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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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I know you arent so big on Cosmic Marvel, but the first Guardians 3k arc is about a girl. Give it a try if you can.

I have it on my shopping list for next week. Didn't know the first arc was about a lady but that makes me more excited.


Also, my last Hellboy seems to have arrived! The pact is finally complete, IST! Now if I can just get around to actually reading them... (Anybody else get really antsy about even stuff getting shipped and arriving even if you're not going to dig into it any time soon?)


The first four issues of Animal Man, Morrison is consciously writing in that Alan Moore Swamp Thing mold cuz he just thought hey, that's what people expect us UK comic writers to do on C-tier DC superhero books. Then by issue #5 its like, "fuck that, I'm doing this my way" and the rest was history


shit's good

A big part of that tonal shift in Animal Man comes from the fact it was originally going to be a 4 issue mini series, but the sales were strong so it got bumped up to an ongoing.
When you first read through the series, issue 5 feels so weirdly out of place, but really it plants the seeds for the conclusion to his run.

What his Doom Patrol is for the rest of you guys, Animal Man is to me. It's hands down my favorite thing he's ever done in a superhero book.


Nothing will ever top the panel toward the end of Original Sin where
everyone was flying by in their spaceship on the way back to Earth, and they're all looking out the window at Thor on the moon trying to lift the hammer
. XD

That's sad and dumb at the same time...but I wouldn't expect you new kids to figure out what I mean by post :V It's from before your time.
Peter David is understandably upset about ANXF's cancellation.

Taking out that frustration on paying customers? Super shitty.

As a filthy trade waiter, I am offended!

I am sad that there seems to be a lot of series from Marvel these days getting cancelled around the time the first trade comes out. Obviously I'm not in the industry but I feel they may get a better picture of the performance of a new series after the first TPB is released.
That's sad and dumb at the same time...but I wouldn't expect you new kids to figure out what I mean by post :V It's from before your time.

I'm not extremely well-versed in Thor history, so I may not have read it. But it probably happened within my time on this Earth if it was within the last 30 years or so.

Why don't digal sales count? :( Seems like a shitty practice. Also, should take the road Ms. Marvel is on and go the 2.99 route for a book that doesn't include A-tier characters. Same case that should have been for New Warriors and Superior Foes of Spider-man.

Because they want to know how much money they made in regards to how many trees they murdered.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I just learned Tom King scripted Grayson #3. I think we have a rising star at DC.
Yeap, dude can write. I read that Tim Seeley didn't think the Futures End issue was a good idea, so we now know who's the way more experimentally awesome of the two.


Also, following up on my earlier Justice League show based comment... man, Superman really got nerfed in the show. I understand why and I'm not really upset about it, but it's crazy to see pretty much everyone having something to just knock him out.
Deadshot holding off like the whole team, with Superman getting thrown off by an electrified manhole cover, felt especially like a stretch.


Dodged a bullet. Almost clicked on that link.
What does this mean? I don't usually check The Outhousers, admittedly, but I agree with everything there.
Why don't digal sales count? :( Seems like a shitty practice. Also, should take the road Ms. Marvel is on and go the 2.99 route for a book that doesn't include A-tier characters. Same case that should have been for New Warriors and Superior Foes of Spider-man.
Digital sales do count, at least according to Tom Brevoort. So he's wrong there.
Yeap, dude can write. I read that Tim Seeley didn't think the Futures End issue was a good idea, so we now know who's the way more experimentally awesome of the two.

When I talked to Seeley at RCCC he said that he supported King on the script, despite concerns that people wouldn't understand it. So it sounded more like editorial was worried but gave the issue a go when the creative team pushed for it.

What does this mean? I don't usually check The Outhousers, admittedly, but I agree with everything there.

Oh, they're just a terrible ass website. I stopped going there awhile ago. Their articles are generally trash and their comment sections are gamefaqs level cesspools.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
When I talked to Seeley at RCCC he said that he supported King on the script, despite concerns that people wouldn't understand it. So it sounded more like editorial was worried but gave the issue a go when the creative team pushed for it.

That's good to hear. I can't find that interview where I read the shit anyways. They're both great storytellers on this book, and it's going to be fun seeing them switch off on issues and try new things.


Oh, and as someone who doesn't really read Green Lantern... are the Guardians still around, and are they still huge dicks like they always seem to be if so?

Also, and I know this is different now since New 52 Earth 2 is weird and all that, but what was up with Alan Scott in old continuity? Like, did he have the same powers, name, and theme, but was completely separate from all the other Green Lantern stuff?


Wait... Books are going to $5? Fuck off Marvel.

Yeah it's bullshit. I don't see the value in a $5 monthly with the same quality writing we recieve now. The brand isnt THAT strong.

I'm sure someone here will disagree with that, but I don't think many cape books are worth $5.
Anyone read Action Comics #35 ?
It was decent,, Doomed aftermath stuff.

But that last page... ummm wtf
Why not right?


Yeah it's bullshit. I don't see the value in a $5 monthly with the same quality writing we recieve now. The brand isnt THAT strong.

I'm sure someone here will disagree with that, but I don't think many cape books are worth $5.

There is a lot of Marvel books that I get because I just like the art,, or cool story arc and what not. Paying $5 would really make me have to like it a lot to stick with it. I know if their books went up to $5 I would drop close to half of the Marvel books I pull. Trade wait or something. Sucks

I know Batman End Game is suppose to go up,, but you get an extra 10 pages and he is one of my favorite characters/books so its annoying but don't really mind.


Yeah it's bullshit. I don't see the value in a $5 monthly with the same quality writing we recieve now. The brand isnt THAT strong.

I'm sure someone here will disagree with that, but I don't think many cape books are worth $5.

I can't think of any that are worth $5 a month.


The first four issues of Animal Man, Morrison is consciously writing in that Alan Moore Swamp Thing mold cuz he just thought hey, that's what people expect us UK comic writers to do on C-tier DC superhero books. Then by issue #5 its like, "fuck that, I'm doing this my way" and the rest was history


shit's good

That page still creeps me out to this day, and I haven't even read the rest of that damned run.


Oh, and as someone who doesn't really read Green Lantern... are the Guardians still around, and are they still huge dicks like they always seem to be if so?

Also, and I know this is different now since New 52 Earth 2 is weird and all that, but what was up with Alan Scott in old continuity? Like, did he have the same powers, name, and theme, but was completely separate from all the other Green Lantern stuff?

The old asshole Guardians are dead and now there's new space hippy Guardians.

Alan Scott got his powers from magic, he wasn't a space cop.


The more I see of Babs Tarr's art, the more I'm worried it's going to make it hard for me to enjoy All-New Batgirl... especially when the cover of the first issue is drawn by Cameron Stewart.

Please don't hurt me.


I can't think of any that are worth $5 a month.

My problem is that nobody is elevating the genre at Marvel. It's all super safe, and nothing is particularly memorable. "Good" is the farthest these books reach, and even once great books like Daredevil are just "good" right now. We don't owe them $5, they have to earn it, and you don't earn it with weak ass stories and deaths that don't mean shit.


The more I see of Babs Tarr's art, the more I'm worried it's going to make it hard for me to enjoy All-New Batgirl... especially when the cover of the first issue is drawn by Cameron Stewart.

Please don't hurt me.

Babs is one of the main reasons I am excited. I love her art. Fits the new Batgirl perfectly.
Also, following up on my earlier Justice League show based comment... man, Superman really got nerfed in the show. I understand why and I'm not really upset about it, but it's crazy to see pretty much everyone having something to just knock him out.
Deadshot holding off like the whole team, with Superman getting thrown off by an electrified manhole cover, felt especially like a stretch.
Brah's just a badass. He was probably holding back so he wouldn't murder those losers, too.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
DC needs to bring Dial H back as a companion book for Multiversity.

China Mieville's Dial H run is so underrated it's fucking absurd. Those issues are in my 'take with you in case of fire, motherfucker' pile of longboxes.


China Mieville's Dial H run is so underrated it's fucking absurd. Those issues are in my 'take with you in case of fire, motherfucker' pile of longboxes.

Think how cool it'd be to see the worlds those characters came from. Plus they could use the dial as a way to keep any breakout characters going without the risk of giving them ongoing titles.
Books I would even consider paying $5 a month for: Stray Bullets, Copra, Miracleman, Hawkeye, Multiversity(helps that its 30+ pages), The Private Eye(I feel compelled to give Marcos Martin money)...probably Deadly Class. I think that's it. We're talking about that Excellent!/consistently Very Good! range here.


I don't think Marvel understands that the constant price increases ruin any goodwill their stories build and make me less likely to spend ANY money at all. Right now I spend around $30/mo on Marvel's single issues, but at $5 a pop I'll probably spend $20/mo instead. On the other hand, if comics were $1.99, I'd probably buy half of their releases just to be able to talk about them with y'all.


I'm not extremely well-versed in Thor history, so I may not have read it. But it probably happened within my time on this Earth if it was within the last 30 years or so.


According to Jeph Loeb, lower gravity means ANYONE can lift Thor's hammer!
Books I would even consider paying $5 a month for: Stray Bullets, Copra, Miracleman, Hawkeye, Multiversity(helps that its 30+ pages), The Private Eye(I feel compelled to give Marcos Martin money)...probably Deadly Class. I think that's it. We're talking about that Excellent!/consistently Very Good! range here.

... and with Hawkeye you'd only spend what... $15, $20 bucks a year?! lol, sorry a bit sour.. kinda stopped caring as much about that book. Or I simply just forget about it.

I agree with you though,, it would really give me like a tunnel vision on what I want to read. And that would suck because I wouldn't be as open to trying new books,, wouldn't be in the mix as much as to new events etc. I don't think it would really be that drastic but idk sounds expensive and I already spend aloooot of money.
Read The Fade Out 2 on my last break and it was once again enjoyable.

Still have to read Rat Queens, American Vampire, and God Hates Astronauts.


Is Marvel upping the page count?
Dark Horse Presents just rebooted and gives 50 pages for $5. I suspect they did this because they were having a tough time selling their 80 page versions and are trying to find that sweet spot price point.

Or is it all about content and less about page count with Marvel?
This week for me was just the FF annual. might pick up gotham academy?

not sure what my IST order for tomorrow is gonna be but its gonna be a big one

I really wish I could enjoy fade out
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