frame of reference here. This one, it's more like eating a really fantastic home cooked meal. It's comfort food. Really, really good comfort food, that's the sense. It's rounded and filling. It's also got that mythic quality, a huge exultation of the best bits of Snyder's Batman, the linking of the man, the character, and the city. He goes hard into his idea of what Gotham is, who Gotham is. It's been a recurring theme of his run, and it's very well executed here. Oh, and the ART. LAWD. Capullo turns in a best-in-class showing, even by his standards. Bloom is especially impressive, stranger and more monstrous in every panel. And I love the new costume.

The Legend of Wonder Woman was quite cheery. Wondy's gone from zero to hero real fast, and Etta Candy is rapidly becoming one of my new favorite characters. Still lagging behind Mr. Biscuits tho. We finally start getting a look at the scope of the forces ranged against her. The Duke is an interesting villain (or at least a potentially interesting one), and I think we see Cheetah for the first time. What I really want to see is the JSA, though. We know they're around. Cough it up, DeLiz!

#DeLizForWW #Rebirth.

Grayson was more than a bit of a mindfuck. Great use of Midnighter, though. Always love the "oh shit it's THEM" moment when it arrives. The writers using Daedalus/Leviathan/Spyral madness to full effect as well. And Tiger finally cracking wise, knew he had it in him.

Bombshells was fantasique as always. We in for a Death of Supergirl arc? Maybe. It's not a spoiler because I'm guessing! Dialogue is impressive as ever. Art was great. Barda has Cosmic Rollerskates, and that's excellent.


The best Kirby nod ever? Maybe.

Secret Six is only above the next pick because 2 bits of it made me tear up a bit. Not like outright crying but I definitely had that "got something in my eyes" moment. Which is weird because the last few pages is part of it and it's got a visual that would normally just be absurd but in context is extremely touching.

We Are Robin, meanwhile, is still on something of a slow burn as the team is still reeling from the effects of the Robin War, but Smiley and his Jokers are finally leaping into action, so things are gonna heat up soon. Also, I get some "more than a bromance" vibes between Dre and Dax, which I approve of, they'd be a cute couple. This book has been a little slow lately, but when it works it works well. You really get to care about all the characters, though I still wish they hadn't killed Troy. Also curious about where they're going with Duke, since there were some very... interesting hints in Batman.

Lois & Clark's weakest link continues to be everything but Lois, Clark, and now Johnathan. I just could not care less about this space aliens plot with Henshaw. Intergang? That's cool stuff. Focus more on that and less on the sci fi stuff, this is a book about the Superfamily so make it about the Superfamily first and foremost.

Batman & Robin Eternal is still Batman & Robin Eternal. Azrael and Dick finally wrapped up their spat, the Orphans are getting dealt with in a fun and clever manner. There are parallels between that last bit and this month's Grayson, Batwriters love a certain character apparently. Shit is getting wrapped up next week, get hyped!

JL3k1 is a weird book, and that weirdness was more pronounced than ever this week. It's a screwball comedy set in the most depressing and categorically fucked setting I've seen since Future's End. There were 3 big moments this week, two featuring unexpected characters, one featuring a character you were expecting in a way that you weren't. Read the backup story, people. You won't regret it.

The Adventures of Supergirl is entirely readable. Art is a little bit worse than the first 3 issues. Story is a little bit preachy about internet assholes, but hey, some anvils need to be dropped and all that. It's definitely the weakest of the DC digital firsts I'm reading, but that's largely because Bombshells and Legend of Wonder Woman are some of the best books I'm reading period, so, you know, stiff competition is stiff.


In true internet fashion i've decided to take Phil Jimenez's reply to my request of him doing art duties for a Rucka Wonder Woman as "I think everything will be announced this weekend at WonderCon!" as "Yes".

Send that to the BC tip line! I'm sure Rich will run it.
Yeah, seriously. Considered writing up something on him before because he's such a bizzare and, yeah, frustrating character. He's a huge dick, but because of his whole gimmick he pretty much can't get his comeuppance. Like, the best a character can hope for is doing relatively better than him in the story, but he still pretty much always comes out plenty fine anyway.

Exactly! He is the personification of the fact that the world is not just. The internet troll who always wins.
Was there seriously nothing that came out today? I mean, I only bought 2 comics (Ultimates and Totally Awesome Hulk). I ended up getting the 2 back-issues of Crossed +100 I needed as well, since I have the first two trades.
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