Read the AI lines in the GLaDOS voice.
Do it.

Send this superior shithouse and his ruby red slip-slips packing, Kaine.
Something is missing on these covers.
Then again they could be incomplete. :/
Dat Stegman 2099 world
Blade 96? Meh, it's been going down since Blade 69
I'm confused? is that Angela from Spawn?
So did everything in DC get reset except for Batman and Green Lantern?
Also really not enjoying the new Justice League...it feels really fast paced and uninteresting. It's only redeeming qualities are the Shazaam stories. Also the news cast athe end really needs to go away...I honestly don't even bother reading them.
Damn howd that happen? And wasn't McFarlane in court with gaiman over a character??
Just googled some articles. So Gaiman claimed 3 of mcfarlanes characters were his???
No no, they reset those too. Snyder's doing Batman's Zero Year for the next big arc.
You are right about Shazaam being the only decent thing about Justice League.
A couple of hours ago I stumbled upon this little gem.
A pretty solid interpretation of some of that classic Lovecraftian action. And the best bit? It's free to read! I personally liked it so much, that I ordered myself the printed version.
But New 52 Batman and GL refer to pre new 52 stuff.
Yup. As far as Batman goes all the writers just pick and choose what they want to be cannon at this point, which is everything. It wasn't so much a reset as it was a condensing.
Why is Frazer Ivring so fucking good?
Just reading the latest issue of Uncanny X-men and I swear I could look at his art forever.
Sold. That was great.
Ok Comic Gaf, recommend me something, I've just finishing an epic run of all invincible to date and loved it, previously I've really enjoyed locke and key, IDWs TMNT, Walking Dead.
I really want something like Invicible\Walking Dead with a consistent storyline throughout and a lot of issues out for me to knuckle down into. It's killing me after reading all the above stuff and now having to wait monthly for my fix, only for it to last 20 mins of reading.
EDIT> I've read Y The Last Man too, enjoyed it but it didn't hook me as consistently as the above and it kinda fell apart at the end.
Read Preacher
Yeah I was just eyeing preacher off or sandman
I've heard 100 bullets is good too, but from the description I got it sounded like each issue was an independent story with no overall arc? Or was I just told dirty lies?
Savage Wolverine #8
Original Costume is best costume.
When did Wolverine grow a mustache? Still, it fits him pretty well.
Ok Comic Gaf, recommend me something, I've just finishing an epic run of all invincible to date and loved it, previously I've really enjoyed locke and key, IDWs TMNT, Walking Dead.
I really want something like Invicible\Walking Dead with a consistent storyline throughout and a lot of issues out for me to knuckle down into. It's killing me after reading all the above stuff and now having to wait monthly for my fix, only for it to last 20 mins of reading.
EDIT> I've read Y The Last Man too, enjoyed it but it didn't hook me as consistently as the above and it kinda fell apart at the end.
Its just the shadow of his mask lol it does look like a stache though.
Fear Agent, Transmetropolitan, American Vampire, and Irredeemable.
I know
But I can't see it any other way now XD
Some people don't like the ending, though. But I really liked it.
I was hoping you were joking about the stache lol but yeah I like the ending as well especially the homage toSuperman
Savage Wolverine #8
Original Costume is best costume.
I had no idea. That explains why in the Wolverine Origins game the yellow costume is called "Classic" and brown is "Legendary".Blue and Yellow is the original costume. Byrne changed it to brown and tan because he thought it was ridiculous that a Canadian superhero (who takes his namesake from the actual animal wolverine) would be costumed in the school colours of the Michigan Wolverines.
Savage Wolverine #8
Original Costume is best costume.
I had a few Nu52 Wonder Woman issues that I clearly never sat down and really read because holy moly, this series is amazing. Totally stand alone and really the closest thing to 100 Bullets Azz has done since that ended. I can't believe how great it is.
Rucka on a DC imprint? Wow.
I had to drop WW, the puns, the PUNS...they burn my soul.
"Hello" "Hell low indeed" *closes book, throws it across the room*