This Sombra thing is getting ridiculous folks.
This Sombra thing is getting ridiculous folks.
No kidding. I'm not even paying attention anymore until she releases.
I haven't paid any attention. They will reveal her when they are ready. I'm too busy playing the game to follow an arg.
I haven't been following the arg but i get annoyed when things are announced too early and in this case their hype has just been a massive disappointment. It's like EA's E3 press conferences where they announce that people are working on a game but not the game. We have...plans for a game.
... East of West is one of the most violent mature books out there lol.
Rated T+. Now, granted, it's THE most mature book I read, content-wise. It's like at that ceiling of what I'll read.
How long before Marvel realizes that Carol as Captain Marvel was a mistake an nothing but trash?
That book shouldn't be T then. Velvet is easily less mature than East of West. East of West has a dominatrix scene lol with Doma Lux.
Yeah, I don't know why it's rated T+. There are several DC/Marvel T+ books that aren't REMOTELY like East of West. It's not something I would normally read.
This won't ever happen.
I'm actually shocked that it is. It's violent as hell.
Yeah it's been like 60 years and they still haven't figured out that the Inhumans were a mistake.
Sure is one beautiful deluxe edition, though.
Everyone other than Medusa is boring as shit to me.
Naja, tho.
Great design. Nothing character.
Still a pale imitation of my girl Komodo from Avengers Initiative.
I have been reading Uncanny Inhumans for a year and have seen them often enough in other titles, and I still could not tell you the name, appearance, AND the power set of any of the new inhumans. I might be able to string together a couple of those things but never all three. Not for a single character.
Outside of Kamala of course, who barely registers as an Inhuman to me and, notably, rarely appears in their books.
I am stunned that East of West is rated T+. My daughter has read and seen some pretty mature stuff but there's no way in hell. I don't put any stock in ratings, though, and that goes for any media.
There's like 4 people with the same damn power.
Jim Hammond
Inferno has fire powers but I couldn't pick him out of a lineup. And if his powers aren't more specific than "fire powers," which I believe is true, well, double ugh.
I take it he's a major player in All-New which I have only read a couple issues of. I didn't read the pre-ANAD inhumans book so maybe that's where I'm supposed to know him from? I dunno. I know I've seen a Generic Fire Guy with Generic Fire Guy Name around. They really do blend together for me.
Inferno rarely appears in either All-New and Uncanny, which is one of the things that bothers me.
He has fire powers, but there seems to be more to it like regeneration and his rock form.
Wasnt there a X-Man, too?
What have you collected edition guys been reading? I finished Batman by Neal Adams Omnibus today, which was tough to get through. Early 70s writing is not for me, that's for sure. I'm about done with Tales of the Batman: Alan Brennert, which was very good.
I want to start something more modern, so I may read the Superman American Alien HC now.
So he was a big part of that early Now push, is currently a background character (like almost all of them), will probably be a body in IVX. And he proves the point I was trying to make. Naja too.
If Hank's final act is to make the mist safe for mutants and highly toxic for inhumans I will forgive him for everything
The weird thing is that Inferno was on the ANAD teaser image lol.
I don't know if he'll die or not, but he'll actually be doing something in IvX lol.
Speaking of those teasers did that Citizen guy ever show up?
I would assume that teaser was for Thunderbolts, but Spencer and Marvel decided to use the character differently for the current overarching Hydra story.Speaking of those teasers did that Citizen guy ever show up?
I read through Squirrel Girl Beats Up The Marvel Universe last night and I really loved it. Probably my favorite thing to come out from Marvel all year. Really fun comic and it was just like a big long edition of the regular ongoing.
All of my books are packed right now since I'm moving next month but I left a couple out to read. I was in the middle of that Alan Brennert Batman hardcover and I was really enjoying that. Also set aside Wonder Woman by Rucka volume 1 and Sandman Mystery Theatre volume 1. I like both a lot so far, just need to actually read more.
What have you collected edition guys been reading? now.
Velvet Deluxe Hardcover. 400 pages. Feb 9th so sometime near the end of January for comic stores.
Man, I think Landis does an incredible job with dialog in American Alien. It's wonderful stuff. I'm on issue 3 and Joelle Jones art is amazing. Actually it's all been amazing so far.
Man, I think Landis does an incredible job with dialog in American Alien. It's wonderful stuff. I'm on issue 3 and Joelle Jones art is amazing. Actually it's all been amazing so far.
Issue 1 (Dragotta):
Issue 2 (Edwards):
Issue 3 (Jones):
I actually haven't read the last arc, I stopped when Brubaker left. I do have it though so if you say it's good I'll have to give it a read. Might be a good time to go through the whole run actually. It would be cool if he was in it for a bit longer but on the flip side I don't really mind because they are doing such a great job with Natasha I'm happy just going along with her. I think you'll enjoy it, the book is a visual treat.
Scalped - Vol. 4: The Gravel in Your Guts
[5/5]: There's not much for me to add that I haven't already said about the past volumes. This just continues to be an extremely engrossing read. Aaron does such a great job juggling so many different characters and plot points, but more importantly, the way he brings them all together is really impressive. I love how he's structured the story as well. Each volume, he's peeled back a layer and we get a deeper look at the characters and world.
Red Crow continues to be my favorite character and I loved that so much of the volume was focused on him. He's such a badass too for how old he is, the fight in the bar caught me off guard with how effective he was at dispatching the goods.
Can't wait for the next volume (after tomorrows weeklies).
They built if to contain powerful people, but that doesn't necessarily mean they have anyone. Pretty much anyone who'd they imprison is either dead or too small of a blip on the radar: Yellowjacket, Whiplash, Aldrich Killian, Strucker, Kilgrave, (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. spoilers), Nobu. Yes I included the shows, and yes, those are just the villains. Some are either currently incapacitated, such as Abomination, Zemo, and Diamondback. Or no one knows where the hell they are, such as Loki.Hive, John Garret, Mr. Hyde, Jiaying, Lash
So it is the Hal Jordan scenario. Good to know.
Busiek/Perez Avengers gets a lot of praise. How is she in that?
Do we read Brian Wood comics? Is it okay? This Briggs Land book has been getting pretty good reviews.
Although, when a solicit says "for fans of sons of anarchy" I feel like they're asking me not to.
That reminds me, I was watching Civil War for the first time the other day, and I'm wondering... other than the Avengers, who the hell do they have on the Raft? Not really anybody left standing who'd warrant that kinda treatment, other than Loki I guess.
That reminds me, I was watching Civil War for the first time the other day, and I'm wondering... other than the Avengers, who the hell do they have on the Raft? Not really anybody left standing who'd warrant that kinda treatment, other than Loki I guess.