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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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I just realized I don't know what many of my favorite writers look like. I love Brubaker but have no idea what he looks like.
I'm kinda just messing around. Anyways, I liked the new Green Arrow where most people didn't. I felt in one issue they really captured the liberal Robin Hood side of the character that was lacking from a good portion of Lemires run. I thought Lemire was just getting a hang of that part near the end.


Preview says yes, my love of Seven Soldiers says yes, everybody trash talking Nocenti (I just remember her as the Daredevil/X-Factor person) has me on the fence.

Daredevil was a long time ago man. I don't know one person who enjoyed her recent output. She did a full on character assassination on Catwoman. One of DC's most popular characters.

OK I've said my piece.


Btw, I didn't post a response to everyone because I didn't want to make a ton of "thanks guys" posts, but thanks to everyone for answering my random questions I've been popping out.

Also, I realize now I've read a significant bit of the Demon/Etrigan stuff, since I've read the hardcover of the original run, plus at least one of the Demon Knights trades, and stuff like him showing up in Swamp Thing. It's all a bit muddled together in my head though, so I'm not always sure what came from where (guess I need to reread sometime). It's a shame nobody can seem to get him a nice, well selling run. Also, corny as it may be at times, I'm always kind of disappointed when Etrigan doesn't rhyme. I think my favorite bit about him (and again, muddled, so I can't remember where this applies) is that Jason Blood is in hell whenever Etrigan is on Earth. Btw, has he appeared in the modern timeline since New 52 happened?
Brubaker secret avengers was like "what if I used this team book as another Steve Rogers ongoing. There will be an enemy from his past coming back to haunt him and shadowy councils."
I just read Grayson #3 again. Man what a great comic book. They have seriously turned Dick Grayson into one of my favorite characters. Mikel Janin is just killing it on the art also. I don't normally read my comics a second time in the same week but this comic is just that good. It lingers in your head after your done.


Btw, I didn't post a response to everyone because I didn't want to make a ton of "thanks guys" posts, but thanks to everyone for answering my random questions I've been popping out.

Also, I realize now I've read a significant bit of the Demon/Etrigan stuff, since I've read the hardcover of the original run, plus at least one of the Demon Knights trades, and stuff like him showing up in Swamp Thing. It's all a bit muddled together in my head though, so I'm not always sure what came from where (guess I need to reread sometime). It's a shame nobody can seem to get him a nice, well selling run. Also, corny as it may be at times, I'm always kind of disappointed when Etrigan doesn't rhyme. I think my favorite bit about him (and again, muddled, so I can't remember where this applies) is that Jason Blood is in hell whenever Etrigan is on Earth. Btw, has he appeared in the modern timeline since New 52 happened?

Etrigan is in the future of JL3K, and you will be happy to know he's rhyming away!
I just read Grayson #3 again. Man what a great comic book. They have seriously turned Dick Grayson into one of my favorite characters. Mikel Janin is just killing it on the art also. I don't normally read my comics a second time in the same week but this comic is just that good. It lingers in your head after your done.

Dick's been one of my favorite DC heroes so I'm so happy that Grayson has been good so far. I don't read a lot of DC ongoings but between this and Superman I'm very pleased.
@GregCapullo: I don't set the cover price on Batman. As Scott said, we asked DC to reverse it. Ultimately, I can only try to give you your money's worth.....

@GregCapullo: I give it every fucking thing I've got month after month because I know you work hard for your money. I never want to disappoint you guys

Greg Capullo is the man!
Just read Ellis and remenders secret avengers
Dude Ellis Secret Avengers made me wish Marvel would just give him some kind a book where he could just write whatever the hell he wanted, like a Marvel Comics Presents or Marvel Team Up, so he can just keep producing these incredible single issue stories.


I'm announcing today that Kipp and I are holding the line at 2.99.

Dude Ellis Secret Avengers made me wish Marvel would just give him some kind a book where he could just write whatever the hell he wanted, like a Marvel Comics Presents or Marvel Team Up, so he can just keep producing these incredible single issue stories.
If would need the quality artists to work and have their own personality like his run did. Don't know if they could always spare dudes like Mckelvie and Immonen.

The Aja issue is right up there with JLA Classified #3, OMAC #1, and Hawkeye #3 for single issue pop superhero comics
If would need the quality artists to work and have their own personality like his run did. Don't know if they could always spare dudes like Mckelvie and Immonen.
Can't hear you man, I'm imagining Shalvey Moon Knight, Aja Shang-Chi, Immonen Machine Man, Maleev Black Widow, Granov War Machine and million other things.
Between Final Crisis and Mr Miracle, I have my two definitive Darkseid stories (super evil and super asshole). This was a lot of fun, hopefully more people partake. I'd love to see lists from some of the newer to the hobby posters.
I'll probably make one tonight. I've only seriously been in this for just over 3-4 years, and i've always been on a small budget, so it's not gonna be easy
...well, I said i'd try it. But those layouts are actually neat


Can I assume all of the people who are buying Klarion will also be giving new Catwoman the same courtesy?
The amount of shit we got for getting Catwoman, all because we like a character. Now Klarion comes out by that very same writer and because they like the character, they are gonna give it a shot. For shame!

If it makes you feel any better I will not be giving in.

No Nocentti!
Put in my IST order.
This is what I got.
SCOTT PILGRIM COLOR HC VOL 02 (OF 6) $17.49 1 $17.49
SHAZAM TP (N52) $9.85 1 $9.85

haven't ordered anything from them since May,,, crazy.
pock3tmonster.. I plan on getting Batwoman. Just didn't make the cut.


I just read Grayson #3 again. Man what a great comic book. They have seriously turned Dick Grayson into one of my favorite characters. Mikel Janin is just killing it on the art also. I don't normally read my comics a second time in the same week but this comic is just that good. It lingers in your head after your done.

Issue has a sex scene, Korupt reads it twice.

Cause and effect?


Grayson has a sex scene? Who is it with? I'm surprised that Didio didn't make him convert Kate Kane With a magical D enchanted by Dr Fate.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Batman #666 “Batman in Bethelem” Morrison/Kubert
The only future’s end story of Batman that matters to me. Bruce is dead, Damian has sold his soul to the devil/Dr Hurt and patrols Gotham as Batman. This is one of my all time favorite issues of Batman ever, and it narrowly beat out Batman #113 (which has the “Batman - The Superman of Planet X!” story) to be included here. This is the one issue from Morrison’s run that I’ve read more than any other, even when Gotham is literally at it’s worst there is still hope.

Nice list!

I might have to steal Batman #666 for my list, too... What a great issue. Such a fully developed world created just for those 20-something pages.

Anyways, I'll be putting my list together sometime later today.

I'm announcing today that Kipp and I are holding the line at 2.99.

Except for the issues that are colored by Fauxtrot. Those will be $3.99.
Best $3.99 you'll spend on two-page comics!
Dude Ellis Secret Avengers made me wish Marvel would just give him some kind a book where he could just write whatever the hell he wanted, like a Marvel Comics Presents or Marvel Team Up, so he can just keep producing these incredible single issue stories.

Read Zero it's jus as good if not better


The thread sank to the 2nd page.

I'm using this opportunity/bump to recommend D4VE.

It's a completed series of five comics for 99c each. Published by Monkeybrain.

It will hurt your pocket very little if you buy the first issue and do not like it. But I don't think that's going to happen. You're going to like it, and buy the rest, and read them all over this weekend.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Guys. A thousand posts in two and a half days.
ComicsGAF has truly reached the next level.
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