I also want my Wonder Woman to look strong, square and big. I want her to be a presence. To be honest, drawing many of the comic book female characters make me uncomfortable because most of them are portrayed as sexual eye candy. I don't believe that being sexy or beautiful is a bad thing, but I never like having to always portray characters like that.
With Wonder Woman, I can draw her to be big, strong and confident without over sexualizing her pose or appearance. It's a tough thing, because she wears very little when it comes to her costume. It is always easier to draw a female with her hip out and looking curvy, but I really want to take a different direction as I draw her in this book. I want the reader to see that this woman can go toe to toe with anyone and come out in top. She doesn't need to flaunt her beauty to get somewhere. She can just be herself and kick some butt.