I can't unsee the tears as droopy misshapen eyes...
I never considered they'd be anything but eyes...
I can't unsee the tears as droopy misshapen eyes...
So if I'm reading this thread right, I have to start reading Uncanny Avengers.
So if I'm reading this thread right, I have to start reading Uncanny Avengers.
So is the original Nick Fury ever coming back?
So is the original Nick Fury ever coming back?
So is the original Nick Fury ever coming back?
Trying a google search but couldn't find it ^_^; Same with a DC Wikia search.
It might help if you can remember whether it was in Superman, Action Comics or perhaps Superman/Batman?
My shop didn't get Uncanny Avengers for some reason. T_T
Oh man Sunspot and cannball are amazing in Avengers 11.
Shang chi is pretty badass
SUPPLEMENTAL WORDS ON SUICIDE SQUAD #20: Holy shit I just read someone point out the similarities between Oracle from the Ostrander run and James Jr. There's just so fucking much to this fucking comic.
Makes you wonder how drunk DC editorial must get, sometimes.
Yup! Such a good series. Keep reading boyo.Yo Waid's DD vol 1 was great.
Hope ya'll reading Thor: God of Thunder. Shit of epic proportions is about to go down next issue. Aaron/Ribic/White are doing the Lord(of Thunder)'s work
Yup! Such a good series. Keep reading boyo.
Awwww yeah, Avengers Arena = book of the week. This shit is on fire. Hopeless is a comics superstar.
Absolutely. From the beginning, no matter what anyone says. A little rough going at first, but everything pays off.
Also works best if you're read Uncanny X-Force.
The Private Eye issue 2 is out today, just checked and there it is.
Also, here is Martian Manhunter as Batman from JLA 03. I tried to remove some context to make this spoiler-lite, but if you haven't read at least issue 1 yet, sorry for spoiling that Superman is in it
He is coloured correctly in the scene/page directly before and after this, so I can only assume Sonia Oback was drunk at the time.
I would have no problem with this if the other Batman comics portrayed him like this as well, but Snyder is having him deal with it in a very quiet way and reserved way.OH OKAY IT IS ON MOTHERFUCKER.
So, some people I otherwise respect a lot have argued that Batman and Red Hood #20 doesn't make any sense and is stupid and dumb. Their argument is, Batman has dealt with personal loss before, and did so by becoming Batman. Meaning that this whole desperate crusade is completely out of character.
Which is fucking bullshit, because it conveniently forgets one aspect of how and why Batman became Batman. Namely, that he does so in order for things like people losing family members to crime never to happen ever again. And then? This exact fucking thing happens, to him, and it's his estranged son that he was starting to connect to.
So, basically, the one thing he dedicated his life to became completely fucking pointless. And that just wrecks the shit out of him in the most major way. And that can't be. So, the desperate crusade to find a way to bring his son back begins. He's still Batman, he still investigates, he still has the "no killing" policy, but he's fucking desperate, because that's ALL HE HAS.
So, there.