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COMICS! |OT| November 2016. Wilde for comics, 2 Hickman books this month.


Had a interesting conversation with my girlfriend today. She thinks the current Carol Danvers costume is hot Garbage, and the fact that Marvel deemed they had to change it because it was revealing was reverse sexism.

She much prefers the black Ms.Marvel costume and if Carol had to have another costume for a movie she likes the emh costume.



Had a interesting conversation with my girlfriend today. She thinks the current Carol Danvers costume is hot Garbage, and the fact that Marvel deemed they had to change it because it was revealing was reverse sexism.

She much prefers the black Ms.Marvel costume and if Carol had to have another costume for a movie she likes the emh costume.


Sadly, some are Marvel don't see it that way. DC found a way to merge the traditional WW look and modernize it to a way that makes sense but Marvel despite EMH still thinks the leotardish look is too revealing, plus this is Disney who is trying to make costumes not sexy but battle ready. I'm eh on the Cap Marvel look but I think us wishing for the black swimsuit is on deaf ears now.


Caselli is such a great artist. I am reading the last 3 All New Inhumans issues and his art is so good. Very glad he is on the RiRi series.


Just read Death of X #4.

Cyclops/Emma are the good guys right? Through the projection of Cyclops she made a toxic cloud harmless to everyone. How is this not the best case scenario?


Just read Death of X #4.

Cyclops/Emma are the good guys right? Through the projection of Cyclops she made a toxic cloud harmless to everyone. How is this not the best case scenario?

He is to the mutants but to the Inhumans, he's a jerk. Problem, Mutants are still under threat and that's what the IvX will be about.


I mean, this just makes the Inhumans the villains outright >.>

Inhumans see the cloud as a blessing and stopping that blessing is gonna piss them off. Remember, both sides are completely at odds but it's a cold war til CW2 where Magneto wants to start shit.


Inhumans see the cloud as a blessing and stopping that blessing is gonna piss them off. Remember, both sides are completely at odds but it's a cold war til CW2 where Magneto wants to start shit.

I mean sure, the Inhumans like it. But I mean, dunno if that's much different than Thanos thinking he's hot shit for killing everyone. I mean, it just seems like they're trying to portray this conflict as being two-sided when it seems pretty clearly to have an obvious good and obvious bad.


I mean, this just makes the Inhumans the villains outright >.>

Eh haven't the past couple events had the X-men clearly in the right morally but the writers try to justify it and make the other side (Avengers, inhumans) the heroes. I had similar feeling about Hickman's Avengers run where Cap and his team tired to have the moral high ground that considering the situation. Just didn't hold water.


I like the original version of the Carol redesign way more than all that movie looking business that Anka added on.
boogie, that Busiek letter is quite a find. I've never seen that before...thanks for sharing it!

Batman Beyond #2: Eh, this series is just all right. I realized reading this issue that, rather than reading the book because I'm enjoying it, I'm just waiting for the potential I know Terry has to shine. Unfortunately,
he was barely in this issue at all and his schtick was goofy and unconvincing. I would have shot him on the spot

There's some fun to be had here but I'm not sure a long opening arc focusing on
the Jokers
was the best idea. It already feels drawn out and I doubt we're even halfway through it. Perhaps it was necessitated by the way things stood at the end of the previous series; I didn't read it so I wouldn't know. The loss of some critical characters from the cast of the tv show is keenly felt, more with every issue. I'm gonna give it a couple more and if it doesn't improve, I'm dropping it.

Black Monday Murders #4: Okay, it's official. This is my favorite ongoing.

This is peak Hickman. He is the master of creating worlds larger than the scope of the story he is telling and then bringing these threads spanning the length of his creation together in astonishing and surprising ways. These worlds are always a little intimidating at first, but I feel with BMM, Hickman eased us into all this at a perfect pace. Now that those threads are coming together, incredible things are happening.

The manner in which this is reflected in the art is fantastic. There is a moment in this comic where a character lifts a veil from her face, and as she does this, those threads converge fully through dialogue for the first time in the series. There is another in which the
severing of a character from the collective
is conveyed in the emotions on her face. And don't even get me started on
the "feast"
. The storytelling happening in the art just adds to an already exceptional experience. I honestly can't heap enough praises on it.

I can't wait to see what is revealed next. I feel this is a work we will be discussing for years.
Captain Marvel #10: So here we are at the end of yet another volume of Captain Marvel. Like other recent volumes, it ended up with a low issue count and barely managed to explore more than a couple aspects of the character throughout its run. The entire series is two five issue arcs, the first to establish Carol as the commander of a cool new space station and space defense initiative to, presumably, replace SWORD. Alpha Flight Station was a great setting, and the three members of Alpha Flight in the supporting cast were wisely chosen...though Aurora never had a chance to distinguish herself much, and I was disappointed Northstar was not also included. Still, this opening chapter was a lot of fun, a nice little space adventure that presented a bold, ballsy protagonist...the traits that, I feel, are central to Carol. I felt like the authors "got" her. I appreciated the direction they were taking her.

Then CWII. And Gage. And ugh. Five fucking issues of mediocre tie-in, of desperately trying to defend Carol's completely indefensible predictive justice initiative. More than one of these issues was five bucks, if I recall correctly; I know the last one was, and there was no reason for it to be so long. It feels pretty shitty to stick with a series like this and not only watch it take body blows from an event, but also watch it cynically deploy padding to justify squeezing another buck out of whoever is willing to keep reading it.

There's more going on here. Alpha Flight Station is still an important location in the second arc, and there's a mystery to uncover but it's rather shallow and dull throughout. Every issue of this arc has to spend time bending over backwards to make Carol seem like she's not an evil asshole. And here we are at the end and...well? Carol
seems to know that she fucked up. She's clearly dealing with some heavy regret - not to mention a lack of friendly faces (she ends up spilling her soul a bit to Henry fucking Peter fucking Gyrich which might be one of the saddest and most pathetic things I have ever seen in a comic book) - and I expect this to be a major theme of her next series. This is where she should be. She did fuck up. Bad. Real bad. But it makes the first four issues of this arc spent making her behavior seem Not Technically Evil feel like a complete waste of time

And I think it sucks that Gage (and to some degree, Bendis as well) stepped in and took those same character traits, her boldness, her courage, and made them seem like dangerous character flaws. Maybe they are, and maybe that's finally the way forward with Carol: to balance the good and the bad in these things while making her fun to read. (Maybe that's why it's so hard to do)

So! Breaking news! Captain Marvel series canceled after a couple of arcs. Mixed bag. Still haven't nailed her. Film at 11. Tune in next month for yet another attempt. I wish them luck...I really do.


Look. There has to be a happy medium between McKelvie's version and Quinones' middle-aged mom / Whatever the fuck that Tradd Moore face was.

I don't see the middle age thing at all. I also don't want America to look like she is 15-16.

Different artists have different styles. Unless you want her drawn in a house style. No one else draws like McKelvie.


Captain Marvel #10: So here we are at the end of yet another volume of Captain Marvel. Like other recent volumes, it ended up with a low issue count and barely managed to explore more than a couple aspects of the character throughout its run.
So! Breaking news! Captain Marvel series canceled after a couple of arcs. Mixed bag. Still haven't nailed her. Film at 11. Tune in next month for yet another attempt. I wish them luck...I really do.

I swear, she's fucking cursed to getting a tie in that derails her character or sends her to outer space & isolates herself from everyone.


If you're gonna build her up as credible superheroine, stop isolating her from everyone, it never fucking works! YAS QUEEN is gonna be a drag because Butters and Farzekas got her and both dipped when Bendis fucked her character motivation.

And this was worse than the KSD 2nd Run because at least Carol was growing in the 2nd run, yeah, she was in the cosmos which never works for her, they never get her right in outer space but once again, they fucking fail.

What is this now? Attempt 3? Gives her 6 issues before the next tie in fucks with her character?
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