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COMICS! |OT| November 2013. Truly, tofurkey is the offspring of some Black Science.

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Iceman has been a punchline for literally 50 years. Biggest joke character in all of fiction.

They won't even let him come out of the closet.
I love Star Wars more than anything and still found it boring. I don't think Wood is a very compelling writer tbh.

I've been enjoying it, though it's certainly not what I expected, considering there's so much focus on the X-Wing combat. But it's given me something of an appreciation for it, which I never enjoyed before. I do hope they get into something more traditional, though.

As for Wood's writing, I wouldn't say he isn't a compelling writer, he is. He just excels at things of the non-superhero nature. The new X-Men book for example, is a solid book. But his writing there doesn't compare IMO to the work he did on other books like Local, DMZ, or Northlanders. I think he works better on books that he can guide, like The Massive. Where there's no pre-existing franchise and a company telling him what he can and can't do with the book. That's an issue he runs into with X-Men and Star Wars, I'm sure.



This just arrived in the mail today. It's freakin' HUGE!!!


I'm guilty of having a very feminine X-men list.

1. Jean Grey
2. Emma Frost
3. Kitty Pryde
4. Wolverine
5. Nightcrawler

Honorable mentions go to Psylocke, Rogue and Gambit though :D
Iceman's hall of fame:

Reforming himself out of Havok's piss
Former friend of Spiderman
ALMOST had the guts to admit he's gay back in the 90s
Was actually Emma Frost for some time
Popular with casuals who do nothing but argue about his "epic omega level skillz"


Top X-Men? Okey-doke.

1. Storm
2. Jubilee
3. Beast
4. Rachel Grey
5. Nightcrawler
6. Gambit
7. Wolverine
8. Emma Frost
9. Rogue
10. X-23


A pass? Remender doesn't need a pass. He's fucking REMENDER! He wrote Fear Agent! And Strange Girl!

I do not know what either of those things are, but I think I may look into them...

His Uncanny X-Force run is what got me into comics.

May the bastard that lent me the books rot in hell.
He also wrote Bulletstorm, which past all the dick jokes, has a surprisingly good narrative that fits in right with his Uncanny X-Force and Fear Agent stories, all about living with failure and seeking redemptions for the awful mistakes in our past.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
The only character that is a bigger joke than Iceman is Cyclops.

my man.

Iceman's hall of fame:

Reforming himself out of Havok's piss
Former friend of Spiderman
ALMOST had the guts to admit he's gay back in the 90s
Was actually Emma Frost for some time
Popular with casuals who do nothing but argue about his "epic omega level skillz"

who among the original 5 hasnt almost come out to be gay? jean and scott?
Tried reading the first issue of Brian Wood's Star Wars. Don't think I made it even half way through. Not sure if it's bad or if you really just need to know and care about the characters and world going into it. But then, doesn't that mean it's bad?
It was so boring, I'm surprised I was able to finish it. Yet for some reason I picked up #2 (probably Cruz D'anda) but I actually liked it OK. But seriously, boring-ass #1.

5. Rogue
4. Also Rogue
3. Rogue Again
2. Stacy X
1. Rogue

seriously Rogue is like the Miley Cyrus of Mutants but not in a cool "hey at least you're trying" way, more in a "this is bad" way

anyways, this new Ms. Marvel comic sounds DOPE AS HECK and I don't even care how short it's going to last because the market may be dumb but we'll at least get a trade paperback's worth of a thing that Mainstream Corporate Cape Comics need

Rogue is a dumb and bad character and I hate the way every single writer puts her dumbass fucking southern accent in text in her speech bubbles and her haircut is dumb and her powers are dumb and she might be the worst X-Person

Bottom 5 X-Men

4. Iceman
5. X-23

this is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read, and I've read 90's comics and Saga


Top 5 Xmen (From someone who has read X-books here and there)

1. Rogue (How do you like them apples ElNarez?)
2. Wolverine (yeah, yeah, but he helped out Punisher in War Zone so he's a bro in my book, especially when written well)
3. Nightcrawler
5. Emma Frost

remender is a hack and i don't give a shit. fuck marvel.

What? Fear Agent is great (so far, currently reading through), his Cap run is up there with Bru's and he's writing a freakin' Winter Soldier mini. Not to mention Uncanny X-Force.

I'll admit Uncanny Avengers can be mediocre to bad though (some great character moments but the plot can be tiresome and there's stupid stuff like Scarlet Witch and Wonder Man having sex while going on about being mutant saviors...groan).


Top 5 X-Men?

1.) Gambit
2.) Wolverine
2.) Storm
4.) Nightcrawler
5.) Cyclops

@ElNarez: So *exactly* like Miley Cyrus, then?

You have excellent taste good sir. Buuuuuttt...

1.) Gambit
2.) Cyclops
3.) Storm
4.) Nightcrawler
5.) Emma Frost

Also Wood's Ulti X-Men was good. The ending felt really rushed though :\
Saga has turned into Seinfeld at the booth in the diner, only all the time, and less interesting. It really needs to pick up.

Y: The Last Man had better pacing, imo.

Also, best X-men

1) Sentinel Mk II
2) Sentinel Mk V
3) Wild Sentinel
4) Nimrod
5) Master Mold
GrandHarrier pls

Stop reading Catwoman and maybe I'll listen to what you have to say about Saga ;)

First 6-8 issues were bombastic. The recent 6 or so have been less so. So sorry for the real talk.

And don't tease me bro. Don't make me think I could earn your acceptance by something so simple. </3 ;(

I haven't read Catwoman in like 6 issues. I just buy it because I find beauty in filth.


Grandharrier doesn't read Marvel, I want his list stricken from the record.

1-3) Stepford Cuckoos
4) Legion
5) Colossus
Grandharrier doesn't read Marvel, I want his list stricken from the record.

I read 90s Marvel.

List reinstated.

And why you hating on Sentinels? I'm serious in my love for them. I have like 6 of the foot tall colossal Heroclix versions of the Mk IIs and Mk Vs and a Master Mold.


Pizza Dog
Anyway, I decided to try out IDW's TMNT and skipped ahead to City Fall. I've been missing out big time, holy crap. o.o

The only bad thing about TMNT's City Fall storyline is that it gave us such a bad-ass version of Leonardo that when they eventually take him back to normal it's not going to be as awesome to see him like that anymore. Dat
black bandana

Daredevil and Hawkeye both started before the Marvel NOW thing kicked off, although not by much in Hawkeye's case.

Arg. You're right. They're just two of my favourite books right now so it's why they came to mind. I've also dug FF, Avengers Arena, Superior Spider-Man (and Team-Up and Foes), All-New X-Men (and through that have started reading Uncanny X-Men and regular X-Men too), I read a bunch of Indestructable Hulk and Deadpool's got really good recently too. Before all this I'd basically stuck to mostly things like Y: The Last Man, Sandman, Ex-Machina, Fables, The Unwritten and so on, so it's really helped me get back into 'capes'.


The only bad thing about TMNT's City Fall storyline is that it gave us such a bad-ass version of Leonardo that when they eventually take him back to normal it's not going to be as awesome to see him like that anymore. Dat
black bandana

The one thing I didn't like about City Fall so far is that
Dark Leo came about through brainwashing. I was expecting a straight up face heel turn, and what I got just felt like a bit of a copout.
The book is still amazing, though.

Jedeye Sniv


This just arrived in the mail today. It's freakin' HUGE!!!

1) wtf is up with Superman 1mil's hair in that image?
2) even though I have all the issues and I think that onmnibuses are the worst thing to happen to comics since Lobdell, I still want this.
3) get ready for the greatest superhero story you'll ever read. Seriously, I was explaining to my wife (again) what happens at the end of the story and I teared up. Teared up describing a stupid comic book! But it has the greatest ending ever.

Everyone that's reading it, post impressions. I want to live vicariously.


Best X-Men list:

1) Rachel Summers
1) Archangel (original blue skinned techno organic wings of death version)
3) Jean Grey/Phoenix (Claremont era)
4) Kitty Pryde
5) Nightcrawler
Best X-Men list of the forever time

1. Jean Grey (seconding Phoenix/Claremont Era)
2. Colossus/Wolverine
3. Wolverine/Colossus (I can't decide here)
4. Forge (that's right Forge motherfuckers, come at me)
5. Kitty/Nightcrawler tie


Best X-men:


Worst X-men:


Seriously the guy is all over the place. Marvel don't know what to do with him. Bendis should be punched in the face every time he writes a Wolverine scene. Aaron's heart is in the right place (I like professor Logan) and he understands the character, but even him has been hit or miss. Wood's run on his main title is far from his best work IMO. How many times has Logan been without his healing factor? Why he is so insecure about it? That shit used to happen almost once a month a couple years back.

I still can't believe they made Logan remember his past and done absolutely nothing worthwhile with it. Fuck Daniel Way.
^ i agree. wolverine's healing factor never used to be this instant "re-form yourself from a drop of blood" bullshit. he used to get fucked up and have to take days to recover. then he became cheat-enabled and every writer turned him into the punching bag when the new villain had to show how awesome he was.

and even when his healing factor is gone, he gets stabbed in the stomach and conveniently a passing x-man will magically heal him 9____9 fucking wolverine
Green Arrow is so freaking good you guys. SO GOOD.

I really can't wait to read it, the previews look so good. I've been trying to keep away from them since I know I'll be buying the series anyway, but I had a look at the year zero preview, looks awesome. The more I watch the show, the more I'm excited for the comic haha.

Just sat and read the first issue of DoTF, with the Arkham Origins soundtrack on in the background. Glorious.

Also, just wondered in to find my girlfriend reorganising our graphic novel collection in a nice order for the first time in ageees, and I thought I might share.I absolutely swear by these books and heartily recommend them all pretty much :D We've pruned off about two shelves worth of stuff in the last few months so everything left is something at least one of us loves.

Shelf 1

Shelf 2

Shelf 3

And the rest.
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