Fuck DCBS for getting rid of their Marvel Now bundle. How am I going to drop stuff other than Thunderbolts, Mornius and Deadpool?Dcbs has the shirt for preorder at twelve bucks
Fuck DCBS for getting rid of their Marvel Now bundle. How am I going to drop stuff other than Thunderbolts, Mornius and Deadpool?Dcbs has the shirt for preorder at twelve bucks
Fuck DCBS for getting rid of their Marvel Now bundle. How am I going to drop stuff other than Thunderbolts, Mornius and Deadpool?
You were reading the entire line?
My favorite book currently. It's a treasure.
Hey how come no one worships Thor in the Marvel Universe? Isn't he proof that the Norse Gods at least are real?
The only issue that's got nice art is #7 with the pencils being handled by Phil Noto.
I also admit I stopped reading at issue #3 so I'm not sure if he's a new regular or something (I doubt it, but nothing shocks me nowadays)
I don't know.
But that reminds me... according to Thanos Quest #2, the God committed suicide billions of years ago. The Soul (Infinity) Gems are the most concentrated chunks of its remains.
Fuck DCBS for getting rid of their Marvel Now bundle. How am I going to drop stuff other than Thunderbolts, Mornius and Deadpool?
I read everything brah but Dynamite comics. Check out Suicide Risk, fantastic debut issue.You were reading the entire line?
I hateeeeeeeeeeeeeed the massive bundles, i hope dcbs goes back to having a few big marvel and dcbs #1s at 75% off like they used to before these crazy bundles happened.
All New X-Men
Captain America
Ind Hulk
New Avengers
Savage Wolverine - joe mad arc
Superior Spidey
Thanos mini despite everyone hating it....already pre-ordered
Uncanny Avengers
Uncanny X-Men
Young Avengers
that's all the marvel you need!
I read everything brah but Dynamite comics. Check out Suicide Risk, fantastic debut issue.
Enjoy it is one of the best books DC had ever made
I've always assumed that the One-Above-All = Kirby explanation is the best possible explanation that Marvel would ever be able to come up with, and thus canon, because who would be dumb enough at Marvel to undo that one.The living tribunal (who is definitely more powerful than the infinity gauntlet) claims to serve a creator as well, but it's unknown who this is. THAT being is also very much alive, and going by how strong the LT is, must be impossibly powerful.
I read everything brah but Dynamite comics. Check out Suicide Risk, fantastic debut issue.
I've always assumed that the One-Above-All = Kirby explanation is the best possible explanation that Marvel would ever be able to come up with, and thus canon, because who would be dumb enough at Marvel to undo that one.
Missing Captain Marvel and Defenders bro. I need to catch up on Daredevil. It's always that book I almost pick up. "Next week."
I really didn't like the first issue of Captain Marvel, i'll probably skip the trades and read it when it hits Marvel Unlimited to see if it gets better like people say. Fearless Defenders will either be trades or MU as well, it doesn't look that good and reaction to it seems a little bias towards the characters involved.
What are the trades worth buying and what's their order?
Original Mini series
Six Degrees of Devastation
Vol 1 Unhinged
Vol 2 Depths
Vol 3 Danse Macabre
Vol 4 Cats in the Cradle
Vol 5 The Reptile Brain
Vol 6 The Darkest House
Is the original mini Villains United? Also, depths is expensive.
I really didn't like the first issue of Captain Marvel, i'll probably skip the trades and read it when it hits Marvel Unlimited to see if it gets better like people say.
WHAAAAA!? Holy ballsacks, dude. The first Captain Marvel story arc is so-so, but it gets a lot better after the that.
X-Statix is MINE!!!! Also got Waid's DD VOL 1.
WHAAAAA!? Holy ballsacks, dude. The first Captain Marvel story arc is so-so, but it gets a lot better after the that.
-Batman #20
-Batman and Red Hood #20
-Constantine #3 (It's Still Not Terrible, You Guys)
-Demon Knights #20
-Justice League of America #3
-Suicide Squad #20 (see above)
-Avengers #11
-Deadpool #9
-Thor God Of Thunder #8
-Uncanny Avengers #8
-Uncanny X-Force #4
-Wolverine #3
Whatever your list has, you probably need to add Suicide Squad #20 to it. It's written by Ales Kot, of "Wild Children" and "Change" fame, and the preview reads exactly like a Suicide Squad comic written by the guy who made the children taking over a school and killing people book.
The rest of the list :
Hahaha, wasn't Timothy Green supposed to draw this?
The first five issues are up on there now, which are apparently so-so....so...you've already lowered my expectations on those issues!
Yup, but last-minute creative team changes from what was solicited are nothing new at DC in 2013.
I know, I wasn't a fan of the wholething, either. What I'm trying to tell you is to start with Arc #2.time-travel
Alot of things.
How is the war between the two worlds so contained despite the presence of magic and interstellar travel levels of science? How is it contained despite the fact that they are in orbit of each other?
Why are there people/robots with TVs for heads? Why would they have sex if they are robots? If they are living/biological besides the TV head, how do they get food/air/water for sustenance?
Alot of the incidental species that we've met along the way are extremely confusing as well. You just have to accept them as Farscape/Lexx muppets and move on?
Again, I'm enjoying it. But you just sort of have to hand wave logic away and just go with it.
I love Grant Morrison. Sometimes doing a ton of drugs really does make you cool.
Uh why is Superman back in his red panties in all of the covers for Superman Unchained?
Uh why is Superman back in his red panties in all of the covers for Superman Unchained?
New series by Scott Snyder and Jim Lee starting in June.Also what is this Superman Unchained?
Uh why is Superman back in his red panties in all of the covers for Superman Unchained?
Actually Morrison did experiment with heavy drugs while writing The Invisibles and New X-Men