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COMICS! |OT| May 2013. Nothing says "love you Mom" like a thick Man-Thing... Omnibus.

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Catwoman was stealing something and Superman showed up so she hauled ass. She yelled at him about not paying attention to the little people but he said he wasn't trying to stop her, just telling her she needs to go see Bruce because Dick died. So she freaks and goes to the mansion and hugs way drunk Alfred and said she'd here to take care of them. Goes into the cave and Bruce was punching a log with his hands all bloody and hugs on him too

Drunk Alfred? Wut lol



wow... WOW.


Avengers 11 was a ton of fun. More Cannonball & Sunspot, please.

Uncanny Avengers was also great. It feels like this book is finally starting to hit its stride. Perhaps they should've had Acuna in from Day 1.


I'll try to post pics later tonight. I thought it was gonna be a Mattel figure ( I'm boycotting them) but its DC Direct so it is solid.

Is anyone reading Über, my shop doesn't carry it and its not on Cmixology?

Excellent, this is the first DC Direct figure I've been tempted to get.


I loved the first arc and the start of the new one, but I'm not really a fan of Hickmans pattern of splitting the arcs up with "self-contained" issues so much.

I actually like the pacing of arc/self-contained/arc issues, but I think the revelation at the end of the issue is probably leading to something down the line. Plus, the self-contained issues offer more in-depth character stuff, which is always welcome.

Avengers/UA/AA were all aces this week. Marvel's doing something right, that's for sure.
Dudes, wondering if you could help.

A while ago I had a Superman comic where Superman was beating the crap out of some villain, really whaling on him, mentioned something about how he could sell a car he had hit him with on eBay(!?), then later in the comic turned out Clark was pissed that day because a little girl with cancer he had been visiting at a children's hospital had died, there was a panel of the sick kid scaring Clark with a pair of vampire fangs as well.

This issue would have really special significance to me right now but I can't for the life of me remember the issue/comic, I lost half of my collection during a move also unfortunately. Does any of that synopsis ring a bell with anyone? I'd love to purchase a back issue. Thanks for any help!
Avengers Arena: Love where this is going.
Poor Juston though
Uncanny Avengers: Remender is killing it in this book. I think it finally found it's pace and it is phenomenal.
Suicide Squad: I've been reading this book once in a while, but this is the first issue I truly enjoyed.

Daredevil #30 spoiler:
Samnee's Silver Surfer!!

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
i'm pretty sure quitely even already drew his bit for it

(i might be wrong)


I read that they showed off pages from Pax Americana (which is the one Quitely is killing, I think) at Morrisoncon. I mean, dude's got time now, right? No more Action and Batman, Inc. is wrapping up.

Also, totally forgot about that Wonder Woman joint. That'll be sexy.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Well, he's got Jupie Juniors or whatever thet Millar books is called.

Oh, I was talking about Morrison but then yeah, you're right, Quitely does need time as well. Is that Millar shit an ongoing or a mini-series?


where did you here that. Multivesity is still a thing?. DC has been quiet about if since final crisis, lol

Wrong, DC finally officially announced it last year. Still no date beyond "late 2013," though.

Oh, and I really, REALLY hope Quitely is done with Pax Americana. Can't stand the thought of Multiversity being delayed by Millar crap.


I need someone to tell me Batman and Red Hood #20 is bad and stupid because that's a wack opinion and I need to school someone about it, could any one of you do me the favor ?

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I need someone to tell me Batman and Red Hood #20 is bad and stupid because that's a wack opinion and I need to school someone about it, could any one of you do me the favor ?

Yo, Batman and Robin has been super dominant since it began, but since Damian's death, it's been god-tier. Nobody has handled Bruce's grieving as great as Tomasi and Gleason have. That Frankenstein issue was brilliant.


Dudes, wondering if you could help.

A while ago I had a Superman comic where Superman was beating the crap out of some villain, really whaling on him, mentioned something about how he could sell a car he had hit him with on eBay(!?), then later in the comic turned out Clark was pissed that day because a little girl with cancer he had been visiting at a children's hospital had died, there was a panel of the sick kid scaring Clark with a pair of vampire fangs as well.

This issue would have really special significance to me right now but I can't for the life of me remember the issue/comic, I lost half of my collection during a move also unfortunately. Does any of that synopsis ring a bell with anyone? I'd love to purchase a back issue. Thanks for any help!

Trying a google search but couldn't find it ^_^; Same with a DC Wikia search.
It might help if you can remember whether it was in Superman, Action Comics or perhaps Superman/Batman?


I need someone to tell me Batman and Red Hood #20 is bad and stupid because that's a wack opinion and I need to school someone about it, could any one of you do me the favor ?

batman & red hood is both wack and stupid

e: and also bad


Yo, Batman and Robin has been super dominant since it began, but since Damian's death, it's been god-tier. Nobody has handled Bruce's grieving as great as Tomasi and Gleason have. That Frankenstein issue was brilliant.


So, some people I otherwise respect a lot have argued that Batman and Red Hood #20 doesn't make any sense and is stupid and dumb. Their argument is, Batman has dealt with personal loss before, and did so by becoming Batman. Meaning that this whole desperate crusade is completely out of character.

Which is fucking bullshit, because it conveniently forgets one aspect of how and why Batman became Batman. Namely, that he does so in order for things like people losing family members to crime never to happen ever again. And then? This exact fucking thing happens, to him, and it's his estranged son that he was starting to connect to.

So, basically, the one thing he dedicated his life to became completely fucking pointless. And that just wrecks the shit out of him in the most major way. And that can't be. So, the desperate crusade to find a way to bring his son back begins. He's still Batman, he still investigates, he still has the "no killing" policy, but he's fucking desperate, because that's ALL HE HAS.

So, there.

Yo, Batman and Robin has been super dominant since it began, but since Damian's death, it's been god-tier. Nobody has handled Bruce's grieving as great as Tomasi and Gleason have. That Frankenstein issue was brilliant.

The Nobody arc was actually pretty good, in my opinion.
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