hype died a little on the superficial scale after seeing the cast pic, it looks like a CW cast and not a shield agency. Maybe they're all vampires too?
wtf is it me or do they all look 5'5, agents of shorties.
hype died a little on the superficial scale after seeing the cast pic, it looks like a CW cast and not a shield agency. Maybe they're all vampires too?
So in case anyone else was wondering, Valiant stuff doesn't come with the variants when you get the digital copies.
I guess maybe they're in the trades but I'll probably just stick with the digital editions and then look at the variants on the internet whenever I feel the urge.
Like this one.
Teaser of the promo (lol) looks good though:wtf is it me or do they all look 5'5, agents of shorties.
I think I've heard praise for both Uncanny Avengers and Uncanny X-Force... which is better if you could only choose one?
Good kind of terrible imo! That clip doesn't show a lot but I was expecting something much worse all things considered. Hopefully it's the right amount of self-aware.Hahaha that Shield show looks downright terrible. Marvel, where is my 70s Heroes for Hire series?
I've read the new UXF #1-3 and i'm not liking it so far, it's fairly extreeeeeeeeme.
wtf is it me or do they all look 5'5, agents of shorties.
What does that mean? I've been thinking about picking it up. I need something besides just Uncanny X-Men out of the X-Men family. It isn't making a lot of sense reading it by itself, I feel like I'm missing a lot of things that must happen in other comics.
Brah it's mutant ninja noir. With all sorts of cool colors and Puck. Sucks that Garney is moving on to some other Avengers book and we will be stuck with Dexter Soy.You could always read All New X-Men if you like Uncanny. Or you can wait for Brian Woods' X-Men book coming soon.
When i say UXF is fairly extreeeeeeeme i mean there's a lot of action and some blocked out swearing but it's not that interesting.
Can someone explain to me the New 52? I'm doing a little bit of reading up on it and it sounds like a huge mess. Particularly everything related to Batman. So, it is a reboot of everything except for Batman, who now has all of his history crammed into 5 years? But then, a lot of the Bat Family members did get reboots, so are they just erased from all the stories of Batman that still are in continuity? And if Batman's history is still legit, what about all of his interactions with the JLA and whatnot? And then some writers say fuck it and write as if nothing has changed? And 2 years in they're already retconning stuff?
Is it the main universe now? Are books still written for the other ones?
Can someone explain to me the New 52? I'm doing a little bit of reading up on it and it sounds like a huge mess. Particularly everything related to Batman. So, it is a reboot of everything except for Batman, who now has all of his history crammed into 5 years? But then, a lot of the Bat Family members did get reboots, so are they just erased from all the stories of Batman that still are in continuity? And if Batman's history is still legit, what about all of his interactions with the JLA and whatnot? And then some writers say fuck it and write as if nothing has changed? And 2 years in they're already retconning stuff?
Is it the main universe now? Are books still written for the other ones?
Can someone explain to me the New 52? I'm doing a little bit of reading up on it and it sounds like a huge mess. Particularly everything related to Batman. So, it is a reboot of everything except for Batman, who now has all of his history crammed into 5 years? But then, a lot of the Bat Family members did get reboots, so are they just erased from all the stories of Batman that still are in continuity? And if Batman's history is still legit, what about all of his interactions with the JLA and whatnot? And then some writers say fuck it and write as if nothing has changed? And 2 years in they're already retconning stuff?
Is it the main universe now? Are books still written for the other ones?
Anyone know where I can pick up Annihilation Book 1 and Annihilation Conquest Book 1 for less than $30 each? I was just re-reading The Thanos Imperative today and got the itch for more Cosmic Marvel. Annihilation Book 2, 3 and Conquest Book 2 are on their way from Amazon for the low price of $34. Couldn't find Annihilation Book 1 or Conquest 1 for less than $40 though.
So DC basically did their version of Ultimate Universe, but made it their main and only one, and then couldn't even get everything on the same page even in a full scale reboot? Can't wait for them to try JL and spin off movies.
And they also created Earth One to have a new universe to tell origin stories with, since they didn't bother doing so with their New 52 reboot...
My hate for DC's new 52 runs deep, but they still put out a few good books that i'll read on their merits despite continuity/company missteps. Wonder Woman is at the top.
And they also created Earth One to have a new universe to tell origin stories with, since they didn't bother doing so with their New 52 reboot...
My hate for DC's new 52 runs deep, but they still put out a few good books that i'll read on their merits despite continuity/company missteps. Wonder Woman is at the top.
New Weeks. What's everyone getting this week?
New Weeks. What's everyone getting this week?
LOL, Gambit artist Clay Mann posted something on his tumblr page a short while ago, and people are FREAKING. OUT.
What he posted.
Fake? ...Yyyyyyyyyyeah, I'm gonna go with fake.
It is the main universe and yes it is a huge mess. None of it makes any sense. Just assume the Nu52 never happened when reading Batman and you'll be fine.
What? There is a separate universe just for the origin stories of another universe?
LOL, Gambit artist Clay Mann posted something on his tumblr page a short while ago, and people are FREAKING. OUT.
What he posted.
Fake? ...Yyyyyyyyyyeah, I'm gonna go with fake.
so pixie
that weird green mutant from waxtm
and three other randoms?
What? There is a separate universe just for the origin stories of another universe?
Can someone explain to me the New 52? I'm doing a little bit of reading up on it and it sounds like a huge mess. Particularly everything related to Batman. So, it is a reboot of everything except for Batman, who now has all of his history crammed into 5 years? But then, a lot of the Bat Family members did get reboots, so are they just erased from all the stories of Batman that still are in continuity? And if Batman's history is still legit, what about all of his interactions with the JLA and whatnot? And then some writers say fuck it and write as if nothing has changed? And 2 years in they're already retconning stuff?
Is it the main universe now? Are books still written for the other ones?
so pixie
that weird green mutant from waxtm
and three other randoms?
LOL, Gambit artist Clay Mann posted something on his tumblr page a short while ago, and people are FREAKING. OUT.
What he posted.
Fake? ...Yyyyyyyyyyeah, I'm gonna go with fake.
No one wants Ultimate Comics Spider-Man this week? That's one of the few I actually want to get on Wednesday.
I've been wanting to try out the book with the last issue, but couldn't due to budget. Still, I'm curious about the current arc, so I may try again.
People blow this stuff way out of proportion.
Why do you ask? Because if you look at any comic universe, you'll find stuff that doesn't make sense, continuity that doesn't quite add up. This was true of pre-new 52 DC. It's true of Marvel. Both companies would just tweak or redo origin stories that suddenly made previous stories of characters make no sense. (Re: Stuff like Tony Stark's origin now involving stuff like Afghanistan)
Heck, DC's continuity was a mess after Crisis on Infinite Earths, but people just accepted it and moved on. Power Girl's origin shifted from being the Supergirl of Earth 2, to being an Atlantean, to being a refuge from a world that never existed. But that doesn't stop her from being a fun character with fun stories.
If people can get over COIE and One More Day, why can't they get over New 52? It really makes no sense.
I ask because I stumbled over it in a link hole and it seemed like a complete mess. I haven't read anything recent (I read all of Civil War about a year and a half ago. I think that is the most recent of anything I've read). Why did everyone but Batman (and only some of his cast) and Green Lantern (and only specific ones) get rebooted? And why did DC scrap everything and start over instead of just making it a side project like the Ultimate Universe? And how could they do a reboot of everything, but not get the writers on the same page to start from? It seems very...bungled. And within 2 years, things are already getting messy enough for the retcons to start. When they started from a completely clean slate just 2 years ago. Are the editors at DC the opposite of Marvel where they don't give a fuck and step off completely?
LOL, Gambit artist Clay Mann posted something on his tumblr page a short while ago, and people are FREAKING. OUT.
What he posted.
Fake? ...Yyyyyyyyyyeah, I'm gonna go with fake.
trying to jump into Valiant!! spent like $40 this weekend on these lol
and coincidentally, comicolgy has all the XO Manowars up to the one I bought on sale!!
so there goes another $10!! lol. at least I know which series to start reading first now =P