COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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Letterless preview is up.
Pretty much what we've seen before.
Finally, we'll have something from the past decade to recommend to people when they want to read about Ultron after we warn them to stay the fuck away from the comic named after the movie


Finally, we'll have something from the past decade to recommend to people when they want to read about Ultron after we warn them to stay the fuck away from the comic named after the movie

Nope, i'm living in a world where everyone is going to be asking about and reading Age of Ultron and Civil War.


Flex Mentallo gets better with every reread... I will admit, I was confused after my first read-through, though. I'm so glad I gave it another shot because I've read it like a half dozen times by now.


Going to do a Flex reread this weekend I think. Looking forward to it.

Birdie, you still playing Sunset Overdrive? Picked it up tonight when I put my Halo MCC preorder in. Best Buy Gamers Club Unlocked is legit.


semen stains the mountaintops
Holy shit, I just got done reading the Gabe story on 100 Bullets.

That panel with him and April was too much. ;_;


So, mind settling a discussion for me, guys. Yesterday Constantine came up, and my friend was thinking of him as a highly powerful sorcerer who never met his proper potential usually because he focuses on the trickery (like, he was placing him above the Phantom Stranger which doesn't sound right to me), meanwhile I was saying he was a con man with limited actual power who gets by with wits. We've each read the same amount of stuff with him in it, though he's seen the show. Who's closer to correct here?

I would say you probably are, personally. A lot of what Constantine does isn't really magic- he's either just performing tricks or playing/contracting someone with greater power and magical ability than himself, like tricking lesser demons into getting into shit with greater demons. New 52 has him using more traditional magic more often, but he's still shown as being lesser than Zatanna and far away from someone like the Phantom Stranger.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Letterless preview is up.
Pretty much what we've seen before.

Yeah, I think those are the exact same pages that were already shown, but man, I am so in for this. If Remender can match Opena's incredible art with some top-tier Remender writing, this is going to be nuts. Even if Remender totally blows it, the art looks like it'll be worth the price of admission.

Just finished up the first issue of Flex Mentallo. That was rad as hell.

All those shitty, amazing comics...

...I still haven't ever read Flex Mentallo.
I should probably add that to an IST order sometime.


Yeah, I think those are the exact same pages that were already shown, but man, I am so in for this. If Remender can match Opena's incredible art with some top-tier Remender writing, this is going to be nuts. Even if Remender totally blows it, the art looks like it'll be worth the price of admission.

...I still haven't ever read Flex Mentallo.
I should probably add that to an IST order sometime.

Or buy it digitally for $3.96 before the CMX sale ends!


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Or buy it digitally for $3.96 before the CMX sale ends!

Nah, that's cheating. The deluxe edition is only $13 on IST and the paperback only $8. Especially since it's something I know I'll love, I want it physically.
Two weeks' worth of pick-ups today:

Marvel Comics
Elektra #7
Rocket Raccoon #5

DC Comics
Justice League 3000 #11

Image Comics
Birthright #2
Black Science #10
God Hates Astronauts #3
Low #4
Sex #17
Velvet #8

Dark Horse Comics
Groo vs Conan #4

Other Publishers
Day Men #5 (Boom!)
Fiction Squad #2 (Boom!)
Just searched for Top 10 on InStockTrades because I remembered that I meant to add it to my wishlist, and this was one of the first results.

I should definitely get that instead of Moore's Top 10.

But really, does Top 10 not have any good TPBs? Is the Absolute pretty much the only good option for it?

You have to spell out the word "Ten". That gets you the result you want.

Just got back from Big Hero 6. Fun little movie. Nothing too crazy, but an enjoyable watch!

Still debating between that and Interstellar this weekend. The latter is ten minutes shy of 3 hours, so I may have to go with that one. Whichever one I see, I'll catch the other next weekend.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I finally read Low #4. I think I both like and dislike Greg Tocchini. Sometimes the watercolor painting look works, and is beautiful, but I just feel like there's an indistinctness about a lot of the characters. Like, I have no real feeling for what Stel or Marik look like.

On the story front, this comic just ain't clicking with me yet, even thought I'm usually all for Remender's "shit gets bad, and then it gets worse" type of storytelling.

Anybody else still reading Low?
I finally read Low #4. I think I both like and dislike Greg Tocchini. Sometimes the watercolor painting look works, and is beautiful, but I just feel like there's an indistinctness about a lot of the characters. Like, I have no real feeling for what Stel or Marik look like.

On the story front, this comic just ain't clicking with me yet, even thought I'm usually all for Remender's "shit gets bad, and then it gets worse" type of storytelling.

Anybody else still reading Low?

I am. I love Tocchini's art but I can completely understand where you're coming from. It can be kind of hard to make out which character is which due to how flowy the art is.

The opening for this one has been slower than Remender's previous stuff but I think things are gonna start moving faster with the next one. The ending left me craving for more, that's for sure.

And sorry for leaving the IRC earlier guys. I fell asleep... I'm running off of like four or so hours of sleep so I think it's time for me to go to bed.


I found some issues of Prophet I was missing today. Mother fuckin score. I still don;t even know whats goin on in that book.

Also, i'm reading the first trade of Corto Maltese tomorrow. It's my birthday gift to me.

The Collector update: Toppi kinda drops the ball in the 4th issue a bit, waiting to see how the 5th turns out. But it's still most all breathtaking shit.
Also, does anyone wanna drunk talk about some real comics shit? For. Real.

Totally amazing names… I mean, when you think about it… they’re, like, archetypal… they come right up from the depths, those things… how can they say that stuff’s stupid? Why do people get so ashamed of things? …I mean, I really love those comics… All those shitty, amazing comics

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I found some issues of Prophet I was missing today. Mother fuckin score. I still don;t even know whats goin on in that book.

Also, i'm reading the first trade of Corto Maltese tomorrow. It's my birthday gift to me.

The Collector update: Toppi kinda drops the ball in the 4th issue a bit, waiting to see how the 5th turns out. But it's still most all breathtaking shit.

Man, I tried so hard to enjoy Prophet. I was riding that King City high like it was my job, but then bum-ass sci-fi nonsensical shit issue after issue, filled with grammatically challenged writing made me tap out.

I'm hoping that 8house book he's got coming up is better.


Totally amazing names… I mean, when you think about it… they’re, like, archetypal… they come right up from the depths, those things… how can they say that stuff’s stupid? Why do people get so ashamed of things? …I mean, I really love those comics… All those shitty, amazing comics

Zaffino: One of the best, or the best?

Filthy: I think 8House is gonna be good. I really do. the thing with Prophet is he went dick deep with the semi non linear sci fi story stuff, and its kinda fun and meant to be reread, and in all honestly probably works good in trades, but I couldn't tell you a single thing that happened in the whole series.


Also, am I the only mother fucker with Afterlife with Archie at the top of their monthlies right now? Jesus christ I think it's the best thing ever.


only read his Punisher work, but dude was ahead of the game


Those last two pages are from the winter stuff (Winter World, then Winter Sea?). AKA the best. Get it man, I'm so serious. I haven't read his Punisher stuff, is it collected or is it in floppies only?

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Totally amazing names… I mean, when you think about it… they’re, like, archetypal… they come right up from the depths, those things… how can they say that stuff’s stupid? Why do people get so ashamed of things? …I mean, I really love those comics… All those shitty, amazing comics

Two weeks away from Pax Americana. May be time to reread Batman and Robin and keep a Morrison + Quitely high going steady.


OKOKOK Bonus round: Is everyone else here as fuckin amazed by 80s Alan Moore as I am? The more I read of his shit from that era I can't even believe what he's doing. I just can't. Last alan moore thing I read was the first swamp thing trade, and it was redic. I never gave a shit about swamp thing, and bissette is some type of jesus himself but GOD the writing.


I said it earlier, but that first year/first two Alan Moore/Bissette/Totleben Swamp Thing trades are pinnacle North American superhero comics. Just don't get much better than that.

and that Punisher: Assassin's Guild has to be in trade somewhere for real cheap on Amazon or some shit
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