I'm gonna reread Big Hard Sex Criminals.
I'm gonna reread Big Hard Sex Criminals.
Join us in fantasy football. There are plenty of big, hard sex criminals playing in the league.
If MCU adapts the Shocker perfectly and Movie Flash sucks, SHUT IT DOWN
I'm gonna reread Big Hard Sex Criminals.
Friday is Suicide Squad Day! Yay!
We finally found a day where my buddy has time.Wait, why is it Suicide Squad day?
I've been meaning to check it out eventually, but I haven't been in a Cap mood outside of the current ongoings.Have you read bru's cap run? It's not exactly a shield book but shield weave in and out of it a fair bit, the book has heavy spy tones, although you won't get the same feel as a hickman book. It starts before then runs through the same time period and on of the marvel universe as secret warriors.
It does count as a SHIELD book.Let's not be hasty, now. Unless Johnathan Hickman's SHIELD is the book we're talking about.
Here's what I wrote on it:Moon Knight #5
What the actually fuck. like seriously. this how the arc ends? like damn
I have no idea what this is/5
And if you're reading Extraordinary X-Men:The entire arc has Marc unsure if he's truly sane or not, so he finally gets to facing a version of himself that he beats in a fight, travels through different versions of his life, and eventually faces Seth. The same Seth that Kohnshu said was fucking everything up. Except now it's revealed that the Moon Knight that Marc fought is in fact Khonshu, who needs a new body and decides that body should be Marc's. Marc decides that he doesn't want that and kills himself as a response. However, Marc then wakes up as one of his happiest selves that he's had over the years, finally finding peace. Assumedly.
So here's what I take away from it: Khonshu made Marc reflect on his entire life, and in doing so he symbolically puts the entire past behind him. All of his past allies are dead, save for Marlene who just disappears, only to reappear as his loved one in his fantasies. He then beats Khonshu, who is disguised as an older version of Moon Knight, in a fight, proving that Marc is stronger than he ever was. Khonshu has effectively made Marc totally and utterly commit to being Moon Knight at the cost of his sanity, as he's only represented as being "sane" when he puts on the mask and persona of Mr. Knight, thus showing complete dedication to Khonshu. At the cost of his friends and allies, and anything else that would make him "human." I mean hell, he "kills" his past self. He's basically trying to forge Marc into the perfect empty vessel with complete and utter dedication to him, and then Marc defies him. So Khonshu gives him exactly what was promised if Marc had become Khonshu's vessel: perfect bliss and happiness. Or so it seems.
Now we have to take into account Seth, and the role he has to play: he's the patsy. Khonshu fucked everything up and not only blamed Seth, but also manipulated Seth's forces and made everything out to be Seth. Or so we believe. It's unclear as to how much involvement either one had in the plan, but it was definitely a joint effort, though not necessarily a cooperative one.
I dunno. Maybe I'm just spewing nonsense.
Maybe that helps.Moon Knight #5
Dope ass issue, but I have a question that ties into Extraordinary X-Men since both are written by Lemire;I'm curious as to if the Horseman Moon Knight is actually Khonshu, and that version of Marc gave his body up permanently? I'm sure nothing will come of it, but then again Lemire did tie Old Man Logan in a little bit with Extraordinary as well.
Basically, T'challa is having those guys over to find out why they are so peaceful. He obviously doesn't want to go down that road. Also, I'm pretty sure Genosha's peaceful BECAUSE IT'S BEEN OBLITERATED. TWICE. NAY, THRICE.It's not so much that they're trying to get him to go down that route just because. It's about showing strength as a leader. You can generally only choose one. Either be strong, or liked. There are always going to be dissenters to any leadership, and showing leniency toward them will make you appear weak.
That's super doooooooopeHere
Once Again Bk is my favorite poster.
your summary made it easier to understand moon knight but makes my brain hurt some.
I have no experience with the character at all outside of wiki.
Why dont you PM them? When they are the last guys left and doesnt seem to read this
Info from all the people who were at the press tour we're pretty positive on him. Even those who have disliked what they've seen so far.I'm confident DC will fuck it up
And I liked BvS and SS
I get him and tetraxshard confused all the time
mind blown!Thing is, Marc isn't the most mentally healthy person. In Bendis' run, the people are the ones that help keep him in check: Echo and the Avengers. They give him a purpose. Even to a degree you could argue that the police that he works with in Ellis' run are the same. Granted, those are the only two runs on him I've ever read, but I think it works. Anyways, in this case, Khonshu is the one that gives him purpose and he's inadvertently killing off his past selves. Crawley gives himself up to the Boatman to allow them passage; Frenchie gets murdered in an attempt to hold off Seth's group and escape; Gena gives them a safe spot to rest and decides to remain there, fully aware that she probably won't survive; and Marlene disappears, as she absolutely refuses to acknowledge what's happening, so Marc pursues her. He's literally detaching himself from his human attachments in order to achieve peace. To complete himself, he's sacrificing his humanity, and also all his past identities before giving himself up to Khonshu completely. Cemented even further by even killing Moon Knight himself.
He killed every version of Marc Specter and Moon Knight possible, and all that's left is Khonshu. But he doesn't want to be Khonshu. He wants to be Marc, so he kills himself as Marc.
I had a lot of fun breaking down that issue.
if worse comes to worse you can kick me since I am already in a FF league and it would be fair to others. I still wanna beat you guys though loli did, now i am looking for a replacement bc we need one by 7:30 or i have to cut someone ��
i did, now i am looking for a replacement bc we need one by 7:30 or i have to cut someone 😰
Need some FF League players.
Zombine, Vyer where you at bros.
PM jon bones, c'mon.
Join us in fantasy football. There are plenty of big, hard sex criminals playing in the league.
Captain America: Sam Wilson
damn good start. and a great way to tackle a lot of problems with the Government and people who reside in America.
4/5. will continue to read.
To celebrate the upcoming cancellation announcement?
They won't cancel that book as a tv show is coming. They will continue to release it painfully slowly until they eventually slink away and stop making issues.
So basically the long-form version of Kurtis Wiebe syndrome?
except the book is good. Sure.
How is the werewolf stuff? Seems so weird.One of my favorite books right now alongside PM&IF.
Are you saying Rat Queens wasn't good?
Half of the book is putrid shit.
How is the werewolf stuff? Seems so weird.
Think I am going to buy some of the issues because I gotta support the books featuring black people plus misty knight slays
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wasn't I saying this the entire time while you were defending the Tess Fowler issues?
Her art wasn't the problem
It was some of the problem.
mind blown!
if worse comes to worse you can kick me since I am already in a FF league and it would be fair to others. I still wanna beat you guys though lol
Wasn't for me. The writer was a muuuuuuch bigger problem
It wasn't always poorly written, so the writing probably got shit-tier when he lost interest.
Clearly has no idea how to recapture whatever made it good in the first place too.
i want a good, complete animal or monster story - something in the vein of Swamp Thing, Hulk or classic Universal monsters like the Werewolf.
Have you read the Swamp Thing by Scott Snyder run? It has a nice deluxe edition. I really enjoyed it.
As evidenced by the fact he was trying to bring Roc back.
i want a good, complete animal or monster story - something in the vein of Swamp Thing, Hulk or classic Universal monsters like the Werewolf.
That was the one Yanick Paquette did art on, right?
Have you read the Swamp Thing by Scott Snyder run? It has a nice deluxe edition. I really enjoyed it.
He's good at placing blame at other people's feet.
Upchurch is still my favorite scumbag in comics. Followed by Brian Wood.