The barber should of mentioned what village he was heading off to, but I found the freeing prisoners stuff to be quite glitchy. Cool game though, the dark horse comics are fun too, especially the first one, worth a look! I mostly love the use of folklore in the witcher games. I don't think I prescribe to idea that they tell complex political stories or quite the moral conundrums eithet but the individual monster hunt stories are fantastic and scratch a similar itch to a lot of my favourite one and done hellboy tales. Did you ever play the second game?
Oh and as mentioned, outfits get better, and actually become kind of irrelevant once you start to find the witcher school gear.
He mentioned it, but I wasn't paying attention. But the barber icon never showed up on anything, so I think it's a town I still haven't gotten to yet.
Last night I got all of the recipes for the Griffin Witcher school, but I need to gain a level before I can actually wear them. Looking forward to it.
I played the second one over the last week or so, when I realized that I had it free through Games for Gold. I liked it a lot. If I had more time for games I would go back when I'm done with 3 to take the opposite path (I went with Ioveth because I liked his hat/eyepatch), but I'm not sure if I'll get to it.
Oh, and speaking of Mike Mignola, I went to the LA County Museum of Art's Guillermo Del Toro exhibit, and they had a ton of Mignola originals. Great show, if you're in the area.
Bonus Blade/Mignola Story Boards (He draws him awfully white looking, which is odd.