COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
OKOKOK Bonus round: Is everyone else here as fuckin amazed by 80s Alan Moore as I am? The more I read of his shit from that era I can't even believe what he's doing. I just can't. Last alan moore thing I read was the first swamp thing trade, and it was redic. I never gave a shit about swamp thing, and bissette is some type of jesus himself but GOD the writing.


If we were to have a random Comic Gaf confession type thing, mine would be that I've read the least amount of Alan Moore books that a comic nerd possibly can. But I know that Swamp Thing is at the top of the Read List.


lol, I'm going through American Gothic myself - primo stuff, birth of the Vertigo etc etc

but damn that lady werewolf/menstruation issue... "why should women's lives be punctated with blood?"

that said, Moore is to my mind probably the greatest pure writer in comics. Not necessarily my favourite (though he is up there) but he took it further than everyone else.

It's also easy to forget how good Watchmen is since everyone reads that first, but that's a monumental comic in every way.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
What's your guys' suggestion for the gateway Alan Moore book?
lol, I'm going through American Gothic myself - primo stuff, birth of the Vertigo etc etc

but damn that lady werewolf/menstruation issue... "why should women's lives be punctated with blood?"

that said, Moore is to my mind probably the greatest pure writer in comics. Not necessarily my favourite (though he is up there) but he took it further than everyone else.

there's that brief drop-off where Alan Moore is seeing how far he push this social allegory thing with Nukeface and lady werewolves, then he's like "nah maybe not" and goes back to his horror grind. Saga of Swamp Thing #48 "A Murder of Crows" A+++

What's your guys' suggestion for the gateway Alan Moore book?

I'm gonna say either Swamp Thing, just cuz its so good right from the start and still got a horror genre hook you can get into, or Top 10 because its just really fun police procedural with superheroes, writer and artist at their top of their craft making it look easy.

Or Miracleman, although its not as polished as his later work. Some of the purple prose early on is like a parody of 80s Alan Moore. THE TIGER EYEZZZZZZZZZzzzzz. By the time he gets to the Veitch/Bissette stuff though, shoots right back into the stratosphere. Dude is just really smart man, like the amount of thought he puts into crafting these comics is crazy. Shames damn near everybody else.


there's that brief drop-off where Alan Moore is seeing how far he push this social allegory thing with Nukeface and lady werewolves, then he's like "nah maybe not" and goes back to his horror grind. Saga of Swamp Thing #48 "A Murder of Crows" A+++

I know you said that you don't care about the space stuff that much, but I kinda love the Adam Strange issues myself (though admittedly I just like that character a ton)

Filthy Slug: Swamp Thing is actually a nice starting point.
I know you said that you don't care about the space stuff that much, but I kinda love the Adam Strange issues myself (though admittedly I just like that character a ton)

the blue issue is the only I dislike, the Adam Strange and the Hawk people are kinda awesome. He adjusts his writing to the character instead of the other way around. Lot of great stuff in there, like all the space gags preperred in the first three pages to foreshadow the launch into Adam Strange world, the alien language, the interior monologue of Adam Strange thinking about going home to his wife as he fights.





Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
A'ite, thanks fellas. I'm going to dive into Swamp Thing and Top Ten first, then Miracleman.

Top Ten has an absolute edition, but Swamp Thing looks kind of like a mess between a few available hardcover volumes and some just paperback. Can't have that type of inconsistency on my shelf, man.

Top Ten
Swamp Thing
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

I'm still itching to read Promethea, though. Hope they hurry it up with that Immateria Edition.
Oh, man, I'm sick as hell and my brain is busted, so I completely forgot that I've read three (pretty sure) volumes of League. I remember bits of that that I really enjoyed, and kind of marveled at because of how smart they were, like the Invisible Man's introduction, but it's probably a good idea just to pick them up and give them the attention span they deserve.
Caught up on the Lantern Godhead books. The crossover event continues to be thoroughly entertaining. The New Gods are an engaging adversary. I'm really interested in how they are going to be defeated.


Top Ten
Swamp Thing
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

I'm still itching to read Promethea, though. Hope they hurry it up with that Immateria Edition.

I'd say early Tom Strong as well. It's not quite top tier Moore, but it's him doing something that he doesn't normally and it's fun as shit. God, ABC was great while it lasted.


OK, just read Grayson #4.

This book, in five issues, is better than anything you're currently reading.

Disagree? Fight me.

Issues #2 and 3 didn't catch my interest much so I mainly skimmed them.
Will give #4 a read, but as is, I'm reading better titles.
Why does that make me want to read it more?

It's exploring the idea that even "good guys" will do fucked up shit in the name of the greater good. And in many respects you can understand why they are doing what they are doing. You also have the David vs. Goliath trope; it's satisfying watching your heroes battle against seemingly implacable odds.


It's exploring the idea that even "good guys" will do fucked up shit in the name of the greater good. And in many respects you can understand why they are doing what they are doing. You also have the David vs. Goliath trope; it's satisfying watching your heroes battle against seemingly implacable odds.

Oh god yes that sounds too good to be true. Gonna see if I can catch up today.
Oh god yes that sounds too good to be true. Gonna see if I can catch up today.

I'm hyping it up but I honestly I feel it's the best it's been since the New 52 started. You can probably get away with just Godhead, Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps and New Guardians but Sinestro is really good as well. Only Red Lanterns feels like a real (pointless) tie in issue.


So what's the deal with Marvel not trying to capitalize on the Big Hero 6 movie at all? Like, not even a reprint of what little comics exist for the property (the single issue seem to be raising in price significantly due to the movie), and it doesn't look like there's an ongoing or anything on the horizon. Is it a mandate from Disney or something that they don't touch it? Just seems bizarre.


So what's the deal with Marvel not trying to capitalize on the Big Hero 6 movie at all? Like, not even a reprint of what little comics exist for the property (the single issue seem to be raising in price significantly due to the movie), and it doesn't look like there's an ongoing or anything on the horizon. Is it a mandate from Disney or something that they don't touch it? Just seems bizarre.

They don't even bother to show the Marvel logo before the film. It's very bizarre.
So what's the deal with Marvel not trying to capitalize on the Big Hero 6 movie at all? Like, not even a reprint of what little comics exist for the property (the single issue seem to be raising in price significantly due to the movie), and it doesn't look like there's an ongoing or anything on the horizon. Is it a mandate from Disney or something that they don't touch it? Just seems bizarre.

They don't even bother to show the Marvel logo before the film. It's very bizarre.

I thought I read somewhere that they very specifically choose to keep it separate.
So what's the deal with Marvel not trying to capitalize on the Big Hero 6 movie at all? Like, not even a reprint of what little comics exist for the property (the single issue seem to be raising in price significantly due to the movie), and it doesn't look like there's an ongoing or anything on the horizon. Is it a mandate from Disney or something that they don't touch it? Just seems bizarre.

They seem to be treating it as an entirely separate IP from their Marvel stable. It's worth mentioning that the comic tie-in is a manga.

Also, apparently Marvel was barely involved in the film, as creative consultants at most.
Also, am I the only mother fucker with Afterlife with Archie at the top of their monthlies right now? Jesus christ I think it's the best thing ever.

Francavilla is my shit brah. Afterlife is always at the top..... when the books come out that is.


Nice to be back in my regular routine. Started sucking traveling 4 hours a day for 10 hour training classes.


I think I want to read Justice League. Would i like the regular series or Dark more.

I just want more Zatanna monthly.
I spent $65 on a Frankavilla Archie print.

Nioce, Yeah I need to get a good print. You should post a pic...

I did make it back in town just in time Wednesday to pick up my books,,
My LCS knows I'm a big Francavilla fan and had a copy of Afterlife With Archie #1 in the magazine print for me. Very cool.
He said the cover is actually form a Life With Archie (#23) variant cover they asked Fancavilla to do, before he started on Afterlife,,
And they supposedly really like his variant cover and that's how After Life with Archie came about.

Here is Life with Archie #23
Here is Afterlife with Archie #1 magazine print.


I dropped it cause it was boring me but I'm not it's target audience.

Slayven, please. That JLI roster is amazing.

His example is bad but I'd argue there were worse times to be a JL fan than the Detroit era.

and if I remember correctly at that time JL International or Europe was written by Gerard Jones, who was frankly atrocious. Good thing he stuck to manga translations after that.
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