COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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Deadly Class was awesome. Slice of life story. This book reads more like a reality TV show than a serialized TV show. What makes that work is the incredible characters.


Skimmed through Justice League and it was amusing to see Jason Fabok do a better job drawing Wonder Woman than his mentor David Finch. I think Fabok is probably my favorite of that house style, Jim Lee-esque style. He seems to understand the human form and seems to draw decent action scenes. Let's face it, New52 Justice League is never going to have an Ian Bertram, Chris Burnham, or even a Babs Tarr style artist on it, so at least it has a solid house style type.

I also liked Fabok's comments on his design choices for Diana:

I also want my Wonder Woman to look strong, square and big. I want her to be a presence. To be honest, drawing many of the comic book female characters make me uncomfortable because most of them are portrayed as sexual eye candy. I don't believe that being sexy or beautiful is a bad thing, but I never like having to always portray characters like that.

With Wonder Woman, I can draw her to be big, strong and confident without over sexualizing her pose or appearance. It's a tough thing, because she wears very little when it comes to her costume. It is always easier to draw a female with her hip out and looking curvy, but I really want to take a different direction as I draw her in this book. I want the reader to see that this woman can go toe to toe with anyone and come out in top. She doesn't need to flaunt her beauty to get somewhere. She can just be herself and kick some butt.


^ Fabok fucking gets it, man. That's what I want to see artists do with Diana and other characters that don't have the whole "use my sexuality to my advantage" thing as an important part of their persona. That shit is played out for the most part, and has been for a long time.

edit - Also, Howard the Duck! I'll bite. All the little sight gags on the image (I'm assuming the first cover) they released are great (DCUK, Playbill, etc).



but I am taking tiny steps forward
Man, this New Orleans arc of Preacher is just great. So much great stuff.

edit - Also, Howard the Duck! I'll bite. All the little sight gags on the image (I'm assuming the first cover) they released are great (DCUK, Playbill, etc).

I love the fact that the name on the door is "HOWARD T. DUCK" as if his middle name is "The."
This could be the most fun comic book in years.
I think it would be more interesting if comics artists weren't humble and acted a little more like rappers. Trash talking each other and declaring themseleves the g.o.a.t.'s and art gods.


And rather than coming out with diss tracks, they would release really well done drawings of other artists in embarrassing situations.

This may not be a good thing once they start shooting each other at cons, though.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I think it would be more interesting if comics artists weren't humble and acted a little more like rappers. Trash talking each other and declaring themseleves the g.o.a.t.'s and art gods.

Brandon Graham.


New artist on Rat Queens coming.

I hope he's able to find an artist that can work the same kind of magic Upchurch is capable of... and that Roc and his family get the help they need for the sake of everyone involved. We can argue about who's to blame in the situation, but either way no child deserves to have to be a part of that.

Tough, but ultimately the correct decision.

There's no chance we end up with the issues we have already being redrawn, is there?

I'd say no way... I haven't ever heard of a situation like that happening. They'll just replace him and try to put this whole thing behind them.


Bendis will probably take over again just in time for the new series on Netflix, which is based on his previous run! YAYYYyyy.... :(
LOL, Bendis was the first I thought of, but I honestly cant believe that it will be good (then again, Daredevil End of Days was fantastic...)

I hope its going to be dark again. I like Waids lighthearted style, but I think of Daredevil as a very tragic hero.

I don't think so. I just don't think Bendis is going to stay with Marvel past his X-Men and USM run.
Oh boy, dude, dont give me that much hope :D
This would be like christmas and birhday together :D
Who do you want on Daredevil after Waid leaves the series and how should the tone be?

Remender, doing something similar to his Punisher run. Just weird stuff happening to Matt. Also, he should move back to New York.

That won't happen though. It'll probably be Soule, doing diet Bendis.


I don't think so. I just don't think Bendis is going to stay with Marvel past his X-Men and USM run.

If I was a betting man, my money would be on him transitioning into a position that gives him more control over non-comics related Marvel ventures, like Jeph Loeb did.

Someone who won't make him more depressed than Messi when Harlequin doesn't win book of the month award

Yo are you a part of the Axis event, because this is the inverse of what actually happens.

E the Shaggy

Junior Member
If I was a betting man, my money would be on him transitioning into a position that gives him more control over non-comics related Marvel ventures, like Jeph Loeb did.

Pretty much this.

I don't know what character is even left for Bendis to write at this point. He'll probably write Ultimate Spidey forever regardless of what he does.
cancelling it just in time to make it darker/grittier for the Netflix show ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As for Deadly Class, Remender is doing his thing, character building, training exercises, love triangles, team dynamics/relationships, clear antagonistic dramatic stakes, etc, but I'm telling you the real stars are Wes Craig and Lee Loughridge, them dudes are ALWAYS on point. The color choices they use for mood and atmosphere(page 1 and 2), the clever page layouts that always enhance the storytelling and never obscuring it, the tension they can build up to to big moment of indecision of regret(the giant black line works like gangbusters, this still quiet that seems to last forever). Not to take anything away from Rick, but he might have my favorite ongoing art team right now.


If I was a betting man, my money would be on him transitioning into a position that gives him more control over non-comics related Marvel ventures, like Jeph Loeb did.

Yo are you a part of the Axis event, because this is the inverse of what actually happens.

Hes part of the creaticir counsoul of the MCU... I hope he stays the fuck away from my Marvel movies o_O
Sorry I tried Harley Quinn's series and it seemed kind of mediocre. Not bad perse, just didn't grab me.

DC doesn't seem to know what they want to do with the Harley character.
One minute she's an unrepentant child killer, next its happy zany hi-jinks, are we having fun yet?

IDK, I honestly think Whedon and him don't like each other. And Whedon is supposed to be editing the MCU after he quits directing. The comic side is leaning towards Hickman/Remender style of writers.



This is both good and bad. I know it had to be done, but shit. That dude's art was ace.

Bleeding Cool has a bit more.

Rat Queens is a creator owned book published by Image Comics, and Roc will still co-own and benefit from the comic and the multi-media spinoffs, but it will now be drawn by a new artist. Tess Fowler had been announced as a fill-in artist for upcoming issue 11, and it seems that she is a favourite to take over the title, but no new artist has been announced.


Neo Member
I'm really sad that I'm having no luck finding Deadly Class #7 anywhere, looks like Imma have to suck it up and read the digital version. I absolutely love the art and colors, probably one of my favorites so far out of all the comics I read. And Remender is great too, I've got a bit more of his stuff incoming.

I'm pretty interested in Kitchen and Deep State as well.
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