I love it and they are bringing back the Rainbow Corps rings for the creative switches.
I remember getting those during Blackest Night, still have them stashed away in the house somewhere.
I love it and they are bringing back the Rainbow Corps rings for the creative switches.
I remember getting those during Blackest Night, still have them stashed away in the house somewhere.
The Justice Legion rumor that's going around is pretty interesting. Really though, I think it was just time for some new blood on the title, especially after they screwed up the roster with the Legion Lost nonsense.
i hope they put more has-beens on that book
i know i sure as hell want to read TEENAGERS IN SPACE by literal grandpas
A much reduced Legion especially begs the question; Who survives? Who is on it? Lets assume its, say, a group of seven. Who do we get? Mon El, Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, Braniac 5, +2???
You obviously haven't read Legion in awhile (ever?) They haven't been teenagers for some time. And your comment could be applied to essentially most writers at this point.
Timber Wolf and Dawnstar? Or are they still stuck in the 21st century?
Phantom Girl?
A much reduced Legion especially begs the question; Who survives? Who is on it? Lets assume its, say, a group of seven. Who do we get? Mon El, Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, Braniac 5, +2???
You obviously haven't read Legion in awhile (ever?) They haven't been teenagers for some time. And your comment could be applied to essentially most writers at this point.
The solicit to Legion #23 suggests a few deaths which could highlight who likely wouldn't be on such a team.
Possible dead include:Bouncing Boy, Phantom Girl, Dream Girl, Triplicate Girl, Blok?, Polar Boy, Ultra Boy, Chameleon Kid.
Nearly done reading a digital version of Annihilation Book 1. Book 2, 3, and Conquest Book 2 arrived today. War of Kings and a hardcover version of Realm of Kings are on the way. Gonna be some good readin' going on.
Nova and Drax own.
What do you guys think of the elimination of comics handicapped heroes? Professor Xavier was healed and then was killed (for the 100th time). And Batgirl's assault by the Joker was retconned and in doing so robbed us of one of Batgirl's and Batman's most defining moments and one of DCs most interesting character (Oracle).
I'm not aware of any others but I suspect Daredevil will get his sight back soon.
What do you guys think of the elimination of comics handicapped heroes? Professor Xavier was healed and then was killed (for the 100th time). And Batgirl's assault by the Joker was retconned and in doing so robbed us of one of Batgirl's and Batman's most defining moments and one of DCs most interesting character (Oracle).
I'm not aware of any others but I suspect Daredevil will get his sight back soon.
So do the Hellboy Library editions have all the minis and spinoffs? Thinking of jumping in.
Blindfold has a more prominent role than she's ever had in X-Men Legacy.
I'm actually glad we got Xavier out of the chair. Claremont got him up and about, then he to put him back into the chair because Bob Harras/Jim Lee had a hard-on for the classic Byrne/Cockrum era. Morrison took him out the chair, then reversed that shit too. Just let the man walk, geez!
I never looked at Legacy because I dont care for Legion. Who is part of the main cast in that book?
They need to make a compromise. Maybe some sort of limping Xavier? Maybe a leg lopped off?
Library editions are great and not crazy priced, definitely get themI forgot about those Library edition, I should have got those instead of trades. I'm not far though so maybe I'll just eat it and double dip...
They even killed Echo
Rip rip rip rip
I barely even know who that is and I'm disappointed.
Read Daredevil: Vision Quest. It's so damn pretty![]()
EDIT: Wait. Is that fucking New Warriors? What the what?
It an omnibus of the old school stuff. Over 1,000 pages of New Warriors goodness.
Guileless if you could recommend 1 of those T'n'A books to subscribe to, which one would it be? I really don't know anything about them, but I'm open to anything with a good story.
Well, guess what I'm buying.
Was hoping they relaunched the team and said Robbie was cloned or something
That would be sweet. Instocktrades has it for $50.00 right now (list is $100.00). I'm buying it now because I'm sure the print run is low.
-Batwoman #20
-Vibe #4
-Red Hood and the Outlaws #20
-Wonder Woman #20 (Quick aside: puns -> wordplay -> poetry -> I'm saying that Wonder Woman is written like a modern mythological epic and that's what makes it so flipping amazing)
-Age of Ultron #8
-Cable and X-Force #8
-FF #7
-Iron Man #10 (How fucking good is Iron Man without Land, seriously?)
-WatXM #29
-X-Factor #256 (shit is getting the most real I cannot handle I didn't even care that much about X-Factor and it still got me)
Seriously? That's the first one of his recent variants where the girl on it didn't have exactly the same face as the girl from the previous cover.
Damn. Manara keeps nailing these covers. And Marvel knows it, because they keep making posters out of them.
Has Nova actually been good, so far? All I've been hearing is more about Loeb's writer decay, but I'm curious about this run, at least.
Anyone read his X-Women one-shot with Claremont?
Two old perverts making a comic shouldn't be that booooooooooring.