Anyone think O5 jean is joining woods X-men?. He said a 7th person is joining the team
When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much...
Squirrel Girl.Anyone think O5 jean is joining woods X-men?. He said a 7th person is joining the team
Throw darts at a board enough times and you're bound to hit center at least once. Bring it.
I'm just messing, it's lunch and I'm bored.
Preview of Wood's X-Men (Marvel Now)
Damn look at that art, so good! I hope the writing can hold up with the art.
Yeah but that's not much of an excuse when you're capable of writing other characters well.^That's a good point, but then again Bendis is writing it.
Haha, I don't care for the characters individually, so when you combine them into a team I'm pretty apathetic. But hey, maybe I just haven't read the right stories?
Preview of Wood's X-Men (Marvel Now)
Damn look at that art, so good! I hope the writing can hold up with the art.
Heh no prob. mate, I could recommend some really good F4 runs, though it depends on what 'genres' you like, as the stories might not appeal to everyone even though I personally find Mark Waid's run to be the best F4 run, as it really makes me LIKE the characters more as 'characters' than Hickman's run (which is still epic and awesome, but I like Waid's characterization more).
for future reference, what was waid's run? I'm contemplating checking out the hickman run since there seems to be a lot of people that think pretty highly of it.
Awesome. But uh, what is going on with Storm's boobs
Awesome. But uh, what is going on with Storm's boobs
Yeah but that's not much of an excuse when you're capable of writing other characters well.
Look, I get that Logan is not the main character of this book; really, he barely qualifies as a supporting character. But, he is an IMPORTANT character to the x-men universe, because Marvel has made him important in the last few years. They've set up this whole ideology battle between he and Scott, and that's still very much a thing even if we're removed from Schism; the repercussions are still being dealt with. They're still at odds, and they're both the leaders of each side. So I think its important to reinforce the idea that Logan represents that other side, that he is the Xavier to Scott's Erik, even in the small moments, and to keep that in mind when you're writing him in a book like ANXM, so that when those small moments come up, the character makes a good impression that is consistent with the message.
Looks fine to me. Her body is twisted at an angle mid-flight. Her neck is twisted a bit to her left.
It's like writing "Che Guevara of the Mutants" for one side, then a "no, YOU shut up" -ping eight year-old for the other, then expecting people to judge both sides of the argument fairly based on representation.I'm completely with you in that aspect. When I read WatXM I read INTO it, Jason Aaron has done an incredible job developing Logan's character and his relationship with his students and I get pissed when Bendis oversimplifies his dialogue with throwaways lines. At the very least Bendis is making Kitty Pryde into what should have been Logan.
It's fucked up that it sucks so bad. I really wanted to like it. I have faith in Hickman's Infinity though.Thanos Rising is kind of fucked up.
It's fucked up that it sucks so bad. I really wanted to like it. I have faith in Hickman's Infinity though.
I've been on #TeamCyclops since before AvX.
Cyclops? More like Rightclops.
Here's the link
Come for the art, stay for the AHAB REFERENCE HOLY SHIT
- Lobster Johnson: Satan Smells a Rat - Don't necessarily want opinions on this particular title, but on Hellboy in general. I always wanted to get into it since the mythology and characters appealed to me, but given how long it's been around, I suspect there's just too much by now to catch up on.
What are your opinions on Humphries' Uncanny X-Force? Two issues in and i'm in between on it,
I've been on #TeamCyclops since before AvX.
Cyclops? More like Rightclops.
It was [black bar here] blah to me when I dumped it
*Four student leave, three of them are clones of Frost.
What are your opinions on Humphries' Uncanny X-Force? Two issues in and i'm in between on it,
I was hopeful at the beginning, seeing as they were taking a chance on a cool but obscure character like Spiral, but the book just hasn't done anything for me. Its been mildly entertaining at best. Certainly not worth $3.99... Especially after Remender's run.
Awesome. But uh, what is going on with Storm's boobs
Fuck her boobs, that Mohawk is/was stupid.
Omg how can anyone not like the Mohawk. You are absurd!
Omg how can anyone not like the Mohawk. You are absurd!
This is a throwback look for her. She's had it before. If anything, it symbolizes a return to her old independent identity.Besides.... Woman brakes up with her husband and she cuts her hair to symbolize the "new her"? Too fucking cliché.