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COMICS!!! |OT| May 2017 - Every Empire Falls

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Bro, that's way too confusing for me, haha.

RE: Bug

How much of this is old stuff versus new stuff? I know next to nothing about the New Gods out side of the Scott Free stuff from Johns Justice League run and that Metatron is the guy in the chair.

It seems to begin right out of Cosmic Odyssey by Starlin and Mignola. I haven't read any of the Kirby Bug/Forager stuff, though, so I don't know how much of the stuff is new.
Bro, that's way too confusing for me, haha.

It seems to begin right out of Cosmic Odyssey by Starlin and Mignola. I haven't read any of the Kirby Bug/Forager stuff, though, so I don't know how much of the stuff is new.
Yep, in the "Allred reviews New Gods covers" it was mentioned they're using Cosmic Odyssey as their starting line.

Man, so happy we're getting
characters in I2 as skins.
Jay and Vixen look great.

Edit: This is making the rounds on twitter.

BC: For our valiant Valiant readers.


ASM: Renew Your Vows #7

Well that was anti-climactic. I really can't tell if this book is good or not. I'm getting mixed feelings. It's like Pipe Dream: The Comic Book. Feels weird is all.


semen stains the mountaintops
Damn shame Rumble didn't sell more since it's such a great comic.

James Harren needs to be hired for more stuff, his art is gorgeous and full of energy. One of the few comic book artists that know how to draw great fight scenes.


Flintstones #5-6

Finished the first TPB. This book hits homeruns left and right. 6 delves in Barney and Fred's military service. Such a good story. I have 7-11 queued up. I am so excited to jump right into them. I really hope the quality keeps up. And I cannot get over how awesome the art is.


semen stains the mountaintops
Why isn't James Harren currently in an on-going? It's a travesty that that man is not making comics 24/7.
Injustice 2

I swear every chapter of this book makes me glee like a schoolgirl. Taylor just keeps doing cool shit. Oliver saying "What the hell is going on" was so perfect.


I'm not sure how I feel about this issue. I really liked the stand-alone feel of it, but at the same time it ended up feeling like padding as an intro to this new arc. Maybe being too nitpicky, it just seemed like a weird thing to do for most of the issue and then at the end have it turn to something more.


No clue what's going on or what it's setting up, but I like the seeming randomness of it. Plus points for the Pinky and the Brain bit.

All New Wolverine

Tom Taylor is great. He just makes fun shit. This could have been a boring ass story with an island being quarantined for a virus, but nah we're gonna have Wolvering chase down an ambulance and then end up having to get naked and be examined in it. It's all kind of dumb if you think about it too much, but it's still just fun.
So I'm thinking about getting the Avengers/New Avengers by Hickman run in OHC. All of them can be had for a pretty affordable price and it would actually be about $40 cheaper than buying the two eventual omnis if the omnis DON'T include Secret Wars, or about $15-20 cheaper than the omnis if they do end up including Secret Wars. I could see it going either way, but the extra plus sides of going the OHC route is I'd be getting it earlier, and OHCs are easier to read.

Let me know if this is roughly the way to read it in OHC format:

-Avengers Vol 1
-Avengers Vol 2
-New Avengers Vol 1
-Infinity (will be buying issues on Comixology to avoid double dipping)
-Avengers Vol 3
-New Avengers Vol 2
-Time Runs Out
-Secret Wars

Ugh, figures. He's a huge reading order fanatic, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

There you go - Avengers/New Avengers.

Reading Order New Avengers

New Avengers - 01
New Avengers - 02
New Avengers - 03
Avengers - 01
Avengers - 02
Avengers - 03
Avengers - 04
Avengers - 05
New Avengers - 04
New Avengers - 05
New Avengers - 06
Avengers - 06
Avengers - 07
Avengers - 08
Avengers - 09
Avengers - 10
Avengers - 11
Avengers - 12
Avengers - 13
New Avengers - 07
Avengers - 14
Avengers - 15
Avengers - 16
Avengers - 17
Infinity - 01
Avengers - 18
New Avengers - 08
New Avengers - 09
Infinity - 02
Avengers - 19
New Avengers - 10
Infinity - 03
Avengers - 20
Infinity - 04
Avengers - 21
New Avengers - 11
Infinity - 05
Avengers - 22
Avengers - 23
Infinity - 06
New Avengers - 12
New Avengers - 13
New Avengers - 14
New Avengers - 15
Avengers - 24
Avengers - 25
Avengers - 26
Avengers - 27
Avengers - 28
New Avengers - 16
New Avengers - 17
Avengers - 29
Avengers - 30
Avengers - 31
Avengers - 32
Avengers - 33
Avengers - 34
New Avengers - 18
New Avengers - 19
New Avengers - 20
New Avengers - 21
New Avengers - 22
New Avengers - 23
Avengers - 35
New Avengers - 24
New Avengers - 25
Avengers - 36
Avengers - 37
New Avengers - 26
Avengers - 38
New Avengers - 27
Avengers - 39
New Avengers - 28
Avengers - 40
New Avengers - 29
Avengers - 41
New Avengers - 30
Avengers - 42
New Avengers - 31
Avengers - 43
New Avengers - 32
New Avengers - 33
Avengers - 44

Here's the Secret Wars (and tie-ins) order.

Going back and forth on buying the new Mignola novel. I dot really want to read it but he tends to springboard this stuff in comics and it would be a nice collector's thing on the shelf.


I know he can't help commenting on it, but man Spencer's comments of Sam Wilson makes black people come off as a monolith.

Earlier in my reviews of this run, I commented that Spencer’s version of Sam Wilson reminded me a lot of President Barack Obama. Now that we’ve had more time with him, I see that he’s much more than that. He’s every black person that’s ever had to think about where they fall in the battle of injustice. He’s every one that’s been given power and had it stripped away. Which, eventually, boils down to practically every minority in America. [...] This current run of Captain America: Sam Wilson is going to end up on the syllabus of a really liberal, young-minded sociology professor one day.""

It all sounds so smug and self serving. I get where he's coming from, but considering his past quotes it rubs me the wrong way. The President Obama quote was pretty apt, no matter how much he deserves the shield Sam was never going to be truly be Captain America for many of the citizens of the Marvel U.

I do like Christopher Priest's take on things.

[Sam]’s a guy who had a heart for the disenfranchised, for the least among us, which makes him something of an evangelical. He’s seen both the good and the terrible things government can do. Steve Rogers is unique among all human beings not because of the Super Soldier serum but because of his unapologetic commitment to the promise of America, his belief in moral absolutes, something most of us would consider somewhat naive. It works for Steve because Steve is 110 years old. Sam—or, frankly, you or I—are simply not capable of seeing the world the way Steve Rogers does or living out that level of commitment. We’ve seen too much; even our best idealism has been tainted by gross disappointment. That stuff just rolls off of Steve Rogers in a way it never could roll off of Sam Wilson.

Sam, as I understand him, has, however, become infected not necessarily with Steve’s patriotism but with Steve’s integrity. If Sam could not commit 100% to the ideal of Captain America, he would not wear the uniform. Sam is not a patriot in the same sense of the word as Steve, but he’d honor both Steve and the Captain America uniform by not draping himself in that legacy if he couldn’t be what Steve was.

I wonder if Spencer saw that quote and it colored his Captain America run. It's interesting because that Preiest quote in someway or another represents every Person who's dawned the Cap suit after Rogers.
Well he is an asshole so that's fair.
I will fully admit that he's insufferable on Twitter. I genuinely love his work and I don't follow him. He was even worse when he was aggressively tweeting about politics all day and night, but even though he's stopped with the politics, he's still obnoxious.
The Uncanny Avengers


Also this was a really good issue or whatever. Perfect capstone.

Zub seems to understand what makes Uncanny Avengers good so I'll be continuing with his run.
Does he? Because I bailed out of Thunderbolts after three issues because that was boring as fuck.


I will fully admit that he's insufferable on Twitter. I genuinely love his work and I don't follow him. He was even worse when he was aggressively tweeting about politics all day and night, but even though he's stopped with the politics, he's still obnoxious.

I wouldn't say he's stopped with the politics, his main two books are very poltical. I want to believe a leporad can change, but looking at his Steve Cap, Secert Empire, and his who nazi argument three the lens of his failed political campagin, and running on a platform of white fear makes me rather uneasy.
I wouldn't say he's stopped with the politics, his main two books are very poltical. I want to believe a leporad can change, but looking at his Steve Cap, Secert Empire, and his who nazi argument three the lens of his failed political campagin, and running on a platform of white fear makes me rather uneasy.
I just mean stopped with the politics on Twitter. It used to be 100% politics on that feed and you'd never know he wrote comics if his bio didn't say something.
Weapon X #3
Significantly better than the last two, though it helps that it's one big action sequence and not too much dialogue. Still, it's better and that's what's important.

X-Men Blue #3
This book is so bueno. It's been so long since I've felt good while reading an X-book. Bunn definitely managing to do new twists on old characters really well. Feels like this and his Uncanny run are like night and day in terms of quality.
Read more Star Wars and Darth Vader.

These Immonen issues are drop dead gorgeous. I did think Bianchi and Ponsor are a mismatch.

These comics make me want to see the movies. Good job, Disney.

The amount of racist dog whistles in Nick Spencer's political positions circa 2005 is absurd.

Nick Spencer belongs in Get Out

This ending bit from Kim O'Connor on Nick Spencer is brutal

The intersection of art and the political ideologies of creators is far from straightforward. I leave you to your own conclusions. I just want to state for the record that Nick Spencer's political campaign in 2005 involved a proposal to eliminate all human services in the city of Cincinnati in order to fund the brutalization, imprisonment, and/or relocation of the poor black people that he worried were devaluing his bar and threatening his safety. He also, behind the scenes, routinely lobbed ludicrous allegations of responsibility against black business owners regarding crimes that they plainly had nothing to do with. Ultimately, Nick Spencer "revitalized" downtown Cincinnati by getting evicted, stiffing contractors, and moving to another state to begin his new life as a comics writer. He now spends his days writing stories about how Captain America is a nazi and feeling persecuted by social justice warriors and comics critics on Twitter dot com.

Here's my conclusion from Spencer's own writings as presented by Kim O'Connor in her piece: Nick Spencer, at least in the mind naughts, was a delusional bigot.
This ending bit from Kim O'Connor on Nick Spencer is brutal

Here's my conclusion from Spencer's own writings as presented by Kim O'Connor in her piece: Nick Spencer, at least in the mind naughts, was a delusional bigot.
He sounds awful, but like...he's not a friend, he's not an colleague, and I'm not voting for the guy for office. He writes a comic book I read, and none of that shit is in the comic. He writes comics that the guy I'm reading about in that article would hate.

I've supported a lot of art made by a lot of terrible people. I'm very big on separating art from artist, and the thing I care about is the values represented in the work. Nick Spencer might be one of those terrible people. It's hard to say.

I mean, it's not hard to say that at least at the point in time written about in this article, he was a total piece of shit. But I don't honestly know who he is now. By all appearances he's grown a lot since that time, though he still has a ways to go. Do I buy that the transformation is genuine? I just can't say, from the limited access I have to the man. I would like to believe so, and I'm inclined to believe so, but you can never tell.


I still have problems with believing that this is the same guy who wrote Captain Falcon. I dont doubt that this stuff is a lie, but its strange.


I'd argue all of what Spencer said is in both his Cap books. His Steve and Sam books have elements of white fear, bigotry, and whistle blowing. Seemingly Spencer either changed his tune politically or is a good enough writer to right his positions in a bad light.
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