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COMICS! |OT| October 2016. Capes, Crime, Bondage, and sometimes Overwatch.


Correct answer

I know it's never gonna happen but remove Harley from that shit. My goodness what a stupid idea to have her in there.

It's pretty sad to see how the comic industry has changed in a way. Gail Simones Secret Six has 4 12 issue books right? And her new series was never a top seller and only got one 12 issue series. Series used to be given time that I feel they don't get anymore.

I miss Strix :(

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I know it's never gonna happen but remove Harley from that shit. My goodness what a stupid idea to have her in there.

It's pretty sad to see how the comic industry has changed in a way. Gail Simones Secret Six has 4 12 issue books right? And her new series was never a top seller and only got one 12 issue series. Series used to be given time that I feel they don't get anymore.

I miss Strix :(

It's probably my fault. I liked it so it was doomed from the very beginning. My bad.


It's pretty sad to see how the comic industry has changed in a way. Gail Simones Secret Six has 4 12 issue books right? And her new series was never a top seller and only got one 12 issue series. Series used to be given time that I feel they don't get anymore.

I miss Strix :(

Yeah, I haven't even read the N52 series yet, but it makes me super sad that it only got that many issues. Such a bummer, because I love the team dynamic and the tone of this series.

I've heard great things about Strix. Looking forward to reading about her when I get to that point.


I am still playing Resident Evil 4 on PS4.

And holy fuck is it amazing. Back then when I played it on PS2 I though it was ok. But fucking amazeballs. Its so great.

So sad that Resident Evil 5 became a lame piece of corridor shit.
Just imagine the giant map of in the style of R4 and a removed Sheva.
Fuck Crapcom. Seriously.
Nightwing #7
This is a good book, but I feel like they really need to pull away from Bruce and Damien and Spyral as Dick's big supporting cast. He's Nightwing now and he needs to be Nightwing. Not Former Robin Nightwing or Nightwing: Ex-Spyral Agent. Just Nightwing. On the other hand it does work for this arc which feels a lot like Dick having his own Hush arc, which is pretty cool.

Man I really hate the New 52 for basically making it so Bludhaven never happened. Really made Dick and his relationships regress. Very upsetting.

Fuck the New 52.

Oh but also this book is still really good.

Green Arrow #9
Probably the first issue of this book that I just wasn't feeling. Maybe it was Byrne's art, which isn't bad, but compared to the previous issue it just simply wasn't bringing it. I also think it had to do with simply how this arc ended. On the one hand, we got good development out of Dinah and Ollie. On the other hand, it was kind of a dude, plotwise.
Yes, they have every reason to be angry that their land was just burned, severely damaging their ability to grow anything. On the other hand, Ollie and crew were attacked by them, held hostage, and were going to be killed. Ata and his wife were going to murder each other, and she admits to only growing the poppies as part of repaying the Ninth Circle. It's Ata's fault that he didn't forsee this outcome. He doesn't really have the right to be pissed about that collateral damage, especially if he didn't explicitly tell them to save the poppies. Even then, they're being incredibly shortsighted: the land is burned, yes, but it'll heal eventually. They still have tons of tech, and the field wasn't being used for anything else so it isn't a necessity. Plus, as far as the Ninth Circle is concerned, the island was attacked by an enemy force, and since the opium derived from the poppies was the only reason they even fucked with the island, they won't bother anymore.

I also liked the imagery used when Ollie and Dinah discover the poppy field. Seemed very Wizard of Oz like, with the surrounding rock formations around the valley being green so they seemed emerald-like.

Decent issue and the first disappointment in a great book.
I know it's never gonna happen but remove Harley from that shit. My goodness what a stupid idea to have her in there.

It's pretty sad to see how the comic industry has changed in a way. Gail Simones Secret Six has 4 12 issue books right? And her new series was never a top seller and only got one 12 issue series. Series used to be given time that I feel they don't get anymore.

I miss Strix :(
I was going to argue for Harley being on the SS but then I realized I don't like it either. Secret Six Harley, though, I would be down for.
It's so good

I always really liked the idea of the book. If you wrote the plot down on paper, I'd be like "okay, sign me up" but I guess it was just Willingham's writing style in the end. Although, it's one of the few creator owned books where that seems to have solved itself. I might check out that new fables book with the different writers.

I've heard great things about Strix. Looking forward to reading about her when I get to that point.

Oh you haven';t read about Strix yet, cool.

The Uncanny Inhumans #14
Pretty good issue after the last one. A lot of tension paid off in a pretty dope way. Good action here and some good scenes. Jacinto and Fabela doing god's work with that art. Just an overall great issue. Definitely felt like the logical conclusion to everything that's been building up. I don't have much to else to say.
I'd argue that Stark's being too much of an ass by assuming Medusa would cause that much damage intentionally, especially after all she's done to try and create some semblance of a decent relationship between Inhumans and the rest of the world, but then I look at stuff like Silent War and Infinity and I can't blame him for thinking that. That said, Triton's a fucking moron. That has to be pretty excruciatingly high on the "WHY WHY OH GOD WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT'S A GOOD IDEA?" meter in regards to backing anything Maximus related.

And hopefully Iso being appointed a leader will be played up more as a progressing plot thread. It was sort of present during Inhuman that she had this natural gift to lead by being compatible with the Capo and absorbing most of his knowledge. Hadn't really been touched on since.Uncanny started, and she was pretty much regulated to being the team science gal. But now she's also shown tactical prowess as well with her ability to think on the fly (something also demonstrated during the Silent Room arc with the poker game). Hopefully this gets pushed and touched on more as we go.

Good issue and a nice return to form after what I felt were duds for the last couple.
Do we think inhumans will be getting a similar reboot to the x-men books announced? If they were to do the same amount, that would be the most the franchise has ever had going on right?
Holy fuck! Black GAF theme isn't working! The whiteness is blinding my eyes!

Whiteness? Looks normal to me

Do we think inhumans will be getting a similar reboot to the x-men books announced? If they were to do the same amount, that would be the most the franchise has ever had going on right?
Right now there's only Uncanny and Karnak, and Karnak is so sporadic that it'll probably be done after this next issue when combined with Ellis' penchant for six issue arcs and done forever. If they relaunch, I'm betting they'll just stick with Uncanny and do another All-New or some equivalent.
Right now there's only Uncanny and Karnak, and Karnak is so sporadic that it'll probably be done after this next issue when combined with Ellis' penchant for six issue arcs and done forever. If they relaunch, I'm betting they'll just stick with Uncanny and do another All-New or some equivalent.

OH yea, Karnak haha. I was pretty excited for that once upon a time. Ellis + some great looknig art = check, but that's been forever. Hard to keep track of that when the trade hasn't shown up after so long. You think/would want Soule to continue as writer?
Isn't Black Bolt's symbol in the ResX art? I'm thinking at least some of the Inhumans are gonna be featured in this wave of X-books.

(though of course it's not unheard of for a character to star in more than one team book at a time. Bub.)
A Year of Marvels: The Unbeatable #1
This was the first just okay issue of this series. The Nick Fury story was an enjoyable spy story featuring a character who has all the charisma of cardboard, and the second story was a cute team-up with okay dialogue.

Pretty mediocre and not much to say on it other than that.
OH yea, Karnak haha. I was pretty excited for that once upon a time. Ellis + some great looknig art = check, but that's been forever. Hard to keep track of that when the trade hasn't shown up after so long. You think/would want Soule to continue as writer?
I like Soule. I think he's a solid writer, though to be honest the obly other things I've read by him are Inhuman and Red Lanterns, but both of those were pretty awesome. I'm fine with him staying on, but I feel like he should cut down his cast a little bit. With All-New being over he's pretty much writing everyone and he keeps bringing Kamala into the book. It's like he's trying to write every Inhuman character conceivable and it doesn't work. Other than that I think he does a solid job. The cast is big enough that we need a second book though, and now that All-New is done we need a replacement.
Isn't Black Bolt's symbol in the ResX art? I'm thinking at least some of the Inhumans are gonna be featured in this wave of X-books.

(though of course it's not unheard of for a character to star in more than one team book at a time. Bub.)
Well there is always Romeo...
I like Soule. I think he's a solid writer, though to be honest the obly other things I've read by him are Inhuman and Red Lanterns, but both of those were pretty awesome. I'm fine with him staying on, but I feel like he should cut down his cast a little bit. With All-New being over he's pretty much writing everyone and he keeps bringing Kamala into the book. It's like he's trying to write every Inhuman character conceivable and it doesn't work. Other than that I think he does a solid job. The cast is big enough that we need a second book though, and now that All-New is done we need a replacement.

Well there is always Romeo...

I still need to dig into Soule as a writer, was thinking about this awhile back with Echos daredevil review. Normally though I get into a writer through an image or independent work then decide if I'm hype enough to try their big two stuff. Letter 44 didn't really interest me. Maybe curse words. I'm a big swampy fan though so I'd use his swamp thing run as an in.

Thing is, I find the inhumans a really interesting thing with a lot of potential but i think I'd like it to be grand in scope but more in its own bubble. The premise of this ancient society with its own social norms and hierarchies etc ruled by this ancient royal family vying against each other in secrecy. That sounds amazing haha. I'm not sure the inhumans is that though as it exists

When does Lemires Thanos book start? Would love for this to be one of his more inspired big two books
The Mighty Thor #12
Damn. Not being a Thor expert myself, I wonder how much
Mjolnir's origin conflicts with past Thor lore. For example: how does this work with other weapons with similar powers and enchantments, like Stormbreaker and Thunderstrike? I'm very curious. And this War of the Realms is some Blackest Night/Rise of the Seven Seas shit going on. We are in for a wild ride. Aaron is channeling some Geoff Johns level shit.

Despite this being a more lore-heavy issue compared to the last few, it's still intense and well-paced. This continues to be one of Marvel's best.
I still need to dig into Soule as a writer, was thinking about this awhile back with Echos daredevil review. Normally though I get into a writer through an image or independent work then decide if I'm hype enough to try their big two stuff. Letter 44 didn't really interest me. Maybe curse words. I'm a big swampy fan though so I'd use his swamp thing run as an in.

Thing is, I find the inhumans a really interesting thing with a lot of potential but i think I'd like it to be grand in scope but more in its own bubble. The premise of this ancient society with its own social norms and hierarchies etc ruled by this ancient royal family vying against each other in secrecy. That sounds amazing haha. I'm not sure the inhumans is that though as it exists

When does Lemires Thanos book start? Would love for this to be one of his more inspired big two books
People have tried to tap into the political element of the Inhumans but it always ends up taking a back seat to the more fantastical and action-heavy styles.

I was just thinking about that re: the inhuman book and why im bullish to check it out. If.you go back to Soules swamp thing run, it's a nice 6-7 volume run, insular in nature with a story to tell. The in humans books are wrapped up with the larger universe. When I look at trades it's civil war 2 interrupting, or axis, or whatever, spin off books. Everything is a line and a tie in. It makes me less ease to jump in. I was looking at power man and iron fist too but everyone is like first arc is great then civil war 2. I don't want to have to buy three trades to be back on track over a year and a half.

Obviously though, I hAve no idea if the guys sales and reasons in the blog are reflective but it definitely speaks to me on a level. And I'd be happy to buy more marvel.

People have tried to tap into the political element of the Inhumans but it always ends up taking a back seat to the more fantastical and action-heavy styles.

Yea shame too, because I think it's all those elements together that make it seem so compelling.
Captain America: Sam Wilson #14
Well hot damn. This issue was really intense.
Felt like an attack at libertarianism and a thinly veiled one at that. In the end it's revealed to be a decoy, which makes me feel like the commentary was basically that libertarianism is just a destructive and meaningless placeholder. Just something a lot of people say and don't really mean because they want to seem like they have a set of beliefs and agenda, but are really just using to cover their true intentions or that they don't actually have any. Like it's disingenuous and also destructive more than anything. Then again I may be reading too much into it.

That said, Hydra Steve is a fucking genius. Hot damn he may very well be one of the greatest villains Marvel ever produced. Kudos to Spencer.

Great issue as always. This book hits hard and still manages to be good superhero comics.
I was just thinking about that re: the inhuman book and why im bullish to check it out. If.you go back to Soules swamp thing run, it's a nice 6-7 volume run, insular in nature with a story to tell. The in humans books are wrapped up with the larger universe. When I look at trades it's civil war 2 interrupting, or axis, or whatever, spin off books. Everything is a line and a tie in. It makes me less ease to jump in. I was looking at power man and iron fist too but everyone is like first arc is great then civil war 2. I don't want to have to buy three trades to be back on track over a year and a half.

Obviously though, I hAve no idea if the guys sales and reasons in the blog are reflective but it definitely speaks to me on a level. And I'd be happy to buy more marvel.

Yea shame too, because I think it's all those elements together that make it seem so compelling.
Apparently Fraction wanted to do something akin to Game of Thrones with Inhumans and cosmic shit, but Marvel wouldn't let him so he bailed. Which sucks because that's EXACTLY what I want.


My god.
Three Spider-Man Omnibusses next summer in four months.
Like 6 bigger Trades from the Ultimate/Epic/Complete Collection line
RIP Money.
I was all about that, and then it turned into "it's because of the tumblr diversity parade who don't REALLY read comic books" bullshit. Fuck off with that shit man, you thinking that makes you part of the problem.

AMERICA is the one book Marvel has announced that is unequivocally targeted at that audience and, you know what? It's gonna be the hot new thing.

Hah ,weird, I read through that whole link, the tweets and the post at hte bottom, and I think I entirely filtered out the compalints about diversity bets. Literally, I took in the rest and blanked on those. I guess it's just white noise to me at this point, diverse characters don't decide whether the stories are good or bad. Not necessarily assuming America will be a shit hot book, but if it's not, it won't be down to the character's ethnicity or anythingl ike that. It'll be down to whether the team has something compelling to say or do, and whether Marvel can keep their nose out enough to let them.

Oh nice, looks like in June, there will be a new tpb of Rucka's Batwoman run but it'll include the missing issues that went uncollected.
Interesting that Big Bang just can't move YA in decent numbers, but Doom Patrol #1 arrived in the top 20 in last months chart. They even say they sell Umbrella Academy with no issues. I think I find the individual store quirks the most interesting parts of these tweets each week, rather than the overall industry trend implications. Like, what is even the logic there? It must be a nightmare to run a comic store ha


Right catching up time

Great Lakes Avengers #1
Hey a Marvel book that doesn't bore me so much I'd skim through it!
Nice start but I hope the book keeps it up.

Kaijumax Season 2 #5

"It's me. I'm home."

Dat final page doe
Finished Ultimates 2, was even better than the first ultimates, love the twists and movie style storytelling. In particular,
Hawkeye's family being murdered and the Thor vs avengers fight were the best parts.

Up next, Dan Jurgen's entire Thor run. Don't expect anything amazing but should be a fun ride as a Thor fan.

Kind of sad to see the ultimate universe fall apart, seemed to have a real good start and back when it came out I considered jumping into comics. I would have liked to see something similar for DC, Earth One kind of does that I suppose.


Finished Ultimates 2, was even better than the first ultimates, love the twists and movie style storytelling. In particular,
Hawkeye's family being murdered and the Thor vs avengers fight were the best parts.

Up next, Dan Jurgen's entire Thor run. Don't expect anything amazing but should be a fun ride as a Thor fan.

Kind of sad to see the ultimate universe fall apart, seemed to have a real good start and back when it came out I considered jumping into comics. I would have liked to see something similar for DC, Earth One kind of does that I suppose.

I think we're all happy for you that you didn't write "up next, Ultimates 3" here. Ngh.

The Ultimate Universe was great, but the problem is that Ultimates 2 is pretty much the end of it because it's the point at which it can't be what it was intended to be - a continuity light way for new readers to pop in to Marvel. Because that's when it obtains enough continuity cruft that it's arguably harder to read than the main universe with it's frequent relaunches. So what's the point of it?

Hickman at least went interesting places, but Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum. Sigh.
I think we're all happy for you that you didn't write "up next, Ultimates 3" here. Ngh.

The Ultimate Universe was great, but the problem is that Ultimates 2 is pretty much the end of it because it's the point at which it can't be what it was intended to be - a continuity light way for new readers to pop in to Marvel. Because that's when it obtains enough continuity cruft that it's arguably harder to read than the main universe with it's frequent relaunches. So what's the point of it?

Hickman at least went interesting places, but Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum. Sigh.

haha, yeah I saw it was widely panned so I decided to stop at ultimates 2. I did buy Hickman's ultimates and I plan to circle back around to that when I start reading Time Runs Out.

I am interested in seeing what happens to the ultimate universe or the characters, not sure if that's covered in Cataclysm or Secret Wars or what. If I do any more ultimate reading (besides Spider-man), probably safest I do it through MU.


haha, yeah I saw it was widely panned so I decided to stop at ultimates 2. I did buy Hickman's ultimates and I plan to circle back around to that when I start reading Time Runs Out.

I am interested in seeing what happens to the ultimate universe or the characters, not sure if that's covered in Cataclysm or Secret Wars or what. If I do any more ultimate reading (besides Spider-man), probably safest I do it through MU.

You probably can skip Ultimates 3 entirely. The one good thing it does is undo a significant chunk of itself at the end.

Unfortunately Ultimatum is probably required reading to get what's going on in the future of the line. Someone posted an Ultimate Reed Richards reading order somewhere, which is a pretty good guide for what to read on MU.


I think we're all happy for you that you didn't write "up next, Ultimates 3" here. Ngh.

The Ultimate Universe was great, but the problem is that Ultimates 2 is pretty much the end of it because it's the point at which it can't be what it was intended to be - a continuity light way for new readers to pop in to Marvel. Because that's when it obtains enough continuity cruft that it's arguably harder to read than the main universe with it's frequent relaunches. So what's the point of it?

Hickman at least went interesting places, but Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum. Sigh.

I tried rereading the later Ultimates stories by Mark Millar and...I don't think they aged well >_>
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