Regarding Comics GAF Civil War:
I used to be a fairly regular lurker/poster on these threads, but the last few months were certainly off-putting. I find Zombine's description of "pretentious circle jerk" fairly hilarious, considering he/she has the two sides confused. Pages and pages of loosely related memes, gifs, and in-jokes don't make this an inviting thread to new members or people who don't have this thread as their home page.
Does this thread belong in community? Probably. But I also frequent the monthly "What are you reading?" thread and those do just fine in the OT. The biggest difference is that those focus almost exclusively on discussing books, recommending things to one another, and (to a much lesser extent) criticizing books people don't like. In short, it's a thread about discussing books. Books you like, books you don't like, etc.
Comics GAF loses that focus consistently, and the extra gifs and waifu material doesn't help people follow any sort of coherent discussion in here. Those are more along the lines of what you expect to see in the Community side of the house. I check this thread once or twice per day, find myself completely lost inside some random madness and leave. When the focus is on what two or three particular posters love, or how many posts they log in a monthly thread, I'm out.
I don't care if people here have vastly different interests and opinions than I do. I would never vote a Harley Quinn book into a top 10 of anything, but that's fine. If people consider those consistently solid books and genuinely love them, awesome. I don't hold a monopoly on taste or what constitutes a good comic.
We don't need to split up. The Harley fanatics don't have to leave. People just need to learn to use the "Ignore" function. If someone wants to ignore me because I consider Frank Quitely to be a dumpster dive of an artist (and I do!), then ignore me. If I don't want random crap obscuring actual comic discussion in here, I'll ignore the culprits. It's a win-win.
TL;DR - Use the ignore feature, people!
I shouldn't have called out Messi, Freeza, and Zombine in that post. Shame on me.
Exactly. There was absolutely nothing wrong at all with your post. It was a sensible idea, and people *SHOCKINGLY* overreacted. Drama queens gonna drama queen.