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COMICS! |OT| November 2013. Truly, tofurkey is the offspring of some Black Science.

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Why not just wait 5 years and then get all of DC's books?



Pizza Dog
I jumped back into comics in a big way with Marvel Now so I'm pretty on-board for this All-New Marvel Now launching a new line of comics. Some of the best things I've read have come out of Now (Daredevil and Hawkeye especially).


i haven't read my invisibles omnibus past the first trades worth :(

^^^ you reminded me of the new book i'm going to try with the all new newness, Silver Surfer by Slott/Allred. Still not a big fan of Slott though....but he gets a chance.


I do not care that it's Rich just spinning the rumor mill for hits, but his rumors on who makes the move west make me feel all warm and tingly inside.


i haven't read my invisibles omnibus past the first trades worth :(

^^^ you reminded me of the new book i'm going to try with the all new newness, Silver Surfer by Slott/Allred. Still not a big fan of Slott though....but he gets a chance.

I actually just picked that back up over the last few days. I'm 500 pages in and I haven't made a dent. I don't remember who recommended it, but thanks. The Invisibles is great.
Having a hard time thinking what a "Five Years later" weekly will be about haha. I mean, I get the special month concept, everyone do a book that's a bit of a what if "5 Year Later" where our heroes are at, have they been replaced, what silly shocking things can we do etc. but the following weekly? We know they won't do a series that literally does today to that point and take the universe 5 years on, they would hate to officially age their characters that way. Do they do a book that continues to be set in the five years alter world, or a book in the present that ties into some "oh no" world status quo that's present in the future that needs to be prevented. I like the idea of Batman Beyond being included, and I'm up for a book written by Lemire and Azzarello any day. If only Rucka had been on board. Number 1 though, please no time travel and 2) please no "we have to stop this theoretical future from happening!" although I can reconcile this if it's at least interesting.
Having a hard time thinking what a "Five Years later" weekly will be about haha. I mean, I get the special month concept, everyone do a book that's a bit of a what if "5 Year Later" where our heroes are at, have they been replaced, what silly shocking things can we do etc. but the following weekly? We know they won't do a series that literally does today to that point and take the universe 5 years on, they would hate to officially age their characters that way. Do they do a book that continues to be set in the five years alter world, or a book in the present that ties into some "oh no" world status quo that's present in the future that needs to be prevented. I like the idea of Batman Beyond being included, and I'm up for a book written by Lemire and Azzarello any day. If only Rucka had been on board. Number 1 though, please no time travel and 2) please no "we have to stop this theoretical future from happening!" although I can reconcile this if it's at least interesting.
That would be my guess. Spend one month showing off a DCU that's an even more horrible place to live, then launch a series in which a team of fan-favorite characters privy to that possible future try to prevent it from happening, possibly while others try to ensure that it does.
That would be my guess. Spend one month showing off a DCU that's an even more horrible place to live, then launch a series in which a team of fan-favorite characters privy to that possible future try to prevent it from happening, possibly while others try to ensure that it does.



Ethnically diverse Ms-Marvel wrinkles my "oh Marvel, are numbers that bad" itch a bit too much. Especially with such a tenuous link to previous Ms Marvel and unrelated powers. I'm sure Kamala Khan will be Miles Morales new friend in no time.

I think it's great that Marvel is taking steps to diversify its line-up, especially in a way that defies common stereotype. On the other hand, it would have been great to see a character that could reflect some Muslim communities more easily, by wearing a hijab or at least wearing full-length clothing. Of course, the only answer to this problem (of who "needs" to be represented most) is to have more Muslim characters.

On a similar note, are there any similarly prominent Muslim characters in the DC Universe? The newly rebooted Green Lantern is Muslim, right?

On a less similar note, this image got me thinking about the X-Men recently, and how, in a way, I've fallen out of love with the series lately. I used to adore the X-Men as a concept, in part no small thanks to the 1990s animated series, and I used to consider it a bastion of diversity.

To a degree, I still consider that true - the series has some of the strongest, most consistently well-written female characters within comics, and a large number of its related characters can be said to represent minorities. But looking at that image made me think that the series is still, fundamentally, about white men. : / (Sure, there are numerous characters of numerous ethnicities, but they're mostly secondary to the core, male cast.) I guess this is an intractable issue when you're building on top an indefinitely lasting series that started in the 1960s.


That would be my guess. Spend one month showing off a DCU that's an even more horrible place to live, then launch a series in which a team of fan-favorite characters privy to that possible future try to prevent it from happening, possibly while others try to ensure that it does.

what if the head villain is controlling the future from further in the future?

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
To a degree, I still consider that true - the series has some of the strongest, most consistently well-written female characters within comics

I don't think thats true anymore, certainly not right now. Mostly due to events, but about the only female character that seem to exude even a hint of consistency is Jubilee.

Psylocke is going through an emo phase still, where in one book she's swearing her head off and in others still a cool collected ninja. Storm is... barely a character recently beyond some brief Wolverine fling rebellion. Kitty has just had her most out of character period ever written, Rogue is being done terribly by Remender and errrrrrr...., Jean is dead but instead we get idiot young Jean who was never even like that anyway, and Rachel seems addicted to traitoring the Jean Grey School staff but always slinking back to say sorry. Oh and on Cyclops side, its hard to tell all the blondes apart from not just the art, but Bendis dialogue. To the point it went meta and had one of the Cuckoo's change hair colours. Dazzler was some brief fun thats gone nowhere.

The women in Cable and X-Force are plenty fun though as I picked that up for a quick looksie the other day. Hope is also almost approaching a likable character!


I don't think thats true anymore, certainly not right now. Mostly due to events, but about the only female character that seem to exude even a hint of consistency is Jubilee.

Psylocke is going through an emo phase still, where in one book she's swearing her head off and in others still a cool collected ninja. Storm is... barely a character recently beyond some brief Wolverine fling rebellion. Kitty has just had her most out of character period ever written, Rogue is being done terribly by Remender and errrrrrr...., Jean is dead but instead we get idiot young Jean who was never even like that anyway, and Rachel seems addicted to traitoring the Jean Grey School staff but always slinking back to say sorry. Oh and on Cyclops side, its hard to tell all the blondes apart from not just the art, but Bendis dialogue. To the point it went meta and had one of the Cuckoo's change hair colours. Dazzler was some brief fun thats gone nowhere.

The women in Cable and X-Force are plenty fun though as I picked that up for a quick looksie the other day. Hope is also almost approaching a likable character!

Blindfold is well written in X-Men Legacy.


I don't think thats true anymore, certainly not right now. Mostly due to events, but about the only female character that seem to exude even a hint of consistency is Jubilee.

Psylocke is going through an emo phase still, where in one book she's swearing her head off and in others still a cool collected ninja. Storm is... barely a character recently beyond some brief Wolverine fling rebellion. Kitty has just had her most out of character period ever written, Rogue is being done terribly by Remender and errrrrrr...., Jean is dead but instead we get idiot young Jean who was never even like that anyway, and Rachel seems addicted to traitoring the Jean Grey School staff but always slinking back to say sorry. Oh and on Cyclops side, its hard to tell all the blondes apart from not just the art, but Bendis dialogue. To the point it went meta and had one of the Cuckoo's change hair colours. Dazzler was some brief fun thats gone nowhere.

The women in Cable and X-Force are plenty fun though as I picked that up for a quick looksie the other day. Hope is also almost approaching a likable character!

I must admit I'm out of touch with current X-Men storylines, but aside from simply being as favourable as possible to the series, I guess my point was that (aside from specific characterisation issues) the X-Men have always seemed to me like a series where the women characters can always hold their own against the male characters. I know that when I was younger I couldn't care less about Cyclops, Wolverine or Beast - to me, it was always about Storm, Rogue or Mystique.


I think it's great that Marvel is taking steps to diversify its line-up, especially in a way that defies common stereotype. On the other hand, it would have been great to see a character that could reflect some Muslim communities more easily, by wearing a hijab or at least wearing full-length clothing. Of course, the only answer to this problem (of who "needs" to be represented most) is to have more Muslim characters.

The only one I know of is Dust:

She was in New X-Mena few years back (I only know that because Skottie Young drew a story arc) and she wears a niqab and abaya. I don't think she's been in anything recently though, which is a shame. I always thought turning to sand was a cool superpower.
The only one I know of is Dust:

She was in New X-Mena few years back (I only know that because Skottie Young drew a story arc) and she wears a niqab and abaya. I don't think she's been in anything recently though, which is a shame. I always thought turning to sand was a cool superpower.

Sort of, but kind of beats you over the head with the ethnicity in the process. Having the middle eastern superhero turn into desert sand as a power is about as subtle as a black hero who turns into any kind of malt liquor he can think of.


The only one I know of is Dust:

She was in New X-Mena few years back (I only know that because Skottie Young drew a story arc) and she wears a niqab and abaya. I don't think she's been in anything recently though, which is a shame. I always thought turning to sand was a cool superpower.

I remember Dust from whatever issues were reprinted within the Essential X-Men comics I collected ages ago, and I think it's great that both strands of Islam can be represented in Marvel comics.

Apart from what Manmademan mentioned, however, I think the only issue with that character's representation was when she was drawn like this, going entirely against her character. I don't actually remember how common that issue was, although I guess that's the problem with asking men who by default draw big-breasted women to handle a sensitive character.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The French comic Snowpiercer is being translated into English courtesy of Titan Comics. It'll be released in two parts on January 29th and February 25th. The comic was written by Jacques Lob and Benjamin Legrand, and illustrated by Jean-Marc Rochette.

Bong Joon-ho (Barking Dogs Never Bite, The Memories of Murder, The Host, Mother) directed the adaptation earlier this year. It will supposedly be released in the US early next year, with rumored cuts ordered by that fucker Harvey Weinstein.

I kinda figured this would happen with the movie coming out. I'm intrigued. Very psyched for the movie, at least for Bong's original cut. Hopefully we end up getting what South Korea saw, if not in theaters then on Blu-ray.


The new Ms. Marvel sounds pretty neat! Plus, it's Alphona on art, so I'm obligated to buy it.

Anyway, I decided to try out IDW's TMNT and skipped ahead to City Fall. I've been missing out big time, holy crap. o.o


The new Ms. Marvel sounds pretty neat! Plus, it's Alphona on art, so I'm obligated to buy it.

Anyway, I decided to try out IDW's TMNT and skipped ahead to City Fall. I've been missing out big time, holy crap. o.o
The whole run has been great, don't miss out on the past issues!
So what do you guys think of the rumors surrounding Uncanny Avengers that (SPOILER ALERT!)
it's Rogue's turn to make the ultimate sacrifice and bite the big enchilada?

Evidence appears to be mounting...

Will you
miss Marvel's skunk-haired Southern belle, or has her importance been so diminished over the years that the best it will warrant is a mere shrug?

remender is a hack and i don't give a shit. fuck marvel.


Rogue is a dumb and bad character and I hate the way every single writer puts her dumbass fucking southern accent in text in her speech bubbles and her haircut is dumb and her powers are dumb and she might be the worst X-Person
X-Men Legacy in general is well-written

Si Spurrier is a smart guy, I should probably read Six-Gun Gorilla

Yes! Yes, you should. It's fascinating and the art keeps pace with the writing, which is saying something. Also, read Spurrier's Numbercruncher, which will be collected in January. That mini broke my brain in the best way. Which leads me to...

... Titan is also the publisher of Numbercruncher. That there is a publisher to keep an eye on. They are releasing the current Tank Girl series (Solid State) which I've heard great things about. And this Snowpiercer seems to have an interesting premise.


Is anyone reading that current Tank Girl series? I was interested but haven't even seen an issue at my LCS.


seriously Rogue is like the Miley Cyrus of Mutants but not in a cool "hey at least you're trying" way, more in a "this is bad" way

anyways, this new Ms. Marvel comic sounds DOPE AS HECK and I don't even care how short it's going to last because the market may be dumb but we'll at least get a trade paperback's worth of a thing that Mainstream Corporate Cape Comics need
Top 5 X-Men?

1.) Gambit
2.) Wolverine
2.) Storm
4.) Nightcrawler
5.) Cyclops

@ElNarez: So *exactly* like Miley Cyrus, then?
Top 5 X-Men

1. Danielle Moonstar
2. Storm
3. Rogue
4. Cyclops
5. Rachel Grey

Bottom 5 X-Men

1. Cable
2. Hope Summers
3. Beast
4. Iceman
5. X-23
Tried reading the first issue of Brian Wood's Star Wars. Don't think I made it even half way through. Not sure if it's bad or if you really just need to know and care about the characters and world going into it. But then, doesn't that mean it's bad?


Tried reading the first issue of Brian Wood's Star Wars. Don't think I made it even half way through. Not sure if it's bad or if you really just need to know and care about the characters and world going into it. But then, doesn't that mean it's bad?
I love Star Wars more than anything and still found it boring. I don't think Wood is a very compelling writer tbh.


I jumped back into comics in a big way with Marvel Now so I'm pretty on-board for this All-New Marvel Now launching a new line of comics. Some of the best things I've read have come out of Now (Daredevil and Hawkeye especially).

Daredevil and Hawkeye both started before the Marvel NOW thing kicked off, although not by much in Hawkeye's case.


Interesting stuff with that Ms. Marvel leak. I enjoyed what I read of Wilson's Air series and have been meaning to check out her recent novel. Cover is nice too. In for the first issue at least
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