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COMICS! |OT| May 2013. Nothing says "love you Mom" like a thick Man-Thing... Omnibus.

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Read all 55 issues of Bone in the past week after just reading random issues here and there back when it was still in print. Very fun, lighthearted LotR-type adventure with lots of Carl Barks and Walt Kelly influence, with a really, really, really bad ending. :(
Nice twist in Sucide Squad #20. cant wait to see where it goes.

If you want to see Deathsroke merc a bunch of people ravengers 12 is your book


I'll echo what others have said and say that Suicide Risk had a damn good opener, might pull it if the next issue is as nice. Avengers #11 was pretty fun, and Star Wars seems to be getting a little better.

I also bought vol. 1 of Avengers Arena and vol. 5 of Runaways, but I've yet to dig into either.
Trying a google search but couldn't find it ^_^; Same with a DC Wikia search.
It might help if you can remember whether it was in Superman, Action Comics or perhaps Superman/Batman?

Thanks man for checking. I have had no joy with google either, it's definitely not Superman/Batman though. Thanks again for helping bud.


SUPPLEMENTAL WORDS ON SUICIDE SQUAD #20: Holy shit I just read someone point out the similarities between Oracle from the Ostrander run and James Jr. There's just so fucking much to this fucking comic.


Oh man Sunspot and cannball are amazing in Avengers 11.

Shang chi is pretty badass

The sequence with Sunspot, Cannonball and the AIM Agents was my sequence of the week. So great.

Avengers has been fairly uneven for me, but this was probably the best issue since the Captain Universe one a couple of months ago.
SUPPLEMENTAL WORDS ON SUICIDE SQUAD #20: Holy shit I just read someone point out the similarities between Oracle from the Ostrander run and James Jr. There's just so fucking much to this fucking comic.

Dc should really release Ostrander SS run, i want to read it. also that is an amazing observation.


Also, here is Martian Manhunter as Batman from JLA 03. I tried to remove some context to make this spoiler-lite, but if you haven't read at least issue 1 yet, sorry for spoiling that Superman is in it :p


He is coloured correctly in the scene/page directly before and after this, so I can only assume Sonia Oback was drunk at the time.


I really wonder if there's a 'house palette' of sorts at DC because Oback's work at Marvel (though primarily with Mike Choi) looks nothing like it does in JLA.

e: then again she also does Catwoman which seems a bit closer... not to the extent of something like Mind the Gap which she's also doing now, though
Hope ya'll reading Thor: God of Thunder. Shit of epic proportions is about to go down next issue. Aaron/Ribic/White are doing the Lord(of Thunder)'s work


Hope ya'll reading Thor: God of Thunder. Shit of epic proportions is about to go down next issue. Aaron/Ribic/White are doing the Lord(of Thunder)'s work

White is doing god's work over on Cap right now. Thor is some dude named Ive Svorcina who's really good too.


Avengers #11 was SO FUCKING GOOD

I'll be honest, I've been pretty disappointed with this book so far. It's interesting but not really wow-ing me like Hickman usually does (like New Avengers, which has been dope so far). And the art has sometimes been awful. But holy shit this issue really brought it for me.


Awwww yeah, Avengers Arena = book of the week. This shit is on fire. Hopeless is a comics superstar.

I will be so happy when Apex bites it. However, I'm sure that won't happen until near the end. She's the only real villain on the island. Hopeless does a good job making you hate characters.


Thor God of Thunder is my favourite ongoing for Marvel currently.

Thor is manly at the best of times, add in two more.

Its like some sort of testosterone explosion!
Also, here is Martian Manhunter as Batman from JLA 03. I tried to remove some context to make this spoiler-lite, but if you haven't read at least issue 1 yet, sorry for spoiling that Superman is in it :p


He is coloured correctly in the scene/page directly before and after this, so I can only assume Sonia Oback was drunk at the time.

Holy SHIT.


I didn't really care for Ind. Hulk #4 and 5 underwater issues, hoping #6 is great like people said.

also, the world war z trailer looks great, i don't get why people hate it, maybe i've watched too many terrible sci-fi/horror movies so anything not terrible terrible looks good.

I ended up ordering Superman Unchained and skipping Batman/Superman :O



So, some people I otherwise respect a lot have argued that Batman and Red Hood #20 doesn't make any sense and is stupid and dumb. Their argument is, Batman has dealt with personal loss before, and did so by becoming Batman. Meaning that this whole desperate crusade is completely out of character.

Which is fucking bullshit, because it conveniently forgets one aspect of how and why Batman became Batman. Namely, that he does so in order for things like people losing family members to crime never to happen ever again. And then? This exact fucking thing happens, to him, and it's his estranged son that he was starting to connect to.

So, basically, the one thing he dedicated his life to became completely fucking pointless. And that just wrecks the shit out of him in the most major way. And that can't be. So, the desperate crusade to find a way to bring his son back begins. He's still Batman, he still investigates, he still has the "no killing" policy, but he's fucking desperate, because that's ALL HE HAS.

So, there.

I would have no problem with this if the other Batman comics portrayed him like this as well, but Snyder is having him deal with it in a very quiet way and reserved way.

Batman: "I won't lose myself like I did when I lost Jason."
Alfred: "Sir, you just came back from hacking up frankenstein trying to find out how to resurrect Damien."
Batman: "All in the past. Now, please, call up Jason so I can take him to where he died and beat his most traumatic memories out of him or something."


Avengers #11 is easily the best issue of the series so far, best sequence of the week so far was when
they got the AIM lackeys to party with them.
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