So I'm looking to get back into print comics - I stopped reading a few years ago though I have been reading Walking Dead and making my way through all the Annihilation stuff on Comixology. A 10" tablet is a good way to read comics but it's no substitute for the real thing.
It seems like Marvel Now is a good place to start some new series'.
I know I want to try Guardians of the Galaxy and Nova. I was planning to read through the all the previous volume of both of those comics (after I finished Annihilation Conquest). How will that affect reading the new ones?
Which of the X-Men comics are worth reading?
I'd like to read Fantastic Four - is that any good?
I've never been a big Avengers fan but if that's really worth reading I'll give it a go. Possibly instead of F4.
Do I need to read AvX before I start any of these?