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COMICS! |OT| October 2016. Capes, Crime, Bondage, and sometimes Overwatch.

Black Widow #7
[4/5]: This continues to be Waids best book and it's crazy how much I'm enjoying it despite not being a fan of Widow. However, I feel like Waid messed up by putting Lions back story in this issue as opposed to the last one. Would've made both issues stronger.

Astonishing Ant-Man #13
[3/5]: A decent enough conclusion to the series. Nothing really special enough in it to make me want another but I suppose maybe that was the point in tieing up all the loose ends. Entire series would've worked better as a 6 issue miniseries.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #14
[5/5]: Another fantastic issue and I hope Spencer can set up on the Steve series soon as well. The conversation in the elevator was pretty much perfect and makes the ending hurt so much more. This is pretty much like fighting all your rogues back to back, but worse. How much worse can it get for Sam?

Batman #9
[5/5]: Holy fuck. That opening origin was fantastic and really quite intimidating. What a fantastic setup issue and really, the first one of this new Batman series that I've really liked.
The Selina Kyle murder count caught me off guard though
, is that a recent change or has the character always been like that?

Infamous Iron Man #1

[4/5]: I have no idea why any of this is really happening but I still enjoyed this quite a bit. Hoping the motivations clear up quickly, unlike the Invincible Iron Man series. Also,
RIP Tony Stark. He gave us CWI, so I'm not actually sad at all.
. It'll only be for year or two anyways.
It's funny to me that anyone would even suggest that when we already have at least two major examples of characters being reduced, some might say ruined, by efforts to make them more like their movie counterparts: Nick Fury and Peter Quill. Not a lot of happy sentiment around here for the MCU-ification of Star-Lord.

the movie Nick Fury is based on Ultimate Nick Fury who already existed 10 years before the MCU. They fucked it up by introducing ANOTHER black Nick Fury (Nick Fury Jr.) and insist he's the canon Nick Fury now when they should have just kept Ultimate like they did with Miles Morales when the universes merged at end of Secret Wars.


Unconfirmed Member
Of, the new artist on Archie is rough. It's hard to think that just 10 issues ago we had Fiona Staples.

But Backstagers is still an absolute delight. Sasha forever.

Also more or less satisfied with Iron Doom. Maleev is so much better than Deodato.


Of, the new artist on Archie is rough. It's hard to think that just 10 issues ago we had Fiona Staples.

But Backstagers is still an absolute delight. Sasha forever.

Also more or less satisfied with Iron Doom. Maleev is so much better than Deodato.

Weren't a Joe Eisma fan? Morning Glories? He's not the full time artist much like Fiona Staples wasn't. I think he is only doing 2 issues.

It's had Staples, Wu, Fish and now Eisma. That's not a bad group. I doubt it will ever have a full time artist.


Unconfirmed Member
Weren't a Joe Eisma fan? Morning Glories? He's not the full time artist much like Fiona Staples wasn't. I think he is only doing 2 issues.

It's had Staples, Wu, Fish and now Eisma. That's not a bad group. I doubt it will ever have a full time artist.

I like his Morning Glories stuff a lot more than this Archie stuff. The head shapes are all over the place, and it all looked really scratchy. So did the lettering, actually. Maybe Archie just isn't in a high enough resolution for iPad pros.

Staples was obviously the best, and Wu was a good follow up, but I feel like Fish and Eisma didn't do their best work on the book.
After the first twenty minutes, I turned off the debate. No need to sit through another 90 minutes of a competent, qualified woman debating an incompetent, unqualified man.

I voted two days ago. I'm good, thanks.
Just so I'm clear here, you guys were actually hyped for Batman #9? A filler, let's-build-a-team issue? I mean, the first two pages were alright, despite being a complete retread we've seen handled better in film. The rest was a whole lot of fucking nothing they ended abruptly.


Just so I'm clear here, you guys were actually hyped for Batman #9? A filler, let's-build-a-team issue? I mean, the first two pages were alright, despite being a complete retread we've seen handled better in film. The rest was a whole lot of fucking nothing they ended abruptly.

motherfucking Condiment King gets namechecked
, plus the retelling of Bane's origin story was really well done. And there's the
callback to the Rebirth one-shot
, which is a really cool show of how connected all the books in the DC line are.


Unconfirmed Member
Just so I'm clear here, you guys were actually hyped for Batman #9? A filler, let's-build-a-team issue? I mean, the first two pages were alright, despite being a complete retread we've seen handled better in film. The rest was a whole lot of fucking nothing they ended abruptly.

I was just happy to see Janin on the book.

Also, woah mama is Black Widow just the tops.
Just so I'm clear here, you guys were actually hyped for Batman #9? A filler, let's-build-a-team issue? I mean, the first two pages were alright, despite being a complete retread we've seen handled better in film. The rest was a whole lot of fucking nothing they ended abruptly.

I really enjoyed it despite not being a fan of the first arc (and I skipped Monster Men entirely).

I think it was largely the strength of opening, how intimidating the villain was and the way in which the opening arcs plot lines are finally coming into play.

It was definitely largely a gather the team/ filler-esque/setup issue and one of the recruits was pretty strange and weird to me (Punchee) but overall, I found it a pretty compelling case for picking up the next issue.

Maybe my expectations for Batman were extremely low given the first arc, who knows?
Jumping back into BPRD Hell on Earth. I left off in the middle of New World and I just finished reading through Russia. This series is such a joy to read-- it's really hard to stop once you get going. Very, very sad that Guy Davis is no longer doing the art but Crook's art has been pretty great and I'm coming up to the Harren stuff and I love his work.

Story wise, same old shit's fucked but it's still great. The stuff with
Abe getting shot definitely took me by surprise. Really not something I was expecting. Can't say I'm surprised to see Johann go for a new body without telling Kate either.
Definitely gonna be playing catch up so I can see the big conclusion next month. Best team comic.
Jumping back into BPRD Hell on Earth. I left off in the middle of New World and I just finished reading through Russia. This series is such a joy to read-- it's really hard to stop once you get going. Very, very sad that Guy Davis is no longer doing the art but Crook's art has been pretty great and I'm coming up to the Harren stuff and I love his work.

Story wise, same old shit's fucked but it's still great. The stuff with
Abe getting shot definitely took me by surprise. Really not something I was expecting. Can't say I'm surprised to see Johann go for a new body without telling Kate either.
Definitely gonna be playing catch up so I can see the big conclusion next month. Best team comic.

Ohhh yea. Nothing stops this train! It's so difficult to accept Guy Davis leaving and I quite like Tyler Crook (especially his more recent stuff), but I like the direction they go in by introducing quite a cast of diverse artists to HoE in the end. I get the initial logic of trying to keep the visual integrity of the series, but Lawrence Campbell is really something on the book and well suited to the darker stories, and yea, Harren man. Jesus. Every single story of his is jawdropping. I love the long death, it makes me want to cry like a baby. Re: Russia,
The epilogue with Kate & Alice :(:(:( and even Bruno breaking up with her as the kicker! That's awesome you didn't know about Abe getting shot, with his book out there until recently, I wasn't sure if you knew about it's premise..Also you're gonna get Tim in here ranting about how much he hates Andrew & Johann XDXD
I think I'm with you btw, finish catching up and read the big finale month, you know it'll be all :O:O:O imagine if Arcudi was writing all this x-men stuff right now, it'd be incredible.

Also, NX being announced today ::|:|:|:| I'm probably gonna be sittin gon my hands for the next seven hours waiting haha this will likely be the biggest gaming announcement for me since the last ninty console. Here we go!


Ughhhhh can't sleep, clowns will eat me. This debate had me all wound up and now I can't sleep. If only comics weren't a mistake I'd read one.
Ughhhhh can't sleep, clowns will eat me. This debate had me all wound up and now I can't sleep. If only comics weren't a mistake I'd read one.

If I genuinely can't sleep man, a chapter of a novel always does the trick. It helps calm me and focus me on the one thing, drown out whatever is buzzing around in my head from during the day keeping me awake. Coupled with the fact a good novel will really cognitively engage you, it'll often remind you quite quickly once you start squeezing those muscles that actually you're tired. Works for me anyway, I don't even finish the chapter usually.

Sudoku app in my phone can do the trick too, if you like puzzle solving.
Old Man Logan #12
This issue has two of the absolute most beautiful and amazing two-page spreads I have ever seen in my life. If heaven exists then I would imagine it as drawn by Sorrentino. Good god.

That said, from a story perspective this arc has been much slower than the previous two and thus a bit less engaging. While it's nice to get more insight into Logan and Maureen's relationship, it's the least interesting part of this arc. Sad that
the Order of the Silent Monk and Lady Deathstrike
aren't getting more focus, since I'm far more intrigued by them than anything else.
Thanks for these. Have also read (and LOVED) both Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men and Remender's Uncanny X-Force.
I'd also try out Remender's Uncanny Avengers as well if you haven't already.
Old Man Logan #12

That said, from a story perspective this arc has been much slower than the previous two and thus a bit less engaging.

Damn haha. Having trouble imagining it being slower than the volume I have (issues 1-4). Done with this I think. I don't even mind a slow story if it's at least engaging but eh.

Batman 9 was fantastic. Really looking forward to this arc. Great art this issue!

Everyone raving about this one, still 3 months til the first trade :((
So we got a bit of info on what would've happened with A-Force if it survived:


Any good Xmen reading orders, want to star reading from Clarmont up to recent events on Marvel Unlimited. So where's a good a good place to start.
Just so I'm clear here, you guys were actually hyped for Batman #9? A filler, let's-build-a-team issue? I mean, the first two pages were alright, despite being a complete retread we've seen handled better in film. The rest was a whole lot of fucking nothing they ended abruptly.

I've no reason to be excited about Batman #9.


Batman really was fantastic not sure it was worth waiting 8 issues for but this is what I expecting from King on this book. I'm super interested on where this arc is heading. Haven't been this hyped for Bane since Secret Six.

Set up issue, but it was such a refreshing issue after the shitty Night of the Monster Men. Bane seems sinister as fuck with barely even being shown. Excited to see this version of him.


This arc has been so much better than the first. It has to be decent if I'm not instantly annoyed at Inhumans being in a book.

Old Man Logan

I still like this but I feel like this part is really dragging compared to the pace of the rest of the book has kept at. It feels like it's been stuck on this telekinetic guy for 4 issues.

Black Hammer

Felt so bad for the Colonel. I continue to really like this book. Question about the ending though
Was the chick coming out of the road the witch? Or someone new? I was kind of confused by that.

I like that we're now slowly getting a feel for Black Hammer too.

Green Arrow

We got Otto Schmidt for only 1 issue :( Art was great though, book still continues to be fun.


End of this legitimately surprised me....in two ways. I think that was the first time I legit felt surprised by a book in a while. This book has been great and I wish it was bi-monthly but then we probably wouldn't get the great art as often.

Moon Knight




Set up issue, but it was such a refreshing issue after the shitty Night of the Monster Men. Bane seems sinister as fuck with barely even being shown. Excited to see this version of him.


This arc has been so much better than the first. It has to be decent if I'm not instantly annoyed at Inhumans being in a book.

Old Man Logan

I still like this but I feel like this part is really dragging compared to the pace of the rest of the book has kept at. It feels like it's been stuck on this telekinetic guy for 4 issues.

Black Hammer

Felt so bad for the Colonel. I continue to really like this book. Question about the ending though
Was the chick coming out of the road the witch? Or someone new? I was kind of confused by that.

I like that we're now slowly getting a feel for Black Hammer too.

Green Arrow

We got Otto Schmidt for only 1 issue :( Art was great though, book still continues to be fun.


End of this legitimately surprised me....in two ways. I think that was the first time I legit felt surprised by a book in a while. This book has been great and I wish it was bi-monthly but then we probably wouldn't get the great art as often.

Moon Knight


thats all you to say about the best issue of last week?
thats all you to say about the best issue of last week?

Moon Knight? I love it but I just have no clue what to say about it. I'm lost on trying to explain it or understand it fully so I'm just going with the flow and seeing where it goes.

Best thing about the last two issues is the flowing of the art for the different era he is in. Very effective and great.


Moon Knight? I love it but I just have no clue what to say about it. I'm lost on trying to explain it or understand it fully so I'm just going with the flow and seeing where it goes.

Best thing about the last two issues is the flowing of the art for the different era he is in. Very effective and great.

haha I think the same. it is one of the few books I can't write long about because I stay lost.

the art changes throughout the book were fantastic!
God, I'm not looking forward to all the reactions to the NX reveal. Thank god for comics.

There will probably be the fair share of positive and negative over in gaming but whatevs, I'm super pumped even just to catch a glimpse and a name. Hopefully they'll give us a real date to look forward to for the full unveiling, even if it's awhile off.
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