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COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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This is one of my favorite wolverine covers. It looks sooooo painful I shudder every time I see it

This Baba Yaga creature seems to be haunting me. She turned up with her chicken leg house in Hellboy (which I was reading last month). Then she turned up in my Sandman re-read last week. Went to watch John Wick and everyone refers to him as Baba Yaga in the movie. Then I re-read Fables 3 yesterday, and there she is again.

If I stop posting, you know what happened.

Shoot her in the eye.

B&N has a Buy 2 Get 1 free on most Marvel and DC books. Sale runs through 8th Jan 2015.

On one hand, that's a good deal. On the other, Barnes & Noble.


Wolverine 75 was the last issue of a solo Wolverine book I've ever bought. 14 year old me thought that while the bone claw reveal was cool (and that was a pretty cool page), there was no way it was gonna last without being incredibly contrived and stupid.


That Barnes and Noble deal is great if you have a local store with a decent selection and don't have to worry about stuff getting messed up during shipping.


- NAILBITER #7 (might start trade waiting this soon)

- AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #9 (maybe. Just dropped,, but I'll see how the even starts out)


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I picked up the new Marvel Legends set from Target a few days ago. Cap is better than expected even though he's just a repaint of a figure that was heavily packed a few series ago.

Nothing to add, but I wanted to say that I found this post very interesting. I had no idea there was so much depth to buying action figures.

So how far are you into the hardcover? There is so much cool shit that goes down in those first ten issues, but I don't want to accidentally spoil anything for you. Oppenheimer is one of the most delightfully twisted characters in that book. The issues that focus on him are some of my favorites in the series, especially issue 20. Hopefully the second hardcover comes out next year so you and Filthy Slug (and whoever else checked out the hardcover) don't have to wait forever between releases.

Ah yeah, that probably would've been good to mention. I'm at issue 4.
Hopefully I'll be able to read a good chunk of issues today, but I've got a few things going on, so maybe not. I'm really excited for what's to come though!

B&N has a Buy 2 Get 1 free on most Marvel and DC books. Sale runs through 8th Jan 2015.

Ooh. I might have to grab some stuff... These B2G1 usually beat IST prices even.


I am really excited for the next Detective Comics issue. The new storyline had a really promising start.

Batman Eternal #31
Detective Comics #36
Grayson #4
Gotham Academy #2 (hopefully better than the first one)
God Hates Astronauts #3

Also, finally The Fuse is continuing. I'm tradewaiting it though.
Weekly Comic registration Act list

Action Comics #36
Aquaman And The Others #7
Batman Eternal #31
Detective Comics #36
Earth 2 #28
Earth 2 World's End #5
Gotham Academy #2
Grayson #4
Green Lantern #36
Justice League 3000 #11
Lobo #2
New 52 Futures End #27
Superman Unchained #9
Swamp Thing #36
I am really excited for the next Detective Comics issue. The new storyline had a really promising start.

Batman Eternal #31
Detective Comics #36
Grayson #4
Gotham Academy #2 (hopefully better than the first one)
God Hates Astronauts #3

Also, finally The Fuse is continuing. I'm tradewaiting it though.

2 things...
Nice pull list
I am also very excited about this next Detective issue. Something about that last issue just had me jonesin for more of that story. Also idk If you know this or not,, it is only a 2 part story.
Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato return on issue #37


B&N has a Buy 2 Get 1 free on most Marvel and DC books. Sale runs through 8th Jan 2015.

Now we wait for the 20 and 30 percent off codes that usually stack with it on the most expensive book and get some incredibly cheap Absolute DC books.

Nothing to add, but I wanted to say that I found this post very interesting. I had no idea there was so much depth to buying action figures.

It's been fun watching Hasbro wrestle with inheriting the Legends line from Toybiz. It's taken them 3 reboots to finally get to a good place with it. They put some money into it and made a bunch of new bodies (there's only 2 Toybiz legacy sculpts floating around now) that they can get multiple figures out of.

The movies have actually been a massive help with getting comic figures for once. They made fantastic Cap/Widow/Winter Soldier figures for the movie but that line also got us comic AIM and Hydra army builders, Baron Zemo, Red Skull, Marvel Now Cap and a SHIELD Mandroid.


Neo Member
Hey fellow gaffers.
Help me explore the best comics out there.
I mainly read manga and I want to get into comics but the boundless amount of 'em leaves me overwhelmed everytime I'm in the store, I do not know where to start.
So where do I start? What's your favourite? And what should I keep an eye out for?
Now we wait for the 20 and 30 percent off codes that usually stack with it on the most expensive book and get some incredibly cheap Absolute DC books.

This offer...may not be combined with any coupon or discount promotion


Hey fellow gaffers.
Help me explore the best comics out there.
I mainly read manga and I want to get into comics but the boundless amount of 'em leaves me overwhelmed everytime I'm in the store, I do not know where to start.
So where do I start? What's your favourite? And what should I keep an eye out for?

What genres do you like?
Hey fellow gaffers.
Help me explore the best comics out there.
I mainly read manga and I want to get into comics but the boundless amount of 'em leaves me overwhelmed everytime I'm in the store, I do not know where to start.
So where do I start? What's your favourite? And what should I keep an eye out for?
Welcome! That's a very hard question to answer as there's a ton of great books out there. Is there a particular character, genre, or theme you're interested in? My default answer is always Saga as it's by far my favorite ongoing series. But tell us some interests and well point you in the right direction


I am also very excited about this next Detective issue. Something about that last issue just had me jonesin for more of that story. Also idk If you know this or not,, it is only a 2 part story.
Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato return on issue #37

Really? For some reason I thought it would be 3 parts. I think Batman needs more thriller-y stories.
Manapul and Buccellato did a good job on Icarus though, so I'm looking forward to that, too.
Hey fellow gaffers.
Help me explore the best comics out there.
I mainly read manga and I want to get into comics but the boundless amount of 'em leaves me overwhelmed everytime I'm in the store, I do not know where to start.
So where do I start? What's your favourite? And what should I keep an eye out for?

What genres do you like?

Why don't you tell us what manga you read to give us an idea of the sort of stuff that you like? Or, you can tell us what stuff you've seen that interests you (Marvel movies, DC movies, TV shows, etc.)

It's all about narrowing things down to what you like and slowly branching out from there.
Hey fellow gaffers.
Help me explore the best comics out there.
I mainly read manga and I want to get into comics but the boundless amount of 'em leaves me overwhelmed everytime I'm in the store, I do not know where to start.
So where do I start? What's your favourite? And what should I keep an eye out for?

What genres are you usually interested in? I am going to leave the superhero recommendations to others. My recommendations would be

Fantasy/Horror - Sandman
Fantasy - Fables
Crime/Noir - Blacksad, Sin City, Powers, Gotham Central, Criminal
Spy - Queen and Country
Cyberpunk - Transmetropolitan, Ronin
Sci-Fi - The Incal
Really? For some reason I thought it would be 3 parts. I think Batman needs more thriller-y stories.
Manapul and Buccellato did a good job on Icarus though, so I'm looking forward to that, too.

I agre to both.
Manapul is freakin sick.
Manapul and Buccellato really pulled Detective Comics around imo.

Besides the Batman Black & White Mignola statute,,
Batman Black and White Statue by Francis Manapul is the next statue I will be buying
Hey fellow gaffers.
Help me explore the best comics out there.
I mainly read manga and I want to get into comics but the boundless amount of 'em leaves me overwhelmed everytime I'm in the store, I do not know where to start.
So where do I start? What's your favourite? And what should I keep an eye out for?
Good books with no background knowledge required: Hawkeye by Matt Fraction, Daredevil by Mark Waid, and Superior Foes of Spider-Man.

Check out some Image stuff too. Deadly Class, Sex Criminals, and Black Science are great
Reading Teen titans #2 and it's surprisingly pretty good. But man when will Raven and Tim get new costumes? Tim's robin costume is still the best robin outfit of all time. A classic


I agre to both.
Manapul is freakin sick. They really pulled Detective Comics around imo.
Besides the Batman Black & White Mignola statute,,
Batman Black and White Statue by Francis Manapul is the next statue I will be buying

It came off as kinda generic from the promo shot we saw a while ago but I think that shading they're doing on the cape goes a long way to making it look like his Batman.


Neo Member
I didn't add any genres because this way I'll be able to explore new genres and it'll be a refreshing way to start. Not bound to one genre, I wanna know your favorites!


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I didn't add any genres because this way I'll be able to explore new genres and it'll be a refreshing way to start. Not bound to one genre, I wanna know your favorites!

Just to narrow it down a tiny bit (I have a lot of favorites), do you mind longer runs (like, you'd have to buy a $50-75 omnibus or multiple TPBs [TPB = Trade Paperback]) or do you want to stick to short, self-contained stuff to start (where you get a full story in a $10-20 TPB)?
Long runs are usually more satisfying since it leaves more room for epic stories and character growth, but shorter stuff is obviously nice too because it's cheap and quick to read.
I didn't add any genres because this way I'll be able to explore new genres and it'll be a refreshing way to start. Not bound to one genre, I wanna know your favorites!

For collected editions (called trades, if you're not familiar with the term, I don't know if manga fans use the same term), easy-to-find stuff that I'm loving right now is Matt Fraction's Hawkeye, Scott Snyder's Batman, Alan Moore's Saga of the Swamp Thing, Neil Gaiman's The Sandman, and Brian K. Vaughan's Saga.

The first of issue of Moore's Swamp Thing wraps up the previous writer's storyline before going off to do its own thing. Other than that, you don't really need to know much continuity to get into any of these.
I didn't add any genres because this way I'll be able to explore new genres and it'll be a refreshing way to start. Not bound to one genre, I wanna know your favorites!

Batman by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo has been amazing. Just finished up with Zero Year story arc.
Batman is my favorite, Just about every batbook out right now is pretty damn good.

Deadly Class has been pretty stellar as well. Every issue has been awesome.

Velvet is a beautiful book.. a female James Bond in the 70's (I think)

OGN Strange Attractors is one of my favorite reads. I try and recommend this to everyone to read.
I could keep going...


Now we wait for the 20 and 30 percent off codes that usually stack with it on the most expensive book and get some incredibly cheap Absolute DC books.

That's my favorite thing to do. I picked up so many trades and hardcovers last year with this awesome deal. The cool thing is that being a B&N member, you also get free two day shipping, so sometimes you'll end up with cheaper prices than Amazon/IST AND get quick shipping.

Crisis on Infinite GAF List
Gotham Academy #2
Grayson #4
Birthright #2
Velvet #8
Legendary Star-Lord #5
Rocket Raccoon #5


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Hahahaha. Oh my goodness. The beginning of Manhattan Projects #5 when
Oppenheimer starts gobbling up the Alien's brain.
That got me good.
And then the quote on the next page that's just
"Hmmm? -Oppenheimer
Hahahaha. Oh my goodness. The beginning of Manhattan Projects #5 when
Oppenheimer starts gobbling up the Alien's brain.
That got me good.
And then the quote on the next page that's just
"Hmmm? -Oppenheimer

I need to buy the HC,, I have the first TPB.

Also Kipp,, love the avatar. How do I get my avatar to have no background like that
It is still in the works! Man, horror by Grant Morrison sounds amazing.

Chris Burnham said:
@TheBurnham: Reading the new NAMELESS script by @grantmorrison and I'm legitimately scared. I think this thing might just be good!
I haven't heard anything about it,, link??

It was announced at the Image conference the same day Wytches, Bitch Planet, Ody-C, etc were announced. Been that long.

Also from Burnham.

@TheBurnham: Grayson #4 reminded me of this unused Batman Inc cover. Remember this, @nathanfairbairn?

That is an awesome image, so long you know those girls are evil.


Neo Member
Wow guys, thanks! You've given more than enough material to read.

What genres are you usually interested in? I am going to leave the superhero recommendations to others. My recommendations would be

Fantasy/Horror - Sandman
Fantasy - Fables
Crime/Noir - Blacksad, Sin City, Powers, Gotham Central, Criminal
Spy - Queen and Country
Cyberpunk - Transmetropolitan, Ronin
Sci-Fi - The Incal

Thanks, this is pretty much perfect. I'll try to pick up one of each genre to see what I'm digging and what I'm not. I'll also pick up suggestions that were recurring.

Just to narrow it down a tiny bit (I have a lot of favorites), do you mind longer runs (like, you'd have to buy a $50-75 omnibus or multiple TPBs [TPB = Trade Paperback]) or do you want to stick to short, self-contained stuff to start (where you get a full story in a $10-20 TPB)?
Long runs are usually more satisfying since it leaves more room for epic stories and character growth, but shorter stuff is obviously nice too because it's cheap and quick to read.

I prefer the long runs. However yesterday when I was walking around the comic store the omnibus' were all around £75-85+ (that's daaaaamn expensive). I don't know if it's just like that because it's the UK or if it was that particular store.

Batman by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo has been amazing. Just finished up with Zero Year story arc.
Batman is my favorite, Just about every batbook out right now is pretty damn good.

Deadly Class has been pretty stellar as well. Every issue has been awesome.

Velvet is a beautiful book.. a female James Bond in the 70's (I think)

OGN Strange Attractors is one of my favorite reads. I try and recommend this to everyone to read.
I could keep going...

I'll also pick up Strange Attractors.
The reason it went unused was the issue was so delayed that they decided to just put it and the next issue together as Leviathan Rises #1. So you go the Cameron Stewart story where Stephanie Brown infilitrates the school that's secretly a female assassin headquarters run by Rihanna and Lady Gaga


and then the other crazy Steranko issue where Batman and co. go head to head with Dr. Daedelius in his James Bond villain lair.

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