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COMICS! |OT| May 2013. Nothing says "love you Mom" like a thick Man-Thing... Omnibus.

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Got my Chog figure! It's awesome. It was also within the first 400 sold so it came with a replica ticket to Chows cooking show signed by Layman and Guillory. It was kinda expensive but worth it to support my favorite on going.


I am looking for an app where I can save my favorite comic series and the app will give me a notification when a new book was released. Is there anything like this out there? A website would suffice as well.
Ign weekly reviews, this thread should be good, and you can always follow the creators you do like and check out their other work. Check out hawkeye from marvel and batman by Snyder for dc.

IGN has a terrible habit of not reviewing many titles. Don't take theirs as a comprehensive list, but more like a slightly expanded "we review Batman and what we like".


Yeah, that's Jean in her most current AoA costume. The ad copy said something about "a final goodbye between Wolverine and AoA Jean Grey," but I don't recall even seeing them appear in the same scene in that issue.

LIES. >:|

no they don't. lol.
Jean's in the AoA universe kicking ass as the
new apocalypse
while wolverine is sitting on his ass in the 616.

I'm just really pissed at how the writers treated all the great characters from that universe. especially Magneto & Rogue at the beginning of all of this (all the way back to uncanny x-force 19.1'). arggh.
Magneto was such a great character in the AoA.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
How do you guys and gals find new comics? I don't really read marvel or dc anymore but I read Saga, Thief of Thieves, American Vampire, TWD, Chew, etc. I feel like I'm probably missing a lot of great stuff because I don't see it talked about much. I don't actually know anyone else that reads comics either.

Beyond this thread, which is the best resource, I read Previews every month and try out most new #1s (unless it looks like something i really am not interested in). if you order ahead of time, you can get a nice discount on many #1s from dcbs.com. Previews has a regular feature that interviews creators and asks what they're enjoying, and that's a good way to get ideas for things that don't get talked about here as much.


Thanks, yeah those are the only 2 I read from the big 2 right now. I was gonna give The Movement #1 a read though.

i forgot to mention that most publishers release solicitations of books 3 months in advance of what they are publishing. Every month it's fun to check them out and see what new books each publisher is coming out with or if a book is getting a new creative team.


looks like that. ^^^^^ and the previews catalog too as mentioned above.

Also this month starts a ten issue miniseries by Snyder for Vertigo called " The Wake ", a sci-fi/horror book.


Unconfirmed Member
I am looking for an app where I can save my favorite comic series and the app will give me a notification when a new book was released. Is there anything like this out there? A website would suffice as well.

Do you mean you want to know when every issue comes out for a favorite series of yours? I use pullist.comixology.com and subscribe to the the series I buy. That way every week I click on my pullist for the week and it shows which issues come out.


Would Comics-GAF consider New 52 a failure for DC?

The thing is, it was working well. DC was actually managing to keep up with Marvel in terms of market share, and even top them every once in a while. That big move to revitalize the market actually paid off and they were reaping the benefits. Sure, they had alienated some of their most hardcore fans by tinkering with the continuity, but really, fuck them. DC was doing great and managed to sell books for everyone. Say whatever you want about how stupid launching 52 fucking books the same month was, The New 52 was one of the most diverse offerings in terms of comics genres there ever was.

Then DC started a neverending comedy of errors that involved editorial messing with creative and making the books worse, books that launched without any big marketing push, and a series of decisions that continuously fostered mistrust among DC's audience. If even your hardest cadre of fanboys doesn't want to have anything to do with you, you are fucking up big time.
The lack of Marvel style crossovers and events for the sake of events is actually what is probably hurting DC the most right now. They really haven't had any outside of the two that the Bat titles and the Green Latern group did and when they did those, the numbers for the branch family books rose quite a bit, and in some cases (like Red Hood) revitalized them. It is the periphery that has suffered. Realistically, we have to accept that tie ins and events of that nature get people to try out books, they are less likely to do so normally.


Not to mention marvel now kicking ass and taking names.

That too. Anyway, taking the next logical step in the discussion, here is my plan to save DC Comics. I call it "The New 52, but not that one, the other one, you know, the cool one."

You have to actually sort out continuity and make it less of a clusterfuck. That's a given. However, you can't actually do a hard reboot, because that would be two in the span of three years and that would be fucking ridiculous. So, you go the Infinite Crisis route. You make a big crazy event, you make whatever tweaks you can, and then, you set every comic One Year Later. You go back to the basics. You ignore continuity and you do all-new stuff. And you make a crazy big marketing push, because people buy things when you tell them to.

And then, to show you're actually committed to fixing stuff, you make a weekly series that goes into exactly what changed and how. Like 52, because that fucking ruled.



Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Batwoman is awesome though! So is Dial H, Justice League, Aquaman and Wonder Woman.

But yeah, Marvel is eating DCs lunch at the moment. Hawkeye, Captain Marvel, Uncanny X-Men, Captain America, FF, Fearless Defenders, Guardians, Thor and Deadpool are on my must read lists. Can't wait for X-Men either.


The lack of Marvel style crossovers and events for the sake of events is actually what is probably hurting DC the most right now. They really haven't had any outside of the two that the Bat titles and the Green Latern group did and when they did those, the numbers for the branch family books rose quite a bit, and in some cases (like Red Hood) revitalized them. It is the periphery that has suffered. Realistically, we have to accept that tie ins and events of that nature get people to try out books, they are less likely to do so normally.

1)Put Pandora in every first issue of the new 52 relaunch

2)Ignore that for 2 years

3)Have an event where a few justice leagues fight each other and launch a Trinity of Sin Pandora series.

I still say fix everything with Superboy Prime beating up all of DCs editor's like he went after Didio in Adventure Comics.


I didn't log on GAF and I missed Free Comic Book day. My comic reading friends didn't mention anything either.

I actuatually found two TPBs (Hawkeye and Adventure Time :D)I wanted at Books-A-Million on the day and was contemplating going to the Comic Shops before I went ahead and bought them there.

Son of a bitch!


Really wish Shazam would get his own series...they are the highlight of the current run of JL books for me.


Passing metallic gas
My issue with the 52 is that it replaced the core universe. Had they made it an 'ultimate' line a la marvel and tried something a bit different i think it would have been better. I wasn't reading that many DC books at the time but some of the ongoing series had to have been cut off abruptly when they launched the 52.
Right. That explains why stellar series like Sword of Sorcery isn't getting the respectable numbers it deserves. Because it just needs better story.

I'm going to guess you don't read most of the books?

I still don't get... you've got the wrong guy. I'm not attacking the dumbass comics. People keep saying they need fixed, I think the writers need to be left alone so they can get awesome.
Some stuff still feels off in some of the books to me, like they're not really into it.
I don't read comics site or sales shit so I don't know whats going on. But now I'm some fucking Marvel Rules Dc drools guy? I should just cancel all my shit and catch up on Hellboy trades and watch DC fucking eat itself while Marvel still tries to tell everyone Avengers is cooler than the JLA.

I really do need to catch up on Hellboy/ BPRD stuff, damn
I still don't get... you've got the wrong guy. I'm not attacking the dumbass comics. People keep saying they need fixed, I think the writers need to be left alone so they can get awesome.
Some stuff still feels off in some of the books to me, like they're not really into it.
I don't read comics site or sales shit so I don't know whats going on. But now I'm some fucking Marvel Rules Dc drools guy? I should just cancel all my shit and catch up on Hellboy trades and watch DC fucking eat itself while Marvel still tries to tell everyone Avengers is cooler than the JLA.

There is a certain brand of thinking that will label literally everything, or what might as well be everything (only Batman is good!), about the current DC lineup as being bad. So when something like...

could try more to write good stories

maybe thats crazy

... is said, it just appears to be a blanket statement about the quality of stories in general. Specifics are good. Generalities are not. Because I would argue that the vast majority of the books are actually good. Yes, there are certainly questionable titles like Teen Titans, or Catwoman, or lower tier without being terrible books like Birds of Prey.

Almost every Bat title is good to great to fucking stellar.

The Lantern titles fluctuate, but they have their audience and have been enjoyable, with the exception of some GL: Corp or Red Lantern issues. (Although the consistent numbers would indicate there is a steady audience for Red Lanterns).

The Justice League titles have been good to stellar, with notable call outs to Flash, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman.

Earth 2 is great.

The Superman family definitely struggles, with only Supergirl consistently OK to Good, Superboy needing to find its feet and Superman/Action in standby mode for the time being waiting for a steady/good writer.

There are several titles that haven't found an audience despite being good. Some of these have already been canceled. Sword of Sorcery, Team 7, Vibe, for example. There is some weird undercurrent against the Katana title that I don't understand. But I chalk it up to this generic hate for Ann Nocenti. Because honestly, the book is actually fine. Not great. But enjoyable.

So what are the "bad titles" that everyone seems to take issue with, other than the ones I pointed out? What percentage of the entire lineup is actually "bad"? I'd argue that it isn't as much as some people would say. The writing isn't the issue, most of the time, the problem lies elsewhere.

I'm also generally curious if people who talk shit about books are always current readers. More often than not it feels like they are either non-readers, or lapsed readers who aren't actually caught up, but take this mind set that once they quit a book because they don't like it, it's going to continue to be a shit-book until they finally have begrudging reason to think otherwise.


Unconfirmed Member
Do C/D tier titles from Marvel and DC perform about the same sales wise? I rarely see any advertising for the lower selling DC comics.


My issue with the 52 is that it replaced the core universe. Had they made it an 'ultimate' line a la marvel and tried something a bit different i think it would have been better. I wasn't reading that many DC books at the time but some of the ongoing series had to have been cut off abruptly when they launched the 52.

That's what makes it a confusing mess for me...I remember getting back into comics when all the ultimate stuff launched because I though it was kind of a relaunch deal like the new 52. Id rather there just be be one universe and one continuity path. But I realize that's hard to do when you are dealing with characters who have been around for 60 t 70 years.


I, Vampire started off amazing. It was one of my favorite things to come out of new52. Towards issue 14 and on it started becoming okay. But it was still excellent. If you haven't, pick it up. Great art and story.


finished up Morrison's action comics, i'll probably reread the whole run eventually to try to understand things better, overall i didn't really like it. Initially i was excited for his people's champ young superman but that didnt' last past 2 issues.

Green Lantern #19 was fairly terrible, the first lantern , rise of the first lantern, all of these crossovers lately have been disappointing. I'll be giving Venditti several issues to see what he can do with the series and one issue each of GLC and New Guardians to see if those have potential.


Do C/D tier titles from Marvel and DC perform about the same sales wise? I rarely see any advertising for the lower selling DC comics.

No, but Marvel has a more cutthroat cancellation threshold and DC has to have a certain number of titles so their brand continues to make sense even though the market will probably never be able to support that many monthlies.
For such a good debut, Suicide Risk is not being talked about at all. Hope it sticks around

Speaking of books not being talked about, Thunderbolts and Morbius are a disgrace to the comic medium, but X Men Legacy is a treasure.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
oh god, Thunderbolts... Why did they change Thunderbolts to Dark Avengers, only to put out a new Thunderbolts title later? Ugh.

I don't like how Dark Avengers is the book where editorial is like "oh hey, go outside of the main universe if you want to play with these characters." Or is Lemire stealth writing another Exiles book?


Really wish Shazam would get his own series...they are the highlight of the current run of JL books for me.

you mean that movie with Shaq as the genie? Not sure I want to read a comic book about that.

(the name, is Captain Marvel.)


you mean that movie with Shaq as the genie? Not sure I want to read a comic book about that.

(the name, is Captain Marvel.)

Ya, I realize that... I'm probably one of the few that like Shazam better though.

Also that movie is called Kazaam.


For some reason, I could have sworn Kazaam was based on the Johnny Thunder and his genie storyline. "I was like, hey Shaq signed on for Steel and the DC genie movie. He's making moves." Then both movies were (predictably)horrible.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
For such a good debut, Suicide Risk is not being talked about at all. Hope it sticks around

Speaking of books not being talked about, Thunderbolts and Morbius are a disgrace to the comic medium, but X Men Legacy is a treasure.

God, everything about the Thunderbolts is bad. No characters, bad plotting, terrible art (even after the switch)...just bad. Why is Punisher on a team? Why is the book more about How Awesome is Red Hulk? So Awesome than an actual storyline. Deadpool is utterly wasted in this and Venom...Venom might as well not even exist. He's had like,3 lines of dialogue in the entire run.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
God, everything about the Thunderbolts is bad. No characters, bad plotting, terrible art (even after the switch)...just bad. Why is Punisher on a team? Why is the book more about How Awesome is Red Hulk? So Awesome than an actual storyline. Deadpool is utterly wasted in this and Venom...Venom might as well not even exist. He's had like,3 lines of dialogue in the entire run.

Hey man, he showed off the symbiote's ability to change white logos to red ones.
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