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COMICS! |OT| November 2013. Truly, tofurkey is the offspring of some Black Science.

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That's the book you guys were reading here recently? The black glove or something.

I wonder if amazon stocks the full Brubakers Catwoman run.

Black Glove is Bruce, the 16 issues (collected in three volumes) he wrote on Batman and Robin are about Dick.

Jedeye Sniv

batgirl > Batman, come at me

That's the book you guys were reading here recently? The black glove or something.

I wonder if amazon stocks the full Brubakers Catwoman run.

lol no. Batgirl - dumb Barbara Gordon that nobody was asking for, overwriting a good (but majorly overrated by fanboys who wish it was better) Batgirl with Steph, and also unmaking the excellent Oracle character. Batgirl can go jump.

This is what I mean! Spending time and money on objectively mediocre books when there are comics out there that will literally CHANGE YOUR LIFE. C'mon son!! This is why I always advise new readers to stay out of the singles game, you just get mired down in present continuity and the day to day dreck of comics (which can be fun in a Saturday morning cartoon way, but never approach the heights of the greats). Meanwhile there are probably 100 classic runs just WAITING for you. Genre defining books that will help you in discerning between the good and the average.

I'm sorry, I'm sure you enjoy these books, I'm just passionate. But it's like spending all your time watching Soap Operas when the Wire is sitting unwatched on the shelf. MADNESS!

Dick as Batman was the Morrison B&R (the middle section of his run) and Snyder's Black Mirror. Both excellent stories.


Hopefully Snyder won't be exhausted with new ideas when he starts American Vampire.

my faith is unwavering.

He will nail it. hard. only pb is the collected all arc 2 of AV should be on my laps, right now. each month will bring pain. and longing. sweet terrible longing.

yeah...well it's gonna be good. don't you worry.


That's the book you guys were reading here recently? The black glove or something.

I wonder if amazon stocks the full Brubakers Catwoman run.

Give The Black Mirror a read too, as it features Rick as Batman and is a really good story.
This is what I mean! Spending time and money on objectively mediocre books when there are comics out there that will literally CHANGE YOUR LIFE. C'mon son!! This is why I always advise new readers to stay out of the singles game, you just get mired down in present continuity and the day to day dreck of comics (which can be fun in a Saturday morning cartoon way, but never approach the heights of the greats). Meanwhile there are probably 100 classic runs just WAITING for you. Genre defining books that will help you in discerning between the good and the average.

I'm sorry, I'm sure you enjoy these books, I'm just passionate. But it's like spending all your time watching Soap Operas when the Wire is sitting unwatched on the shelf. MADNESS!

Good points made here. I appreciate you sharing your wisdom. I've been working at deciphering the different between good and great comics and trying to set a high standard for my singles selections. But it's challenging because it's a process that requires testing and dropping a lot of books. And the tendency when you're a newish comic fan is to hold tightly to a book that had even a small something in it that you liked.

I've been thinking about dropping my habit of investigating the weekly releases on the Previews website in an effort to cut down my pull list. But then I unearth something up like A Voice in the Dark like I did this week and it's like finding buried treasure.
So I just started reading Six-Gun Gorilla yesterday. It completely blew my mind. So different and interesting. I tried to find out some more about the character and the series, but I have some questions. Is it only going to be 6 issues? I just don't know if they could possibly explain everything they've built to in one more issue. Is Six-Gun Gorilla a classic comic character? I had never heard of him until the Boom! series, but googling I found another current six-gun gorilla book (long days of vengeance).
Good points made here. I appreciate you sharing your wisdom. I've been working at deciphering the different between good and great comics and trying to set a high standard for my singles selections. But it's challenging because it's a process that requires testing and dropping a lot of books. And the tendency when you're a newish comic fan is to hold tightly to a book that had even a small something in it that you liked.

I've been thinking about dropping my habit of investigating the weekly releases on the Previews website in an effort to cut down my pull list. But then I unearth something up like A Voice in the Dark like I did this week and it's like finding buried treasure.

Absolutely. Even as someone who picks up very little cape books and tries lots of indie books, and reads in trade, the actual process of buying a book you end up not liking is agonising and costly at times to get there. There's some books that flat out barely get reviewed form Image, Oni etc. and it's easy to get burned. You could be missing an absolute eye opener too though, so it's difficult to make that space and get rid of books to try new stuff.

Not read a lot this week guys, had my head buried in Assassin's Creed this week since it hit PC, and working my way through Perdido Street Station as well, so barely any time for comics. I do have Y the last man HC 1 sitting on my bedside table though, I haven't reread the series in a long time. In such a long time actually, I wonder how I'll feel about it, my tastes have changed and matured considerably since I last read. Will be a fun experience to see if the work has changed with me or (scarily) if I don't like it as much. It's pretty much the only series I would consider an absolute top favourite, but haven't actually reread in eons (no real reason for this, had the HC set sitting on the shelf for a year or so now).


As someone who's bought his share of bad singles, I feel you guys, but I feel it's part of the fun, y'know? That on any given Wednesday, you can go to a shop and get on the ground floor of something special. Like, there's something to being the guy who saw things like the Winter Soldier as he was being created, to take part in a moment that's being shared with thousands of people around the world. And maybe it's a good moment, maybe it's a terrible one, maybe it's Amazing Spider-Man #700, either way it's fucking magical to me.

Periodical genre fiction is fucking wonderful.


So I just started reading Six-Gun Gorilla yesterday. It completely blew my mind. So different and interesting. I tried to find out some more about the character and the series, but I have some questions. Is it only going to be 6 issues? I just don't know if they could possibly explain everything they've built to in one more issue. Is Six-Gun Gorilla a classic comic character? I had never heard of him until the Boom! series, but googling I found another current six-gun gorilla book (long days of vengeance).
SGG is definitely amazing and I'm glad to see someone else posting about it in here!

For your first question: yes, it's a six issue mini. Will there be more on the future? I really hope so.

Your second question I had to look into and yeah, apparently Six Gun Gorilla was a very old pulp character from 1939 with an anonymous author. Crazy, mind is currently being blown by that information. This explains a lot about those old timey ads in front of SGG issues?

I hadn't heard of that other series but it looks like it's just another creative team doing their spin on the character. They have two issues out right now and say it's less of a crazy sci-fi mind fuck fest and more of a straight up western revenge story.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Usually I can slam my way through a series pretty quick, maybe 10 issues a day is my critical rate - but Sandman is so friggin...IMPORTANT. I can't do more than read maybe 2 issues in a day. I have to step back from it and digest it. I can't remember the last book that did this.

I regret not reading this earlier. Incredible. I'll be done...next year :x
As someone who's bought his share of bad singles, I feel you guys, but I feel it's part of the fun, y'know? That on any given Wednesday, you can go to a shop and get on the ground floor of something special. Like, there's something to being the guy who saw things like the Winter Soldier as he was being created, to take part in a moment that's being shared with thousands of people around the world. And maybe it's a good moment, maybe it's a terrible one, maybe it's Amazing Spider-Man #700, either way it's fucking magical to me.

Periodical genre fiction is fucking wonderful.

/slowclap I agree 100%.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Usually I can slam my way through a series pretty quick, maybe 10 issues a day is my critical rate - but Sandman is so friggin...IMPORTANT. I can't do more than read maybe 2 issues in a day. I have to step back from it and digest it. I can't remember the last book that did this.

I regret not reading this earlier. Incredible. I'll be done...next year :x

Haha--that's how I was with Invisibles. Ain't nothing wrong with slowly working your way through a series and taking it all in.
Infinity is still very good. I even feel bad I don't have anything to say about it. It's just... very good, I guess.

Yea, I like it a lot but I'm dropping all the Avengers when its done. I was meaning to before it but I couldn't wait...gonna go back later and catch up though. Probably Superior Spidey too, haven't really cared about it but I don't hate it like JMS Spidey so its hard to drop lol. Gotta cut more!


Usually I can slam my way through a series pretty quick, maybe 10 issues a day is my critical rate - but Sandman is so friggin...IMPORTANT. I can't do more than read maybe 2 issues in a day. I have to step back from it and digest it. I can't remember the last book that did this.

I regret not reading this earlier. Incredible. I'll be done...next year :x

Ya I only read an issue or two a day. I'm only mid way through volume 2. There's a lot going on.


Bane was better.
INFINITY! I'm curious how the ending is going to play out... yes, the Builders are defeated and the last incursion was turned back...but those are still problems that exist. Incursions are still going to happen, nothing has been done to stop them. And the fact that the builders were coming because of a space/time rift still hasn't been dealt with. There are huge unresolved issues.

Also, no Hyperion in any of the previews...wonder what that means.
SGG is definitely amazing and I'm glad to see someone else posting about it in here!

For your first question: yes, it's a six issue mini. Will there be more on the future? I really hope so.

Your second question I had to look into and yeah, apparently Six Gun Gorilla was a very old pulp character from 1939 with an anonymous author. Crazy, mind is currently being blown by that information. This explains a lot about those old timey ads in front of SGG issues?

I hadn't heard of that other series but it looks like it's just another creative team doing their spin on the character. They have two issues out right now and say it's less of a crazy sci-fi mind fuck fest and more of a straight up western revenge story.

Yeah, I think it was your post sometime back about it being the best issue one week that made me pick it up. And a couple of good reviews on IGN maybe. It's so completely different than what I was expecting going in. Some of the concepts are so out there. I guess they don't have to resolve everything, but I'm really interested in how it's going to wrap up. I tried to explain what it's about to my buddy who reads mostly DC comics, and the result was probably the most incomprehensible text message ever sent. I'm a big fan. I hope there's more, but I should probably see if the creative team has done anything else. The art is fantastic and really fits the story.
I wonder if amazon stocks the full Brubakers Catwoman run.
It stocks the first two volumes, but they're not done collecting it. I think Vol. 3 comes out early next year.
Sex Criminals, Orc Stain
Damn. Weird way to do a Superman collection. Hope the Lois Lane HC is done better.
Yeah, I think it was your post sometime back about it being the best issue one week that made me pick it up. And a couple of good reviews on IGN maybe. It's so completely different than what I was expecting going in. Some of the concepts are so out there. I guess they don't have to resolve everything, but I'm really interested in how it's going to wrap up. I tried to explain what it's about to my buddy who reads mostly DC comics, and the result was probably the most incomprehensible text message ever sent. I'm a big fan. I hope there's more, but I should probably see if the creative team has done anything else. The art is fantastic and really fits the story.

Nice to see more SGG love in here. Yeah, it's hard to imagine they could wrap the whole thing up with the last issue. I'm sure we'll be left pondering this world. But, like you, I can't wait to see how it wraps.
Will Blue die? He kind of has to, doesn't he? Or will he find a way out? But out to where? And what will happen to the gorilla? And everyone else? What is the full truth of the conspiracy and will the BlueTech-PV watchers learn of it?
With this series, in this world, anything could happen.

One of the things I'm most grateful for with regards to this series is that I discovered Simon Spurrier's work. I recommend you read his series Numbercruncher. The hardcover is set to be released at the end of December. It's very different from SGG but it's brain-breaky in a whole new way. It's tells it's story forwards and backwards and basically turns it inside out so that you can see it through the eyes of all the characters. I loved it.

Spurrier also writes X-Men Legacy, which ComicsGaf seems to enjoy, though it it is expected to be cancelled soon. And Spurrier has a new web comic called Disenchanted that drops a new chapter every Monday. It's expected to be collected eventually, as well.


It stocks the first two volumes, but they're not done collecting it. I think Vol. 3 comes out early next year.

Damn. Weird way to do a Superman collection. Hope the Lois Lane HC is done better.

Weird. You would think it was be fully collected by now. It's from 2002ish right?
Weird. You would think it was be fully collected by now. It's from 2002ish right?

Well, the original trades are there too, but I think some are out of print/miiight run you high prices depending on the volume. They are putting out new printing and the whole Brubaker run in three big volumes this time.

EDIT: Looks like the old volumes are highly priced, unless your okay with used. I'd just go with the new ones when the third book hits. That's my plan. All three in a whammy.


INFINITY! I'm curious how the ending is going to play out... yes, the Builders are defeated and the last incursion was turned back...but those are still problems that exist. Incursions are still going to happen, nothing has been done to stop them. And the fact that the builders were coming because of a space/time rift still hasn't been dealt with. There are huge unresolved issues.

Also, no Hyperion in any of the previews...wonder what that means.

Do you mean after Infinity? Hyperion is in the preview pages for Infinity #6.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Well, the original trades are there too, but I think some are out of print/miiight run you high prices depending on the volume. They are putting out new printing and the whole Brubaker run in three big volumes this time.

EDIT: Looks like the old volumes are highly priced, unless your okay with used. I'd just go with the new ones when the third book hits. That's my plan. All three in a whammy.

Yeah, the old volumes are mostly out-of-print. As with a lot of runs, DC revisits them after a few years and compiles them into thicker, more comprehensive collections.

The new third volume is coming April 1st on Amazon (so probably a week earlier in comics stores).
Yay. After dragging my heels a few weeks so I could get two in one go, just ordered Hellboy: The Midnight Circus and Baltimore: A Passing Stranger & other stories. Best thing is the Mignolaverse is moving at such a rapid pace in the monthlies now, I've got another two in a few weeks, BPRD Vampire and Abe Sapien: Dark and Terrible and The New Race Of Man. Fuuuuck yea. Images for celebration:


I liked Uncanny X-Men #14. It's a shame the art seems so hit or miss. I often can't tell people apart.

I liked the allusion to



When it comes to Superman, the higher ups have so completely taken the "Superman is boring/doesn't work" stuff to heart, and like a 15-year-old desperate to prove how mature he is, they have to keep overcompensating by making him all serious and sad and isolated and alien all of the time.

It's bad enough they refuse to ever let Batman be even a little happy, but doing it to Superman, a character meant to represent hope and idealism as well as imagination and the fantastical, it so grating.

Edit: Still reading. They include a story where Batman kills Superman? Goodness gracious.


Yay. After dragging my heels a few weeks so I could get two in one go, just ordered Hellboy: The Midnight Circus and Baltimore: A Passing Stranger & other stories. Best thing is the Mignolaverse is moving at such a rapid pace in the monthlies now, I've got another two in a few weeks, BPRD Vampire and Abe Sapien: Dark and Terrible and The New Race Of Man. Fuuuuck yea. Images for celebration:

Midnight Circus is such a beautiful book.

And a great read too
Midnight Circus is such a beautiful book.

And a great read too

Brilliant, I can't wait man. I literally only held out because I knew there was about to be an influx of Mignola-related trades and it's always good if you have a second to follow-up your reading with. Fegredo is absolutely one of the best in the business though, really incredible. In some ways his vision of Hellboy's world is even more impressive than Mike's, and he's the only artist that's got to work on HB that I would say that for, nromally I consider anyone outside of Mike way inferior. Fegredo just nails it though. So good to see him do more.

Although, just to ramble on, I really really liked the guy that did the drowning but he never really seemed to do more comic work in general, bar a HB short story.


Man, I didn't get anything this week, all I have is Thor #15. Avengers is not worth my time or money so I'm sticking to Infinity. Dropped Superior Spidey as well in anticipation for Punisher, Loki and Black Widow (which will be my mainstays, not mention other stuff I'm giving a shot).

I want to pick up the back issues of Fatale but hopefully Comixology runs another sale sometime soon since I'm cheap hehe. I'm tempted to buy Chew, given Acid's love for the book and the stuff people around here say about it.


Yeah, I think it was your post sometime back about it being the best issue one week that made me pick it up. And a couple of good reviews on IGN maybe. It's so completely different than what I was expecting going in. Some of the concepts are so out there. I guess they don't have to resolve everything, but I'm really interested in how it's going to wrap up. I tried to explain what it's about to my buddy who reads mostly DC comics, and the result was probably the most incomprehensible text message ever sent. I'm a big fan. I hope there's more, but I should probably see if the creative team has done anything else. The art is fantastic and really fits the story.

It's the first time the writer and artist have worked together I think. You should seriously check out some of Spurrier's other work. X-Men Legacy comes highly recommended. It's good stuff (just a shame about the art).


Anyone in here read stuff by Terry Moore? Would you recommend Strangers in Paradise? Echo? Rachel Rising?

EDIT: What about The Runaways by Brian K. Vaughan?


Anyone in here read stuff by Terry Moore? Would you recommend Strangers in Paradise? Echo? Rachel Rising?

EDIT: What about The Runaways by Brian K. Vaughn?

Runaways is good. I have not read Strangers in Paradise, but always hear great things about it. Not sure about the other two.


Runaways is good. I have not read Strangers in Paradise, but always hear great things about it. Not sure about the other two.

I was just reading a couple of comments that are telling me to basically stop reading Runaways after Volume 8 which is the Whedon one.
Zero and Sex Criminals continue to be amazing.

Anyone know if Zero is a ongoing series or not?

I have an endgame planned; how I get there is another thing entirely. I am keeping things fluid. There are signposts along the way that I want to hit, and I have a larger outline. It morphs continuously.

I want to write Zero for 35-40 issues.
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