COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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There were several other cool comics today, like Daredevil, Deadly Class, Zero, Annihilator, BPRD, Casanova Complete Edition HC...

...but I just keep going back to Pax Americana anyway pls halp


The Flash has been great but Arrow S3 is in serious I'm-not-mad-just-disappointed mode. Shit is boring this season.
Ooh, my B&N order arrived. Fearless Defenders doesn't seem to be in great condition, but more in a way that I'm inclined to pin it on Marvel than on B&N.

I read my All-Star Western trade today. Man, this is great. Love Hex and Arkham. The Barbary Ghost story was great, too. I don't take it that Arkham will be appearing in the series from here on out?

Also read the first two chapters of Watchmen. Man, Comedian is horrible, but he's so fascinating, too.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Okay Amazon, feel free to ship the second Hickman FF omni any day now, must keep reading. This entire first book was just a giant piece of set-up for what's starting now. I was already impressed, but this was all just warm-up. This series goddamn
Okay Amazon, feel free to ship the second Hickman FF omni any day now, must keep reading. This entire first book was just a giant piece of set-up for what's starting now. I was already impressed, but this was all just warm-up. This series goddamn

You are in for such a treat


You guys got me excited for Supergirl so I went to the shop to get my stuff this month and got a Lil Harley and rocks a little bit.
Is this issue of Supergirl the one where she gets a new outfit too? I know someone mentioned a new team on the book, but wasn't sure if that meant new get up too.


Just got an email from Panel Syndicate (the site BKV and Marcos Martin use to put out The Private Eye):

"Panel Syndicate is honored to announce our second new series, UNIVERSE!, from the fearless mind of award-wining writer/artist Albert Monteys. Readers in Spain are already very familiar with Albert's brilliant and hilarious work in the satirical EL JUEVES, where he served as director and contributor until bravely stepping down after the magazine's owners refused to publish a cover about the King of Spain. We're very proud to help introduce Albert to the rest of the world with his best work yet, an ongoing series of self-contained (but cleverly connected) sci-fi stories. Like all pay-what-you-want comics hosted by Panel Syndicate, 100% of any and all profits go directly to the creator, so we hope you'll donate with confidence and help fund the next installment of a comic that's completely unlike anything being published anywhere else in the universe.

- Brian & Marcos

"When Wortham Industries mild-mannered employee, Thomas Marrot is called in to Mr.Wortham's office (dead since 3012), little does he know he's about to experience the adventure of a lifetime... literally! Get ready for THE PAST IS NOW!"

Issue 1 is now available for immediate download at where you can also find all issues of Brian K.Vaughan and Marcos Martin series "THE PRIVATE EYE".

And remember you can keep track of all PanelSyndicate news through our Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Thank you for your support!"



Quitely was on another level in Pax. Just crazy.

In other news, kinda disappointed in the Animated Bats figure. I figured it wouldn't stand on its own as it was, but on the whole it feels kinda fragile. And there were like 7 on the shelf at my LCS, and all of them had some sort of paint/scratch issue. Just felt kinda cheap overall.
Pax Americana #1:
It's freaking gorgeous.
But I don't have a clue what it was about.

Spider-Woman #1:
Why. I should control myself better.


My top 3 this month looks like it's going to be all DC releases... that's a first! November may have beaten October in terms of quality books, and we still have another Wednesday before it's over.


Going back to the Sarge/Robot Arms/Nora stuff in Pax

Sarge is the metal hand guy, the one who kills the scientists and smacks the shit out of Peacemaker (using only his metal left hand). I think the one who actually kills her though is the guy the Question later electrocutes, the one who says he's working for Sarge. Who works for the VP

Why? idk lol


I hate her sister if it is any consolation.


The only characters better than Sara are Slade and based Diggle.

Finding reaction gifs is harder than I assumed it would be, especially considering how often people are looking disapproving at each other in this show. Tumblr wants to do nothing but post Felicity gifs.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I just started watching the fourth episode of Constantine. This episode is based on the first two issues of Hellblazer. The story told in the first two issues of Hellblazer was masterful. This episode is not.
I really wish Constantine would just do its own thing and use the comic as inspiration rather than trying to copy it. Partly because it's just going to fall short if it does that, but mostly because I don't want to spoil the comic by watching the TV show. Haha
Going back to the Sarge/Robot Arms/Nora stuff in Pax

Sarge is the metal hand guy, the one who kills the scientists and smacks the shit out of Peacemaker (using only his metal left hand). I think the one who actually kills her though is the guy the Question later electrocutes, the one who says he's working for Sarge. Who works for the VP

Why? idk lol

I found some decent annotations already

of COURSE you can track her movements to a figure 8 across the two pages


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Here's a link to a preview of Universe! #1 (written and drawn by Albert Monteys)... I'll write up a little mini-review after I read it. Just like The Private Eye, it's pay-what-you-want (meaning even Kipp can read it).

Oh man, that looks really great. I'll definitely check that out sometime soon.
I really hope they put out physical versions of these Panel Syndicate comics.

Why is nobody mentioning that you can read Pax Americana forward and backwards and it tells a completely different story?

Wait. What. It seriously reads backwards and makes sense?



I found some decent annotations already

of COURSE you can track her movements to a figure 8 across the two pages

A lot of obvious stuff here but some nice bits (I've only read bits of Promoethea so I didn't catch the jabs at that) with a fairly convincing reading of what Sarge/the Vice President are up to I think

Only gone through the full issue twice so far but it's taken a good 25 minutes each time. I LOVE how those first few pages teaches you how to read the comic: first forwards, and then backwards

ee: nm
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