I have really come to enjoy Chris Burnhams work. His style has really grown on me.
I have really come to enjoy Chris Burnhams work. His style has really grown on me.
I need to buy the HC,, I have the first TPB.
Also Kipp,, love the avatar. How do I get my avatar to have no background like that
I prefer the long runs. However yesterday when I was walking around the comic store the omnibus' were all around £75-85+ (that's daaaaamn expensive). I don't know if it's just like that because it's the UK or if it was that particular store.
I'll say it again: he's basically Quitely but with a dash of Allred's pop-art inspiration. He kinda was the perfect partner for Morrison on Batman.
WOW. Just finished Manhattan Projects #5. That one's getting added to my desert island single issues list for sure.
That issue was just incredible. The plot moved forward so incredibly fast and so much happened.I had thought that alien race was going to be something that continued for the rest of the series, or at least a full story arc, but no. Meet aliens, figure out that they intend to destroy earth, create a means of getting to the alien planet, destroy entire species. All in one issue. And done in an absolutely brilliant, entertaining, engrossing way that didn't seem one bit too dense. Incredible.
Also, that quote by the one alien who was a different species who lived was so good. "But by all measurements, the first extraplanetary odyssey initiated by your world ending in the genocide of a species... Not the best way to make your mark in the cosmos."
Also, I got some serious Fear Agent vibes. Which is definitely a compliment. Kinda got me wanting to reread that sometime soon.
And Nick Pitarra can draw some fantastic aliens!
Man. This is some stellar stuff.
Tim, your recommendation on this was spot on.
The best thing about Burnham on Morrison's Batman was that he such a fanboy of the run and Batman in general. He knows that when Morrison writes "Talia kicks a tree training", he's gonna draw it mirroring Bruce's training via Mazzuchelli with Year One.
Or when Dick and Damian leap into action one last time, he'll add the BOOM BOOM Quitely explosion sound effect that started their run together and the little Adam West POW sound effects
But he's really just good at everything. Unique page layouts that help and not hinder the storytelling, choreography, characterization and body language, he's the best.
I'm glad you're enjoying it, there's a reason it's my favorite book.
I left it off my desert island list because there was really no one issue I could pull out to standalone, if I only had one issue it'd be like torture not being able to read the rest. I can't wait to see what you think of the last issue in the hardcover (which coincidentally is the first Ryan Browne issue and I have an interesting story about it).
I bought this book based on your previous Fawkes review a while back. I still need to read them but the premise sounds fantasticHalfway impressions of Ray Fawkes One Soul. This book is written and drawn by Fawkes. First and foremost, the dedication page reads:
"To Dorian our beloved son, born and died March 13th, 2010. In Memoriam. "
With that said, you know the state of mind of the writer but it's not a depressing tale, so far. Each page contains 9 panels, with each double page and each panel telling a story of an individual character for a total of 18 characters running in sequence. These characters come from different time periods and different cultures. It's hard to follow at first but by 25 pages are so, you start to follow everything quite nicely. Its a beutiful book so far. I'll write my end book impressions when I'm done but I just have to say that this book is already recommended and really experiments with the medium. This is the closest thing to comic poetry.
Edit - also thanks for those examples JC, so good!
Halfway impressions of Ray Fawkes One Soul. This book is written and drawn by Fawkes. First and foremost, the dedication page reads:
"To Dorian our beloved son, born and died March 13th, 2010. In Memoriam. "
With that said, you know the state of mind of the writer but it's not a depressing tale, so far. Each page contains 9 panels, with each double page and each panel telling a story of an individual character for a total of 18 characters running in sequence. These characters come from different time periods and different cultures. It's hard to follow at first but by 25 pages are so, you start to follow everything quite nicely. Its a beutiful book so far. I'll write my end book impressions when I'm done but I just have to say that this book is already recommended and really experiments with the medium. This is the closest thing to comic poetry.
Halfway impressions of Ray Fawkes One Soul. This book is written and drawn by Fawkes. First and foremost, the dedication page reads:
"To Dorian our beloved son, born and died March 13th, 2010. In Memoriam. "
With that said, you know the state of mind of the writer but it's not a depressing tale, so far. Each page contains 9 panels, with each double page and each panel telling a story of an individual character for a total of 18 characters running in sequence. These characters come from different time periods and different cultures. It's hard to follow at first but by 25 pages are so, you start to follow everything quite nicely. Its a beutiful book so far. I'll write my end book impressions when I'm done but I just have to say that this book is already recommended and really experiments with the medium. This is the closest thing to comic poetry.
Edit - also thanks for those examples JC, so good!
Kipp said:I picked that up at the library a few months back and tried really hard to get into it because I know Tim liked it and someone else too, I think. I tried reading it twice, and the furthest I managed to get was about 1/3rd through it. It just wasn't doing anything for me. His art did absolutely nothing for me and the fairly simplistic story just wouldn't hold my attention. That was compounded by the fact that I had a giant stack of other books from the library that I really wanted to read right beside me, so I didn't have much motivation to continue on with something I wasn't really feeling.
But with that said, I thought the concept was fascinating. I'm really glad that it worked for Tim and it's working for you, because it's a brilliant idea. Unfortunately it just didn't click for me. I'm interested to hear your thoughts when you finish reading it though!
Please don't hate me, Tim.
It was probably the best comic I read last year.
That makes me so happy. I absolutely loved the first volume of Scarlet and was really bummed to find out that there were only 7 issues total. Does this mean that more issues have been solicited? Because the first volume was issues 1-5, so you'd think the next volume would be 6-10 at least.
Oh man. That was such a fantastic surprise.
I searched B&N for Scarlet (checking out what's what for the B2G1 sale) because I want to buy it even though I just read it from the library a month ago and then I saw volume two up for pre-order. Amazing.
Yeah, I'm definitely on your enemies list now. Oops.
Hah, no worries, love for Manhattan Projects trumps all!
Your impressions don't surprise me (and this is no slight against you, believe me), I think it's a very difficult book to get into. I think you really need to be in a certain frame of mind to get immersed in it. I've never bothered to look up reviews but I bet it was a very polarizing book when it was initially released.
Edit: Just FYI, regarding the B&N B2G1, for the most part, books that are less than $30 on IST are fairly close in price at B&N. So the B&N B2G1 is a great opportunity to load up on TPBs rather than omnibuses and Absolute editions.
I've spent too much in the past month, so I won't be making an order for a while (if at all), but just wanted to share that tidbit.
Have to love the old school art in the Uncanny Xmen omnibus vol #1:
I'm really enjoying the omnibus. It's nice to see the beginning of the current era of Xmen. So glad Marvel did a second printing.
So would you rank Zero Year above Black Mirror? I think it's the best N52 Snyder arc for sure but I'm not sure it beats Black Mirror. It's close thoughCan't wait to read your Zero Year impressions echo.
Does anybody here know when the Big Hard Sex Criminals is going to be released/ has a ISBN Number?
I really have a hard time browsing the website of Image, cant find anything... Same goes for IDW and Dark Horse, I was curious for their Collected Editions Programm or the next monts/spring 2015 earlier today and found nothing...
So would you rank Zero Year above Black Mirror? I think it's the best N52 Snyder arc for sure but I'm not sure it beats Black Mirror. It's close though
Pretty sure the Sex Criminals hardcover is due out in January.
Edit: Just FYI, regarding the B&N B2G1, for the most part, books that are less than $30 on IST are fairly close in price at B&N. So the B&N B2G1 is a great opportunity to load up on TPBs rather than omnibuses and Absolute editions.
I've spent too much in the past month, so I won't be making an order for a while (if at all), but just wanted to share that tidbit.
You know what you need to do todayI'm thinking of loading up on some TPBs even when I still have a backlog to get through.
I did buy Infinite Crisis, Batman: The Black Mirror and All-Star Superman last year during this same sale at B&N. I've only read Infinite Crisis so far while the other two are still unread. -__-
Half way through volume 1 of 100 Bullets. It's great so far.
Risso's art is superb. Not only is the art great but he frames everything in such unique ways, he can make the most mundane situations seems interesting.
Bought the whole series off Ebay after someone here posted an image from it. Knew I had to get it just from that picture.
and Stuart Immonen being stuck on all those Bendis books. Luckily, he escaped that vortex temporarily for Captain America.
See also: Cliff Chiang
e: a lot of artists really. I think Sean Phillips could use a break from Brubaker, if only because I don't think he's had one other than that Wildcats run
Making my way through Uncanny X Force. There have been some great arcs (dark Angel saga), but so far It doesn't touch Morrison's New X Men or Astonishing... A bit disappointed tbh. Last arc I read (Otherworld) was weak, hoping it improves again. I do love Fantomex and Deadpool in this.
All the bendis is books he drew were good.
Better than having to draw fear itself
Even though I really like Sean Philips' art, I think he needs to get better actors (or whatever) for his references. A bunch of their poses are sooo awkward.
Mostly running, I don't think I've ever seen a nonawkward running pose from a Sean Philips' book.
I should re-read Fatale, Criminal and Sleeper and just take pictures of people running.
Haha, this perfectly illustrates what I mean. A bunch of the poses in Sean Philip books look like this.
You all have gotten me hyped for Snyder Batman.
1) Should I order Black Mirror first?
2) Are the hard covers oversized?
My wife had a similar review. She was not able to get through Otherworld. Have you read any of Remender's other stuff? I wonder if it's more his style - and tendency to rely on some obscure stuff - than anything...? Not saying you're wrong, just curious why that book doesn't work for some folks. I tend to think the last arc is the best, but I loved pretty much all of it.
I am coming to believe that Uncanny Avengers, which I am re-reading now, is the superior volume, but it's better if you read all of UXF first.
You all have gotten me hyped for Snyder Batman.
1) Should I read Black Mirror first?
(and I have Pluto, but I'm holding off till I can pick up and read Astro Boy first because I want to try to get the most out of it and that feels like a good idea)
Hm, no Messi, Freeza and Zombine posts for the last two pages and a half. Good or bad? Who can say?
If you're being that stringent, then you should pick up and read Tezuka's one volume MW if you haven't yet before you continue with Monster.
When you talk about variation of tone, I think Tezuka has almost everyone else beat. MW is him throwing the gauntlet down at the gekiga guys saying "see! I can do this shit too"