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COMICS!!! |OT| May 2017 - Every Empire Falls

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They need synergy and brand alignment! The smaller stories are distracting the core from going back to how it was for the last 50 years. I need my familiarity dammit.
I like the new characters, but the complaints about familiarity are legitimate. Marvel changed too much too fast.
Marvel needs a "less is more" strategy for a bit. That's all.

Focus on your core characters, stop having heroes fight each other, and let storylines build organically. Trim the fat.

People love Marvel heroes and villains. Give us a reason to keep buying the books.
It seems as though we are getting closer to that, but we won't have the full picture for a while.
I actually didn't think Gamora was too bad. I was surprised they killed it when the new Guardians movie was just about to come out, though.
The thing is, though, I don't think they're "killing" as many books as people say. I think a lot of these things are just "minis that could turn into ongoings", and that the cancellations are "okay, we're just leaving that as a mini". They just don't want to say upfront that anything is a mini because those supposedly don't do well for them, and they want to retain the option to go ongoing if something is a breakout success.


The thing is, though, I don't think they're "killing" as many books as people say. I think a lot of these things are just "minis that could turn into ongoings", and that the cancellations are "okay, we're just leaving that as a mini". They just don't want to say upfront that anything is a mini because those supposedly don't do well for them, and they want to retain the option to go ongoing if something is a breakout success.

Cancellation with this regularity makes them look bad and makes it look like they are just winging it.
pretty much.

nobody is going to invest into a universe like Marvel if everything is all jacked up. Announcing another soft reboot hurt sales for pre-existing books.

"One man's trash is another man's treasure" close enough

I mean, I'm still invested, but only in the form of a six month delay on MU. I don't have much incentive to stay on top of the latest issues. And it still feels like a hostile relationship at times.

That will never happen.

Why? Is the current strategy working? Doesn't seem to be. Tossing out books that immediately die on the limb or rebooting isn't lighting up the charts. And they're seeing diminishing returns with each reset.

The problem with Marvel is a problem with Disney. Marvel shouldn't be operating for the purposes of being a successful publishing division, because the bigger picture is what's so much more important. They stand to make billions off movies and merchandising and all this other stuff that makes the comics publishing look like a drop in the bucket. But those comics are the source material for these things that actually make the money, so for the comics division, they should focus strictly on quality and paying creators very well. Because attracting good creators and letting them do good work pays off later when you have better material to adapt for more lucrative endeavors. They should see the entire comics division as an investment, not as its own business.

That's the weird part. I don't feel like anything in the recent Marvel comic lineup feels like it's written to become a future film. Maybe Civil War II? But that was largely panned and hurt other books sales.

Were the Inhumans supposed to be the next big movie franchise? Maybe Disney tried pushing them some with IvX. Now they can go to die on a crappy TV show where they belong.

If Disney was pushing them to do meat and potatoes storylines with MCU flavors, I could see your point. But they don't seem to be. What's Disney intending to do with a Cho Hulk? Mosaic? Hellcat? Green Gun Guy?

These are all Marvel Comics decisions and books. I don't see a world where Disney is pushing these decisions.


Who said anything about it being anytime soon? These are multi-year swings.

You mentioned DC riding high for a year. DC is definitely going to do another soft launch within the couple years because that is the nature of things. The thing is DC figured out what Marvel still hasn't grasped in 4 years.

stop making heroes fight each other every event.
The thing is, though, I don't think they're "killing" as many books as people say. I think a lot of these things are just "minis that could turn into ongoings", and that the cancellations are "okay, we're just leaving that as a mini". They just don't want to say upfront that anything is a mini because those supposedly don't do well for them, and they want to retain the option to go ongoing if something is a breakout success.

The problem I see is that these "minis" are more interesting than their permanent books. Their main line is stale and they're not doing anything to change that.


Yea Tragic I don't feel the need to keep up with Marvel books because they have reboot coming in less than 4 months. Then every time I buy the books at launch, marvel does a sale on CMX a month later for their low selling books.


You mentioned DC riding high for a year. DC is definitely going to do another soft launch within the couple years because that is the nature of things. The thing is DC figured out what Marvel still hasn't grasped in 4 years.

stop making heroes fight each other every event.
I wouldn't expect to see another one of those anytime soon for various reasons.
It'll be fine in either direction folks. Marvel isn't going out of business. DC will eventually screw it up again.

I'm keeping up with several Rebirth books, and I still realize this is coming sooner rather than later. It's easy to get swept up in the hype, but I'm off the opinion that DC is already releasing several absolutely garbage books in this lineup. This sales spike will eventually sputter and we'll see the next relaunch.

On a monthly basis, I read an equal number of quality Marvel and DC books. That alone is a success for DC, since I wouldn't even touch their stuff during New 52.
The problem I see is that these "minis" are more interesting than their permanent books. Their main line is stale and they're not doing anything to change that.
I'm loving big core stuff like Cap, Thor, and Spider-Man as much as I ever have. I don't know how anything sells or if anyone else likes it, but these are runs that are equal to or not far behind the best I've ever read for the characters. I'm not a stock-holder, so I don't care if they're in financial ruin as long as I'm loving these books as much as I am.
I'm loving big core stuff like Cap, Thor, and Spider-Man as much as I ever have. I don't know how anything sells or if anyone else likes it, but these are runs that are equal to or not far behind the best I've ever read for the characters. I'm not a stock-holder, so I don't care if they're in financial ruin as long as I'm loving these books as much as I am.

That's the correct mindset. The sales tracking (does it even include digital?) affects me only if a book I enjoy is getting the axe. If not, who cares? I'm enjoying comics.

Batman #23
Curse Words #5
Flash #22
Green Arrow #23
Invincible #136
Nightwing #21
Superman #23

Hickman FF dominating my Marvel reading.


I'm keeping up with several Rebirth books, and I still realize this is coming sooner rather than later. It's easy to get swept up in the hype, but I'm off the opinion that DC is already releasing several absolutely garbage books in this lineup. This sales spike will eventually sputter and we'll see the next relaunch.

On a monthly basis, I read an equal number of quality Marvel and DC books. That alone is a success for DC, since I wouldn't even touch their stuff during New 52.

What books do you believe are garbage? I'm curious. I actually agree some of the books have downturned. I know you don't like the Harley book but other than that?
I'm keeping up with several Rebirth books, and I still realize this is coming sooner rather than later. It's easy to get swept up in the hype, but I'm off the opinion that DC is already releasing several absolutely garbage books in this lineup. This sales spike will eventually sputter and we'll see the next relaunch.

On a monthly basis, I read an equal number of quality Marvel and DC books. That alone is a success for DC, since I wouldn't even touch their stuff during New 52.
I think we will get relaunch next year after Metal or what ever is going on at the end of the year. It might be more of a rebranding than a renumbering of the line.
You mentioned DC riding high for a year. DC is definitely going to do another soft launch within the couple years because that is the nature of things. The thing is DC figured out what Marvel still hasn't grasped in 4 years.

stop making heroes fight each other every event.

Because they've only been riding high for a year. Never said it was only going to be for a year, only that there are multi-year swings between Marvel and DC.

I'm keeping up with several Rebirth books, and I still realize this is coming sooner rather than later. It's easy to get swept up in the hype, but I'm off the opinion that DC is already releasing several absolutely garbage books in this lineup. This sales spike will eventually sputter and we'll see the next relaunch.

On a monthly basis, I read an equal number of quality Marvel and DC books. That alone is a success for DC, since I wouldn't even touch their stuff during New 52.

This is really all I'm saying. There are things that DC is doing that help and will stretch on beyond this relaunch, like double-shipping the best-selling marquee titles. But by and larger creative teams will shift, DC will get cocky, and in late 2019, we'll be saying the same thing in reverse.

What books do you believe are garbage? I'm curious. I actually agree some of the books have downturned. I know you don't like the Harley book but other than that?

Garbage books? Huh. There's only a few really. Justice League does absolutely nothing for me. I want to like Cyborg, but it's emotionally dead. Action Comics, Batman Beyond, and Trinity are also non-starters for me.

Sales-wise? DC's below-the-cutoff books are Superwoman, New Super-Man, Cyborg, Kamandi, Blue Beetle, Earth 2 Society (gone already), Captain Atom, Shade The Changing Girl, Midnighter and Apollo, and Gotham Academy (cancelled).


Rebirth is a great title for a launch but yea after two years it is not really a rebirth anymore. Especially when a lot of titles will be inching towards #50.

rebranding, plus jumping on points for new readers is the best bet for next year. Think DC You.
What books do you believe are garbage? I'm curious. I actually agree some of the books have downturned. I know you don't like the Harley book but other than that?

I haven't read everything, but about 80% of their mainline books. The Superman books, Deathstroke, and Green Arrow are my most anticipated each month. Detective is dropping fast. Batman is a huge letdown, but I can't label it trash.

Justice League
Justice League of America
Blue Beetle

Hal Jordan
Green Lanterns
Flash - why am I still reading this?
Suicide Squad


Rebirth is a great title for a launch but yea after two years it is not really a rebirth anymore. Especially when a lot of titles will be inching towards #50.

rebranding, plus jumping on points for new readers is the best bet for next year. Think DC You.

I dont think DC want to remind people of DC you lol


Don't really know. I am looking forward to Gail Simone's new book Crosswind though.

This has been a pretty weak year for new Image titles for me. Pretty much only Curse Words and Extremity have stuck for sure and maaaaaybe Old Guard.

That recent image reveal panel was dreadful.


I haven't read everything, but about 80% of their mainline books. The Superman books, Deathstroke, and Green Arrow are my most anticipated each month. Detective is dropping fast. Batman is a huge letdown, but I can't label it trash.

Justice League
Justice League of America
Blue Beetle

Hal Jordan
Green Lanterns
Flash - why am I still reading this?
Suicide Squad

I tend to read roughly the same amount of great books from Marvel and DC whether they're considered to be doing well or poorly on the whole. Even at their worst, they're doing more good things at once than I have time and money for. They can put out 75 masterpieces a month if they want, but I'm still only going to read 2-5 books a week.

I never seen you ever write a critical word about DC, so pardon me if I don't take you as an objective patry.

Even our resident Blue Beetle stan wasn't high on the Rebirth book (that may have changed). I don't know who could possibly be. It's cringe worthy.


I never seen you ever write a critical word about DC, so pardon me if I don't take you as an objective patry.

Even our resident Blue Beetle stan wasn't high on the Rebirth book (that may have changed). I don't know who could possibly be. It's cringe worthy.

Because I'm loving DC right now! They're making good moves creatively and pr wise. When they make a move I don't like than I can call them on it.

Hell I'll give you a freebie. I think DC should fire EVS and stop working from him altogether because of recent events that have come to lite, and continual employment is a very poor choice. Also I don't like how we've not gotten any concrete Milestone progress. There should be more diversity books and creators. And we should start seeing more work from the Writers/Artist workshop crew.

And Poodlestrike did praise the Blue Beetle book recently.


It's sad when the only Rebirth book I liked was Arrow and I assumed Deathtroke wasn't for me and then, I picked Flash over it.

And then Flash sucked and I heard DS was the shit.
I never seen you ever write a critical word about DC, so pardon me if I don't take you as an objective patry.

Even our resident Blue Beetle stan wasn't high on the Rebirth book (that may have changed). I don't know who could possibly be. It's cringe worthy.

When I jumped back to the April 2016 thread to see how we felt about DC then, Ross actually posted he hoped Rebirth would get DC back on track!

That's how bad it was!
I never seen you ever write a critical word about DC, so pardon me if I don't take you as an objective patry.

Even our resident Blue Beetle stan wasn't high on the Rebirth book (that may have changed). I don't know who could possibly be. It's cringe worthy.

Because I'm loving DC right now! They're making good moves creatively and pr wise. When they make a move I don't like than I can call them on it.

Hell I'll give you a freebie. I think DC should fire EVS and stop working from him altogether because of recent events that have come to lite, and continual employment is a very poor choice. Also I don't like how we've not gotten any concrete Milestone progress. There should be more diversity books and creators. And we should start seeing more work from the Writers/Artist workshop crew.

And Poodlestrike did praise the Blue Beetle book recently.

BB did indeed start rough, but the editorial team managed to get Giffen to tone down the banter and, well, Giffen-isms after issue... I wanna say 4 or so? Will have to double check at some point.

Anyway it's a lot better now. Solid Blue Beetle shenanigans.
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