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COMICS! |OT| March 2016. It's your job to be great.


The idea, though, is that there will always be a reason for someone else to take up the cowl. It's not just about Bruce seeking vengeance or becoming to terms with his losses. The cowl carries a legacy with it; it's a symbol, and it's not unexpected that in the future there aren't more individuals who feel the need to don that symbol in order to deal with their own shit.

Whether Bruce gets a happy ending or not... well, fact is he never will because this is comics and we'll probably never get that far along because the passage of time is too slow. But, truthfully, he probably wouldn't get it anyway - and that's his legacy. The fact that he'd been chasing the unattainable for his entire life is a lesson to anyone else who would follow in his footsteps or any of his allies. Now, I don't know what the deal with BB is, but TDKR is still Bruce. I understand why it's as grim as it is. But the perfect antithesis to this is Dick and his internal struggle to not be like Bruce, especially when he eventually puts on the Batman costume.

Bendis' DD isn't a MAX title. It's on MU.

I don't have problem with the Cowl being a symbol and someone taking over the mantle. It just feels like at some point Bruce could take that Internal drive that no one has it put it into Waynetech/foundation. Kinda of like how Earth-2 bats retired and became the commisoner of the GCPD.

The DCAU was weird in that by the end of Justice League Bruce was fairly well adjusted, and then in-between Epilouge and some of the back story leasing up to BB, the rtiers just send him on a ooc self destructive path to make sure he ended up alone.
I love the DCAU, but Epilogue was the biggest pile of fanwankery

Making Terry his actual DNA son is lololol

I fancanon that ending out of my head
I don't have problem with the Cowl being a symbol and someone taking over the mantle. It just feels like at some point Bruce could take that Internal drive that no one has it put it into Waynetech/foundation. Kinda of like how Earth-2 bats retired and became the commisoner of the GCPD.

The DCAU was weird in that by the end of Justice League Bruce was fairly well adjusted, and then in-between Epilouge and some of the back story leasing up to BB, the rtiers just send him on a ooc self destructive path to make sure he ended up alone.

Well, all of that internal struggle to let go of his "responsibility" was explored in Mask of the Phantasm. He eventually decides he just can't do it. And maybe that state of being "well-adjusted" is just in the frame of staying within that lifestyle he's chosen. Plus, there was some shit that went down between the Bruce stuff of Epilogue and BB, namely Tim being kidnapped, tortured, and Joker-fied. Who knows what his state of mine should be? We just skip to the part where he's an old man.
I love the DCAU, but Epilogue was the biggest pile of fanwankery

Making Terry his actual DNA son is lololol

I fancanon that ending out of my head


It was a little much, but it was such an Amanda Waller move that I can forgive it.

Anyway, we were just talking about this in the hangout last night. Batman can never have a ruglar life, never have conventional happiness, but that doesn't mean he has to end up like BB or TDKR. Bitter and alone. He can still be Batdad at the end of it all, without compromising the character's arc.

Speaking of DCAU, Batman Beyond's intro is so fucking good

Guys, have you seen the new Batman costume? It's pretty great! what do you guys think??

Continuing our in-depth look at Stan Lee's 1964 Daredevil! We last left off with Daredevil facing the ever-dangerous combination of Mr. Hyde and Cobra.

Issue #31

This issue sees (hyuck hyuck) Daredevil blinded by a poisonous spray from Mr. Hyde. I mean, actually blind. As in, he was already blind, but somehow this blinding agent dulled the rest of his heightened senses so they no longer work. Daredevil manages to stumble down some stairs.

Karen is devastated to learn that Mike Murdock is just as blind as his brother Matt. She even had her hair done all nice to impress Mike, but it's all for naught. Tears for her blind would-be lover! Mike Murdock is a manipulative asshole!


Issue #32

Okay, this issue really just sucks. Blind Murdock is captured by Mr. Hyde and Cobra and escorted to a secret lair...in a lighthouse...on a remote island...that isn't on any maps. What year is this? Sounds like a mapping mission for a modern day Amerigo Vespucci!

Daredevil decides his best bet is to hit the lights and fight the two baddies in the dark. On account that he's already blind and whatnot. And that's just what he does! Almost the entire issue takes place "in the dark." This issue is bluer than a Smurf orgy.

Our visually-challenged hero finally discovers the existence of an antidote to counteract Mr. Hyde's poison. An antidote that Mr. Hyde also created and conveniently kept on-hand to resolve just such a plot device! Without even reading the label, Daredevil guzzles the magic potion and instantly regains his enhanced senses. Side effects be damned! Ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom he beats Mr. Hyde and Cobra senseless, turns them over to the cops (they found the island!), and is out...


Issue #33

...only he isn't! This issue takes place literally two hours after the previous one, and sees a tired and weak Daredevil face the aptly named Beetle for the first time! The Beetle proceeds to kick Murdock's ass, what with his hydraulic fingers and suction cups. Don't mess with suction cups, baby!

Douchenozzle Mike Murdock makes an appearance! He's the best! He manages to insult Matt Murdock, errrr, himself, and then proposes the whole gang travel up to Montreal. It's vacation time. The vacation is a thinly veiled cover for Daredevil to try and trap the Beetle, since some valuable jewels are being transported on board.

In one of the most insane plot devices yet(!), "Mike" Murdock has Karen call Matt to see if he's willing to man the office while the rest of the gang travels to Montreal. To convince Karen that Matt and Mike are two different people, he has apparently set up a voice recording that somehow plays exactly when Karen calls. And it seems to satisfy any doubts she has. Because...yeah.

Mike Murdock makes Foggy carry all the extra luggage while he hits on Karen. Fat jokes? Fat jokes! What a guy!


Issue #34

In which the Beetle and his minions trap Daredevil, with the intent of taking him to a huge Expo in Montreal and unmasking him on TV. They wisely blindfold the blind man so he can't see where he's headed.

Stan Lee and company "treat" us to the Beetle's origin story, conveniently crammed into one page. It's an origin story if you're willing to ignore the fact that it starts approximately three months prior and shows a mad scientist making wings and suction cup fingers solely for the purpose of becoming a super villain. What is his motivation? No clue! What education or training prepped him for his descent into evil? Who cares! In short, his story mirrors every single origin story Stan Lee wrote for every single villain he created. Beetle was a mad scientist, super genius type, bent on evil. You couldn't spit in NYC back in the 1960s without hitting an evil genius. They were everywhere, baby!

Back to the main story! Everyone is lined up at the expo and the Beetle is about to unmask Daredevil. All the bystanders think it's just all part of a show and THEY DON'T REALIZE THERE ARE VERY REAL IMPLICATIONS HERE! Luckily, Fatso Foggy shows up and saves the day! In a moment of extreme bravery mixed with sheer stupidity, Foggy jumps on the Beetle and beats on his head with the fury of a thousand suns. FTING!


Issue #35

This issue is BANANAS! Beware the terrible threat of The Trapster! The Trapster breaks into the law offices of Murdock and Nelson looking for information, mainly in the form of legal advice. So seriously, he wants to know if he can get away with murder for killing Daredevil so long as no body is ever found. Corpus delecti level of legal discussion! Stan Lee was a man of many talents.

More importantly, though, is The Trapster has a gun that shoots hot, white liquid...ummm, paste. Yes, paste, that's it! His first victim is Karen. She gets splattered with hot white paste, all over her face! Foggy takes a face shot of paste, as well.

The Trapster also has a fairly bitching anti-gravity flyer to go along with his hot liquid seme...errr, paste gun!

Daredevil uses nail polish removal to get the paste off Karen and Foggy. Karen looks rather sexy in the background while she begs Daredevil to keep pouring it, RIGHT THERE! It's getting a little hot under the collar up in here.

The Trapster manages to slap anti-gravity devices on Daredevil and sends him straight up to the stratosphere! With Murdock out of the picture, The Trapster puts on a fairly convincing Daredevil costime and heads straight for the Baxter Building. It turns out his plan was to impersonate Daredevil so he could confront the Fantastic Four! So devious! So sneaky! Cheeky Stan Lee wouldn't pass on the chance for The Trapster to drench Sue Storm in hot white liquid goodness, would he? HELL NO, HE WOULDN'T The Invisible Woman gets plastered to the wall, baby!

Daredevil decides to rid himself of all the anti-gravity devices except one, allowing him to slowly "float" back down to earth. Ummmm, right. And then he's off to the Baxter Building to save paste-covered Sue Storm! Only that will have to wait for the next issue. Cliffhanger! This shit is crazy!
I love the DCAU, but Epilogue was the biggest pile of fanwankery

Making Terry his actual DNA son is lololol

I fancanon that ending out of my head
I wasn't a fan of that part, but the rest of the episode was so on point and the messages that the episode was putting across were also great.
More Daredevil goodness!!!

Issue #36

Daredevil needs to get into the Baxter Building and save Sue Storm, who is still covered in white, sticky...goo. Okay, you're fooling nobody with this shit, Stan Lee! You dirty hornball. For Christ's sake, look at her face!

But the catch is this: The Trapster has triggered a bomb to detonate the second it senses body heat from someone entering the building! The Trapster set up...A TRAP! Of course, Daredevil is too quick on his feet and immediately realizes something is wrong. He finds the hidden bomb and tosses it outside the window, where it lights up the NYC skyline!

Naturally, the rest of the Fantastic Four happened to be standing outside on the ground level and witness the explosion! They better go check it out and see WTF just blew up right outside their precious headquarters. Meanwhile, Daredevil "struggles" to free Sue Storm from her sticky trap. I'll just leave this image right here...

So Daredevil beats up The Trapster in a very forgettable fight scene atop the anti-gravity flyer. The Fantastic Four just sort of stand by...because why not let the least powerful hero present fight the enemy who just tried killing you all and splattered Sue with his white hot liquid fun stuff?

But there's no time to question the FF's bravery or loyalty because we need to cut back to Foggy Nelson who has just been offered the district attorney job RIGHT OUT OF THE BLUE! Karen is so excited by the prospect that she leaps straight into Foggy's arms. Seriously, Stan Lee writes Karen more shallow thin than his villains. People dogging on Deborah Ann Woll for her portrayal of Karen in the Netflix series don't have a clue. She's putting in Meryl Streep work when you factor in the source material she has.

So right when you think the issue is coming to an end...it doesn't! Daredevil engages in a drawn-out fight with The Trapster than ends with our horned hero knocking his foe out cold. But in the process, Daredevil somehow ends up falling onto some train tracks. He hears footsteps approaching, and "looks" up to find NONE OTHER THAN DOCTOR DOOM! OH BOY! We need to wait for next issue to see what's going down.


Issue #37

So Dr. Doom proceeds to beat the living piss out of Daredevil. I'm not kidding, he holds nothing back. Just a good ole fashioned ass kicking.

Doom takes the now unconscious Daredevil to his vehicle, en route to the embassy. The Latverian embassy, perhaps? We'll have to wait and see! He invokes his unlimited diplomatic immunity in urging the driver to step on it. Which is weird, in a sense, since he was just concerned with getting arrested a few panels earlier. Which is it, Stan? Huh?

So Doom is the royal master absolute of Latveria, and has full immunity within the embassy walls. It's a bit wild when you consider the royal leader of a country lives in another country and terrorizes its population, only to hide out in his embassy. Doom talks a huge game, but he scampers behind diplomatic protection at the first sign of trouble.

Double D makes an "escape" out of a prison trap down...only to find he's a puppet in Doom's game! You see, Doom has created some sort of a contraption that makes Daredevil shrink, and the room spin around, and stuff turns upside down, and...okay, so NONE OF THIS MAKES ANY DAMN SENSE. I don't know. Let's be real here, Stan Lee just goes with whatever he thinks up sometimes and you either roll with it or you don't. The whole concept is to test Daredevil's willpower, to see if he's a suitable candidate to help Doom destroy the Fantastic Four.

The rest of the issue devolves into a Fantastic Four storyline against Doom. Seriously, WTF is up with the Fantastic Four? I'm guessing their comic sales were booming back in the late 60s and Stan was just trying to shoehorn them into everything, because it doesn't mesh with anything that popped up before it. I mean, FUCKING GALACTUS SHOWS UP IN THIS ISSUE. Daredevil doesn't even appear for multiple pages.

In a move that pre-dates Dan Slott's Superior Spider-Man run by decades, Doom has devised a BODY-TRANSFERRAL RAY! And he uses it to swap bodies with Daredevil. Doom is now Daredevil! Daredevil is now Doom! I have a headache!


Issue #38

Okay, proof of what an idiot Doom is: he swaps bodies with Daredevil, but neglects to tell his guards about it. So Matt Murdock, in the form of Doom, merely calls his minions in to free him from his trap. Doom is a straight moron, no questions.

Doom's own minions try to take him down. Because he's a moron. Also, Daredevil in Doom's body sends a warning to the Fantastic Four that trouble is headed their way!

Doom (in Daredevil's body) shows his minions his royal ring, thus proving that he is their actual boss. He tells them to go take down Daredevil (in Doom's body). Look, this story is dangerously simplistic. We're talking Freaky Friday level of plot. But Stan "The Man" Lee feels a need to enlighten the reader on what's going down, just in case any slowpokes got lost along the way. Thanks, Stan!

Foggy jeopardizes his future D.A. nomination by dating ex-convict Deborah Harris. Because reasons. Go Foggy, I guess. Get it where you can.

Daredevil decides he will convince Doom to swap back to their normal bodies...by calling up Latveria and telling his ministers to declare open war on all their neighboring countries. And it works! Doom is a big game talker, but he doesn't want to risk war against RED CHINA. All bluster, no action. And just like that, the issue ends on a whimper. They swap bodies back, and Daredevil heads towards the FF building. If you want to read the conclusion to that storyline, you gotta buy Fantastic Four #73, since it won't be going down in the Daredevil series. Marvel already rocking those cross-series events way back in the 60s.


Issue #39

This issue is trash. Daredevil fights the Unholy Three, comprised of Cat Man, Ape Man, and Birdman. Just the worst! No thanks, Stan.

The Exterminator shows up and rocks some sort of Time Displacement Ray, that knocks people temporarily out of our timeline and into another reality? Your guess is as good as mine. I don't think Stan knows what he was getting into with this story line.

Matt and Karen cut a rug. She wants him! Oh, she wants him! But he's blind, damn it. You can't be with a blind dude, or something.

Foggy's new girl gets hit by the Time Displacement Ray and disappears into the abyss of time. Foggy is forever losing. He's pissed! He tells Matt to go fetch his brother "Mike" (AKA Daredevil) to get some sweet, ole fashioned revenge.


Issue #40

Criminals are always robbing banks in this series. Like they could have the most powerful weapons and tools at their disposal, the kind that would let them conquer an foreign nation. And inevitably, they'll use it to try and rob a bank. And they'll get caught. They always do. This issue finds the Unholy Three using the Time Displacement Ray to rob a bank. Naturally, Daredevil shows up to issue some sweet justice.

But Daredevil gets his with the Time Displacement Ray! Reality and time gets all distorted and he ends up...somewhere? In a series where little makes any logical sense, I'm just going to go with it. Foggy's convict girlfriend is there on the other end, so it's some sort of time purgatory for everyone shot with that damn ray! You gotta be careful with this shit, Stan!

The issue ends with Matt worried he'll be stuck in this time purgatory forever! Will he? Only one way to find out! We'll have to read issue #41! To be continued later...


Only 118 issues to go until we hit Frank Miller's run! More importantly, only 196 issues to go until we reach the Ann Nocenti run! THE GOAT.


well, the "breakdown" is happening throughout Bendis/Maleev as well. there's actually no singular event you can point to except for Shadowland, but that's, y'know Shadowland
OK, I thought there is a singular moment where Matt goes nutts.
Had the feeling that this happening a couple of times while reading the Bendis Run, too. Like when he proclaimed himself as the new Kingpin or when the shit went down and Fisk revealed his identity.
More Daredevil goodness!!!

Issue #36

Daredevil needs to get into the Baxter Building and save Sue Storm, who is still covered in white, sticky...goo. Okay, you're fooling nobody with this shit, Stan Lee! You dirty hornball. For Christ's sake, look at her face!

But the catch is this: The Trapster has triggered a bomb to detonate the second it senses body heat from someone entering the building! The Trapster set up...A TRAP! Of course, Daredevil is too quick on his feet and immediately realizes something is wrong. He finds the hidden bomb and tosses it outside the window, where it lights up the NYC skyline!

Naturally, the rest of the Fantastic Four happened to be standing outside on the ground level and witness the explosion! They better go check it out and see WTF just blew up right outside their precious headquarters. Meanwhile, Daredevil "struggles" to free Sue Storm from her sticky trap. I'll just leave this image right here...

So Daredevil beats up The Trapster in a very forgettable fight scene atop the anti-gravity flyer. The Fantastic Four just sort of stand by...because why not let the least powerful hero present fight the enemy who just tried killing you all and splattered Sue with his white hot liquid fun stuff?

But there's no time to question the FF's bravery or loyalty because we need to cut back to Foggy Nelson who has just been offered the district attorney job RIGHT OUT OF THE BLUE! Karen is so excited by the prospect that she leaps straight into Foggy's arms. Seriously, Stan Lee writes Karen more shallow thin than his villains. People dogging on Deborah Ann Woll for her portrayal of Karen in the Netflix series don't have a clue. She's putting in Meryl Streep work when you factor in the source material she has.

So right when you think the issue is coming to an end...it doesn't! Daredevil engages in a drawn-out fight with The Trapster than ends with our horned hero knocking his foe out cold. But in the process, Daredevil somehow ends up falling onto some train tracks. He hears footsteps approaching, and "looks" up to find NONE OTHER THAN DOCTOR DOOM! OH BOY! We need to wait for next issue to see what's going down.


Issue #37

So Dr. Doom proceeds to beat the living piss out of Daredevil. I'm not kidding, he holds nothing back. Just a good ole fashioned ass kicking.

Doom takes the now unconscious Daredevil to his vehicle, en route to the embassy. The Latverian embassy, perhaps? We'll have to wait and see! He invokes his unlimited diplomatic immunity in urging the driver to step on it. Which is weird, in a sense, since he was just concerned with getting arrested a few panels earlier. Which is it, Stan? Huh?

So Doom is the royal master absolute of Latveria, and has full immunity within the embassy walls. It's a bit wild when you consider the royal leader of a country lives in another country and terrorizes its population, only to hide out in his embassy. Doom talks a huge game, but he scampers behind diplomatic protection at the first sign of trouble.

Double D makes an "escape" out of a prison trap down...only to find he's a puppet in Doom's game! You see, Doom has created some sort of a contraption that makes Daredevil shrink, and the room spin around, and stuff turns upside down, and...okay, so NONE OF THIS MAKES ANY DAMN SENSE. I don't know. Let's be real here, Stan Lee just goes with whatever he thinks up sometimes and you either roll with it or you don't. The whole concept is to test Daredevil's willpower, to see if he's a suitable candidate to help Doom destroy the Fantastic Four.

The rest of the issue devolves into a Fantastic Four storyline against Doom. Seriously, WTF is up with the Fantastic Four? I'm guessing their comic sales were booming back in the late 60s and Stan was just trying to shoehorn them into everything, because it doesn't mesh with anything that popped up before it. I mean, FUCKING GALACTUS SHOWS UP IN THIS ISSUE. Daredevil doesn't even appear for multiple pages.

In a move that pre-dates Dan Slott's Superior Spider-Man run by decades, Doom has devised a BODY-TRANSFERRAL RAY! And he uses it to swap bodies with Daredevil. Doom is now Daredevil! Daredevil is now Doom! I have a headache!


Issue #38

Okay, proof of what an idiot Doom is: he swaps bodies with Daredevil, but neglects to tell his guards about it. So Matt Murdock, in the form of Doom, merely calls his minions in to free him from his trap. Doom is a straight moron, no questions.

Doom's own minions try to take him down. Because he's a moron. Also, Daredevil in Doom's body sends a warning to the Fantastic Four that trouble is headed their way!

Doom (in Daredevil's body) shows his minions his royal ring, thus proving that he is their actual boss. He tells them to go take down Daredevil (in Doom's body). Look, this story is dangerously simplistic. We're talking Freaky Friday level of plot. But Stan "The Man" Lee feels a need to enlighten the reader on what's going down, just in case any slowpokes got lost along the way. Thanks, Stan!

Foggy jeopardizes his future D.A. nomination by dating ex-convict Deborah Harris. Because reasons. Go Foggy, I guess. Get it where you can.

Daredevil decides he will convince Doom to swap back to their normal bodies...by calling up Latveria and telling his ministers to declare open war on all their neighboring countries. And it works! Doom is a big game talker, but he doesn't want to risk war against RED CHINA. All bluster, no action. And just like that, the issue ends on a whimper. They swap bodies back, and Daredevil heads towards the FF building. If you want to read the conclusion to that storyline, you gotta buy Fantastic Four #73, since it won't be going down in the Daredevil series. Marvel already rocking those cross-series events way back in the 60s.


Issue #39

This issue is trash. Daredevil fights the Unholy Three, comprised of Cat Man, Ape Man, and Birdman. Just the worst! No thanks, Stan.

The Exterminator shows up and rocks some sort of Time Displacement Ray, that knocks people temporarily out of our timeline and into another reality? Your guess is as good as mine. I don't think Stan knows what he was getting into with this story line.

Matt and Karen cut a rug. She wants him! Oh, she wants him! But he's blind, damn it. You can't be with a blind dude, or something.

Foggy's new girl gets hit by the Time Displacement Ray and disappears into the abyss of time. Foggy is forever losing. He's pissed! He tells Matt to go fetch his brother "Mike" (AKA Daredevil) to get some sweet, ole fashioned revenge.


Issue #40

Criminals are always robbing banks in this series. Like they could have the most powerful weapons and tools at their disposal, the kind that would let them conquer an foreign nation. And inevitably, they'll use it to try and rob a bank. And they'll get caught. They always do. This issue finds the Unholy Three using the Time Displacement Ray to rob a bank. Naturally, Daredevil shows up to issue some sweet justice.

But Daredevil gets his with the Time Displacement Ray! Reality and time gets all distorted and he ends up...somewhere? In a series where little makes any logical sense, I'm just going to go with it. Foggy's convict girlfriend is there on the other end, so it's some sort of time purgatory for everyone shot with that damn ray! You gotta be careful with this shit, Stan!

The issue ends with Matt worried he'll be stuck in this time purgatory forever! Will he? Only one way to find out! We'll have to read issue #41! To be continued later...


Only 118 issues to go until we hit Frank Miller's run! More importantly, only 196 issues to go until we reach the Ann Nocenti run! THE GOAT.

God this makes me want to read Silver-Age stuff.

I'm curious, to anyone who can answer, does the Silver-Age Captain Marvel stuff hold up? And by that I mean, how is it compared to other Silver-Age books?


OK, I thought there is a singular moment where Matt goes nutts.
Had the feeling that this happening a couple of times while reading the Bendis Run, too. Like when he proclaimed himself as the new Kingpin or when the shit went down and Fisk revealed his identity.

yeah, one of the contextual things people lose when they go right into Bendis/Maleev without Guardian Devil is that Karen died less than 20 issues ago and that their run is a reaction to that event in particular
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