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COMICS! |OT| March 2016. It's your job to be great.

Daredevil Time!

Issue #41

Daredevil is still stuck in a time vortex! But his special abilities allow him to perceive a gap in the spacetime continuum, and our fearless hero leaps straight into it!

Before we can find out where the gap leads or what any of this means, we cut to Foggy and Karen. Foggy is whining about his ex-convict girlfriend being zapped into a different timeline. Karen ponders on how much she loves and misses Matt, a blind lawyer who has paid her almost zero attention over the past 41 issues...unless you consider lying to her about the existence of a twin brother who likes to sexually harass her. And yet here we see Karen, willing to die for Matt's sake!

Foggy goes to Central Park to, ummmm, reminisce about his girlfriend or something...ONLY TO BE JUMPED BY THE UNHOLY THREE! That's right, folks, Cat-Man, Ape-Man, and Bird-Man are back, and tougher then ever. But the ever-resourceful Foggy catches them offguard with his heretofore unseen ninja skills! A swift kick to the noggin'! Yet Foggy proves no match for the three supervillains, who capture him and take him to the Exterminator.

Okay, so this next section is just a mess. Daredevil jumps through the gap in the spacetime continuum and returns to downtown NYC, only to find himself slightly out of synch with the present. Stick with me here. Daredevil realizes that he is a split-second off the present timeline, and if he can catch onto a vehicle moving in the current timeline IT WILL PULL HIM INTO THE PRESENT. Which makes zero sense, since he cannot physically interact with anything in the world around him, given that he's not in the modern timeline. But here we go! He somehow attaches his club cable to a car, and it pulls him into the current timeline. Stop, Stan!


Daredevil heads over to the Exterminator's lair to face his nemesis and save Foggy Nelson! First he has to deal with the UNHOLY THREE, but if you haven't realized by now those clowns are a cakewalk, I don't know what to tell you. Daredevil also takes down the Exterminator, but uses the opportunity to fake the death of "Mike" Murdock. By now, even Matt has realized that his fictional twin brother is a giant dickhead, and thus he plants a battle torn Daredevil costume at the scene of the crime. Foggy and Karen buy it hook, line, and sinker! So long, Mike!


Issue #42

In which Stan Lee introduces us to his newest supervillain masterpiece, the Jester! The Jester pretty much sucks. He looks like he stole Robin Hood's tights, and he attacks people with sleeping pellets and a FUCKING YO-YO.

Back at the law firm, Foggy and Karen are mourning the death of "Mike" Murdock, AKA Daredevil. They call Matt out on his callous attitude towards his brother's death. I mean, come on! Your fictional twin brother just died, dude! Show some love. Karen, who at this point has become the embodiment of every 1960s emotional woman stereotype that Stan Lee could think of, is crying over the loss of Mike/Daredevil. Because she loved him! Or Matt! I can't tell.

The Jester maintains a secret scrap book, titled "SCRAP BOOK," with a list of everyone who has ever wronged him in the past. Instead of cheering for him, they booed him! Now he wants revenge, damn it!


So the newly elected mayor of NYC is super corrupt, and he doesn't want a district attorney around that he can't control. Apparently, that includes Foggy Nelson, who up to now has appeared as a sniveling turd who would be easily controlled by just about anyone. But nevermind! The mayor decides to contact the Jester to take Foggy Nelson out of the picture. This guy is pretty sleazy. He offers the Jester $10,000 to take Foggy down, and the Jester is all about the money. Which is strange, in the sense that we've already seen the Jester rob the bank for a far larger sum.

The Jester pop Foggy in the face with his power Yo-Yo!

Daredevil comes to save the day, only to be foiled by MARBLES! Marbles are Daredevil's greatest weakness. The Jester escapes! This story is to be continued, except I don't know when! The next issue is teasing a Daredevil versus Captain America match up, so we'll see how that goes.
Cyborg is still an ongoing though.

And Red Hood's had a book since the New 52 launched, lol.
The most valid of points.
I don't think she needs to be punished like that

DC has no idea what the fuck to do with Roy and Jason, clearly. They also insist on having a book where Jason and Roy team up and, like it or not, it's happening again based on the Rebirth line-up that was posted a month or so ago. I genuinely want to like these characters and I feel that something interesting can be done with them, but Lobdell is not the one who's going to elevate them. One of the most crippling things about that book is its awful team chemistry, and Simone knows how to write that like a champ. Now, I don't care if it's her or someone else, but for the love of god get someone who can write good chemistry on a team book. The rest will follow.


Damn that's harsh from the man who loves Ann Nocenti.

Really, I've loved 'em all. Red Hood/Arsenal has been consistent dumb fun.

I'll give you the dumb fun part. They are just kind of there. Nothing special.

I don't love Nocenti. I hate what she did to Catwoman. I just believe she is a better writer than what she delivered.
I wish Elektra Lives Again was on Comixology. I'm gonna end up ordering it off eBay at this rate :/

The worst part is that this is still cheaper than buying that omnibus reprint.


It'll be worth it b

Its the first time Ive noticed the Miller effect. My first thought after every issue is, wow, that was pretty meh but as more I think about it, I like it more and more.
It was the same with The Man Without Fear, Year One and TDKR.

The only book that didnt had this was Born Again, which has blown me away with every single issue. Cant wait when the Omni drops next month with it.


I wish Elektra Lives Again was on Comixology. I'm gonna end up ordering it off eBay at this rate :/

The worst part is that this is still cheaper than buying that omnibus reprint.

the omnibus is a fucked up version of it anyways so~

People are combining like three different relaunches/waves together and calling it Marvel Now lol.

the first 8 months/year/year and a half of the 2012 Marvel Now was pretty good tbh


Top Cow announce Sunstone spin off series 'Swing' by Linda Sejic and Matt Hawkins.



You described "Swing" as a companion series to "Sunstone." How do the two books work alongside each other? And is this project you were posting about on Facebook earlier this week that involved lingerie research?

Yes! I do a lot of research on projects. Normally it's science stuff, but Linda Šejić and I put together a pitch for "Swing" and started sending it around internally. "Sunstone," "Blood Stain" and "Swing" are all connected via an online game they play together. The characters don't know each other in real life, but they know each other virtually. It's not pivotal to any of the stories, but it's fun. "Sunstone" was such a runaway hit as a sexy, slice-of-life story that we started trying to come up with organic spinoffs or similar books that the same audience would read.

"Swing" is about a married couple who've hit the mid-life, two kids, ten-year marriage point. They've been having marital problems and are trying to regain that magical spark they had at the beginning of their relationship. They embark on a few things and eventually experiment with voyeurism and exhibitionism which leads them to try out swapping with another couple. It's a humorous, emotional look at a relationship where the couple loves each other deeply, want to stay together... but need something more.

Not sold at all. Wish they weren't doing it tbh.
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