COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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Pick up any collections?

Haven't heard any Teen Titans Earth One talk, everybody waiting for their IST order?

Nothing that i've read....last thing i did read was Punisher #1 on MU by Rucka, good stuff, though i've never been a fan of Punisher stories despite liking the character.


Just finished Harley Quinn #12. OMG. Pax ain't shit. Harley #12 book of the month am confirmed. The Thanos parody was hilarious. PG + Harley needs to be a regular team-up.


What have you done?!?


I had no idea Sideshow was doing prints...though probably won't pick any up at 79.99 each.

Harley and Psylocke available Monday.
Im skipping these. No more wall space really, and a little pricey IMO.

Just finished Harley Quinn #12. OMG. Pax ain't shit. Harley #12 book of the month am confirmed. The Thanos parody was hilarious. PG + Harley needs to be a regular team-up.
Yessss. YES!


Exceptional times call for exceptional measures. As punishment for Freeza's HORRIBLE TERRIBLE NO-GOOD AWFUL opinion on Pax Americana, I must give you this: the Jim Balent Harley Quinn variant. I'm sorry, it's the only way.



Harley fans are the X-Men of Comic-GAF threads, hated, feared, and much like the Avengers, we try to kick the shit out of em any other day for little to no reason.

SPEAKING OF, did anyone read the new X-Force? Because holy shit, just how much more broken can these people get? Like, they just keep getting more and more fucked up almost as if there was something wrong with the life of an hyperviolent mercenary, it's WEIRD and also GREAT and also FUCKED UP.


Exceptional times call for exceptional measures. As punishment for Freeza's HORRIBLE TERRIBLE NO-GOOD AWFUL opinion on Pax Americana, I must give you this: the Jim Balent Harley Quinn variant. I'm sorry, it's the only way.



That's... not... good....
Exceptional times call for exceptional measures. As punishment for Freeza's HORRIBLE TERRIBLE NO-GOOD AWFUL opinion on Pax Americana, I must give you this: the Jim Balent Harley Quinn variant. I'm sorry, it's the only way.

I didn't say Pax wasn't good, just that compared to Harley #12, well, there's no comparison.


user-friendly man-cashews
I read We3


Stunningly beautiful book that shows what an incredible medium comics are. Morrison and Quietly made a very moving book that made me miss my pet cat Lionel. I'm not ashamed to say that it made me cry. I'm just gonna step away from the rest of my planned bedtime reading.

Just wonderful.
Don't be ashamed of your FEELS. Never ever. Ok?


Just finished taking in what I've just read. Pax Americana is one of the single greatest comic book issues ever published. Absolutely speechless, Grant Morrison and Frank Quietly have outdone themselves.
I just haven't read Pax yet, it's not that serious. Considering I love Morrison's writing and have been enjoying Multiversity a lot so far-- I'm fully expecting to enjoy it.


Sorry I tried Harley Quinn's series and it seemed kind of mediocre. Not bad perse, just didn't grab me.

DC doesn't seem to know what they want to do with the Harley character.
One minute she's an unrepentant child killer, next its happy zany hi-jinks, are we having fun yet?
I had no idea Sideshow was doing prints...though probably won't pick any up at 79.99 each.

Harley and Psylocke available Monday.


Yeah you have no idea how badly I want to buy these

the first wave of art prints were maybe even better (dat ivy)

I want to echo my sentiment for Pax Americana being awesome. I am too fucking stupid to understand everything but that didnt stop me from loving it


The real best book of the week? Loki: Agent of Asgard! I mean, he turns into a
freakin unicorn for Odins sake!
:O I had a big ass smile the whole time I was reading this, it was so good guys.


Yeah you have no idea how badly I want to buy these

the first wave of art prints were maybe even better (dat ivy)

I want to echo my sentiment for Pax Americana being awesome. I am too fucking stupid to understand everything but that didnt stop me from loving it

I'll at least get the Harley one.


The real best book of the week? Loki: Agent of Asgard! I mean, he turns into a
freakin unicorn for Odins sake!
:O I had a big ass smile the whole time I was reading this, it was so good guys.

Seriously, why is no one else talking about Loki or Supergirl?


Seriously, why is no one else talking about Loki or Supergirl?

I was really enjoying Loki. Read up to 5 and sort of fell behind.
Will catch up though. Great stuff.

I have caught up on Tomasi's Batman and Robin though.
That is also great stuff. Tomasi can write Batman, yes he can.


Seriously, why is no one else talking about Loki or Supergirl?

I want to read Supergirl, I really do, but I hate starting a book in the middle of a series,even if this is a new team on it. I feel like I need to catch up on Supergirl from New52, whilst catching up on the previous entries by Gates, etc.
I was really enjoying Loki. Read up to 5 and sort of fell behind.
Will catch up though. Great stuff.

I have caught up on Tomasi's Batman and Robin though.
That is also great stuff. Tomasi can write Batman, yes he can.

the first arc of batman and robin bottomed out so hard I almost dropped it (the "forgive me father for i have sinned" line made me let out an audible groan in the shop and I wished I was dead)

Ever since the very next panel of that exact book, B&R has been top tier.
I want to read Supergirl, I really do, but I hate starting a book in the middle of a series,even if this is a new team on it. I feel like I need to catch up on Supergirl from New52, whilst catching up on the previous entries by Gates, etc.

That would be a disservice to you and the current team. It's their job to step in and and make their first issue a jumping on point. The issue explains past event while going forward with her new direction. It was a great issue.

You should at least try the new issue to see if you even want to think of trying the character.
Loki is good. Al Ewing is good, and he has been ever since those Dredd comics he did for 2000AD. I'm glad I can read Mighty Avengers now that the artwork is decent.


That would be a disservice to you and the current team. It's their job to step in and and make their first issue a jumping on point. The issue explains past event while going forward with her new direction. It was a great issue.

You should at least try the new issue to see if you even want to think of trying the character.

Personally I think DC comics should have recap pages.
Marvel has then and they really do help.

The amount of times I have completely forgotten what is going on in a book and they have caught me up to speed.


Yeah, I think the second half of the story with Cooke and the kids is pretty explicit, but my questions are with the fungi encounter:
Is that kid one of the Agency kids that Cooke wants Zero to save? Does he control the fungi, or has he been turned into a walking fungal infection, becoming part of some fungal hive-mind?

I'll reread it this weekend and then we can talk about the fungi.
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