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COMICS! |OT| May 2013. Nothing says "love you Mom" like a thick Man-Thing... Omnibus.

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So what book if any is this Wonder Woman from?



Stupid Orion wasn't even in his own book this month, it was all WW and the Old Gods. Lame.

At least Vibe was good as always. Also, buy Vibe so it doesn't get canceled.


Why can't Captain Marvel get a good artist? I know it's not a high tier book or anything but damn at least give us some consistency.
They do European comics now brah and their page rate is too high. Greg Lands rate is higher than these failed fashion artist that are drawing Miss Marvel.

Oh yea forgot the Dodsons still work on Muse, they can work around said schedule...right? D:

I want more of this

And less of what we're currently getting...almost anything would be better than what we're currently getting, and you hit the nail on the head with the failed fashion artist tidbit.
On the one hand, this looks great. On the other hand, John Stewart.

I'm so conflicted.

I read all the Green Lantern books but the prospect of a John Stewart one has me quick to jump out. So boring

I'm sure it's gonna be fine. The writer seems really interesting. So who knows what he'll do with John.

Why can't Captain Marvel get a good artist? I know it's not a high tier book or anything but damn at least give us some consistency.

Is she still that short hair bullshit?


Irving made a boring worthless issue of Uncanny X-Men tolerable, but Bendis. Ebay better not let me down when i try to unload more of these all new x-men and uncanny issues.



Knows the Score
Well, some might have missed the Scribblenauts DC announcement in gaming, but it seems that Danny the Street might actually appear in a videogame.


uh yah, none of them ain't no ebay bid lol

They still tend to sell thoughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

At least they used to, no one wants my fables issues anymore :(

I blame fables.

All New X-Men 1-6 sold for an above expected $27, i don't expect 7-12 to sell for that much, but maybe $10.
Goddammit, they didn't send my store any Supergirls. The main DC book I care about.

Fuck comics right now

Uhhh... That's a bit of a broad statement. If you said something like "Fuck Diamond", then I'd totally be with you. Those guys fuck shit up all the time. That's what happens when you have no competition.


How does everyone feel about
Kate Bishop
as the love interest for Miles Morales?

Is Ultimate Kate as awesome as regular Kate? Cause if so, good shit Miles.[/spoilers]

I actually need to catch up on Miles Spidey. I'm gonna borrow the issues from my friend.
How does everyone feel about
Kate Bishop
as the love interest for Miles Morales?

Doesn't bother me any. That stated, I forgot how Marvel Wikia spoils shit constantly. Was reading up on Miles (mostly wanted to see if there were any hints as to his 616 counterpart). I read his bio card and
they spoil that his mom dies...I mean wtf


No Scrubs
Is Ultimate Kate as awesome as regular Kate? Cause if so, good shit Miles.

I actually need to catch up on Miles Spidey. I'm gonna borrow the issues from my friend.

I sort of like where this is going. They've been making Miles his own dude, instead of just a guy in the suit.

Doesn't bother me any. That stated, I forgot how Marvel Wikia spoils shit constantly. Was reading up on Miles (mostly wanted to see if there were any hints as to his 616 counterpart). I read his bio card and
they spoil that his mom dies...I mean wtf

That was last issue, but yea dick move Marvel.


I sort of like where this is going. They've been making Miles his own dude, instead of just a guy in the suit.

That was last issue, but yea dick move Marvel.

Yeah that was my biggest problem when I was reading it. Felt like they weren't developing Miles enough.
Is Ultimate Kate as awesome as regular Kate? Cause if so, good shit Miles.

I actually need to catch up on Miles Spidey. I'm gonna borrow the issues from my friend.
This is the first issue where she's been named so it's too early to tell. I think Bendis realized that he's got some problems with Miles' domestic situation (characters weren't very interesting, United We Stand was shoehorned in while they were still setting things up) so he hit the
button and apparently Ultimate
is like a sex fiend or something. It's a pretty dramatic re-imagining of her so I'm interested to see where it goes.

You messed up your spoiler ta- wait, how is that even a spoiler?

I'm confused. How isn't it a spoiler?
I sort of like where this is going. They've been making Miles his own dude, instead of just a guy in the suit.

That was last issue, but yea dick move Marvel.

Yea I haven't cracked the issue open yet, I'm making my way through my DC backlog (Red Hood, Batman) before I hit my marvel pile.


and apparently Ultimate
is like a sex fiend or something. It's a pretty dramatic re-imagining of her so I'm interested to see where it goes.
Sex-fiend? More like a regular teen with hormones in their first relationship. I really enjoyed the whole getting caught kissing part. Its a small, fun, cute detail.
Yeah that was my biggest problem when I was reading it. Felt like they weren't developing Miles enough.

My main problem is that United We Stand was shoehorned into the series when things were still being set up. Miles joining the Ultimates happened way too fast while character development was left by the wayside. Miles' father
fighting Hydra
just muddled the origin story.
Losing his mother
should have been the same sort of touchstone event in the character's life that
Uncle Ben
was but the impact got lost among the crossover stuff.

There's also too much baggage left over from Peter. Gwen Stacy and MJ exist only to explain to Miles what the reader already knows and that's kind of a disservice to them. Spider-Woman should be the only one filling that kind of role. Miles needs a chance to get out of Peter's shadow and he hasn't gotten it yet.

The supporting cast also sucks, Ganke is really fucking annoying and no character that lame should be playing the same sort of confidant role that MJ did for Peter. I hope Bendis makes him more likable or just kills him off. I know we Asians don't get much representation in comics but please, not like this. Introducing
as the love interest after the
could be a good step towards improving the supporting cast so here's hoping that pans out.

Sex-fiend? More like a regular teen with hormones in their first relationship. I really enjoyed the whole getting caught kissing part. Its a small, fun, cute detail.
I guess I'm secretly hoping she turns out to be the likable kind of crazy.


Man Kieron is getting lazy.

This robot guy from Iron Man is more or less the same robot guy he wrote on the X-Men...


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Finally sat down to read Multiple Warheads #4, it was kind of like being high in comic form. I like Nura but I wish there was a bit of Sexica and Nikoli in this issue too. I also like the way Brandon acknowledges how long it will take for him to make the next series in the last page, lol.
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