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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Jedeye Sniv

Was bored and re-read Dark Knight Returns and The Long Halloween which got me in the Batman mode.

Think that I'll finally get Death in the Family vol 3, Year 100 and The Man Who Laughs. Was also planning to get Noel but it's 14 dollars and only 114 pages. Costs too much for that price.

Little hesitant on Death in the Family and The Man Who Laughs, though.

I don't like reading stuff from the on going books and I feel like I will be missing a lot of backstory in Death of the Family. What with someone cutting the jokers face off before this takes place. Also, there's all the tie in stuff.

The Man Who Laughs was written Brubaker and is the sequel to year one which makes me want to get it sooooo bad but that cover art, gah. It's beyond hideous and it looks like all the art in the book is in that same art style.

Speaking of being in the Batman mode. Anyone recommend Brubaker's Catwomen run? Kinda wanna check that out, too. I've never read anything Catwoman related, though, so I don't know what to expect from that.

Man Who Laughs is very good, especially if you've read The Killing Joke. A Death in The Family is ok but has aged quite badly (one of the first Batman books I ever read). Death of the Family is pretty good - don't worry at all about the joker face thing - it happened in Detective #1 as kind of a non-sequitor and wasn't touched on again until this arc. You are missing literally nothing beyond "Joker ain't got no face". Tie-in stuff is entirely optional and poor quality.


semen stains the mountaintops
Man Who Laughs is very good, especially if you've read The Killing Joke. A Death in The Family is ok but has aged quite badly (one of the first Batman books I ever read). Death of the Family is pretty good - don't worry at all about the joker face thing - it happened in Detective #1 as kind of a non-sequitor and wasn't touched on again until this arc. You are missing literally nothing beyond "Joker ain't got no face". Tie-in stuff is entirely optional and poor quality.

Yeah, I meant Death of the Family and not Death in the Family.

Will likely order those 3 with my next IST's haul.
Came for the number one, stayed for the first arc.


Also, please let me know if you guys ever see Nocenti is going to be appearing at a con. I seriously want to get Messi some signed issues of Catwoman as a gift.
It's really odd how quiet things have gotten around the new creative team on Catwoman. It's kind of scaring me. They aren't really hyping the book at all and from what I can see the writer rarely ever mentions Catwoman on twitter. Gary brown has posted some images but that is about it. Worried.

You need to open your eyes man, she has done 3 interviews even one a few days ago. She is not aloud to talk about much because it would spoil some events still going on. She is kinda quiet anyways. Check her Twitter for interview links.

Edit. http://www.comicosity.com/heroes-genevieve-valentine/


Finished off season one of Justice League last night, and here's a random question that came up: both Jason Blood and Vandal Savage are immortal, yeah? But does that include any degree of indestructibility as well? Or, say, could someone just shoot them in the head and put them down? Jason Blood's immortality at least is supposed to be a curse, yeah? So in theory he shouldn't be able to decide to just end it all, right?


Animal Man #5 “Coyote Gospel” Morrison/Troug
Morrison peels back the layers and reveals there may be more going on here than what the reader initially thought. The tone and themes of this issue still inform Morrison’s writing to this day.

Final Crisis #5 “Into Oblivion” Morrison/Jones and Pacheco
I. Am. The. New. God. All is one in Darkseid. This mighty body is my church. When I command your surrender, I speak with three billion voices. When I make a fist to crush your resistance. It is with three billion hands. When I stare into your eyes and shatter your dreams. And break your heart. It is with six billion eyes. Nothing like Darkseid has ever come among you; nothing will again. I will take you to a hell without exit or end. And there I will murder your souls! And make you crawl and beg! And die! Die! DIE FOR DARKSEID!
Enough said.

Mr Miracle #18 “Wild WIld Wedding Guests!” Kirby
Darkseid and company spoil the wedding of Scott Free and Barda!

Green Lantern #20 “The End” Johns/Mahnke
It’s not the best issue of Johns’ run on GL, but it’s one of my favorites. Set sometime in the future, you have
as the keeper of the Book of Oa regaling a new recruit with the tales of Hal Jordan and company. A nice bookend for one of my favorite extended superhero runs.

Swamp Thing #53 “The Garden of Earthly Delights” Moore/Totleben
Abby Arcane has been imprisoned in Gotham for sex crimes (Gotham isn’t too high on human on Swampy sex, who woulda guessed) and Swamp Thing is running wild. He overruns Gotham with plants and vines in an effort to free Abby. Have no fear though, Batman is here! When negotiations don’t go his way he decides to straight up murder Swamp Thing with a flamethrower and gets his ass handed to him. Swamp Thing and Batman getting taking down a notch, two of my favorite things in one outstanding issue!

Zero #9 “Bosnia, 1993” Kot/Zonjic
Roman Zizek, Bosnia, war, atrocities. Probably the most heartbreaking comic I’ve ever read, because it’s fiction steeped in reality. I spent a year of my life researching and writing about this conflict and events very similar to what happened in this issue, so it holds a special place for me. The human race sucks.

X-Factor #87 “X-Aminations” David/Quesada
Coming out of the events of the X-Cutioner’s Song crossover, this was a catch your breath issue where Doc Samson psychoanalyzes the team to assess their mental health. This issue probably has my favorite description for what life would be like as a speedster having to slow to the pace of the rest of the world. Oh and Val Cooper was totally clueless and got abducted by a monster at the end.

New Gods #1 “Orion Fights for Earth!” Kirby
There came a time when the Old Gods died! The brave died with the cunning! The noble perished, locked in battle with the unleashed evil! It was the last day for them! An ancient era was passing in fiery holocaust! The final moment came with the fatal release of the indescribable power — which tore the home of the Old Gods asunder — split it in great halves — and filled the universe with the blinding death-flash of its destruction! In the end there were two giant molten bodies, spinning slow and barren— clean of all that had gone before — adrift in the fading sounds of cosmic thunder... Silence closed upon what had happened — along, deep silence — wrapped in massive darkness... it was this way for an age... THEN—THERE WAS NEW LIGHT!
The Fourth World Saga technically kicked off in Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen, but this was the issue that introduced New Genesis, Apokalips, Orion, the Highfather, Metron, the Source, and many other staples of the Fourth World.

Batman #666 “Batman in Bethelem” Morrison/Kubert
The only future’s end story of Batman that matters to me. Bruce is dead, Damian has sold his soul to the devil/Dr Hurt and patrols Gotham as Batman. This is one of my all time favorite issues of Batman ever, and it narrowly beat out Batman #113 (which has the “Batman - The Superman of Planet X!” story) to be included here. This is the one issue from Morrison’s run that I’ve read more than any other, even when Gotham is literally at it’s worst there is still hope.

Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #3 “In Blackest Night” Moore/Willingham
What happens when a being from a sector completely devoid of light is chosen to be a Green Lantern? A fun little story that gives the origin of Rot Lop Fan, the F-Sharp Bell. Completely blind in a sector with no light, Katma Tui has to get creative when it came time to train Fan and induct him into the Corps. Moore has a handful of really good GL stories (including “Tygers!” which influenced Johns entire run) but this one is my favorite.

Uncanny X-Men #134 “Too Late, the Heroes!” Claremont/Byrne
My favorite issue from the definitive X-Men creative team. This issue has it all: the Hellfire Club, Jean Grey melting Mastermind’s brain, the first appearance of the Dark Phoenix!

Green Lantern/Green Arrow #76 “No Evil Shall Escape My Sight!” O’Neil/Adams
The beginning of Hal, Ollie, and Appa Ali Apsa’s (aka the Old Timer) roadtrip across America to fight injustice.
Finished off season one of Justice League last night, and here's a random question that came up: both Jason Blood and Vandal Savage are immortal, yeah? But does that include any degree of indestructibility as well? Or, say, could someone just shoot them in the head and put them down? Jason Blood's immortality at least is supposed to be a curse, yeah? So in theory he shouldn't be able to decide to just end it all, right?

Vandal Savage is immortal and indestructible. But he is no stronger than a peak human as far as strength goes. He literally cannot die.

I also believe Jason Blood is immortal but I am not as sure about indestructible. I don't think he is, he is alive because he is driven to right the wrong and stop Morgan.
Finished off season one of Justice League last night, and here's a random question that came up: both Jason Blood and Vandal Savage are immortal, yeah? But does that include any degree of indestructibility as well? Or, say, could someone just shoot them in the head and put them down? Jason Blood's immortality at least is supposed to be a curse, yeah? So in theory he shouldn't be able to decide to just end it all, right?

Vandal Savage while immortal, is not invulnerable. He has increased healing abilities that have protected him from death by healing typically life ending wounds, but if his head were to be severed for example, he'd not recover.
Check out her Daredevil stuff, at one point in time at least she was a legitimately great writer.

This is something I've heard many times. I've added it to my list of runs to read, purely on the grounds of her controversial and poorly recieved new 52 work, namely Catwoman. I'm in no rush though. That list of mine grows longer and longer, more quickly since I subbed to Marvel Unlimited.


Good stuff! I was expecting even more Darkseid, tbh

Between Final Crisis and Mr Miracle, I have my two definitive Darkseid stories (super evil and super asshole). This was a lot of fun, hopefully more people partake. I'd love to see lists from some of the newer to the hobby posters.
Vandal Savage while immortal, is not invulnerable. He has increased healing abilities that have protected him from death by healing typically life ending wounds, but if his head were to be severed for example, he'd not recover.

Pretty sure he explained at one point how people would try to execute him and couldn't. Their swords would break, fire wouldn't touch him, etc. It may have been in the DC Universe Presents issues he had. In the show he is seen
surviving the end of the world
Pretty sure he explained at one point how people would try to execute him and couldn't. Their swords would break, fire wouldn't touch him, etc. It may have been in the DC Universe Presents issues he had. In the show he is seen
surviving the end of the world

My knowledge of Vandal Savage is limited at best, I thought he could be dismembered, but your explanation sounds more accurate.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Great call on these deserted island lists, VJC. I like reading peoples' personal attachments to their favorite comics, and the lists are providing some great issues/stories to track down.

I'm going to try to get mine out this weekend.
Between Final Crisis and Mr Miracle, I have my two definitive Darkseid stories (super evil and super asshole). This was a lot of fun, hopefully more people partake. I'd love to see lists from some of the newer to the hobby posters.

I've only been reading comics since mid/late 2011. Roughly 3.5 years. I'll be going through my longboxes and Comixology account over the weekend to complete my own list. These lists have been interesting to read and a means of furthering my knowledge and reading of quality comics.
How's the artist's alley? The one in Sacramento was abysmal... so hopefully that wasn't a pattern with Wizard World. Great art, by the way. :)

I haven't gotten a chance to check out artist alley yet since I have no one to cover my table if I leave, but Kevin Mcguire and Phil Noto are here so I'm excited to check their tables out when I get the chance.

Yo, you're good people. Keep posting your art! Really enjoyed seeing what you've posted already.
Thanks, man. I'll post some of the commissions I've been asked to do. None of it has been DC yet but I figure someone is bound to ask for one. I already did ones of Sheik, Deadpool, Hellboy and Groot. I've got to do one of Bruce Campbell and Magneto.


Glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks, man. I'll post some of the commissions I've been asked to do. None of it has been DC yet but I figure someone is bound to ask for one. I already did ones of Sheik, Deadpool, Hellboy and Groot. I've got to do one of Bruce Campbell and Magneto.

Glad you enjoyed it!

What have you been charging for commissions?
Anyone have anything good to say about "Thanos: A God Up There Listening"?

Think it was an Infinite web series following up what happened with Thane in Infinity. There's a printed collection coming soon along with the Thanos Annual.
DC Universe Presents #9-11 is a great three issue arc dealing with him.

That's the short arc that features one of his daughters, right? The detective? If so, I have read and enjoyed it. It was completely different to what I anticipated in tone and execution in the context of a Vandal Savage story. I also loved Young Justice's version of Vandal Savage. It's such a shame it was cancelled.



Also, please let me know if you guys ever see Nocenti is going to be appearing at a con. I seriously want to get Messi some signed issues of Catwoman as a gift.

I'd frame it as a reminder

You need to open your eyes man, she has done 3 interviews even one a few days ago. She is not aloud to talk about much because it would spoil some events still going on. She is kinda quiet anyways. Check her Twitter for interview links.

Edit. http://www.comicosity.com/heroes-genevieve-valentine/

Thanks for this man. I generally get my links off twitter but compared to team Batgirl it's been quite quiet. But understandable as Catwoman effects the main storyline.


Guys, Bubrakers Captain America is so great. Just almost finished with the Death of Captain America and about to start Captain America Lives. So great work.
Guys, Bubrakers Captain America is so great. Just almost finished with the Death of Captain America and about to start Captain America Lives. So great work.

Brubaker's Captain America was the book that inspired my partner's brother's own interest in comics. I haven't finished the complete run, but what I have read was a great character study of Captain America.
Guys, Bubrakers Captain America is so great. Just almost finished with the Death of Captain America and about to start Captain America Lives. So great work.

it's my favourite run on a marvel book ever. can't wait for the final omnibus volume this December.

make sure you follow it up with his Winter Soldier and Secret Avengers books.
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