You mentioned DC riding high for a year. DC is definitely going to do another soft launch within the couple years because that is the nature of things. The thing is DC figured out what Marvel still hasn't grasped in 4 years.
stop making heroes fight each other every event.
Because they've only been riding high for a year. Never said it was only going to be for a year, only that there are multi-year swings between Marvel and DC.
I'm keeping up with several Rebirth books, and I still realize this is coming sooner rather than later. It's easy to get swept up in the hype, but I'm off the opinion that DC is already releasing several absolutely garbage books in this lineup. This sales spike will eventually sputter and we'll see the next relaunch.
On a monthly basis, I read an equal number of quality Marvel and DC books. That alone is a success for DC, since I wouldn't even touch their stuff during New 52.
This is really all I'm saying. There are things that DC is doing that help and will stretch on beyond this relaunch, like double-shipping the best-selling marquee titles. But by and larger creative teams will shift, DC will get cocky, and in late 2019, we'll be saying the same thing in reverse.
What books do you believe are garbage? I'm curious. I actually agree some of the books have downturned. I know you don't like the Harley book but other than that?
Garbage books? Huh. There's only a few really. Justice League does absolutely nothing for me. I want to like Cyborg, but it's emotionally dead. Action Comics, Batman Beyond, and Trinity are also non-starters for me.
Sales-wise? DC's below-the-cutoff books are Superwoman, New Super-Man, Cyborg, Kamandi, Blue Beetle, Earth 2 Society (gone already), Captain Atom, Shade The Changing Girl, Midnighter and Apollo, and Gotham Academy (cancelled).